945 resultados para Reasons to believe
Background and aim of the study: In Switzerland no HIV test is performed without the patient's consent based on a Voluntary Counseling and Testing policy (VCT). We hypothesized that a substantial proportion of patients going through an elective surgery falsely believed that an HIV test was performed on a routine basis and that the lack of transmission of result was interpreted as being HIV negative. Material and method: All patients with elective orthopedic surgery during 2007 were contacted by phone in 2008. A structured questionnaire assessed their belief about routine preoperative blood analysis (glycemia, coagulation capacity, HIV serology and cholesterol) as well as result awareness and interpretation. Variables included age and gender. Analysis were conducted using the software JMP 6.0.3. Results: 1123 patients were included. 130 (12%) were excluded (i.e. unreachable, unable to communicate on the phone, not operated). 993 completed the survey (89%). Median age was 51 (16-79). 50% were female. 376 (38%) patients thought they had an HIV test performed before surgery but none of them had one. 298 (79%) interpreted the absence of result as a negative HIV test. A predictive factor to believe an HIV test had been done was an age below 50 years old (45% vs 33% for 16-49 years old and 50-79 years old respectively, p <0.001). No difference was observed between genders. Conclusion: In Switzerland, nearly 40% of the patients falsely thought an HIV test had been performed on a routine basis before surgery and were erroneously reassured about their HIV status. These results should either improve the information given to the patient regarding preoperative exams, or motivate public health policy to consider HIV opt-out screening, as patients are already expecting it.
Työvoiman vuokraus on houkutteleva tapa yrityksille varautua tulevaisuuden epävarmuuteen. Alana työvoiman vuokraus on kasvava. Verrattuna Euroopan lukuihin Suomessa käytetäänvuokratyövoimaa vielä alle keskiarvon, mutta vuonna 2005 ala työllisti 100 % enemmän kuin viisi vuotta aiemmin. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää vuokratyövoiman käytön syitä ja motiiveja käyttäjäyritysten näkökulmasta, sekä tapoja, miten vuokratyövoimaa käytetään. Tutkimus on suoritettu haastattelemalla yhdeksän yrityksen edustajia teemahaastatteluin. Haastatteluissa nousi helppous ja joustavuus suurimmiksi syiksi vuokrata henkilöstöä. Varsinaista strategiaa vuokratyövoiman käytössä oli vain parilla yrityksellä. Suurin osa vain reagoi tilanteeseen ottamalla lisää tai vähentämällä vuokratyöntekijöiden määrää ¿selkeä etu, mikä yritysten keskuudessa nähtiin. Vuokratyöntekijöitä haluttiin johtaa samallatavalla kuin vakituista henkilöstöä, mutta vuokratyösuhteen malli toi haasteita, joka joskus näkyy erilaisena kohteluna tai johtamisen vähyytenä.
This paper describes the main features and present results of MPRO-Spanish, a parser for morphological and syntactic analysis of unrestricted Spanish text developed at the IAI1. This parser makes direct use of X-phrase structure rules to handle a variety of patterns from derivational morphology and syntactic structure. Both analyses, morphological and syntactic, are realised by two subsequent modules. One module analyses and disambiguates the source words at morphological level while the other consists of a series of programs and a deterministic, procedural and explicit grammar. The article explains the main features of MPRO and resumes some of the experiments on some of its applications, some of which still being implemented like the monolingual and bilingual term extraction while others need further work like indexing. The results and applications obtained so far with simple and relatively complex sentences give us grounds to believe in its reliability.
A partir de la constatación de que la magnitud de la subnutrición constituye uno de los grandes problemas a escala planetaria para las organizaciones multilaterales de desarrollo, en este artículo se pretende (a) ofrecer una panorámica general de lo que las más recientes estimaciones estadísticas nos dicen del alcance del hambre en el mundo; (b) proponer una reflexión sobre las incongruencias de los diagnósticos emitidos por décadas para explicarla desde la Economía y la Sociología del Desarrollo, insistiendo en la recurrencia a la presión demográfica y al tradicionalismo como causas principales; (c) analizar las principales consecuencias de las líneas de intervención impulsadas a tenor de esos diagnósticos; y (d) sondear la viabilidad de quienes señalan razones estructurales profundas para explicar la persistencia de la subnutrición.
