993 resultados para Agua doce
There is abundant empirical evidence on the negative relationship between welfare effort and poverty. However, poverty indicators traditionally used have been representative of the monetary approach, excluding its multidimensional reality from the analysis. Using three regression techniques for the period 1990-2010 and controlling for demographic and cyclical factors, this paper examines the relationship between social spending per capita —as the indicator of welfare effort— and poverty in up to 21 countries of the region. The proportion of the population with an income below its national basic basket of goods and services (PM1) and the proportion of population with an income below 50% of the median income per capita (PM2) were the two poverty indicators considered from the monetarist approach to measure poverty. From the capability approach the proportion of the population with food inadequacy (PC1) and the proportion of the population without access to improved water sources or sanitation facilities (PC2) were used. The fi ndings confi rm that social spending is actually useful to explain changes in poverty (PM1, PC1 and PC2), as there is a high negative and signifi cant correlation between the variables before and after controlling for demographic and cyclical factors. In two regression techniques, social spending per capita did not show a negative relationship with the PM2. Countries with greater welfare effort for the period 1990-2010 were not necessarily those with the lowest level of poverty. Ultimately social spending per capita was more useful to explain changes in poverty from the capability approach.
El litoral de Alicante ha sufrido grandes transformaciones territoriales desde las décadas de 1960 y 1970 a raíz de la actividad turística. Uno de los servicios que necesita esta actividad, entre otros, es el abastecimiento de agua potable. En este sentido, por su papel estratégico, el suministro de agua en alta es decisivo para abastecer a los municipios turístico-residenciales. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer y analizar los diferentes sistemas de abastecimiento de agua en alta en la costa de Alicante, sus características, infraestructuras, recursos hídricos disponibles y medidas de gestión llevados a cabo. Algunas de las conclusiones extraídas son el papel estratégico que ejercen en el territorio, especialmente con el agua, un recurso escaso y de vital importancia para la orla costera alicantina, sobre todo en los meses estivales.
Agosto de 1521: luego de dos años de guerra, México Tenochtitlán, cae en manos del conquistador Hemán Cortés. Tres años después, llegan a la antigua capitar azteca, los doce primeros franciscanos enviados por el Papa para convertir a los indios. Cortés organiza, entonces, con cierta sol, emnidad, una serie de reuniones entre los "doce apóstoles" y los representantes de las autoridades tradicionales indígenas. lns religiosos tratan de explicar los objefivos de su misión y comienzan atrazar las grandes lfneas de la fe católica. Los sacerdotes de los ídolos les responden defendiendo sus creencias ancestrales. Los coloquios continúan asf durante varios días antes de que los Aztecas, luchando con determinación en este conflicto teológico, terminen rindiéndose ante los argumentos de los frailes y acepten el bautismo. El proceso de conversión ha iniciado. De estas reuniones de México, existen ros relatos que transcriben el contenido de los argumentos interca¡nbiados: Los coloquios de los Doce - El texto bilingüe nahuatl - español fue preparado para su publicación por el célebre cronista franciscano Bernardino de Sahagún en 1564. sin embargo, los avatares de la censura hicieron desaparecer el manuscrito en los archivos secretos del vaticano, de donde fueron reexhumados únicamente a comienzos de este siglo.
