953 resultados para social welfare maximizing
In this article I explore how the figure of debt illuminates the racial politics of welfare in neoliberal Britain. I begin by giving a reading of the simultaneous unfolding of post-war race politics and the Beveridgean welfare state, and then turn to consider the interpellative appeal of neoliberal debt to minoritiSed subjects who have, in certain respects, been de facto excluded from prevailing models of welfare citizenship. In particular, this article considers the ways in which household debt might, even as it increases social inequality, simultaneously produce ideas about equality and futurity, as well as gesture towards the possibility of post-national forms of identity and belonging. If we are to challenge the lowest-common-denominator logics of ‘capitalist realism’ it is necessary to develop orientations to the economic that are as convincing as the popular stories that circulate about the operations of the neoliberal marketplace, and which are as meaningful as the social relations they play a part in constituting. Rather than reproduce the racialized model of welfare citizenship that is implicit to the ‘defence’ of the postwar welfare state, I suggest that there are elements of prevailing neoliberal market relations that might themselves serve as a more substantial basis for expressions of racial equality. There is, in other words, something that we can learn from neoliberal debt regimes in order to develop a more egalitarian future-oriented politics of social welfare and economic redistribution.
Guaranteed under the Federal Constitution of 1988, Brazilian social security covers rights relating to health, social welfare and social care. The Continuous Cash Benefit Programme (BPC) was approved as part of social care policy and is regulated under the Social Care Act (Ley Orgánica de Asistencia Social) of 1993. This benefit guarantees a minimum monthly income for persons with disabilities and for older adults. Certain requirements must be satisfied in order to obtain the assistance: medical and social assessment of disabled persons, a minimum age of 65 years for older adults, and, in both cases, the value of per capita income for the nuclear family in question, which must be lower than a quarter of the minimum wage. Regulation of the BPC has incorporated advances and setbacks in terms of legislation and implementation. In this framework, this article presents a theoretical reflection, an analysis of the legislation on the matter, and some reflections on the challenges that it poses for social workers.
Innovation is a fundamental part of social work. In recent years there has been a shift in the innovation paradigm, making it easier to accept this relationship. National and supranational policies aimed at promoting innovation appear to be specifically guided by this idea. To be able to affirm this hypothesis, it is necessary to review the perception that social workers have of their duties. It is also useful to examine particular cases that show how such social innovation arises.
This paper presents the "state of the art" and some of the main issues discussed in relation to the topic of transnational migration and reproductive work in southern Europe. We start doing a genealogy of the complex theoretical development leading to the consolidation of the research program, linking consideration of gender with transnational migration and transformation of work and ways of survival, thus making the production aspects as reproductive, in a context of globalization. The analysis of the process of multiscale reconfiguration of social reproduction and care, with particular attention to its present global dimension is presented, pointing to the turning point of this line of research that would have taken place with the beginning of this century, with the rise notions such as "global care chains" (Hochschild, 2001), or "care drain" (Ehrenreich and Hochschild, 2013). Also, the role of this new agency, now composed in many cases women who migrate to other countries or continents, precisely to address these reproductive activities, is recognized. Finally, reference is made to some of the new conceptual and theoretical developments in this area.
The April 2016 Sustainable and Social Entrepreneurship Enterprises roundtable brought together over 20 faculty, students, and leaders and entrepreneurs from a wide variety of mission-driven enterprises that focus on sustainability or social welfare. Jeanne Varney, lecturer at the School of Hotel Administration, opened the day by inviting attendees to speak to and even test some of their innovative ideas on fellow participants during the day. Varney noted: “One of our goals for the roundtable was to have a really diverse set of attendees and to hear a lot of different perspectives.”
El interés de este trabajo, es tener la oportunidad de conocer como las organizaciones desarrollan sus programas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial con sus empleados como grupo de interés, donde se pudo concluir que las acciones y estrategias encaminadas al desarrollo del talento humano en su vida personal, familiar y social siguen siendo actividades de cumplimiento de tipo legal que luego son presentadas como resultados de una supuesta Responsabilidad Social. Con el fin de Identificar cuál es el impacto de los programas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en los empleados como grupo de interés, se aplicará, el método deductivo con enfoque aplicativo de las fuentes secundarias disponibles con las que se aclararán los conceptos básicos y necesarios para familiarizarnos con el tema de estudio, además de conocer los programas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial de tres empresas con reconocimiento y trayectoria en su gestión de la responsabilidad social empresarial: dos del sector alimentos y una del sector financiero, de esta forma se podrán identificar las actividades, procesos y aspectos prioritarios para el desarrollo y cumplimiento del objetivo general del proyecto que es determinar el impacto de los programas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en la calidad de vida laboral de los empleados. Encontramos en las empresas objeto de estudio que tienen un alto compromiso con la sostenibilidad de sus organizaciones y que para definir el direccionamiento estratégico han tenido en cuenta estándares internacionales en materia de sostenibilidad como son los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Mileno (ODM), donde en éste puntualmente desarrollan a través de la innovación acciones específicas a uno de los objetivos del milenio que es garantizar la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente, los compromisos del Pacto Global de las Naciones Unidas, los cuales aplican a través de los principios de conducta y acción en materia de derechos humanos, trabajo, medio ambiente y lucha contra la corrupción, los compromisos de la Conferencia de Naciones Unidas sobre Desarrollo Sostenible (Río+20), la Guía ISO 26000 quien da los lineamientos para la responsabilidad social, el estándar del Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), que orienta frente a los 54 indicadores centrales y están organizadas en tres dimensiones: ambiental, financiera y social, con esta información son empresas que trabajan para ser socialmente responsables con sus grupos de interés, pero con el grupo específico de empleados que es el impacto que se pretendía identificar, encontramos que hacen actividades y estrategias con un nivel superior en la gestión que dan cumplimiento a los emitidos por la GRI. Es importante reconocer la participación que estas empresas dan a los empleados en la construcción de las acciones de bienestar laboral, familiar y social que impactan directamente en el logro de los objetivos organizacionales al tener personal motivado en trabajo que aportan desde su acción a la sostenibilidad y permanencia de la organización.
