968 resultados para pk-yritys


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Isolated nuclei from differentiating cultures of Nicotiana sanderae showed increased levels of RNA polymerase activity as compared to the nuclei from callus cultures. The RNA synthetic activity was dependent on nucleotide triphosphates and Mg2+ and was destroyed by RNase. Maximum activity was obtained in the presence of 50 mM (NH4)2 SO4 and α-amanitin inhibited 40% and 55% of the activity in the nuclei from callus and differentiating tissue respectively. The nuclei from differentiating tissue elicited a 3-fold increase in RNA polymerase I and a 4-fold augmentation in RNA polymerase II activities.


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Highly purified fluorescent labelled anti-bicuculline antibodies were used to mark bicuculline binding sites in cerebral cortex of monkey brain. Specific binding of bicuculline could be demonstrated in the synaptosomal fraction, when bicuculline was added both Image and Image . Addition of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) to the bicucullinised membrane led to a decrease in fluorescence indicating same receptor loci and establishing GABA-bicuculline antagonism at a molecular level.


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The damping capacity of cast graphitic aluminum alloy composites has been measured using a torsion pendulum at a constant strain amplitude. It was found that flake-graphite particles dispersed in the matrix of aluminum alloys increased the damping capacity; the improvement was greater, the higher the amount of graphite dispersed in the matrix. At sufficiently high graphite contents the damping capacity of graphitic aluminum composites approaches that of cast iron. The ratio between the damping capacity and the density of graphitic aluminum alloys is higher than cast iron, making them very attractive as light-weight, high-damping materials for possible aircraft applications. Machinability tests on graphite particle-aluminum composites, conducted at speeds of 315 sfm and 525 sfm, showed that the chip length decreased with the amount of graphite of a given size. When the size of graphite was decreased, at a given machining speed, the chip length decreased. Metallographic examination shows that graphite particles act as chip breakers, and are frequently sheared parallel to the plane of the


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Civil War Hero Burials the funerals of the fallen White in Finland in 1918 This study focuses on the burial with honours of fallen White combatants during the Finnish Civil War of 1918, as well as on the reasons underpinning the practice. The main sources of the study included the archives of the White army, the Civil Guard organisation and the Church, as well as the newspapers. The genetic method of history research was used. Both the existing tradition of military burials and the ecclesiastical burial culture influenced the burials of those who fell during the Civil War. The first war hero funerals took place as early as the beginning of February 1918, and the first larger-scale collective funerals were organised in Laihia and Vaasa in the Ostrobothnia province, with the latter attended by the supreme civil and military leaders of White Finland. From early on, these funerals assumed their characteristic features, such as the lion flag a design for the Finnish national flag proposed immediately upon the declaration of the country s independence military parades, lines of honour guards, eulogies, salutes and common war hero graves. As a result of the general offensive begun in mid-March 1918, the numbers of the fallen multiplied, so special organisations were established to handle the burials of the fallen. At the same time, the war hero funerals became more frequent and diffused, and the numbers of the buried grew throughout the country. In early March, the advocates of the republican system of government published their appeal in the newspapers, requesting that collective graves for those who fell in the war prepared in every locality. They motivated their request by stating that it was the funerals in particular that had inspired many men to join the ranks voluntarily in the first place, and that the large collective soldiers graves increased the numbers of those who answered the call and left for the front. The Civil Guard organisation arranged the burials of war heroes. The clergy contributed by officiating the religious service and by clearly aligning themselves with the Whites in their eulogies. The teachings of the Lutheran Church suggest that they found the Whites to be the temporal authority instituted by God, and therefore authorised raising the sword against the Reds. Speaking at the funerals with great pomp and sentimental power, the leaders of the Civil Guard and the exponents of the learned classes instigated their audiences against the Reds. The funeral speeches idealised the war hero s death by recalling military history since the times of ancient Greece. Being of the emblematic colour of the Whites, the white coffin assumed a particular importance connected to ideas of biblical purity and innocence. By the end of May 1918, almost 3,300 Whites were buried in the soldiers graves prepared by the burial organisation in some 400 localities. Only about 200 men remained missing in action or unidentified. The largest common graves accommodated over 60 fallen combatants. Thus, the traditions of the 1918 Civil War directly influenced war hero burial practices, which continued into the Finnish Winter War of 1939.


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Kysymys wiccan määrittelystä nousi ajankohtaiseksi vuosituhannen vaihteessa, kun joukko wiccoja päätti hakea uskonnolleen virallisen yhdyskunnan asemaa. Yritys ei onnistunut, sillä opetusministeriö piti wiccaa liian hajanaisena, eikä katsonut sen täyttävän laissa määriteltyjä uskonnon tunnusmerkkejä. Tutkielman tarkoitus on paneutua nimenomaan virallistamis-prosessin puitteissa käytyyn määrittelykeskusteluun diskurssianalyysin tarjoamin keinoin. Aineistona käytän projektin avuksi perustettua Suomiwicca-keskustelulistaa. Keskeisiä kysymyksiä ovat mm. miksi määrittely loppujen lopuksi on niin vaikeaa, ja miten siihen liittyviä ongelmia on pyritty ratkaisemaan. Samalla kiinnitän huomiota yleiseen uskonnon määrittelyyn uskonnonvapauslain näkökulmasta sekä länsimaissa tapahtuvaan uskonnollisuuden individualistumiseen. Määrittelyvaikeuksien juuret nousevat wiccan historiasta ja avoimen lähteen uskonnolle tyypillisistä piirteistä. Aineistossani lisäväriä keskusteluun tuovat lainsäädännön vaatimukset sekä oman sosiaalisen identiteetin varjeleminen. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimiikin H. Tajfelin ja J. C. Turnerin sosiaalisen identiteetin teoria. Määrittelyyn kiinteässä yhteydessä olevan kategorisoinnin kognitiiviset periaatteet on niin ikään huomioitu. Analyysi paljastaa, että määrittely koetaan vaikeaksi, koska wicca on luonteeltaan epä-dogmaattinen, yksilön autonomiaa korostava mysteeriuskonto. Tällaista uskontoa ei kukaan voi eikä kenenkään pitäisi määritellä, vaan wiccalaisuus perustuu itsemäärittelyyn. Silti tunnustetaan, ettei kaikki wiccaksi nimetty ole wiccaa, ja käytännössä itsemäärittelyn rinnalle astuu muita tekijöitä. Eroa wiccan ja ei-wiccan välille yritetään tehdä mm. erottautumalla sosiaalista identiteettiä heikentävistä liikkeistä (esim. satanismi, new age), jotka ulkopuoliset usein yhdistävät wiccaan. Erotteluja tehdään myös wiccan sisällä. Kritiikin kohteeksi joutuvat sekä yksittäiset henkilöt että eklektinen wicca-suuntaus kokonaisuutena. Oikeudesta wicca-nimitykseen ja siihen liittyvään sosiaaliseen identiteettiin pidetään kuitenkin lujasti kiinni, ja vihjailuja epäaitoudesta pidetään loukkaavina. Käytännössä itsemäärittely osoittatuu siis toimimattomaksi ja liian löyhäksi strategiaksi, vaikka onkin sopusoinnussa wiccan ideologian kanssa. Itseidentifikaatio on toki oleellinen osa wiccana olemista, mutta sen lisäksi on oltava uskottava, ja tultava muiden wiccojen hyväksymäksi perheyhtäläisyyden perusteella. Perheyhtäläisyyspiirteiden sijasta listalla keskitytään kuitenkin wiccaa monoteettisesti määrittävän piirteen etsimiseen. Tällaiseksi ehdotetaan mm. redeä, jumalkäsitystä sekä luontosuhdetta, mutta tulkinnallisten erimieli-syyksien vuoksi yhtäkään niistä ei kelpuuteta. Sen sijaan selkeyttä wiccakenttään näyttää tuovan taksonomisten jaotteluiden tekeminen ja wicca-suuntausten erojen korostaminen. Näin kaikki wiccaksi nimittäytyvät tunnustetaan wiccoiksi, mutta kenenkään sosiaalinen identiteetti ei silti heikkene. Strategia vaikuttaa lupaavalta, mutta sen tasa-arvoinen toteutuminen vaatii vielä hiomista ja uudenlaisten jaottelujen vakiinnuttamista. Tämä kuitenkin todistaa, ettei tyydyttävän määritelmän löytyminen ole täysin mahdotonta, kunhan kaikki wicca-ryhmittymät huomioidaan eikä keneltäkään yritetä väkisin riistää sosiaalista identiteettiä.


