Periapical surgery is required when periradicular pathosis associated with endodontically treated teeth cannot be resolved by nonsurgical root canal therapy (retreatment), or when retreatment was unsuccessful, not feasible or contraindicated. Endodontic failures can occur when irritants remain within the confines of the root canal, or when an extraradicular infection cannot be eradicated by orthograde root canal treatment. Foreign-body reponses towards filling materials, towards cholesterol crystals or radicular cysts might prevent complete periapical healing. Following enhanced microsurgical techniques in the last years the success rates of apical surgery have improved considerably. The aim of the current case report is to describe the therapeutical approach to a persistent periapical lesion and its histologic examination.
The aim of this was to evaluate the histology of periapical lesions in teeth treated with periapical surgery. After root-end resection, the root tip was removed together with the periapical pathological tissue. Histologic sectioning was performed on calcified specimens embedded in methylmethacrylate (MMA) and on demineralized specimens embedded in LR White (Fluka, Buchs, Switzerland). The samples were evaluated with light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The histologic findings were classified into periapical abscesses, granulomas, or cystic lesions (true or pocket cysts). The final material comprised 70% granulomas, 23% cysts and 5% abscesses, 1% scar tissues, and 1% keratocysts. Six of 125 samples could not be used. The cystic lesions could not be subdivided into pocket or true cysts. All cysts had an epithelium-lined cavity, two of them with cilia-lined epithelium. These results show the high incidence of periapical granulomas among periapical lesions obtained during apical surgery. Periapical abscesses were a rare occasion. The histologic findings from samples obtained during apical surgery may differ from findings obtained by teeth extractions. A determination between pocket and true apical cysts is hardly possible when collecting samples by apical surgery.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effects of different hemostatic agents upon the outcome of periapical surgery. DESIGN A retrospective study was made of patients subjected to periapical surgery between 2006-2009 with the ultrasound technique and using MTA as retrograde filler material. We included patients with a minimum follow-up of 12 months, divided into two groups according to the hemostatic agent used: A) dressings impregnated in anesthetic solution with adrenalin; or B) aluminum chloride paste (Expasyl). Radiological controls were made after 6 and 12 months, and on the last visit. The global evolution scale proposed by von Arx and Kurt (1999) was used to establish the outcome of periapical surgery. RESULTS A total of 96 patients (42 males and 54 females) with a mean age of 40.7 years were included. There were 50 patients in the aluminum chloride group and 46 patients in the anesthetic solution with vasoconstrictor group. No significant differences were observed between the two groups in terms of outcome after 12 months - the success rate being 58.6% and 61.7% in the anesthetic solution with vasoconstrictor and aluminum chloride groups, respectively (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION The outcome after 12 months of follow-up was better in the aluminum chloride group than in the anesthetic solution with vasoconstrictor group, though the difference was not significant.
INTRODUCTION The aim of this study was to evaluate the concordance of 2- and 3-dimensional radiography and histopathology in the diagnosis of periapical lesions. METHODS Patients were consecutively enrolled in this study provided that preoperative periapical radiography (PR) and cone-beam computed tomographic imaging of the tooth to be treated with apical surgery were performed. The periapical lesional tissue was histologically analyzed by 2 blinded examiners. The final histologic diagnosis was compared with the radiographic assessments of 4 blinded observers. The initial study material included 62 teeth in the same number of patients. RESULTS Four lesions had to be excluded during processing, resulting in a final number of 58 evaluated cases (31 women and 27 men, mean age = 55 years). The final histologic diagnosis of the periapical lesions included 55 granulomas (94.8%) and 3 cysts (5.2%). Histologic analysis of the tissue samples from the apical lesions exhibited an almost perfect agreement between the 2 experienced investigators with an overall agreement of 94.83% (kappa = 0.8011). Radiographic assessment overestimated cysts by 28.4% (cone-beam computed tomographic imaging) and 20.7% (periapical radiography), respectively. Comparing the correlation of the radiographic diagnosis of 4 observers with the final histologic diagnosis, 2-dimensional (kappa = 0.104) and 3-dimensional imaging (kappa = 0.111) provided only minimum agreement. CONCLUSIONS To establish a final diagnosis of an apical radiolucency, the tissue specimen should be evaluated histologically and specified as a granuloma (with/without epithelium) or a cyst. Analysis of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional radiographic images alike results only in a tentative diagnosis that should be confirmed with biopsy.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
Traditionally, long-term calcium hydroxide dressings have been recommended for the conservative management of large periapical lesions. However, calcium hydroxide therapy has some disadvantages such as variability of treatment time, difficulties with patient follow-up and prolonged treatment periods that increase the risk of root canal contamination via microleakage and crown fractures. This paper reports the healing of large periapical lesions following conservative non-surgical treatment with calcium hydroxide dressings.
