936 resultados para food frequency questionnaire


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A preocupação acrescida com a condição e aparência física, refletem-se em cuidados com o estado de saúde e bem-estar e são, nos últimos anos, responsáveis pela expansão dos ginásios e health clubs.Mas, atividade física e a alimentação estão intimamente ligadas, tanto no que respeita à estética como também, com maiores preocupações, no que respeita à saúde. Daí que as duas vertentes estejam ligadas à imagem de pessoas saudáveis e vigorosas. Na verdade, a capacidade de rendimento do organismo melhora com a nutrição adequada. A avaliação da composição corporal é um importante aspeto na determinação da condição física e permite-nos observar as alterações fisiológicas produzidas pelos programas de atividade física e/ou alimentares, oferecendo informações quanto a sua eficiência ou possíveis correções a serem efetuadas. Pretendeu-se com o presente estudo caracterizar os hábitos alimentares e a composição corporal dos indivíduos praticantes de exercício físico num ginásio do Concelho de Coimbra. A amostra foi constituída por 50 indivíduos, 22 do sexo masculino e 28 do sexo feminino, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 57 anos. Estes indivíduos têm em comum o facto de praticarem exercício físico num mesmo ginásio, de uma forma sistemática há pelo menos 6 meses. Para a caracterização dos hábitos de AF dos participantes no estudo foi utilizada a versão curta do International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Para avaliação nutricional recorreu-se ao Questionário Semiquantitativo de Frequência Alimentar (QSFA), elaborado pelo Serviço de Higiene e Epidemiologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto. A conversão dos alimentos em nutrientes foi realizada recorrendo ao programa informático Food Processor Plus ® versão 7.0. Foram ainda avaliados os seguintes parâmetros antropométricos: peso, altura, perímetro abdominal, IMC, massa gorda e massa magra. As análises estatísticas foram efetuadas com recurso ao Programa Estatístico SPSS (Statistical Package for the Sciences) para o Windows, versão 20.0. O nível de significância estatística foi mantida em 5% (p<0,05). A análise dos dados permitiu retirar as seguintes conclusões: Os frequentadores de ginásio são na sua maioria indivíduos do sexo feminino (56%), jovens com uma idade média de 27±7 anos. A maioria dos participantes do estudo praticava EF (exercício físico) há 39 meses, no entanto no grupo existe uma grande variabilidade, existindo indivíduos que praticam EF há 6 meses, e outros que o fazem há 180 meses. Praticam EF com uma frequência média de 3,5±1,3 sessões/semana a que corresponde uma prática de EF 6,40±3,2 h/semana. A maioria apresentava um Perímetro Abdominal (PA) de 85,2±6,3 cm, Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) normal (23,1± 2,6 kg/m2), valores de Massa Gorda (MG) (23,9%) e de Massa Muscular (MM) de 34,6±7,9%. Observou-se uma diminuição da MG com o tempo de prática de exercício de 25,3% (praticantes entre 6-12 meses) vs 20,9% (praticantes> 48 meses). Esta influência temporal, embora sem significado estatístico, verifica-se também relativamente ao perímetro abdominal e IMC, embora neste último numa razão inversa, caracterizada pelo seu aumento. O tipo de exercício praticado influencia a composição corporal: praticantes de exercício aeróbio apresentam um perímetro abdominal inferior (82,3±6,0 cm) aos praticantes de outro tipo de exercícios porém acompanhado de uma percentagem de massa gorda superior (29,4±6,0%).Os praticantes de exercício de resistência apresentam valores de MG de 16,0±7,4%. No estudo por nós realizado, constatou-se inadequação na quantidade energética consumida, face às necessidades efetivas da amostra. Embora a ingestão de hidratos de carbono, de fibra e de lípidos se apresente dentro dos limites recomendados a ingestão de proteína ultrapassa os valores recomendados.Os resultados obtidos mostram que o tipo de exercício bem como o tempo de prática de exercício influenciam a composição corporal. Verificou-se ainda que a alimentação dos participantes no estudo não é adequada do ponto de vista nutricional e para além disso os hábitos nutricionais não parecem influir na composição corporal da amostra. Mais estudos serão necessários para que os hábitos alimentares dos praticantes de exercício em ginásios e health clubs sejam bem conhecidos e os profissionais da área tenham mais informações e possam orientar melhor os praticantes de exercício físico regular em ginásios e health clubs de modo a otimizar os resultados pretendidos através de um aconselhamento nutricional individualizado.


