906 resultados para parent-child relationship


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BACKGROUND Parental support is a key influence on children's health behaviours; however, no previous investigation has simultaneously explored the influence of mothers' and fathers' social support on eating and physical activity in preschool-aged children. This study evaluated the singular and combined effects of maternal and paternal support for physical activity (PA) and fruit and vegetable consumption (FV) on preschoolers' PA and FV. METHODS A random sample comprising 173 parent-child dyads completed validated scales assessing maternal and paternal instrumental support and child PA and FV behaviour. Pearson correlations, controlling for child age, parental age, and parental education, were used to evaluate relationships between maternal and paternal support and child PA and FV. K-means cluster analysis was used to identify families with distinct patterns of maternal and paternal support for PA and FV, and one-way ANOVA examined the impact of cluster membership on child PA and FV. RESULTS Maternal and paternal support for PA were positively associated with child PA (r = 0.37 and r = 0.36, respectively; P < 0.001). Maternal but not paternal support for FV was positively associated with child FV (r = 0.35; P < 0.001). Five clusters characterised groups of families with distinct configurations of maternal and paternal support for PA and FV: 1) above average maternal and paternal support for PA and FV, 2) below average maternal and paternal support for PA and FV, 3) above average maternal and paternal support for PA but below average maternal and paternal support for FV, 4) above average maternal and paternal support for FV but below average maternal and paternal support for PA, and 5) above average maternal support but below average paternal support for PA and FV. Children from families with above average maternal and paternal support for both health behaviours had higher PA and FV levels than children from families with above average support for just one health behaviour, or below average support for both behaviours. CONCLUSIONS The level and consistency of instrumental support from mothers and fathers for PA and FV may be an important target for obesity prevention in preschool-aged children.


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Prospective studies and intervention evaluations that examine change over time assume that measurement tools measure the same construct at each occasion. In the area of parent-child feeding practices, longitudinal measurement properties of the questionnaires used are rarely verified. To ascertain that measured change in feeding practices reflects true change rather than change in the assessment, structure, or conceptualisation of the constructs over time, this study examined longitudinal measurement invariance of the Feeding Practices and Structure Questionnaire (FPSQ) subscales (9 constructs; 40 items) across 3 time points. Mothers participating in the NOURISH trial reported their feeding practices when children were aged 2, 3.7, and 5 years (N = 404). Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) within a structural equation modelling framework was used. Comparisons of initial cross-sectional models followed by longitudinal modelling of subscales, resulted in the removal of 12 items, including two redundant or poorly performing subscales. The resulting 28-item FPSQ-28 comprised 7 multi-item subscales: Reward for Behaviour, Reward for Eating, Persuasive Feeding, Overt Restriction, Covert Restriction, Structured Meal Setting and Structured Meal Timing. All subscales showed good fit over 3 time points and each displayed at least partial scalar (thresholds equal) longitudinal measurement invariance. We recommend the use of a separate single item indicator to assess the family meal setting. This is the first study to examine longitudinal measurement invariance in a feeding practices questionnaire. Invariance was established, indicating that the subscales of the shortened FPSQ-28 can be used with mothers to validly assess change in 7 feeding constructs in samples of children aged 2-5 years of age.