Brazil is a very large country with a diverse climate. This fact allows a diversity of plants to grow ranging from tropical rainforest in the Amazon, passing through Atlantic Forest along the coast, the cerrados (Brazilian savannah) in the Central West region, and semi-arid area in the Northeast. Latitude ranges from 5º N to 33º S, with most of this territory in the tropical region. There are enough reasons to plant breeders devoting great amount of their effort to improve plants suitable for warm climates, though. Among fruit crops, results of breeder's work have been noticed in several species, especially on peaches, grapes, citrus, apples, persimmons, figs, pears and others not so common, such as acerola, guava, annonas (sour sop, sugar apple, atemoya, cherimoya) and passion fruit. Peach tree introduced at low latitude (22 ± 2ºS) requires climatic adaptation to subtropical conditions of low chilling. In Brazil, the first peach breeding program aiming adaptation of cultivars to different habitats was developed by Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (IAC) beginning in the end of the 40's. Apple low chill requirement cultivars obtained in a South state, Paraná, are now been planted at low latitudes. Banana and pineapple breeding programs from Embrapa units along the country are successfully facing new sanitary problems. Petrolina/Juazeiro, in the Northeastern region (9ºS), is the main grape exporting region with more than 6,000 ha. Grape growing in the region is based in the so called "tropical" rootstocks released by IAC, namely: IAC 313 'Tropical', IAC 572 'Jales'. Recently, Embrapa Grape and Wine released tropical grape seedless cultivars that are changing table grape scenario in the country.
Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli analysoida ja kehittää lopputuotteiden varastointia Halton Oy:ssä. Työ toteutettiin, koska yrityksen laajasta tuotevalikoimasta monia nimikkeitä varastoidaan tällä hetkellä ja ne sitovat runsaasti pääomaa varastoon. Lisäksi yrityksellä on vain rajallinen varastointitila käytettävissä ja sitä haluttiin hyödyntää optimaalisesti. Työssä suunniteltiin yritykselle varastoitavien tuotenimikkeiden hallintaprosessi ja lisäksi tutkittiin kuinka yritys voisi tarjota tuotteitaan nopeammin tärkeimmille ulkomaan markkina-alueille. Työn alussa huomio kohdistui myynniltään vähemmän merkittäviin varastonimikkeisiin, joita analysoitiin suunniteltujen kriteerien avulla. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mitkä varastonimikkeistä voitaisiin siirtää tilausohjautuviksi. Tärkeimpinä analysointikriteereinä käytettiin nimikkeiden alhaista myyntimäärää, lyhyttä tuotannonläpimenoaikaa sekä varastoitavien nimikkeiden lukumäärää tuoteryhmässä. Työssä huomioitiin kuitenkin myös muita mahdollisia syitä varastointiin. Lisäksi tehtiin havaintoja tilausohjautuvista nimikkeistä, jotka saattaisivat tarvita varastointia. Suunniteltuun hallintaprosessiin sisältyi kriteerien lisäksi myös varastotasojen määrittäminen yrityksen nykyisen varastomallin pohjalta. Työssä tutkittiin kuitenkin myös mahdollisia tulevaisuuden varastomalleja, joiden tarkoituksena olisi parantaa asiakaspalvelua ulkomailla. Tutkimus keskittyi pääasiassa nimikkeiden kysyntöjen analysointiin eri varastomallien myyntialueilla.
Changes in human lives are studied in psychology, sociology, and adjacent fields as outcomes of developmental processes, institutional regulations and policies, culturally and normatively structured life courses, or empirical accounts. However, such studies have used a wide range of complementary, but often divergent, concepts. This review has two aims. First, we report on the structure that has emerged from scientific life course research by focusing on abstracts from longitudinal and life course studies beginning with the year 2000. Second, we provide a sense of the disciplinary diversity of the field and assess the value of the concept of 'vulnerability' as a heuristic tool for studying human lives. Applying correspondence analysis to 10,632 scientific abstracts, we find a disciplinary divide between psychology and sociology, and observe indications of both similarities of-and differences between-studies, driven at least partly by the data and methods employed. We also find that vulnerability takes a central position in this scientific field, which leads us to suggest several reasons to see value in pursuing theory development for longitudinal and life course studies in this direction.
[cat] Estudiem les propietats teòriques que una funció d.emparellament ha de satisfer per tal de representar un mercat laboral amb friccions dins d'un model d'equilibri general amb emparellament aleatori. Analitzem el cas Cobb-Douglas, CES i altres formes funcionals per a la funció d.emparellament. Els nostres resultats estableixen restriccions sobre els paràmetres d'aquests formes funcionals per assegurar que l.equilibri és interior. Aquestes restriccions aporten raons teòriques per escollir entre diverses formes funcionals i permeten dissenyar tests d'error d'especificació de model en els treballs empírics.
[cat] Estudiem les propietats teòriques que una funció d.emparellament ha de satisfer per tal de representar un mercat laboral amb friccions dins d'un model d'equilibri general amb emparellament aleatori. Analitzem el cas Cobb-Douglas, CES i altres formes funcionals per a la funció d.emparellament. Els nostres resultats estableixen restriccions sobre els paràmetres d'aquests formes funcionals per assegurar que l.equilibri és interior. Aquestes restriccions aporten raons teòriques per escollir entre diverses formes funcionals i permeten dissenyar tests d'error d'especificació de model en els treballs empírics.