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Moderate alcohol intake can influence sex hormone levels and affect ovarian function as well as increasing breast cancer risk. This suggests that alcohol might also influence ovarian cancer risk. We have evaluated this among 696 Australian women with histologically confirmed epithelial ovarian cancer and 786 cancer-free control women, selected at random from the electoral roll. Sociodemographic information and a detailed reproductive history were collected in a face-to-face interview, and information about diet and alcohol consumption was obtained from a food frequency questionnaire. Logistic regression was used to calculate adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Overall, 59% of women drank


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A cross-sectional study was undertaken in Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia to assess preschool children and caretaker dietary intake of vitamin A (VA) (including provitamin A carotenoids) and other nutrients contributing to VA status and to investigate relationships between VA intake and factors affecting dietary intake. Ethnography, food sample analysis, two dietary assessment methods (7-day food frequency questionnaire and quantitative 24-hour recall for three nonconsecutive days) administered by trained interviewers to a random sample group, and cultivar difference specification (yellow-fleshed versus white-fleshed bananas) contributed to the richness of the study. Vitamin A intake was low, approximately half of the estimated requirements for children (n = 65) and caretakers (n = 65), whereas protein intake was high. There were no clear significant relationships associated with gender, caretaker education, caretaker occupation, and socio-economic status with VA intake, indicating that a broad-based intervention over all population segments is needed to change dietary behavior, The ethnographic approach was critical for survey instrument development and data analysis.


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Background and Objective: Estimates of dietary folate intake are currently of considerable interest, but no rapid tools are available to assess dietary intake of folate that are well suited to everyday health promotion activities, We developed and tested the reliability and validity of two prototypes of a rapid dietary assessment tool (a folate intake tool, FIT) to determine dietary intake of folate. Study Design and Setting: Five hundred and sixty eight men and women aged 33-93 years from Perth, Western Australia. Completed one of the two prototypes of the tool and gave a fasting blood sample for measurement of serum folate. A subset (n - 277) of participants completed the same tool on a second occasion 3-6 weeks later. Results: The Pearson correlations (r) between folate score from the tool and serum folate were moderately high for both prototypes (FIT-A r = 0.54-, FIT-B r = 0.49). The folate scores for the two prototypes were similar on repeat testing and correlated strongly (FIT-A r = 0.75; FIT-B r = 0.68). Conclusions: The rapid dietary assessment tool described here, FIT, provides a valid and reliable measurement of dietary intake of folate for both men and women. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This cross-sectional study examined the physical status, nutrient intake and dietary pattern of adolescent female factory workers in urban Bangladesh. A total of 1211 postmenarchial girls aged 14-19y from seventeen readymade garment industries spread over the Dhaka City participated in the study. Body weight, height and skin fold thickness were measured for all subjects. The nutrient intake was assessed by 24-h recall method and 7-day food frequency questionnaire was used to investigate their dietary pattern on a sub-sample of 509 girls. Sixty five percent of the girls were short (height-for-age,


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Ethnicities within Black populations have not been distinguished in most nutrition studies. We sought to examine dietary differences between African Americans (AA) and Haitian Americans (HA) with and without type 2 diabetes using the Healthy Eating Index, 2005 (HEI-05), and the Alternate Healthy Eating Index (AHEI). The design was cross-sectional (225 AA, 246 HA) and recruitment was by community outreach. The eating indices were calculated from data collected with the Harvard food-frequency questionnaire. African Americans had lower HEI-05 scores (−8.67, 13.1); , than HA. Haitian American females and AA males had higher AHEI than AA females and HA males, respectively, () adjusting for age and education. Participants with diabetes had higher adherence to the HEI-05 (1.78, 6.01), , and lower adherence to the AHEI (16.3, −3.19), , , than participants without diabetes. The findings underscore the importance of disaggregating ethnicities and disease state when assessing diet.


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Background: Omega-3 fatty acids (n-3) may be protective of cardiovascular risk factors for vulnerable populations. The purpose of this study was to assess the association between n-3 with, C-reactive protein (CRP), and homocysteine (HCY) in Black minorities with and without type 2 diabetes. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 406 participants: Haitian Americans (HA): n=238. African Americans (AA): n=172. Participants were recruited from a randomly generated mailing lists, local diabetes educators, community health practitioners and advertisements from 2008-2010. Sociodemographics and anthropometrics were collected and used to adjust analyses. All dietary variables were collected using the semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and used to quantify vitamin components. Blood was collected to measure CVD risk factors (blood lipids, HCY, and CRP). Results: African Americans had higher waist circumferences and C-reactive protein and consumed more calories as compared to Haitian Americans. Omega 3 fatty acid intake per calorie did not differ between these ethnicities, yet African Americans with low n-3 intake were three times more likely to have high C-reactive protein as compared to their counterparts [OR=3. 32 (1. 11, 9. 26) p=0.031]. Although homocysteine did not differ by ethnicity, African Americans with low omega 3 intake (<1 g/day) were four times as likely to have high homocysteine (>12 mg/L) as compared to their counterparts, adjusting for confounders [OR=4.63 (1.59, 12.0) p=0.004]. Consumption of n-3 by diabetes status was not associated with C-reactive protein or homocysteine levels. Conclusions: Consumption of n-3 may be protective of cardiovascular risk factors such as C-r


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Background: Arterial pulse pressure, the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure, has been used as an indicator (surrogate measure) of arterial stiffness. High arterial pulse pressure (> 40) has been associated with increased cardiovascular disease and mortality. Several clinical trials have reported that the proportion of calories from carbohydrate has an effect on blood pressure. The primary objective of this study was to assess arterial pulse pressure and its association with carbohydrate quantity and quality (glycemic load) with diabetes status for a Cuban American population. Methods: A single point analysis included 367 participants. There was complete data for 365 (190 with and 175 without type 2 diabetes). The study was conducted in the investigator’s laboratory located in Miami, Florida. Demographic, dietary, anthropometric and laboratory data were collected. Arterial pulse pressure was calculated by the formula systolic minus the diastolic blood pressure. Glycemic load, fructose, sucrose, percent of average daily calories from carbohydrate, fat and protein, grams of fiber and micronutrient intakes were calculated from a validated food frequency questionnaire. Results: The mean arterial pulse pressure was significantly higher in participants with (52.9 ± 12.4) than without (48.6 ± 13.4) type 2 diabetes. The odds of persons with diabetes having high arterial pulse pressure (>40) was 1.85 (95% CI =1.09, 3.13); p=0.023. For persons with type 2 diabetes higher glycemic load was associated with lower arterial pulse pressure. Conclusions: Arterial pulse pressure and diet are modifiable risk factors of cardiovascular disease. Arterial pulse pressure may be associated with carbohydrate intake differently considering diabetes status. Results may be due to individuals with diabetes following dietary recommendations. The findings of this study suggest clinicians take into consideration how medical condition, ethnicity and diet are associated with arterial pulse pressure before developing a medical nutrition therapy plan in collaboration with the client.


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In the US, one in every eight deaths is due to an obesity-related chronic health condition (ORCHC). More than half of African American women (AAW) 20 years old or older are obese or morbidly obese, as are 63% of menopausal AAW. Many have ORCHC that increase their morbidity and mortality and increase health care costs. In 2013, 42.6 percent of AAs living in South Carolina (SC) were obese. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to identify the cognitive, behavioral, biological, and demographic factors that influence health outcomes (BMI, and ORCHC) of AAW living in rural SC. A sample of 200 AAW (50 in each of the 4 groups of rurality by menopausal status), 18-64 years, completed the: Menopausal Rating Scale (symptoms); Body Image Assessment for Obesity (self-perception of body); Mental Health Inventory; Block Food Frequency Questionnaire; Eating Behaviors and Chronic Conditions, Traditional Food Habits, and Food Preparation Technique questionnaires — and measures for Body Mass Index. Most rural, and premenopausal AAW were single and not living with a partner. Premenopausal women had significantly higher educational levels. Sixty percent of AAW had between 1 and 5 ORCHC. Most AAW used salt based seasonings, ate deep fried foods 1 to 3 times a week, and ate outside the home 1 to 3 times a month. Few AAW knew the correct daily serving for grains and dairy, and most consumed less than the recommended daily serving of fruits, vegetables and dairy. Morbidly obese AAW used more traditional food preparation techniques than obese and normal-weight AAW. Rural, and menopausal AAW had significantly higher morbid obesity levels, consumed larger portions of meats and vegetables, and reported more body image dissatisfaction than very rural AAW, and premenopausal AAW, respectively. Controlling for socioeconomic factors the relationships between perceptions of body images, psychological distress, and psychological wellbeing remained significant for numbers of ORCHC^


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Background: To determine the portion sizes of traditional and non-traditional foods being consumed by Inuit adults in three remote communities in Nunavut, Canada. Methods. A cross-sectional study was carried out between June and October, 2008. Trained field workers collected dietary data using a culturally appropriate, validated quantitative food frequency questionnaire (QFFQ) developed specifically for the study population. Results: Caribou, muktuk (whale blubber and skin) and Arctic char (salmon family), were the most commonly consumed traditional foods; mean portion sizes for traditional foods ranged from 10 g for fermented seal fat to 424 g for fried caribou. Fried bannock and white bread were consumed by >85% of participants; mean portion sizes for these foods were 189 g and 70 g, respectively. Sugar-sweetened beverages and energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods were also widely consumed. Mean portion sizes for regular pop and sweetened juices with added sugar were 663 g and 572 g, respectively. Mean portion sizes for potato chips, pilot biscuits, cakes, chocolate and cookies were 59 g, 59 g, 106 g, 59 g, and 46 g, respectively. Conclusions: The present study provides further evidence of the nutrition transition that is occurring among Inuit in the Canadian Arctic. It also highlights a number of foods and beverages that could be targeted in future nutritional intervention programs aimed at obesity and diet-related chronic disease prevention in these and other Inuit communities.


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Background: Research indicates that a diet rich in whole grains may reduce the risk of prevalent chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some cancers, and that risk for these diseases varies by ethnicity. The objective of the current study was to identify major dietary sources of grains and describe their contribution to B vitamins in five ethnic groups. Methods. A cross-sectional mail survey was used to collect data from participants in the Multiethnic Cohort Study in Hawaii and Los Angeles County, United States, from 1993 to 1996. Dietary intake data collected using a quantitative food frequency questionnaire was available for 186,916 participants representing five ethnic groups (African American, Latino, Japanese American, Native Hawaiian and Caucasian) aged 45-75 years. The top sources of grain foods were determined, and their contribution to thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, and folic acid intakes were analyzed. Results: The top source of whole grains was whole wheat/rye bread for all ethnic-sex groups, followed by popcorn and cooked cereals, except for Native Hawaiian men and Japanese Americans, for whom brown/wild rice was the second top source; major contributors of refined grains were white rice and white bread, except for Latinos. Refined grain foods contributed more to grain consumption (27.1-55.6%) than whole grain foods (7.4-30.8%) among all ethnic-sex groups, except African American women. Grain foods made an important contribution to the intakes of thiamin (30.2-45.9%), riboflavin (23.1-29.2%), niacin (27.1-35.8%), vitamin B6 (22.9-27.5%), and folic acid (23.3-27.7%). Conclusions: This is the first study to document consumption of different grain sources and their contribution to B vitamins in five ethnic groups in the U.S. Findings can be used to assess unhealthful food choices, to guide dietary recommendations, and to help reduce risk of chronic diseases in these populations.


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Objective. The prevalence of smoking in Aboriginal Canadians is higher than non-Aboriginal Canadians, a behavior that also tends to alter dietary patterns. Compared with the general Canadian population, maternal smoking rates are almost twice as high. The aim of this study was to compare dietary adequacy of Inuvialuit women of childbearing age comparing smokers versus non-smokers. Research methods & procedures. A cross-sectional study, where participants completed a culturally specific quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Non-parametric analysis was used to compare mean nutrient intake, dietary inadequacy and differences in nutrient density among smokers and non-smokers. Multiple logistic regression analyses were performed for key nutrients inadequacy and smoking status. Data was collected from three communities in the Beaufort Delta region of the Northwest Territories, Canada from randomly selected Inuvialuit women of childbearing age (19-44 years). Results: Of 92 participants, 75% reported being smokers. There were no significant differences in age, BMI, marital status, education, number of people in household working and/or number of self employed, and physical activity between smokers and non-smokers. Non-parametric analysis showed no differences in nutrient intake between smokers and non-smokers. Logistic regression however revealed there was a positive association between smoking and inadequacies of vitamin C (OR = 2.91, 95% CI, 1.17-5.25), iron (OR = 3.16, 95% CI, 1.27-5.90), and zinc (OR = 2.78, 95% CI, 1.12-4.94). A high percentage of women (>60%), regardless of smoking status, did not meet the dietary recommendations for fiber, vitamin D, E and potassium. Conclusions: This study provides evidence of inadequate dietary intake among Inuvialuit of childbearing age regardless of smoking behavior.