The Minho River, situated 30 km south of the Rias Baixas is the most important freshwater source flowing into the Western Galician Coast (NW of the Iberian Peninsula). This discharge is important to determine the hydrological patterns adjacent to its mouth, particularly close to the Galician coastal region. The buoyancy generated by the Minho plume can flood the Rias Baixas for long periods, reversing the normal estuarine density gradients. Thus, it becomes important to analyse its dynamics as well as the thermohaline patterns of the areas affected by the freshwater spreading. Thus, the main aim of this work was to study the propagation of the Minho estuarine plume to the Rias Baixas, establishing the conditions in which this plume affects the circulation and hydrographic features of these coastal systems, through the development and application of the numerical model MOHID. For this purpose, the hydrographic features of the Rias Baixas mouths were studied. It was observed that at the northern mouths, due to their shallowness, the heat fluxes between the atmosphere and ocean are the major forcing, influencing the water temperature, while at the southern mouths the influence of the upwelling events and the Minho River discharge were more frequent. The salinity increases from south to north, revealing that the observed low values may be caused by the Minho River freshwater discharge. An assessment of wind data along the Galician coast was carried out, in order to evaluate the applicability of the study to the dispersal of the Minho estuarine plume. Firstly, a comparative analysis between winds obtained from land meteorological stations and offshore QuikSCAT satellite were performed. This comparison revealed that satellite data constitute a good approach to study wind induced coastal phenomena. However, since the numerical model MOHID requires wind data with high spatial and temporal resolution close to the coast, results of the forecasted model WRF were added to the previous study. The analyses revealed that the WRF model data is a consistent tool to obtain representative wind data near the coast, showing good results when comparing with in situ wind observations from oceanographic buoys. To study the influence of the Minho buoyant discharge influence on the Rias Baixas, a set of three one-way nested models was developed and implemented, using the numerical model MOHID. The first model domain is a barotropic model and includes the whole Iberian Peninsula coast. The second and third domains are baroclinic models, where the second domain is a coarse representation of the Rias Baixas and adjacent coastal area, while the third includes the same area with a higher resolution. A bi-dimensional model was also implemented in the Minho estuary, in order to quantify the flow (and its properties) that the estuary injects into the ocean. The chosen period for the Minho estuarine plume propagation validation was the spring of 1998, since a high Minho River discharge was reported, as well as favourable wind patterns to advect the estuarine plume towards the Rias Baixas, and there was field data available to compare with the model predictions. The obtained results show that the adopted nesting methodology was successful implemented. Model predictions reproduce accurately the hydrodynamics and thermohaline patterns on the Minho estuary and Rias Baixas. The importance of the Minho river discharge and the wind forcing in the event of May 1998 was also studied. The model results showed that a continuous moderate Minho River discharge combined with southerly winds is enough to reverse the Rias Baixas circulation pattern, reducing the importance of the occurrence of specific events of high runoff values. The conditions in which the estuarine plume Minho affects circulation and hydrography of the Rias Baixas were evaluated. The numerical results revealed that the Minho estuarine plume responds rapidly to wind variations and is also influenced by the bathymetry and morphology of the coastline. Without wind forcing, the plume expands offshore, creating a bulge in front of the river mouth. When the wind blows southwards, the main feature is the offshore extension of the plume. Otherwise, northward wind spreads the river plume towards the Rias Baixas. The plume is confined close to the coast, reaching the Rias Baixas after 1.5 days. However, for Minho River discharges higher than 800 m3 s-1, the Minho estuarine plume reverses the circulation patterns in the Rias Baixas. It was also observed that the wind stress and Minho River discharge are the most important factors influencing the size and shape of the Minho estuarine plume. Under the same conditions, the water exchange between Rias Baixas was analysed following the trajectories particles released close to the Minho River mouth. Over 5 days, under Minho River discharges higher than 2100 m3 s-1 combined with southerly winds of 6 m s-1, an intense water exchange between Rias was observed. However, only 20% of the particles found in Ria de Pontevedra come directly from the Minho River. In summary, the model application developed in this study contributed to the characterization and understanding of the influence of the Minho River on the Rias Baixas circulation and hydrography, highlighting that this methodology can be replicated to other coastal systems.