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Copper- and nickel-coated graphite particles can be successfully introduced into aluminium-base alloy melts as pellets to produce cast aluminium-graphite particle composites. The pellets were made by pressing mixtures of nickel- or copper-coated graphite particles and aluminium powders together at pressures varying between 2 and 20 kg mm–2. These pellets were dispersed in aluminium alloy melts by plunging and holding them in the melts using a refractory coated mild steel cone, until the pellets disintegrated and the powders were dispersed. The optimum pressure for the preparation of pellets was 2 to 5 kg mm–2 and the optimum size and percentage of aluminium powder were 400 to 1000mgrm and 35 wt% respectively. Under optimum conditions the recovery of the graphite particles in the castings was as high as 96%, these particles being pushed into the last freezing interdendritic regions. The tensile strength and the hardness of the graphite aluminium alloys made using the pellet method are comparable to those of similar composites made using gas injection or the vortex method. The pellet method however has the advantage of greater reproducibility and flexibility. Dispersion of graphite particles in the matrix of cast aluminium alloys using the pellet method increases their resistance to wear.


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Aluminum-Nickel alloys ranging from 0.06 pct to 6.1 pct (by wt) Ni have been developed for high strength-high conductivity applications. These alloys were produced by solidification in a permanent mold followed by homogenization, hot extrusion or hot rolling and cold drawing to wire form. This sequence of fabrication a) led to the production of fine fibrous dispersoids of NiAl3 as part of the Al-NiAl3 eutectic during the initial casting operation, b) permitted the retention of fine fibrous dispersiods of NiAl3 produced during casting without any significant coarsening during processing and c) led to uniform dispersion and general alignment of these fibrous dispersoids along a given direction in the product without any measurable fiber-matrix separation, extensive fiber-fragmentation or crack production in the matrix. These alloys can be processed to wire form as easily as aluminum and when processed by the above sequence, possess very attractive combination of high strength-high electrical conductivity. Tensile strengths range from 173 N/mm2 (at 0.6 pct Ni) to 241 N/mm2 (at 6.1 pct Ni) in combination with corresponding conductivity values between 62 pct IACS and 55.5 pct IACS. The wires also possess attractive yield strength; for instance, the 0.2 pct off-set strength of Al-6.1 pct Ni wire is 213 N/mm2. Using simple composite rules, the estimated strength and the conductivity of NiAl3 fibers were found to be 1380 N/mm2 and 18 pct IACS respectively, in these wires.


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Technological forecasting, defined as quantified probabilistic prediction of timings and degree of change in the technological parameters, capabilities desirability or needs at different times in the future, is applied to birth control technology (BCT) as a means of revealing the paths of most promising research through identifying the necessary points for breakthroughs. The present status of BCT in the areas of pills and the IUD, male contraceptives, immumological approaches, post-coital pills, abortion, sterilization, luteolytic agents, laser technologies, and control of the sex of the child, are each summarized and evaluated in turn. Fine mapping is done to identify the most potentially promising areas of BCT. These include efforts to make oral contraception easier, improvement of the design of the IUD, clinical evaluation of the male contraceptive danazol, the effecting of biochemical changes in the seminal fluid, and researching of immunological approaches and the effects of other new drugs such as prostaglandins. The areas that require immediate and large research inputs are oral contraception and the IUD. On the basis of population and technological forecasts, it is deduced that research efforts could most effectively aid countries like India through the immediate production of an oral contraceptive pill or IUD with long-lasting effects. Development of a pill for males or an immunization against pre gnancy would also have a significant impact. However, the major impediment to birth control programs to date is attitudes, which must be changed through education.