This dissertation examines how social insurance, family support and work capacity enhance individuals' economic well-being following significant health and income shocks. I first examine the extent to which the liquidity-enhancing effects of Worker's Compensation (WC) benefits outweigh the moral hazard costs. Analyzing administrative data from Oregon, I estimate a hazard model exploiting variation in the timing and size of a retroactive lump-sum WC payment to decompose the elasticity of claim duration with respect to benefits into the elasticity with respect to an increase in cash on hand, and a decrease in the opportunity cost of missing work. I find that the liquidity effect accounts for 60 to 65 percent of the increase in claim duration among lower-wage workers, but less than half of the increase for higher earners. Using the framework from Chetty (2008), I conclude that the insurance value of WC exceeds the distortionary cost, and increasing the benefit level could increase social welfare. Next, I investigate how government-provided disability insurance (DI) interacts with private transfers to disabled individuals from their grown children. Using the Health and Retirement Study, I estimate a fixed effects, difference in differences regression to compare transfers between DI recipients and two control groups: rejected applicants and a reweighted sample of disabled non-applicants. I find that DI reduces the probability of receiving a transfer by no more than 3 percentage points, or 10 percent. Additional analysis reveals that DI could increase the probability of receiving a transfer in cases where children had limited prior information about the disability, suggesting that DI could send a welfare-improving information signal. Finally, Zachary Morris and I examine how a functional assessment could complement medical evaluations in determining eligibility for disability benefits and in targeting return to work interventions. We analyze claimants' self-reported functional capacity in a survey of current DI beneficiaries to estimate the share of disability claimants able to do work-related activity. We estimate that 13 percent of current DI beneficiaries are capable of work-related activity. Furthermore, other characteristics of these higher-functioning beneficiaries are positively correlated with employment, making them an appropriate target for return to work interventions.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Serviço Social, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Política Social, 2015.
A Seguridade Social aprovada na Constituição Brasileira de 1988 não foi implementada conforme previsto na Carta Magna. As sucessivas reformas do Estado e, sobretudo, da previdência social,1 implementadas ao longo da década de 1990, justificadas sob a alegação de um suposto déficit entre receita e despesa, vêm contribuindo para descaracterizá-la enquanto sistema de proteção social, além de favorecer a fragmentação das políticas sociais que a integram: previdência, saúde e assistência. Ao tratar a previdência como seguro e não como política social, estas reformas tendem a minar e corroer as bases conceituais e financeiras da seguridade social, solapando a possibilidade de sua consolidação como propriedade social. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
El presente trabajo monográfico consiste en establecer la importancia que tiene la intervención del Trabajo Social dentro de las instituciones públicas que brindan el servicio de educación en los niveles de Bachillerato General Unificado BGU. Como lo establecen (Merino & Namicela, 2012) dentro de estas instituciones (Colegios y/o Unidades Educativas) se identifican varias problemáticas como el acoso escolar, el consumo, uso y abuso de sustancias psicotrópicas, problemas intrafamiliares (falta de comunicación, negligencia, déficit económico, etc.) que dificultan al proceso educativo de los estudiantes, causan bajo rendimiento académico, abandono y/o deserción escolar; que finalmente repercute al desarrollo económico y social de cada persona y de la sociedad ecuatoriana en general. Ante esta problemática el Estado ecuatoriano ha implementado varios instrumentos legales, empezando desde la reforma de la Constitución en el 2008, que significo un cambio fundamental para el sistema educativo ecuatoriano, pues a partir de este hecho, se han creado y reformulado normas legales que especifican y garantizan el acceso a una educación integral de mayor calidad y calidez. Dentro de esta apuesta gubernamental para mejorar el acceso y la calidad educativa aparece la intervención del Trabajo Social como la profesión que investiga procesos concretos relacionados a las condiciones de vida de los individuos, sus necesidades y potencialidades para que atreves de sus funciones reconozca y establezca soluciones a problemas entre las interacciones humanas e institucionales, a fin de lograr un mayor bienestar social de los estudiantes.