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In the US, one in every eight deaths is due to an obesity-related chronic health condition (ORCHC). More than half of African American women (AAW) 20 years old or older are obese or morbidly obese, as are 63% of menopausal AAW. Many have ORCHC that increase their morbidity and mortality and increase health care costs. In 2013, 42.6 percent of AAs living in South Carolina (SC) were obese. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to identify the cognitive, behavioral, biological, and demographic factors that influence health outcomes (BMI, and ORCHC) of AAW living in rural SC. A sample of 200 AAW (50 in each of the 4 groups of rurality by menopausal status), 18-64 years, completed the: Menopausal Rating Scale (symptoms); Body Image Assessment for Obesity (self-perception of body); Mental Health Inventory; Block Food Frequency Questionnaire; Eating Behaviors and Chronic Conditions, Traditional Food Habits, and Food Preparation Technique questionnaires – and measures for Body Mass Index. Most rural, and premenopausal AAW were single and not living with a partner. Premenopausal women had significantly higher educational levels. Sixty percent of AAW had between 1 and 5 ORCHC. Most AAW used salt based seasonings, ate deep fried foods 1 to 3 times a week, and ate outside the home 1 to 3 times a month. Few AAW knew the correct daily serving for grains and dairy, and most consumed less than the recommended daily serving of fruits, vegetables and dairy. Morbidly obese AAW used more traditional food preparation techniques than obese and normal-weight AAW. Rural, and menopausal AAW had significantly higher morbid obesity levels, consumed larger portions of meats and vegetables, and reported more body image dissatisfaction than very rural AAW, and premenopausal AAW, respectively. Controlling for socioeconomic factors the relationships between perceptions of body images, psychological distress, and psychological wellbeing remained significant for numbers of ORCHC


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Background: Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) is an important public health problem in Canada, especially among adolescents. Estimates show that rates of SSB consumption are particularly high in the northern territories, especially in Nunavut. This is concerning given that regular SSB consumption is associated with obesity, diabetes and tooth decay, among other health concerns. Objectives: This thesis has two objectives. The first is to describe SSB consumption patterns among adolescents from Nunavut specifically, all three territories combined and the provinces.The second is to determine the association between individual and cumulative school food programs and SSB consumption. Methods: Data were obtained from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study (HBSC); a cross-sectional survey of Canadian youth in grades 6-10. All frequencies for food and beverage consumption were obtained from a 7-day food frequency questionnaire. SSB consumption consisted of a composite measure including soft drinks, sports drinks and energy drinks. The types of school food programs were obtained from an administrative questionnaire filled out by each school’s Principal or delegate. Multilevel multivariate Poisson regression models were used to examine the associations between school food programs and SSB consumption. Results: Youth from Nunavut consumed the most SSBs (53.1% in 2010 and 55.0% in 2014 were daily consumers), followed by youth from the territories (31.1% in 2010 and 27.0% in 2014), then youth from the provinces (24.3% in 2010 and 19.1% in 2014). No significant relationships were found between school food programs and daily SSB consumption. Two school food programs were weakly associated with weekly SSB consumption: nutrition month activities (RR=0.93,CI=0.89, 0.98) and healthy options in the snack bar (RR=1.07, CI=1.01, 1.14). Conclusions:Rates of SSB consumption were highest among Nunavummiut youth followed by youth from all three territories combined and then the provinces. Little association was found between school food programs and SSB consumption among Canadian youth in grades 6-10. These findings point to the need for examining other determinants and potential areas for intervention, for reducing SSB consumption among Canadian youth, particularly in high consumer sub-populations.


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[EN]To compare the one year effect of two dietary interventions with MeDiet on GL and GI in the PREDIMED trial. Methods. Participants were older subjects at high risk for cardiovascular disease. This analysis included 2866 nondiabetic subjects. Diet was assessed with a validated 137-item food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). The GI of each FFQ item was assigned by a 5-step methodology using the International Tables of GI and GL Values. Generalized linear models were fitted to assess the relationship between the intervention group and dietary GL and GI at one year of follow-up, using control group as reference.