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Who is the patient? A social-ethical study of the Finnish practice of prenatal screening. The aim of this study is to examine the Finnish practice of prenatal screening from a social-ethical perspective. Analyzing ethical problems in medicine and medical practice only on a general scale may conceal relevant ethical dilemmas. Previous studies have suggested that many pregnant women view the prenatal screening practices customary in the Finnish maternal care system as intimidating and oppressive. This study analyzes the ethical questions of prenatal screening by focusing on the experiences and decision-making of a pregnant woman. Finnish women s experiences of and decision-making on the most common prenatal screening methods are reflected in the basic principles of biomedical ethics described by Tom L. Beauchamp and James F. Childress in Principles of Biomedical Ethics. To concretize women s experiences I refer to studies of Finnish women s experiences of prenatal screenings. This study shows that the principles of autonomy, non-maleficence and beneficence seem to materialize rather poorly in the Finnish practice of prenatal screening. The main ethical problem with prenatal screening is that the likelihood of a foetal cure is very limited and, upon detection of an affected foetus, the choice is usually whether to continue with the pregnancy or to undergo an abortion. Although informed consent should be required, women s participation in prenatal testing is, in many cases at least, not based on their active decision. Many women experience severe anxiety when they receive a positive screening result and must wait for the final results. Medical studies indicate that long- term anxiety may negatively influence the foetus and the mother-child relationship. This study shows that the practice of prenatal screening as such may cause more harm than benefit to many pregnant women and their foetuses. This study examines the decision-making process of a pregnant woman by using the theory of medical casuistry described in Jonsen, Siegler and Winslade s Clinical Ethics. This study focuses on each of the four points of view recommended by the theory. The main problem seems to be the question of whom the patient of prenatal screening is and whom the practice is intended to benefit: the mother, the foetus, the family or society? This study shows that the concepts of health in Finnish maternal care in general, and of the prenatal screening system in particular, differ considerably. It also demonstrates that the purpose and the aims of prenatal screening, aside from the woman s right to choose, has been expressed neither in Finnish public health programmes nor in the public recommendations of prenatal screening. This study suggests that the practice of prenatal screening is a statement, though unexpressed, of public health policy and as such comprises part of the policy of disability. This study further demonstrates that through a single explicit aim (the woman s right to choose) society actually evades its obligation to women by saddling pregnant women with the entire moral responsibility as well as the possible negative consequences of her choice, such as sorrow, regrets and moral balancing. The study reveals several ethical problems in the Finnish practice of prenatal screening. Such problems should be dealt with as the Finnish practice of prenatal screening advances.


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- Background Tobacco is the main preventable cause of death and disease worldwide. Adolescent smoking is increasing in many countries with poorer countries following the earlier experiences of affluent countries. Preventing adolescents starting smoking is crucial to decreasing tobacco-related illness. - Objective To assess effectiveness of family-based interventions alone and combined with school-based interventions to prevent children and adolescents from initiating tobacco use. - Data Sources 14 bibliographic databases and the Internet, journals hand-searched, experts consulted. - Study Eligibility Criteria, Participants, and Interventions Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) with children or adolescents and families, interventions to prevent starting tobacco use, follow-up ≥ 6 months. - Study Appraisal/Synthesis methods Abstracts/titles independently assessed and data independently entered by two authors. Risk-of-bias assessed with the Cochrane Risk-of-Bias tool. - Results Twenty-seven RCTs were included. Nine trials of never-smokers compared to a control provided data for meta-analysis. Family intervention trials had significantly fewer students who started smoking. Meta-analysis of twoRCTs of combined family and school interventions compared to school only, showed additional significant benefit. The common feature of effective high intensity interventions was encouraging authoritative parenting. - Limitations Only 14 RCTs provided data for meta-analysis (about 1/3 of participants). Of the 13 RCTs which did not provide data for meta-analysis eight compared a family intervention to no intervention and one found significant effects, and five compared a family + school intervention to a school intervention and none found additional significant effects. - Conclusions and Implications of Key Findings There is moderate quality evidence that family-based interventions prevent children and adolescents starting to smoke.