Dissertação de mest., Tecnologia de Alimentos, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Univ. do Algarve, 2012
Localizada na parte sul da costa da Galiza, a ria de Arousa, tem um interesse particular devido à sua importante indústria de exploração de marisco, especialmente culturas de bivalves. O crescimento, qualidade e mortalidade destes bivalves não só são afetados por possíveis incidentes de poluição, mas também por episódios de grande run-off, que podem produzir decréscimos sazonais significativos de salinidade. Neste contexto, a presente dissertação pretende contribuir para uma melhor compreensão de como as plumas de água doce provenientes dos rios vão influenciar os gradientes de salinidade e temperatura no estuário da ria de Arousa. O objetivo é proceder a uma melhoria da previsão hidrodinâmica do modelo operacional oceanográfico desta ria, que é executado diariamente pela MeteoGalicia. Para atingir esse objectivo executaram-se simulações numéricas para diferentes cenários de forçamento. Foram escolhidos dois períodos com diferentes condições meteorológicas: um período de inverno, coincidindo com chuvas fortes e um período de verão, coincidindo com a ausência de precipitação. Foi aplicado o modelo hidrodinâmico MOHID (Hydrodynamic Model) para simular os processos físicos da ria de Arousa, utilizando a metodologia de modelos encaixados. O forçamento para a superfície foi imposto através do modelo atmosférico WRF (Weather Regional Forecast), que fornece as variáveis meteorológicas necessárias. Para fronteira terra, uma ferramenta hidrológica foi implementada, o modelo SWAT (Soil water Assessment Tool), este providencia as descargas de água doce para os principais rios da região. É feita neste trabalho uma descrição da implementação deste sistema, assim como a caracterização da área de estudo. Os resultados do modelo foram comparados com medidas provenientes de bóias oceanográficas e perfis de CTDs (Conductivity-Temperature-Depth instrument) em diferentes localizações.
Dissertação de mestrado, Ecohidrologia, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Logística Orientada por: Professora Doutora Patrícia Alexandra Gregório Ramos
Se estudió la distribución de los dinoflagelados en relación con la temperatura y la salinidad durante los períodos "El Niño", "post-niño" y "normal", frente a la costa peruana (3º S a 18º30' S), con la finalidad de determinar algunos parámetros que pudieran ser utilizados para el reconocimiento de alteraciones en el ambiente marino. El material fue colectado con red estándar de fitoplancton desde setiembre 1982 a febrero 1985. En condiciones de "El Niño" disminuye la densidad de los dinoflagelados pero aumenta la diversidad, registrándose numerosas especies foráneas cerca a la costa. Se confirmaron y determinaron algunos indicadores de las diferentes masas de agua frente al Perú, tales como Protoperidinium obtusum, indicador de aguas costeras frfas (ACF); Ceratium breve, Ornithocercus steinii, O. thumii y Amphisofenia thrinax, indicadores de aguas ecuatoriales superficiales (AES), de altas temperaturas y bajas salinidades; C. befone, C. bigefowii, C. praefongum y Gonyaufax pacifica, indicadores de aguas subtropicales superficiales (ASS), de altas temperaturas y altas salinidades; y Goniodoma pofyedricum, Ceratocorys horrida, C. armata, O. quadratus, O.magnificus, C. fongirostrum, C. gibberum y Amphisofenia bidentata, entre otros, indicadores de aguas cálidas en general. Siguiendo el patrón de distribución de estas especies se puede describir el inicio, desarrollo, intensidad y duración de "El Niño".
En septiembre del 2009 se evaluó el contenido de trazas de metales en los bancos naturales de Meca-Lozas (Tacna), Tancona y Punta Coles (Moquegua), en un ámbito donde la temperatura fue inferior al patrón estacional y en presencia de Aguas Costeras Frías en toda la columna de agua. Las trazas de cobre, plomo y cadmio contenidos en agua de los tres bancos naturales, no superaron los Estándares de Calidad Ambiental para Conservación del Ambiente Acuático (Grupo 4). Las trazas de cobre, plomo, cadmio y cinc para sedimentos, no superó al Probable Nivel de Efecto estipulado en la Tabla de Protección Costera de los EE UU, a excepción del cobre que superó el estándar en una estación (136,99 μg/g) de Meca-Las Lozas. Sólo las concentraciones traza de cobre en los tres bancos naturales y en los cuerpos eviscerados de caracol negro (Thaisella chocolata), lapa (Fissurella sp.), chanque (Concholepas concholepas) y choro (Aulacomya atra) superaron el límite máximo permisible internacional estipulado por la FAO, siendo la mayor concentración de 1782,27 μg/g en la especie Fissurella sp. muestreada en Meca-Lozas, por lo que se concluye que las especies que bioacumulan más trazas de cobre son Fissurella sp., Thaisella chocolata, Concholepas concholepas y Aulacomya atra.
Gestión del conocimiento
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Ingeniería Ambiental) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Especialista en Producción Agrícola) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias en Producción Agrícola) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Ingeniería Ambiental) UANL