There is a bidirectional association between periodontal disease (PD) and diabetes mellitus, in which diabetes favors the development of PD and PD, if left untreated, can worsen the metabolic control of diabetes. Thus, periodontal disease should be treated to restore periodontal health and reduce the complications of diabetes. Therefore, the objective is assess the effect of full mouth periodontal therapy decontamination (Full Mouth Desinfection - FMD) in diabetic type II patients with chronic periodontitis during 12 months. Thirty-one patients in group one (G1) and 12 in group two (G2) were followed at baseline, 03, 06 09 and 12 months. There following clinical parameters were accessed: probing on bleeding (BOP), visible plaque index (PI), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL) and gingival recession (GR). For diabetic patients, there were also made laboratory tests to evaluate blood parameters: fasting glucose and glycated hemoglobin. The results had been analyzed in two ways: all sites in the mouth and another with diseased sites. The Mann-Whitney, Friedman and Wilcoxon tests were used with 5% significance. Intergroup analysis of all sites it is clear that there was no significant difference over time concerning PD, BOP, PI, CAL and RG. However, when evaluating the diseased sites, we observed significant difference for CAL and PD, with higher values in G1. The intragroup analysis for all sites showed a statistically significant reduction at PD, PI and BOP in both groups. Intragroup analysis of periodontal affected sites showed a statistically significant reduction in PD, BOP and CAL in both groups. There was also a statistically significant increase in RG values. There was no significant change concerning glycated hemoglobin and fasting glucose in the G1. Therefore, it can be concluded that there were improvements in periodontal parameters over the 12 months of research, but without changes in glycemic levels of diabetic patients. Thus, periodontal therapy proved effective in maintaining oral health.
GURGEL, Bruno Cesar de vasconcelos.Influencia do meloxicam sobre a perda ossea alveolar em periodontite experimental: avaliaçao histometrica em ratos. 2003.97f. Dissertaçao (Mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba. Piracicaba, 2003. Disponivel em:
Tese (Doutoramento)
As infeções endodônticas envolvem a invasão e multiplicação de microrganismos na polpa dentária e tecidos periapicais sendo responsáveis por dois tipos de patologias: as patologias pulpares e as patologias periapicais. Relativamente às patologias pulpares destacam-se a pulpite reversível, a pulpite irreversível e a necrose pulpar. Quanto às patologias periapicais, destacam-se o abcesso apical agudo, o abcesso apical crónico, a periodontite apical aguda, a periodontite apical crónica, o granuloma perirradicular e o quisto perirradicular. As doenças pulpares e periapicais apresentam manifestações clínicas diferentes que, em conjunto com os sinais e sintomas manifestados pelo paciente permitem diagnosticar o tipo de infeção endodôntica. As infeções endodônticas estão associadas a uma elevada diversidade de bactérias, sendo frequentemente intituladas de infeções endodônticas polimicrobianas. Sabe-se que os microrganismos são a causa principal das doenças pulpares e periapicais e, por esse motivo, o objetivo principal do Tratamento Endodôntico consiste na eliminação dos microrganismos e prevenção da re-infeção. O tratamento das infeções endodônticas baseia-se na preparação químico-mecânica do sistema de canais radiculares – instrumentação e irrigação – seguida da obturação e culminando com a restauração definitiva ou tratamento reabilitador. Este trabalho tem como objetivos adquirir um conhecimento mais amplo relativamente aos tipos de infeções endodônticas, à realização dos diversos diagnósticos e, principalmente, às várias opções de tratamento, disponíveis na área da Endodontia. Para tal foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica baseada em artigos científicos, publicados nas bases de dados PubMed, Scielo e Science Direct bem como em alguns livros relacionados com o tema.
GURGEL, Bruno Cesar de vasconcelos.Influencia do meloxicam sobre a perda ossea alveolar em periodontite experimental: avaliaçao histometrica em ratos. 2003.97f. Dissertaçao (Mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba. Piracicaba, 2003. Disponivel em: