924 resultados para indirect inference


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A spectrophotometric flow injection method for the determination of paracetamol in pharmaceutical formulations is proposed. The procedure was based on the oxidation of paracetamol by sodium hypochloride and the determination of the excess of this oxidant using o-tolidine dichloride as chromogenic reagent at 430 nm. The analytical curve was linear in the paracetamol concentration range from 8.50 x 10-6 to 2.51 x 10-4 mol L-1 with a detection limit of 5.0 x 10-6 mol L-1. The relative standard deviation was smaller than 1.2% for 1.20 x 10-4 mol L-1 paracetamol solution (n = 10). The results obtained for paracetamol in pharmaceutical formulations using the proposed flow injection method and those obtained using a USP Pharmacopoeia method are in agreement at the 95% confidence level.


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ABSTRACTThe study was conducted with shoot tip explants of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) to identify a viable regenerative process. Shoot tips were obtained from neem embryos cultured alternatingly in DKW medium supplemented with BAP and medium without hormones. Initial shoot development was influenced by cotyledon presence. Basal callus, excised from in vitro stem base, also presented organogenic potential. In some cases, plant lines, obtained from each seed, presented different characteristics. The most common characteristic observed in vitro was callus formation at the stem base. However, the rarest characteristics were stem callus formation and leaf senescence. The regenerated shoot tips were further subculture and rooted on a medium supplemented with IBA so that complete plants could be obtained. The rooted plants were transplanted to a greenhouse and successfully acclimatized. No significant differences in in vivo development were observed between neem plants from callus and from shoot tip propagation.


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An indirect enzyme linked immunoassay (ELISA-I) was developed and standardized for the serological diagnosis of classical swine fever (CSF). For the comparison, nine hundred and thirty-seven swine serum samples were tested by serum neutralization followed by immunoperoxidase staining (NPLA), considered as the standard. Of these, 223 were positive and 714 negative for neutralizing antibodies to classical swine fever virus (CSFV). In relation to the NPLA, the ELISA-I presented a 98.2% sensitivity; 92.86% specificity, 81.11% positive predictive value, 99.4% negative predictive value and a 94.1% precision. Statistical analysis showed a very strong correlation (r=0,94) between both tests. When compared to a commercially available ELISA kit, the performance of both, in relation to the NPLA, was similar. It was concluded that the ELISA-I is suitable for large scale screening of antibodies to classical swine fever virus, although it does not distinguish antibodies to classical swine fever virus from those induced by other pestiviruses.


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The study determined the sensitivity and specificity of the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and modified agglutination test (MAT) for anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibody detection by analyzing sera from 46 experimentally infected pigs. Values for sensitivity were 95.7% (confidence interval 95%: 84.0-99.2%) and for specificity 97.8% (confidence interval 95%: 87.0-99.9%) in both tests. There was an optimum agreement of results between IFAT and MAT evidenced by a Kappa test of 0.86. These results validate these tests for the detection of T. gondii infection in pigs. IFAT and MAT despite methodologies with different characteristics and readings have similar accuracy in pig serum samples.


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Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis is the etiologic agent of caseous lymphadenitis (CLA), a chronic disease that affects goats and sheep, characterized by granuloma formation in subcutaneous and internal lymph nodes. CLA causes significant economic losses to commercial goat herds. In this study, we aimed to test secreted antigens secreted from T1 strain bacteria grown in brain heart infusion (BHI) broth in an indirect ELISA system to determine the presence of specific immunoglobulins against C. pseudotuberculosis. We analyzed the BHI antigen electrophoretic profile and the recognition pattern by infected sheep sera samples. The ELISA results were compared with multiplex PCR assay and IFN-gamma production. The ELISA was able to discriminate between negative and positive animals, with a sensitivity of 89% and a specificity of 99%, using microbiological isolation as gold standard. When this assay was compared with multiplex PCR and specific IFN-gamma quantification, six discrepant results were found among thirty-two samples. We concluded that the ELISA using antigens secreted from C. pseudotuberculosis T1 strain growth in BHI broth culture can be used for the serodiagnosis of CLA in sheep.


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This is a comparative study of the ultrastructural characteristics of the cells involved in the organogenesis in vitro of Bauhinia forficata Link (indirect system) and Glycine max (L.) Merrill (direct system). B. forficata calli after 30 days culture and G. max meristemoids after 10 days culture were prepared for ultrastructural analysis using conventional methods. Concentrically arranged rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and plastids containing starch grains were seen during G. max and B. forficata organogenesis. The amitotic process, the presence of plastids around the nucleus and nuclear envelope with conspicuous pores were found in B. forficata.


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An indirect hemagglutination test for a seroepidemiological survey of Streptococcus pyogenes infection was standardized. This is an improved modification of the indirect hemagglutination test which utilizes an unstable reagent prepared with fresh blood cells. Two types of bacterial antigens represented by extracellular products and purified streptolysin O were assayed, but only the former antigen gave good results. Pretreatment of the bacterial antigen with 0.15 M NaOH and neutralization to pH 5.5, as well as postfixation of sensitized red cells with 0.1% glutaraldehyde at 56oC for 30 min were found to be essential to give long stability to the reagent in liquid suspension, at least 9 months at 4oC. A total of 564 serum samples with high, moderate and low anti-streptolysin O antibodies as determined by the neutralization assay were studied by the indirect hemagglutination test using the new reagent. The sensitivity, specificity, efficiency, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of the test in relation to the neutralization assay were 0.950, 0.975, 0.963, 0.973, and 0.955, respectively. The kappa agreement index between the two techniques was high (0.926) and ranked as "almost perfect". Antibody levels detected by both techniques also presented a high positive correlation (rs = 0.726). Five reagent batches successively produced proved to be reproducible. Thus, the improved indirect hemagglutination test seems to be useful for public health laboratories.


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Over the past decades, companies’ interest in controlling indirect sourcing process has increased. New indirect procurement strategies developed for the companies are needed in order to manage their indirect costs. New cost management strategies allow companies to improve their core competences. The research methodology and used in this thesis is qualitative. The theory is based on scientific publications. Empirical data given by the case organization, and was collected in the company’s own systems and in project steering meetings. The purpose of the study was to select a new electronic system for the company and give options for the company to reduce case organization’s indirect costs. The result showed that the most effective indirect cost management strategy was adopting a new electronic procurement system.


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The objective of the present study was to investigate whether the injection of a tolerated protein (indirect effects) affects the formation of granulomas around Schistosoma mansoni eggs trapped in the lungs after intravenous (iv) injection into normal (noninfected) C57BL/6 mice (6 animals per group). To induce oral tolerance to chicken egg ovalbumin a 1/5 dilution of egg white in water was offered ad libitum in a drinking bottle for 3 days. Control mice received water. After 7 days, control and experimental animals were injected iv with 2,000 S. mansoni eggs through a tail vein. In some mice of both groups the iv injection of eggs was immediately followed by intraperitoneal (ip) immunization with 10 µg of dinitrophenylated conjugates of ovalbumin (DNP-Ova) emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) or only CFA; 18 days later, mice were bled and killed by ether inhalation. The lungs were fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin. Serial sections of 5 µm were stained with Giemsa, Gomori's silver reticulin and Sirius red (pH 10.2). Granuloma diameters were measured in histological sections previously stained with Gomori's reticulin. Anti-DNP and anti-soluble egg antigen (SEA) antibodies were analyzed by ELISA. In mice orally tolerant to ovalbumin the concomitant ip injection of DNP-Ova resulted in significantly lower anti-SEA antibodies (ELISA*: 1395 ± 352 in non-tolerant and 462 ± 146 in tolerant mice) and affected granuloma formation around eggs, significantly decreasing granuloma size (area: 22,260 ± 2478 to 12,993 ± 3242 µm²). Active mechanisms triggered by injection of tolerated antigen (ovalbumin) reduce granuloma formation.


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Hankintojen johtamisen kirjallisuus korostaa tehokkaan hankinnan olevan käypä keino tehostaa organisaation tulosta kokonaisvaltaisesti. Myös kasvava tietoisuus erityisesti epäsuorista hankintamenetelmistä ja työkaluista toimivat kannustimina tälle tutkimukselle. Tämän Pro Gradu -tutkimuksen päätarkoituksena on rakentaa kokonaisvaltainen ymmärrys epäsuorasta hankinnasta sekä löytää keinoja sen tehostamiseksi. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten globaali, monikansal- linen organisaatio voi parantaa kannattavuuttaan epäsuorissa hankinnoissa, sekä mitkä tekijät hankintastrategiassa vaikuttavat siihen. Tutkimus toteutettiin yksittäisenä tapaustutkimuksena suuren globaalin, monikan- sallisen yrityksen työntekijän näkökulmasta, Pääosa datasta pohjautuu vuonna 2015 toteutettuun Opportunity -analyysi projektiin, joka toteutettiin yhteistyössä ulkoisen konsulttifirman kanssa. Osa datasta pohjautuu puolistrukturoituihin haas- tatteluihin organisaation hankintajohtajan kanssa. Datan keruussa hyödynnettiin lisäksi henkilökohtaista havainnointia ja sekundääristä aineistoa organisaatiosta. Tämä Pro Gradu tutkimus on toteutettu kvalitatiivisella otteella, sisältäen joitakin kvantitatiivisia metodin piirteitä.


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Many arthropods exhibit behaviours precursory to social life, including adult longevity, parental care, nest loyalty and mutual tolerance, yet there are few examples of social behaviour in this phylum. The small carpenter bees, genus Ceratina, provide important insights into the early stages of sociality. I described the biology and social behaviour of five facultatively social species which exhibit all of the preadaptations for successful group living, yet present ecological and behavioural characteristics that seemingly disfavour frequent colony formation. These species are socially polymorphic with both / solitary and social nests collected in sympatry. Social colonies consist of two adult females, one contributing both foraging and reproductive effort and the second which remains at the nest as a passive guard. Cooperative nesting provides no overt reproductive benefits over solitary nesting, although brood survival tends to be greater in social colonies. Three main theories explain cooperation among conspecifics: mutual benefit, kin selection and manipulation. Lifetime reproductive success calculations revealed that mutual benefit does not explain social behaviour in this group as social colonies have lower per capita life time reproductive success than solitary nests. Genetic pedigrees constructed from allozyme data indicate that kin selection might contribute to the maintenance of social nesting -, as social colonies consist of full sisters and thus some indirect fitness benefits are inherently bestowed on subordinate females as a result of remaining to help their dominant sister. These data suggest that the origin of sociality in ceratinines has principal costs and the great ecological success of highly eusociallineages occurred well after social origins. Ecological constraints such as resource limitation, unfavourable weather conditions and parasite pressure have long been considered some of the most important selective pressures for the evolution of sociality. I assessed the fitness consequences of these three ecological factors for reproductive success of solitary and social colonies and found that nest sites were not limiting, and the frequency of social nesting was consistent across brood rearing seasons. Local weather varied between seasons but was not correlated with reproductive success. Severe parasitism resulted in low reproductive success and total nest failure in solitary nests. Social colonies had higher reproductive success and were never extirpated by parasites. I suggest that social nesting represents a form of bet-hedging. The high frequency of solitary nests suggests that this is the optimal strategy when parasite pressure is low. However, social colonies have a selective advantage over solitary nesting females during periods of extreme parasite pressure. Finally, the small carpenter bees are recorded from all continents except Antarctica. I constructed the first molecular phylogeny of ceratinine bees based on four gene regions of selected species covering representatives from all continents and ecological regions. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian Inference tree topology and fossil dating support an African origin followed by an Old World invasion and New World radiation. All known Old World ceratinines form social colonies while New World species are largely solitary; thus geography and phylogenetic inertia are likely predictors of social evolution in this genus. This integrative approach not only describes the behaviour of several previously unknown or little-known Ceratina species, bu~ highlights the fact that this is an important, though previously unrecognized, model for studying evolutionary transitions from solitary to social behaviour.


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Complex networks can arise naturally and spontaneously from all things that act as a part of a larger system. From the patterns of socialization between people to the way biological systems organize themselves, complex networks are ubiquitous, but are currently poorly understood. A number of algorithms, designed by humans, have been proposed to describe the organizational behaviour of real-world networks. Consequently, breakthroughs in genetics, medicine, epidemiology, neuroscience, telecommunications and the social sciences have recently resulted. The algorithms, called graph models, represent significant human effort. Deriving accurate graph models is non-trivial, time-intensive, challenging and may only yield useful results for very specific phenomena. An automated approach can greatly reduce the human effort required and if effective, provide a valuable tool for understanding the large decentralized systems of interrelated things around us. To the best of the author's knowledge this thesis proposes the first method for the automatic inference of graph models for complex networks with varied properties, with and without community structure. Furthermore, to the best of the author's knowledge it is the first application of genetic programming for the automatic inference of graph models. The system and methodology was tested against benchmark data, and was shown to be capable of reproducing close approximations to well-known algorithms designed by humans. Furthermore, when used to infer a model for real biological data the resulting model was more representative than models currently used in the literature.


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Complex networks are systems of entities that are interconnected through meaningful relationships. The result of the relations between entities forms a structure that has a statistical complexity that is not formed by random chance. In the study of complex networks, many graph models have been proposed to model the behaviours observed. However, constructing graph models manually is tedious and problematic. Many of the models proposed in the literature have been cited as having inaccuracies with respect to the complex networks they represent. However, recently, an approach that automates the inference of graph models was proposed by Bailey [10] The proposed methodology employs genetic programming (GP) to produce graph models that approximate various properties of an exemplary graph of a targeted complex network. However, there is a great deal already known about complex networks, in general, and often specific knowledge is held about the network being modelled. The knowledge, albeit incomplete, is important in constructing a graph model. However it is difficult to incorporate such knowledge using existing GP techniques. Thus, this thesis proposes a novel GP system which can incorporate incomplete expert knowledge that assists in the evolution of a graph model. Inspired by existing graph models, an abstract graph model was developed to serve as an embryo for inferring graph models of some complex networks. The GP system and abstract model were used to reproduce well-known graph models. The results indicated that the system was able to evolve models that produced networks that had structural similarities to the networks generated by the respective target models.