Diplomityön päätavoitteena oli kehittää UPM-Kymmene Seaways Oy:lle ISO 14001 -standardiin pohjautuva ympäristöjärjestelmä. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tuoda organisaatiolle tietämystä ympäristöjohtamisesta, sekä arvioida laaditun järjestelmän toimivuutta organisaation toiminnasta aiheutuvien ympäristöhaittojen vähentäjänä. Järjestelmän laatiminen käsitti suunnittelun, organisoinnin ja toteutuksen keskeisten dokumentointien osalta. Viime vuosina metsäteollisuusyrityksille on luotu paineita ympäristöasioiden hoitamisen tehostamisesta. Tämä on kohdistunut myös metsäteollisuuden kuljetuksiin, joten on ollut perusteltua kehittää myös kuljetusorganisaatioiden ympäristöjohtamista. UPM-Kymmene Seaways Oy:n ympäristöjohtamisen kehittämistyössä lähdettiin organisaation sidosryhmien odotuksista liikkeelle. Lisäksi tutustuttiin kuljetusten aiheuttamiin ympäristöhaittoihin ja selvitettiin organisaation vaikutusmahdollisuuksia haittojen vähentämiseen. Johtamisjärjestelmä pyrittiin luomaan luonnolliseksi osaksi jokapäiväistä toimintaa, joka ottaa ympäristöasiat huomioon myös toiminnan jatkuvassa kehittämisessä. Laadittu ympäristöjärjestelmä integroituna osaksi kokonaisvaltaista toimintajärjestelmää täytti organisaation sille asettamat tavoitteet melko hyvin. Järjestelmän mukana tuoma työn määrä ei kasvanut liian suureksi ja ympäristöasioista muodostui yksi merkittävä päätöksiin vaikuttavista tekijöistä.
During the fieldwork in the medieval fortification of Ausa (Gipuzkoa), a vast amount of sherds from several pottery artifacts featured by a cylindrical body has been found out. They presumably had the same function in contexts dated from the first half of xiv century. Although it has not been possible to reconstruct any of these artefacts, the study of the sherds allows us to think that they would have formed some sort of big-sized horn. This high-sounding instrument, which has been frequently reproduced in iconographic references, does not have at this moment any direct parallelism in Hispanic contexts, despite being plentiful of references to similar objects in medieval ranges from Provence and Languedoc. By introducing these artefacts from different approaches, we aim to go over the scarce knowledge of these instruments, whose evidence lets us to believe in their widespread distribution all over the landscape in several material contexts from Medieval Ages.
During the fieldwork in the medieval fortification of Ausa (Gipuzkoa), a vast amount of sherds from several pottery artifacts featured by a cylindrical body has been found out. They presumably had the same function in contexts dated from the first half of xiv century. Although it has not been possible to reconstruct any of these artefacts, the study of the sherds allows us to think that they would have formed some sort of big-sized horn. This high-sounding instrument, which has been frequently reproduced in iconographic references, does not have at this moment any direct parallelism in Hispanic contexts, despite being plentiful of references to similar objects in medieval ranges from Provence and Languedoc. By introducing these artefacts from different approaches, we aim to go over the scarce knowledge of these instruments, whose evidence lets us to believe in their widespread distribution all over the landscape in several material contexts from Medieval Ages.
Two studies examined the effect of applicants' smiling on hireability. In a pre-test study, participants were asked to rate the expected behavior for four types of applicants. Newspaper reporter applicants were expected to be more serious than applicants for other jobs. In Study 1, participants were randomly assigned to be an applicant or interviewer for a newspaper reporting job. Smiling was negatively related to hiring, and smiling mediated the relation between applicants' motivation to make a good impression and hiring. Hiring was maximized when applicants smiled less in the middle of the interview relative to the start and end. In Study 2, participants watched Study 1 clips and were randomly assigned to believe the applicants were applying to one of four jobs. Participants rated more suitability when applicants smiled less, especially for jobs associated with a serious demeanor. This research shows that job type is an important moderator of the impact of smiling on hiring.
This paper describes and analyses language norms in a storytelling manual published in the Frenchspeaking part of Switzerland. In the manual, storytelling is conceived as a means of persuasion and thus it appears that an appropriate storytelling should lead to believe or to act. What exactly is "appropriateness" in this specific case? In order to examine this issue, this paper addresses three questions: how storytelling is promoted as an efficient communicative technique; which methods are used to propose and support language norms (by showing "what the storyteller should do" and by saying "how he should do so"); and which are the criteria which define an appropriate story (semantic/formal and functional criteria) and an appropriate telling of the story (communicative and linguistic criteria).
The impact of transnational private regulation on labour standards remains in dispute. While studies have provided some limited evidence of positive effects on 'outcome standards' such as wages or occupational health and safety, the literature gives little reason to believe that there has been any significant effect on 'process rights' relating primarily to collective workers' voice and social dialogue. This paper probes this assumption by bringing local contexts and worker agency more fully into the picture. It outlines an analytical framework that emphasizes workers' potential to act collectively for change in the regulatory space surrounding the employment relationship. It argues that while transnational private regulation on labour standards may marginally improve workers access to regulatory spaces and their capacity to require the inclusion of enterprises in them, it does little to increase union leverage. The findings are based on empirical research work conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa.