950 resultados para value-at-risk (VaR)


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At the age of 50, a woman has a lifetime risk of more than 40% to present a vertebral fracture. More than 60% of vertebral fractures remain undiagnosed. As a consequence it is of major importance to develop screening strategies to detect these fractures. Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) by DXA allows one to detect vertebral fracture from T4 to L4 using DXA devices, while performing also during the same visit the bone mineral density measurement. Such an approach should improve the evaluation of fracture risk and therapeutic indication. Compared to the standard X-ray assessment, VFA highly enables to detect moderate or severe vertebral fractures below T6.


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Purpose: SIOPEN scoring of 123I mIBG imaging has been shown to predict response to induction chemotherapy and outcome at diagnosis in children with HRN.Method: Patterns of skeletal 123I mIBG uptake were assigned numerical scores (Mscore) ranging from 0 (no metastasis) to 72 (diffuse metastases) within 12 body areas as described previously. 271 anonymised, paired image data sets acquired at diagnosis and on completion of Rapid COJEC induction chemotherapy were reviewed, constituting a representative sample of 1602 children treated prospectively within the HR-NBL1/SIOPEN trial. Pre-and post-treatment Mscores were compared with bone marrow cytology (BM) and 3 year event free survival (EFS).Results: Results 224/271 patients showed skeletal MIBG-uptake at diagnosis and were evaluable forMIBG-response. Complete response (CR) on MIBG to Rapid COJEC induction was achieved by 66%, 34% and 15% of patients who had pre-treatment Mscores of <18 (n¼65, 29%), 18-44 (n¼95,42%) and Y ´ 45 (n¼64, 28.5%) respectively (chi squared test p<.0001). Mscore at diagnosis and on completion of Rapid COJEC correlated strongly with BM involvement (p<0.0001). The correlation of pre score with post scores and response was highly significant (p<0.001). Most importantly, the 3 year EFS in 47 children with Mscore 0 at diagnosis was 0.68 (A ` 0.07), by comparison with 0.42 (A` 0.06), 0.35 (A` 0.05) and 0.25 (A` 0.06) for patients in pre-treatment score groups <18, 18-44 and Y ´ 45, respectively (p<0.001). AnMscore threshold ofY ´ 45 at diagnosis was associated with significantly worse outcome by comparison with all other Mscore groups (p¼0.029). The 3 year EFS of 0.53 (A` 0.07) of patients in metastatic CR (mIBG and BM) after Rapid Cojec (33%) is clearly superior to patients not achieving metastatic CR (0.24 (A ` 0.04), p¼0.005).Conclusion: SIOPEN scoring of 123I mIBG imaging has been shown to predict response to induction chemotherapy and outcome at diagnosis in children with HRN.


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In a cohort study of 182 consecutive patients with active endogenous Cushing's syndrome, the only predictor of fracture occurrence after adjustment for age, gender bone mineral density (BMD) and trabecular bone score (TBS) was 24-h urinary free cortisol (24hUFC) levels with a threshold of 1472 nmol/24 h (odds ratio, 3.00 (95 % confidence interval (CI), 1.52-5.92); p = 0.002). INTRODUCTION: The aim was to estimate the risk factors for fracture in subjects with endogenous Cushing's syndrome (CS) and to evaluate the value of the TBS in these patients. METHODS: All enrolled patients with CS (n = 182) were interviewed in relation to low-traumatic fractures and underwent lateral X-ray imaging from T4 to L5. BMD measurements were performed using a DXA Prodigy device (GEHC Lunar, Madison, Wisconsin, USA). The TBS was derived retrospectively from existing BMD scans, blinded to clinical outcome, using TBS iNsight software v2.1 (Medimaps, Merignac, France). Urinary free cortisol (24hUFC) was measured by immunochemiluminescence assay (reference range, 60-413 nmol/24 h). RESULTS: Among enrolled patients with CS (149 females; 33 males; mean age, 37.8 years (95 % confidence interval, 34.2-39.1); 24hUFC, 2370 nmol/24 h (2087-2632), fractures were confirmed in 81 (44.5 %) patients, with 70 suffering from vertebral fractures, which were multiple in 53 cases; 24 patients reported non-vertebral fractures. The mean spine TBS was 1.207 (1.187-1.228), and TBS Z-score was -1.86 (-2.07 to -1.65); area under the curve (AUC) was used to predict fracture (mean spine TBS) = 0.548 (95 % CI, 0.454-0.641)). In the final regression model, the only predictor of fracture occurrence was 24hUFC levels (p = 0.001), with an increase of 1.041 (95 % CI, 1.019-1.063), calculated for every 100 nmol/24-h cortisol elevation (AUC (24hUFC) = 0.705 (95 % CI, 0.629-0.782)). CONCLUSIONS: Young patients with CS have a low TBS. However, the only predictor of low traumatic fracture is the severity of the disease itself, indicated by high 24hUFC levels.


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This thesis examines the effect of operating leverage and financial leverage on the value premium in the Finnish stock markets 2002-2012. The purpose of the thesis is to examine whether operating leverage and financial leverage affect firm`s BE/ME and stock returns. The accounting data has been collected from Amadeus database and market-based data from the Datastream database. Sample used in this thesis covers years from 1998 to 2012. This thesis confirms the findings of previous research of tight connection between operating leverage and BE/ME and reinforces the findings of previous research that relation between financial leverage and BE/ME is not robust. In turn, relation between operating leverage, BE/ME and stock returns is not clearly perceived during the 2002-2012 period in the Finnish stock markets.


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This study examined students considered at risk of non-completion of their Ontario Secondary School Diploma and aimed to offer insight into the questions, "What factors currently lead to school disconnect" and "How can these factors be addressed?" Eight students currently enrolled in an alternative learning environment participated in the study. Each was asked to take part in two, digitally recorded interviews that were subsequently transcribed by the researcher. The data were then coded and analysed according to specific themes: obstacles, empowerment, goals, views about success, opinions of school, and power of the teacher. From these themes, three broad focus areas emerged that were used to keep the data analysis focused: worldview, school effects, and self-image. Variances between the data collected and ideas presented in the current literature were highlighted as a reminder that when dealing with a human population, we cannot rely on textbook definitions and theory alone.


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El propósito general de este trabajo de investigación es el de identificar las herramientas que permitan evaluar riesgos, poder determinar un modelo de ayuda para la estructuración de portafolios y así retribuir al inversionista la mejor manera con un premio por riesgo en retorno de su inversión, Además de presentar un instrumento y demostrar las ventajas de su utilización en la valoración de riesgos en portafolios, se pretende distinguir los efectos económicos y financieros que el inversionista enfrenta. Para cumplir con este propósito, se realizo un diagnóstico y análisis de la actividad de los mercados Financieros y de Capitales, determinando los factores más importantes dentro de un modelo de valoración de riesgo para la estructura de un portafolio de renta variable, lo que me permitirá presentar de una manera clara, los aspectos técnicos y económicos que afectan a la estructura de una inversión aplicando la metodología denominada VAR (Valué at Risk); adicionalmente el manejo que se podría dar a las mismas para obtener un mayor beneficio. Los resultados obtenidos y su respectivo análisis constan a lo largo de este trabajo de investigación.


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Classical risk assessment approaches for animal diseases are influenced by the probability of release, exposure and consequences of a hazard affecting a livestock population. Once a pathogen enters into domestic livestock, potential risks of exposure and infection both to animals and people extend through a chain of economic activities related to producing, buying and selling of animals and products. Therefore, in order to understand economic drivers of animal diseases in different ecosystems and to come up with effective and efficient measures to manage disease risks from a country or region, the entire value chain and related markets for animal and product needs to be analysed to come out with practical and cost effective risk management options agreed by actors and players on those value chains. Value chain analysis enriches disease risk assessment providing a framework for interdisciplinary collaboration, which seems to be in increasing demand for problems concerning infectious livestock diseases. The best way to achieve this is to ensure that veterinary epidemiologists and social scientists work together throughout the process at all levels.


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It is contended that the current conceptual distinction between risk management and value management is unsustainable. The origins of the two traditions are reviewed and critiqued from a postmodernist perspective. It is concluded that they differ primarily in terms of their rhetoric, rather than their substantive content. Insights into the current practice of risk and value management are provided by considering their enactment in terms of ‘performance’. The scripts for such performances are seen to be provided by the accepted methodologies which determine the language to be used and the roles to be acted out. A coherent integrated script for risk and value management can be provided by the methodology known as strategic choice, which replaces the language of ‘risk’ and ‘value’ with that of ‘uncertainty’. The benefits of adopting this alternative script are illustrated through six case studies.


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This paper investigates the frequency of extreme events for three LIFFE futures contracts for the calculation of minimum capital risk requirements (MCRRs). We propose a semiparametric approach where the tails are modelled by the Generalized Pareto Distribution and smaller risks are captured by the empirical distribution function. We compare the capital requirements form this approach with those calculated from the unconditional density and from a conditional density - a GARCH(1,1) model. Our primary finding is that both in-sample and for a hold-out sample, our extreme value approach yields superior results than either of the other two models which do not explicitly model the tails of the return distribution. Since the use of these internal models will be permitted under the EC-CAD II, they could be widely adopted in the near future for determining capital adequacies. Hence, close scrutiny of competing models is required to avoid a potentially costly misallocation capital resources while at the same time ensuring the safety of the financial system.


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Current measures used to estimate the risks of toxic chemicals are not relevant to the goals of the environmental protection process, and thus ecological risk assessment (ERA) is not used as extensively as it should be as a basis for cost-effective management of environmental resources. Appropriate population models can provide a powerful basis for expressing ecological risks that better inform the environmental management process and thus that are more likely to be used by managers. Here we provide at least five reasons why population modeling should play an important role in bridging the gap between what we measure and what we want to protect. We then describe six actions needed for its implementation into management-relevant ERA.


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Esse trabalho é uma aplicação do modelo intertemporal de apreçamento de ativos desenvolvido por Campbell (1993) e Campbell e Vuolteenaho (2004) para as carteiras de Fama-French 2x3 brasileiras no period de janeiro de 2003 a abril de 2012 e para as carteiras de Fama-French 5x5 americanas em diferentes períodos. As varíaveis sugeridas por Campbell e Vuolteenaho (2004) para prever os excessos de retorno do mercado acionário americano no period de 1929 a 2001 mostraram-se também bons preditores de excesso de retorno para o mercado brasileiro no período recente, com exceção da inclinação da estrutura a termo das taxas de juros. Entretanto, mostramos que um aumento no small stock value spread indica maior excesso de retorno no futuro, comportamento que não é coerente com a explicação para o prêmio de valor sugerida pelo modelo intertemporal. Ainda, utilizando os resíduos do VAR preditivo para definir o risco de choques de fluxo de caixa e de choques nas taxas de desconto das carteiras de teste, verificamos que o modelo intertemporal resultante não explica adequadamente os retornos observados. Para o mercado norte-americano, concluímos que a abilidade das variáveis propostas para explicar os excessos de retorno do mercado varia no tempo. O sucesso de Campbell e Vuolteenaho (2004) em explicar o prêmio de valor para o mercado norte-americano na amostra de 1963 a 2001 é resultado da especificação do VAR na amostra completa, pois mostramos que nenhuma das varíaveis é um preditor de retorno estatisticamente significante nessa sub-amostra.