Gary, Indiana is a city with indelible ties to industrial paternalism. Founded in 1906 by United States Steel Corporation to house workers of the trust’s showpiece mill, the emergence of this model company town was both the culmination of lessons learned from its predecessors’ mistakes and innovative corporate planning. U.S. Steel’s Progressive Era adaptation of welfare capitalism characterized the young city through a combination of direct community involvement and laissez-faire social control. This thesis examines the reactionary implementation of paternalist policies in Gary between 1906 and 1930 through the purviews of three elements under corporate influence: housing, education, and social welfare. Each category demonstrates how both the corporation and citizenry affected and adapted Gary’s physical and cultural landscape, public perceptions, and community identity. Parallel to the popular narrative throughout is that of Gary’s African-American community, and the controversial circumstances of this population’s segregated development.
The increasing participation of the society in the decision-making process related to public politics stimulates public administration in Brazil to search for mechanisms to demonstrate efficiency and disclosure in resource application. The main objective of this work is to calculate the economic value added to the society by Public University Hospitals. Therefore, a Public University Hospital case study has been carried out and its economic performance evaluated during a period of three years. This study has shown that the economic value added to the society in the long term by the entity is positive. The proposed value measurement has indicated that the society is getting a superior return from the opportunity costs of capital invested, that is, the hospital is constructing economic value and consequently contributing to the social welfare.
This study shows the creation of a graphical representation after the application of a questionnaire to evaluate the indicative factors of a sustainable telemedicine and telehealth center in Sao Paulo, Brazil. We categorized the factors into seven domain areas: institutional, functional, economic-financial, renewal, academic-scientific, partnerships, and social welfare, which were plotted into a graphical representation. The developed graph was shown to be useful when used in the same institution over a long period and complemented with secondary information from publications, archives, and administrative documents to support the numerical indicators. Its use may contribute toward monitoring the factors that define telemedicine and telehealth center sustainability. When systematically applied, it may also be useful for identifying the specific characteristics of the telemedicine and telehealth center, to support its organizational development.
The discipline of public health and preventive medicine in Australia and New Zealand had its genesis in the advocacy of 18th and 19th century military pioneers. Military (Royal Navy and British Army) surgeons were posted to Australia as part of their non-discretionary duty. Civilian doctors emigrated variously for adventure, escapism and gold fever. One group, a particularly influential group disproportionate to their numbers, came in one sense as forced emigrants because of chronic respiratory disease in general, and tuberculosis in particular. Tuberculosis was an occupational hazard of 19th century medical and surgical practice throughout western Europe. This paper analyses six examples of such emigration which had, perhaps unforeseen at the time, significant results in the advancement of public health. Such emigration was in one sense voluntary, but in another was forced upon the victims in their quest for personal survival. In Australia, such medical individuals became leading advocates and successful catalysts for change in such diverse fields as social welfare, public health, the preventive aspects of medical practice, child health, nutrition and medical education. A number of such public health pioneers today have no physical memorials; but their influence is to be seen in the ethos of medical practice in Australia and New Zealand today. Their memory is further perpetuated in the names of Australian native wildflowers and trees that symbolise not only a healthy environment but the longterm investment, accrued with interest, of the institution of public health measures for which their advocacy achieved much success.
As novas Tecnologias da Informa????o e Comunica????o (TIC), entre as quais se destacam a internet, as redes de computadores, a transmiss??o via sat??lite e a telefonia m??vel, criaram condi????es para o surgimento de Sociedades do Conhecimento. Nesse contexto, o Estado, por interm??dio do governo eletr??nico, ?? o principal instrumento de que os cidad??os disp??em atualmente para enfrentar os desafios impostos pela globaliza????o, por meio de intera????es in??ditas da sociedade, empresas e governos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer rela????es entre a governan??a do setor p??blico e o governo eletr??nico, partindo-se de um marco referencial te??rico das duas ??reas de estudo. Para tanto, foram delineados seus escopos e limites de atua????o, instituindo-se v??nculos, de acordo com a????es do Governo Eletr??nico brasileiro: certifica????o digital; Portal da Transpar??ncia; vota????o eletr??nica; preg??es eletr??nicos e Portal da Previd??ncia Social. Conclui-se que, apesar dos avan??os recentes observados pela an??lise de v??rias dimens??es da governan??a, baseados em iniciativas de governo eletr??nico aqui inventariadas, ainda h?? muito que fazer em dire????o ?? inclus??o social no Brasil, assim como em outros pa??ses. As TIC podem vir a ser um poderoso agente de inclus??o digital, apoiando a governan??a com a cria????o de espa??os virtuais para participa????o democr??tica e di??logo c??vico e expans??o da participa????o em tomada de decis??o coletiva, promovendo a igualdade e a cidadania.