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Infertility treatments are relatively easily available in most Western countries today, but the psychological consequences of these high-tech treatments have scarcely been addressed. The purpose of this controlled longitudinal study was to explore the early environment of the infant born by assisted reproductive treatment (ART). We focused on the parents mental well-being, marital relations and experience of parenting. In addition to this, we assessed parent child interaction and parents mental representations of their child after long-standing infertility and several unsuccessful ART attempts. The subjects were infertile couples who achieved a singleton pregnancy by in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The control group comprised of spontaneously conceiving couples with singleton pregnancies. ART women showed fewer depressive symptoms than controls during pregnancy and after delivery, but the difference vanished by the end of the child s first year. ART men consistently had lower levels of anxiety symptoms, sleeping difficulties, and social dysfunction than control men. Control women experienced a decrease in dyadic consensus during the child s first year, which did not happen among ART women. After the child was born, ART men reported a higher level of sexual affection compared with control men. Psychic symptoms and stressful life events were differently related to marital relations in ART and control groups. The parenting experiences of ART mothers were in general at a higher level, compared with controls, and they changed in a positive direction during the child s first year. Fathering experiences were at the same level in both groups, and they changed positively in both groups by the end of the child s first year. The parenting experiences of ART mothers and fathers were more resilient to certain child-related stressors than those of control group. Both mothers and fathers with long-term infertility showed more sensitive behaviour with their child in toddler-age than in infancy. Correspondingly, children s cooperation increased. Mothers often mentioned a fear of miscarriage and difficulty in creating representations of the child during pregnancy. Descriptions of the infants were mainly rich, vivid and loaded with positive features. In conclusion, ART parents in general seem to adapt well to the transition to parenthood. Former infertility and ART do not seem to constitute a risk for parents mental health, marital relations or experience of parenting. Even longstanding infertility with several unsuccessful treatment attempts did not create a risk as regards parenting behaviour or parents mental representations of their child. In this group, however, women were found to have fear for losing the child and difficulty in creating representations of the child during pregnancy, which in some cases may indicate need for psychosocial support. Even though our results are encouraging, infertility and infertility treatments are generally considered as a stressful experience. It is a challenge for health authorities to recognize those couples who need professional help to overcome the distressing experiences of infertility and ART.


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The research topic is the formation of nuclear family understanding and the politicization of nuclear family. Thus, the question is how did family historically become understood particularly as nuclear family and why did it become central in terms of politics and social? The research participates in discussions on the concept and phenomena of family. Central theme of analysis is to ask what is family? Family is seen as historically contingent and the discussions on the concept and phenomena are done via historical analysis. Center of attention is nuclear family, thus, a distinction between the concepts of family and nuclear family is made to be able to focus on historically specific phenomena of nuclear family. Family contrary to the concept of nuclear family -- in general is seen to be able to refer to families in all times and all cultures, as well as all types of families in our times and culture. The nuclear family understanding is examined through two separate themes, that of parent-child relationships and marital relations. Two simultaneous processes give nuclear family relations its current form: on the one hand the marital couple as the basis of family is eroding and losing its capacity to hold the family together; on the other, in Finland at least from 1950s on, the normal development of the child has became to be seen ontologically bound to the (biological) mother and (via her to) the father. In the nucleus of the family is the child: the biological, psychological and social processes of normal development are seen ontologically bound to the nuclear family relations. Thus, marriages can collapse, but nuclear family is unbreakable. What is interesting is the historical timing: as nuclear family relations had just been born, the marriage dived to a crisis. The concept and phenomena of nuclear family is analyzed in the context of social and politics (in Finnish these two collapses in the concept of yhteiskunnallinen , which refers both to a society as natural processes as well as to the state in terms of politics). Family is political and social in two senses. First, it is understood as the natural origin of the social and society. Human, by definition, is understood as a social being and the origin of social, in turn, is seen to be in the family. Family is seen as natural to species. Disturbances in family life lead to un-social behaviour. Second, family is also seen as a political actor of rights and obligations: family is obligated to control the life of its members. The state patronage is seen at the same time inevitable family life is way too precious to leave alone -- and problematic as it seems to disturb the natural processes of the family or to erode the autonomy of it. The rigueur of the nuclear family is in the role it seems to hold in the normal development of the child and the future of the society. The disturbances in the families first affect the child, then the society. In terms of possibility to re-think the family the natural and political collide: the nuclear family seems as natural, unchangeable, un- negotiable. Nuclear family is historically ontologised. The biological, psychological and social facts of family seem to be contrary to the idea of negotiation and politics the natural facts of family problematise the politics of family. The research material consists of administrational documents, memoranda, consultation documents, seminar reports, educational writings, guidebooks and newspaper articles in family politics between 1950s and 1990s.