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This dissertation consists of an introductory section and three theoretical essays analyzing the interaction of corporate governance and restructuring. The essays adopt an incomplete contracts approach and analyze the role of different institutional designs to facilitate the alignment of the objectives of shareholders and management (or employees) over the magnitude of corporate restructuring. The first essay analyzes how a firm's choice of production technology affects the employees' human capital investment. In the essay, the owners of the firm can choose between a specific and a general technology that both require a costly human capital investment by the employees. The specific technology is initially superior in using the human capital of employees but, in contrast to the general technology, it is not compatible with future innovations. As a result, anticipated changes in the specific technology diminish the ex ante incentives of the employees to invest in human capital unless the shareholders grant the employees specific governance mechanisms (a right of veto, severance pay) so as to protect their investments. The results of the first essay indicate that the level of protection that the shareholders are willing to offer falls short of the socially desirable one. Furthermore, when restructuring opportunities become more abundant, it becomes more attractive both socially and from the viewpoint of the shareholders to initially adopt the general technology. The second essay analyzes how the allocation of authority within the firm interacts with the owners' choice of business strategy when the ability of the owners to monitor the project proposals of the management is biased in favor of the status quo strategy. The essay shows that a bias in the monitoring ability will affect not only the allocation of authority within the firm but also the choice of business strategy. Especially, when delegation has positive managerial incentive effects, delegation turns out to be more attractive under the new business strategy because the improved managerial incentives are a way for the owners to compensate their own reduced information gathering ability. This effect, however, simultaneously makes the owners hesitant to switch the strategy since it would involve a more frequent loss of control over the project choice. Consequently, the owners' lack of knowledge of the new business strategy may lead to a suboptimal choice of strategy. The third essay analyzes the implications of CEO succession process for the ideal board structure. In this essay, the presence of the departing CEO on the board facilitates the ability of the board to find a matching successor and to counsel him. However, the ex-CEO's presence may simultaneously also weaken the ability of the board to restructure since the predecessor may use the opportunity to distort the successor's project choice. The results of the essay suggest that the extent of restructuring gains, the firm's ability to hire good outside directors and the importance of board's advisory role affect at which point and for how long the shareholders may want to nominate the predecessor to the board.


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Al-10.98 pct Si-4.9 pct Ni ternary eutectic alloy was unidirectionally solidified at growth rates from 1.39μm/sec to 6.95μm/sec. Binary Al-Ni and Al-Si eutectics prepared from the same purity metals were also solidified under similar conditions to characterize the growth conditions under the conditions of present study. NiAl3 phase appeared as fibers in the binary Al-Ni eutectic and silicon appeared as irregular plates in the binary Al-Si eutectic. However, in the ternary Al-Si-Ni eutectic alloy both NiAl3 and silicon phases appeared as irregular plates dispersed in α-Al phase, without any regular repctitive arrangement. The size and spacing of NiAl3 and Si platelets in cone shaped colonies decreased with an increase in the growth rate of the ternary eutectic. Examination of specimen quenched during unidirectional solidification indicated that the ternary eutectic grows with a non-planar interface with both Si and NiAl3 phases protruding into the liquid. It is concluded that it will be difficult to grow regular ternary eutectic structures even if only one phase has a high entropy of melting. The tensile strength and modulus of unidirectionally solidified Al-Si-Ni eutectic was lower than the chill cast alloys of the same composition, and decreased with a decrease in growth rate. Tensile modulus and strength of ternary Al-Si-Ni eutectic alloys was greater than binary Al-Si eutectic alloy under similar growth conditions, both in the chill cast and in unidirectionally solidified conditions.


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A vast amount of public services and goods are contracted through procurement auctions. Therefore it is very important to design these auctions in an optimal way. Typically, we are interested in two different objectives. The first objective is efficiency. Efficiency means that the contract is awarded to the bidder that values it the most, which in the procurement setting means the bidder that has the lowest cost of providing a service with a given quality. The second objective is to maximize public revenue. Maximizing public revenue means minimizing the costs of procurement. Both of these goals are important from the welfare point of view. In this thesis, I analyze field data from procurement auctions and show how empirical analysis can be used to help design the auctions to maximize public revenue. In particular, I concentrate on how competition, which means the number of bidders, should be taken into account in the design of auctions. In the first chapter, the main policy question is whether the auctioneer should spend resources to induce more competition. The information paradigm is essential in analyzing the effects of competition. We talk of a private values information paradigm when the bidders know their valuations exactly. In a common value information paradigm, the information about the value of the object is dispersed among the bidders. With private values more competition always increases the public revenue but with common values the effect of competition is uncertain. I study the effects of competition in the City of Helsinki bus transit market by conducting tests for common values. I also extend an existing test by allowing bidder asymmetry. The information paradigm seems to be that of common values. The bus companies that have garages close to the contracted routes are influenced more by the common value elements than those whose garages are further away. Therefore, attracting more bidders does not necessarily lower procurement costs, and thus the City should not implement costly policies to induce more competition. In the second chapter, I ask how the auctioneer can increase its revenue by changing contract characteristics like contract sizes and durations. I find that the City of Helsinki should shorten the contract duration in the bus transit auctions because that would decrease the importance of common value components and cheaply increase entry which now would have a more beneficial impact on the public revenue. Typically, cartels decrease the public revenue in a significant way. In the third chapter, I propose a new statistical method for detecting collusion and compare it with an existing test. I argue that my test is robust to unobserved heterogeneity unlike the existing test. I apply both methods to procurement auctions that contract snow removal in schools of Helsinki. According to these tests, the bidding behavior of two of the bidders seems consistent with a contract allocation scheme.


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Väitöskirjassani tarkastelen informaatiohyödykkeiden ja tekijänoikeuksien taloustiedettä kahdesta eri perspektiivistä. Niistä ensimmäinen kuuluu endogeenisen kasvuteorian alaan. Väitöskirjassani yleistän ”pool of knowledge” -tyyppisen endogeenisen kasvumallin tilanteeseen, jossa patentoitavissa olevalla innovaatiolla on minimikoko, ja jossa uudenlaisen tuotteen patentoinut yritys voi menettää monopolinsa tuotteeseen jäljittelyn johdosta. Mallin kontekstissa voidaan analysoida jäljittelyn ja innovaatioilta vaaditun ”minimikoon” vaikutuksia hyvinvointiin ja talouskasvuun. Kasvun maksimoiva imitaation määrä on mallissa aina nolla, mutta hyvinvoinnin maksimoiva imitaation määrä voi olla positiivinen. Talouskasvun ja hyvinvoinnin maksimoivalla patentoitavissa olevan innovaation ”minimikoolla” voi olla mikä tahansa teoreettista maksimia pienempi arvo. Väitöskirjani kahdessa jälkimmäisessä pääluvussa tarkastelen informaatiohyödykkeiden kaupallista piratismia mikrotaloustieteellisen mallin avulla. Informaatiohyödykkeistä laittomasti tehtyjen kopioiden tuotantokustannukset ovat pienet, ja miltei olemattomat silloin kun niitä levitetään esimerkiksi Internetissä. Koska piraattikopioilla on monta eri tuottajaa, niiden hinnan voitaisiin mikrotaloustieteen teorian perusteella olettaa laskevan melkein nollaan, ja jos näin kävisi, kaupallinen piratismi olisi mahdotonta. Mallissani selitän kaupallisen piratismin olemassaolon olettamalla, että piratismista saatavan rangaistuksen uhka riippuu siitä, kuinka monille kuluttajille piraatti tarjoaa laittomia hyödykkeitä, ja että se siksi vaikuttaa piraattikopioiden markkinoihin mainonnan kustannuksen tavoin. Kaupallisten piraattien kiinteiden kustannusten lisääminen on mallissani aina tekijänoikeuksien haltijan etujen mukaista, mutta ”mainonnan kustannuksen” lisääminen ei välttämättä ole, vaan se saattaa myös alentaa laillisten kopioiden myynnistä saatavia voittoja. Tämä tulos poikkeaa vastaavista aiemmista tuloksista sikäli, että se pätee vaikka tarkasteltuihin informaatiohyödykkeisiin ei liittyisi verkkovaikutuksia. Aiemmin ei-kaupallisen piratismin malleista on usein johdettu tulos, jonka mukaan informaatiohyödykkeen laittomat kopiot voivat kasvattaa laillisten kopioiden myynnistä saatavia voittoja jos laillisten kopioiden arvo niiden käyttäjille riippuu siitä, kuinka monet muut kuluttajat käyttävät samanlaista hyödykettä ja jos piraattikopioiden saatavuus lisää riittävästi laillisten kopioiden arvoa. Väitöskirjan viimeisessä pääluvussa yleistän mallini verkkotoimialoille, ja tutkin yleistämäni mallin avulla sitä, missä tapauksissa vastaava tulos pätee myös kaupalliseen piratismiin.


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Since the Chinese government began implementing economic reforms in the late 1970s, China has experienced profound economic change and growth. Like other parts of China, Tibetan areas of China have also experienced wide-ranging economic change with growth even higher than the China-wide average in certain years. Though China s strategic policy of developing the West provided many opportunities for economic and business activities, Tibetans have proven poorly equipped to respond to and take advantage of these opportunities. This study is about people, about market participation and specifically about why Tibetans do not effectively participate in the market in the context of China s economic development process. Many political, social, cultural and environmental factors explain the difficulties met by Tibetan communities. However, this study focuses on three factors: the social and culture context, government policy and education. The Buddhistic nature of Tibetan communities, particularly the political and economic system in traditional Tibetan society, explains this, especially after implementation of new national economic policies. An inclusive economic development policy that promotes local people s participation in the market demands serious consideration of local conditions. Unfortunately, such considerations often ignore local Tibetan realities. The economic development policy in Tibetan areas in China is nearly always an attempt to replicate the inland model and open up markets, even though economic and sociopolitical conditions in Tibet are markedly unlike much of China. A consequence of these policies is increasing numbers of non-Tibetan migrants flowing into Tibetan areas with the ensuing marginalization of Tibetans in the marketplace. Poor quality education is another factor contributing to Tibetan inability to effectively participate in the market. Vocational and business education targeting Tibetans is of very low quality and reflective of government failing to consider local circumstances when implementing education policy. The relatively few Tibetans who do receive education are nearly always unable to compete with non-Tibetan migrants in commercial activity. Encouraging and promoting Tibetan participation in business development and access to quality education are crucial for a sustainable and prosperous society in the long term. Particularly, a localized development policy that considers local environmental conditions and production as well as local culture is crucial. Tibet s economic development should be based on local environmental and production conditions, while utilizing Tibetan culture for the benefit of creating a sustainable economy. Such a localized approach best promotes Tibetan market participation. Keywords: Tibet cultural policy education market participation


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The symbols, signs, and traces of copyright and related intellectual property laws that appear on everyday texts, objects, and artifacts have multiplied exponentially over the past 15 years. Digital spaces have revolutionized access to content and transformed the ways in which content is porous and malleable. In this volume, contributors focus on copyright as it relates to culture. The editors argue that what «counts» as property must be understood as shifting terrain deeply influenced by historical, economic, cultural, religious, and digital perspectives. Key themes addressed include issues of how: • Culture is framed, defined, and/or identified in conversations about intellectual property; • The humanities and other related disciplines are implicated in intellectual property issues; • The humanities will continue to rub up against copyright (e.g., issues of authorship, authorial agency, ownership of texts); • Different cultures and bodies of literature approach intellectual property, and how competing dynasties and marginalized voices exist beyond the dominant U.S. copyright paradigm. Offering a transnational and interdisciplinary perspective, Cultures of Copyright offers readers – scholars, researchers, practitioners, theorists, and others – key considerations to contemplate in terms of how we understand copyright’s past and how we chart its futures.


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A microorganism of the genus Pseudomonas has been isolated from the soil by enrichment culture techniques with linalool(I) as the sole source of carbon and energy. The organism is also capable of utilizing limonene, citronellol, and geraniol as substrates but fails to grow on citral, critranellal, and 1,8-cineole. Fermentation of linalool by this bacterium in a mineral salt medium results in the formation of 10-hydroxylinalool(II), oleuropeic acid (IX), 2-vinyl-2-methyl-5-hydroxyisopropyl-tetraphydrofuran)linalool oxide, V), 2-vinyl-2-methyl-tetrahydrofuran-5-one(unsaturated lactone, VI), and few unidentified minor metabolities. Probable pathways for the biodegradation of linalool are presented.