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A paternidade responsável se destaca no contexto da Constituição de 1988, refletindo seus efeitos para todo o sistema. Os pais, ao assumirem esse status, passam a ser titulares de diversas obrigações sendo verdadeiro afirmar que deles, de alguma forma, sempre se exigiu certo tipo de responsabilidade. Seu conteúdo, todavia, é que variou no histórico da construção da família brasileira. A proteção aos filhos, anteriormente mais formalista e restrita à aplicação de medidas de suspensão ou destituição do poder familiar (pátrio poder), cedeu espaço para outros valores. Atualmente, cabe aos pais, em essência, a formação e a emancipação da pessoa do filho. Assistir, educar e criar são as ações básicas que informam a sua responsabilidade, sendo ainda titulares do dever de inserir o menor no contexto da família e da sociedade. A igualdade, a solidariedade e a autonomia se mesclam ao encargo parental, a bem da formação física e psíquica da prole. Mas, é necessário observar que o dever de cuidado, imposto constitucionalmente aos pais, é transferido para os filhos após a maioridade, por meio de uma lógica de reciprocidade e vulnerabilidade. Assim, passam estes a ser responsáveis pela assistência e pelo cuidado dos ascendentes doentes ou, por qualquer outro motivo, necessitados. Considerado o fato de que a verdadeira parentalidade é aquela que cria o estado concreto de pai-filho, reflexo do cumprimento da responsabilidade, é forçoso concluir pela inexistência de seus efeitos jurídicos nos casos em que o vínculo restou fixado pela simples formalidade do registro. Defende-se, então, para o fim de eximir os filhos de seus deveres, a desconstituição do vínculo registral ou a inocuidade de seus efeitos, sempre que os pais não tenham cumprido responsavelmente as suas funções em benefício da prole. As normas jurídicas constitucionais e infraconstitucionais legitimam tal prerrogativa, afastando as obrigações dos filhos cujos direitos fundamentais não foram respeitados pela incúria daqueles que tinham contrariamente o encargo de assistir e cuidar.


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Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa exploratória que teve como objeto de estudo o desejo de amamentar na perspectiva das tecnologias não invasivas de cuidado de enfermagem. Objetivou: Descrever a vivência da mulher em relação à amamentação quanto ao seu desejo de amamentar. Identificar se o desejo da mulher de amamentar foi respeitado. Discutir os cuidados de enfermagem recebidos pela mulher durante o período de amamentação na perspectiva das tecnologias não invasivas de cuidado de enfermagem. Utilizou a Narrativa de Vida como método, adotou o referencial metodológico de Daniel Bertaux e realizou entrevista aberta com dezesseis mulheres em processo de amamentação, a partir do pós-parto imediato até os 06 meses de vida do bebê em atendimento no alojamento conjunto, no alojamento de mães que possuem seus bebês internados na UTI neonatal e as Estratégias de Saúde da Família com a seguinte pergunta norteadora: Fale a respeito de sua vida que tenha relação com a amamentação. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa da Prefeitura Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de fevereiro a julho de 2013, até atingir o ponto de saturação. Emergiram a partir de suas narrativas duas unidades de significação: Vivência da mulher em relação à sua amamentação e Cuidados de enfermagem na perspectiva da tecnologia não invasiva de cuidado de enfermagem. O referencial teórico adotado foi Donald Woods Winnicott. As narrativas de vida das mulheres entrevistadas evidenciaram que entre dezesseis mulheres, onze queriam amamentar e cinco relataram que não queriam amamentar. Das mulheres que queriam, observa-se que algumas já possuíam o desejo, por decisão própria. Vivenciar ou ter vivenciado a amamentação; influência familiar e relação mãe-filho são fatores que levam uma mulher a decidir ou não amamentar. O estudo evidenciou que a mulher se sente completamente responsável pelo filho, julga as que não amamentam e amamenta mesmo com dificuldades. As que inicialmente, relataram o desejo de não amamentar na gravidez, no puerpério decidiram amamentar e algumas dessas, justificaram a mudança em função da pressão profissional. A Enfermagem não utiliza dos preceitos das Tecnologias Não Invasivas de Cuidado de Enfermagem para cuidar da mãe e seu filho com relação ao desejo de amamentar. O relacionamento mãe-filho é um fator que nos leva a uma reflexão considerada como uma das mais importantes quando se fala de amamentação na concepção de Donald Winnicott. A enfermagem deve incorporar possibilidades e concepções das tecnologias não invasivas de cuidado de enfermagem em sua prática nas diversas áreas de atuação. Na amamentação, as Tecnologias Não Invasivas de Cuidado de Enfermagem são excelentes ferramentas para a enfermagem praticar no seu cotidiano assistencial com mulheres que estão amamentando. Uma vez que priorizam a não invasão, o respeito ao desejo, o empoderamento, a autonomia e a autoconfiança.


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A adolescência feminina é marcada por muitos desafios, frutos das transformações que ocorrem na vida desta jovem. Com a puberdade, as diferenças biológicas entre os sexos se acentuam, sendo significativas as demandas e as expectativas socioculturais. Para as adolescentes, o desenvolvimento das mamas e o aumento dos quadris formam um novo corpo, suscitando novas sensações e sentimentos. Na adolescência intermediária, a jovem se depara com a tarefa de lidar com a sua sexualidade, com decisões morais, vivenciar o aumento de novos relacionamentos com seus pares e equilibrar a autonomia com a responsabilidade. A forma como a adolescente vivencia estas mudanças é moldada pelas características pessoais, crenças e práticas, que refletem o seu contexto. Na cultura ocidental, uma das questões típicas da adolescência é o desenvolvimento da autonomia, relacionada ao contexto familiar. Apesar das transformações sociais, a família continua a desempenhar um papel essencial na formação do indivíduo, tendo as atribuições de cuidado, de apoio e de afeto. No contexto familiar, por meio do estilo parental, são comunicadas as atitudes dos pais em relação aos seus filhos, criando um clima emocional, no qual as práticas parentais são expressas. Estudos dedicados aos relacionamentos pais-filhos especificam a importância da presença do pai para a dinâmica e o clima emocional familiar e sugerem que o gênero do progenitor pode influenciar a forma que ele se relaciona com sua filha. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho se desdobra em dois. O primeiro é promover uma reflexão a partir de uma revisão de literatura contemplando essa temática. O segundo é investigar a relação entre a percepção do estilo parental paterno e o desenvolvimento da autonomia da filha adolescente. Para isso, utilizamos um método quantitativo, com aplicação de escalas sobre autonomia, interdependência e autonomia-relacionada e estilo parental. Participaram do estudo 50 adolescentes do sexo feminino, entre 14 a 16 anos, de famílias intactas, residentes no Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados apontaram para a existência de uma relação entre o desenvolvimento da autonomia e a percepção do estilo parental paterno. Quanto mais as adolescentes percebiam seus pais como autoritativos, maiores eram seus escores em autonomia-relacional e menores em autonomia. De um modo geral, as adolescentes da pesquisa apresentaram uma tendência à autonomia-relacionada e a perceber seus pais com o estilo parental autoritativo. Com base nestes resultados, concluímos que a maneira que as adolescentes percebem seus pais vai estar relacionada ao modo que vão desenvolver sua autonomia, indicando a importância de futuras pesquisas que explorem a relação pai-filha na adolescência em um contexto brasileiro.


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Understanding how and why changes propagate during engineering design is critical because most products and systems emerge from predecessors and not through clean sheet design. This paper applies change propagation analysis methods and extends prior reasoning through examination of a large data set from industry including 41,500 change requests, spanning 8 years during the design of a complex sensor system. Different methods are used to analyze the data and the results are compared to each other and evaluated in the context of previous findings. In particular the networks of connected parent, child and sibling changes are resolved over time and mapped to 46 subsystem areas. A normalized change propagation index (CPI) is then developed, showing the relative strength of each area on the absorber-multiplier spectrum between -1 and +1. Multipliers send out more changes than they receive and are good candidates for more focused change management. Another interesting finding is the quantitative confirmation of the "ripple" change pattern. Unlike the earlier prediction, however, it was found that the peak of cyclical change activity occurred late in the program driven by systems integration and functional testing. Patterns emerged from the data and offer clear implications for technical change management approaches in system design. Copyright © 2007 by ASME.


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The present paper studies the explicit, implicit, and combined (explicit and implicit) self-esteem of troubled youths in comparison to normal youths. Influential family factors are also discussed. The main results of this paper can be summarized as follows: 1. The explicit self-esteem of troubled youths is significantly lower than that of normal youths. 2. In comparison to normal youths, troubled youths are more likely to come from divorced and remarried families, and have parents with lower levels of education; troubled youths also experience significantly greater amounts of physical and sexual abuse and emotional and physical neglect. 3. For troubled youths, the closer they are with their parents,the higher their explicit self-esteem; abuse experiences in childhood significantly predict low explicit self-esteem; and high explicit self-esteem can be predicted by communication, trust, intimacy and enjoyment with their parents. For normal youths, only low explicit self-esteem can be predicted by abuse experiences in childhood. 4. The implicit self-esteem of troubled youths is significantly higher than that of normal youths. 5. The implicit self-esteem of troubled youths is affected by their parents’marrital status; youths from divorced families have higher implicit self-esteem than those from intact families. Low implicit self-esteem in normal youths can be predicted by communication,trust, intimacy and enjoyment with their mothers. 6. Youths with low explicit self-esteem and high implicit self-esteem (LEHI) form the greatest proportion of the total number of troubled youths, and youths with high explicit self-esteem and low implicit self-esteem (HELI) form the greatest proportion of normal youths. Youths with LEHI have the most abuse experiences in childhood, the worst parent-child relationships and the most mental problems; In contrast, youth with HELI have the least abuse experiences, the best parent-child relationships and the least mental problems of the four categories of combined self-esteem. Furthermore, the combined self-esteem of youths can be predicted by abuse experiences in childhood.


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Emotional support, as an important form of social supports, has great impact on the life of both caregivers and receivers. Many studies on adult children and old parents indicate that emotional support is closely related to parents’ well-being, and the relation quality between old parents and adult children is one of the factors influencing adult children’s support offering. However, the study on adolescents’ emotional support to their parents is quite rare. What’s more, it has been found that emotional support skills children have learnt at home have life-time influence on children’s response to other’s emotional needs. It is assumed that to some extent the emotional support styles between parents and adolescents are relatively stable, and they are related to the care children give to their parents after they advance to old age. Hence, it is necessary to study the emotional support of adolescent in order to at last improve the well-being of old parents. Totally speaking, the aim of this study is to explore the relation between parenting styles and adolescents’ emotional support offering, as well as the effects of mother-child relationships. In addition, culture is a factor having impact on parenting styles, parent-child relationships and emotional support. So we have designed this cross-cultural study to explore cultural differences. The results are as follows: (1) As to Chinese and Indonesian mothers, their Acceptance of adolescents’ behaviors has significant positive predictive effect on children’s emotional support. Besides, the Intimacy and Approval dimensions of mother-child relationships partially mediate the path from parenting styles to emotional support offering, and those effects have no significant difference in China and Indonesia. (2) Chinese and Indonesian mother’s Rejection to adolescents has significant positive predictive effect on Conflict between mothers and adolescents, but has no direct effect on adolescents’ emotional support offering. (3) Adolescents’ support offering has no significant predictive effect on their willingness to help their parents. (4) Adolescents’ support offering has significant predictive effect on their motivation to provide emotional support to their parents. However, the relation between adolescents’ support offering and the willingness to help their parents is not clear. (5) Adolescents have scored high in Acceptance parenting style dimension and relatively low in Rejection dimension, which indicate that mothers in China and Indonesia adopt positive parenting styles. Both Chinese and Indonesian mother-child relationships are good. However, Indonesian adolescents have perceived more Intimacy and Approval from mothers, and there is no significant difference between Chinese and Indonesian adolescents and mothers in the dimension of Conflict.


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Background: The Early Development Instrument (EDI) is a population-level measure of five developmental domains at school-entry age. The overall aim of this thesis was to explore the potential of the EDI as an indicator of early development in Ireland. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 47 primary schools in 2011 using the EDI and a linked parental questionnaire. EDI (teacher completed) scores were calculated for 1,344 children in their first year of full-time education. Those scoring in the lowest 10% of the sample population in one or more domains were deemed to be 'developmentally vulnerable'. Scores were correlated with contextual data from the parental questionnaire and with indicators of area and school-level deprivation. Rasch analysis was used to determine the validity of the EDI. Results: Over one quarter (27.5%) of all children in the study were developmentally vulnerable. Individual characteristics associated with increased risk of vulnerability were being male; under 5 years old; and having English as a second language. Adjusted for these demographics, low birth weight, poor parent/child interaction and mother’s lower level of education showed the most significant odds ratios for developmental vulnerability. Vulnerability did not follow the area-level deprivation gradient as measured by a composite index of material deprivation. Children considered by the teacher to be in need of assessment also had lower scores, which were not significantly different from those of children with a clinical diagnosis of special needs. all domains showed at least reasonable fit to the Rasch model supporting the validity of the instrument. However, there was a need for further refinement of the instrument in the Irish context. Conclusion: This thesis provides a unique snapshot of early development in Ireland. The EDI and linked parental questionnaires are promising indicators of the extent, distribution and determinants of developmental vulnerability.


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This dissertation is the first full-length study to concentrate on American genre painter Lilly Martin Spencer's images of children, which constituted nearly one half of her saleable production during the height of her artistic career from 1848 to 1869. At this time, many young parents received advice regarding child rearing through books and other publications, having moved away from their families of origin in search of employment. These literatures, which gained in popularity from the 1830s onward, focused on spiritual, emotional, and disciplinary matters. My study considers four major themes from the period's writing on child nurture that changed over time, including depravity and innocence, parent/child bonding, standards of behavior and moral rectitude, and children's influence on adults. It demonstrates how Spencer's paintings, prints, and drawings featuring children supported and challenged these evolving ideologies, helping to shed light not only on the artist's reception of child-rearing advice, but also on its possible impact on her middle-class audience, to whom she closely catered. In four chapters, I investigate Spencer's images of sleeping children as visual equivalents of contemporary consolation literature during a time of high infant and child mortality rates; her paintings of parent/child interaction as promoting separation from mothers and emotional bonding with fathers; her prints of mischievous children as both considering changing ideals about children's behavior and comforting Anglo-American citizens afraid of what they saw as threatening minority groups; and her pictures with Civil War and Reconstruction subject matter as contending with the popular concept of the moral utility of children. By framing my interpretations of Spencer's output around key issues in the period's dynamic child-nurture literature, I advance new comprehensive readings of many of her most well-known paintings, including Domestic Happiness, Fi, Fo, Fum!, and The Pic Nic or the Fourth of July. I also consider work often overlooked by other art historians, but which received acclaim in Spencer's own time, including the lithographs of children made after her designs, and the allegorical painting Truth Unveiling Falsehood. Significantly, I provide the first in-depth analysis of a newly rediscovered Reconstruction-era painting, The Home of the Red, White, and Blue.


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BACKGROUND: In the face of the HIV/AIDS epidemic that has contributed to the dramatic increase in orphans and abandoned children (OAC) worldwide, caregiver attitudes about HIV, and HIV-related stigma, are two attributes that may affect caregiving. Little research has considered the relationship between caregiver attributes and caregiver-reported HIV-related stigma. In light of the paucity of this literature, this paper will describe HIV-related stigma among caregivers of OAC in five less wealthy nations. METHODS: Baseline data were collected between May 2006 through February 2008. The sample included 1,480 community-based and 192 institution-based caregivers. Characteristics of the community-based and institution-based caregivers are described using means and standard deviations for continuous variables or counts and percentages for categorical variables. We fit logistic regression models, both for the full sample and separately for community-based and institution-based caregivers, to explore predictors of acceptance of HIV. RESULTS: Approximately 80% of both community-based and institution-based caregivers were female; and 84% of institution-based caregivers, compared to 66% of community-based caregivers, said that they would be willing to care for a relative with HIV. Similar proportions were reported when caregivers were asked if they were willing to let their child play with an HIV-infected child. In a multivariable model predicting willingness to care for an HIV-infected relative, adjusted for site fixed effects, being an institution-based caregiver was associated with greater willingness (less stigma) than community-based caregivers. Decreased willingness was reported by older respondents, while willingness increased with greater formal education. In the adjusted models predicting willingness to allow one's child to play with an HIV-infected child, female gender and older age was associated with less willingness. However, willingness was positively associated with years of formal education. CONCLUSIONS: The caregiver-child relationship is central to a child's development. OAC already face stigma as a result of their orphaned or abandoned status; the addition of HIV-related stigma represents a double burden for these children. Further research on the prevalence of HIV-related acceptance and stigma among caregivers and implications of such stigma for child development will be critical as the policy community responds to the global HIV/AIDS orphan crisis.