663 resultados para MGB4O7-DY
Antecedentes: El interés en las enfermedades autoinmunes (EA) y su desenlace en la unidad de cuidado intensivo (UCI) han incrementado debido al reto clínico que suponen para el diagnóstico y manejo, debido a que la mortalidad en UCI fluctúa entre el 17 – 55 %. El siguiente trabajo representa la experiencia de un año de nuestro grupo en un hospital de tercer nivel. Objetivo: Identificar factores asociados a mortalidad particulares de los pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes que ingresan a una UCI, de un hospital de tercer nivel en Bogotá, Colombia. Métodos: El uso de análisis de componentes principales basado en el método descriptivo multivariado y análisis de múltiple correspondencia fue realizado para agrupar varias variables relacionadas con asociación significativa y contexto clínico común. Resultados: Cincuenta pacientes adultos con EA con una edad promedio de 46,7 ± 17,55 años fueron evaluados. Los dos diagnósticos más comunes fueron lupus eritematoso sistémico y esclerosis sistémica, con una frecuencia de 45% y 20% de los pacientes respectivamente. La principal causa de admisión en la UCI fue la infección seguido de actividad aguda de la EA, 36% y 24% respectivamente. La mortalidad durante la estancia en UCI fue del 24%. El tiempo de hospitalización antes de la admisión a la UCI, el choque, soporte vasopresor, ventilación mecánica, sepsis abdominal, Glasgow bajo y plasmaféresis fueron factores asociados con mortalidad. Dos fenotipos de variables fueron definidos relacionadas con tiempo en la UCI y medidas de soporte en UCI, las cuales fueron asociadas supervivencia y mortalidad. Conclusiones: La identificación de factores individuales y grupos de factores por medio del análisis de componentes principales permitirá la implementación de medidas terapéutica de manera temprana y agresiva en pacientes con EA en la UCI para evitar desenlaces fatales.
Cela fait maintenant plus de 10 ans que les premiers dispositifs de e-learning ont vu le jour, que ce soit pour la formation continue ou pour la formation initiale. Dans un premier temps, le recours aux technologies n’a consisté qu’à publier sur Internet l’ensemble des ressources ainsi que le cours, sous forme de texte, dispensé par l’enseignant. Puis, grâce à l’évolution des technologies, de nouvelles possibilités ont vu le jour : la mise en ligne de documents audios, de vidéos, et plus récemment, la mise en place d’espaces numériques de travail permettant à l’enseignant, comme à tous les participants, d’y placer des documents et des commentaires. L’apparition des wikis a permis de voir apparaître de nouvelles formes de e-learning, basés sur la collaboration. Depuis quelques mois, l’explosion des réseaux sociaux, facebook pour le plus célèbre, permet d’envisager de nouveaux dispositifs d’apprentissage interconnectant cours en présentiel et travail à distance
Le thème proposé “ Musées et Société “ n’est pas nouveau. Il a déjà été traité ad noseam en d’innombrables circonstances, sauf, peut-être, sous l’angle explicite de l’engagement :Quelles actions ? L’ambition de “ saisir la mudance “ répond à une nécessité de tous les moments dans un monde où tout et rien évoluent à un rythme diabolique. Comment donc, dans ces circonstances, ajuster l’action du musée, une institution culturelle relativement lourde, si on la compare aux autres medias de communication, très attachée encore à ses traditions séculaires dont elle s’enorgueillit, soumise, par ailleurs aux changements qui bouleversent tous les aspects de son fonctionnement , voire de sa mission, fortement attirée qu’elle est par la société du spectacle, tentée, par ailleurs, d’y réagir en se rapprochant de la vie quotidienne des populations par l’action communautaire fondue dans le travail muséologique ? Le MINOM, dont la vocation est de questionner tout en agissant, est à la recherché du point de vue à partir duquel il peut interroger et agir. Quel est exactement son champ d’action, le dénominateur commun qui rassemble, mobilise, attire ses adhérents, issus de cultures, d’origines et d’idéologies diverses ? On a souvent campé l’organisation dans les alternatives, soit dans des positions qui puissant faire contrepoids aux systèmes dominants, étouffant la créativité, la maîtrise d’oeuvre individuelle: La liberté d’être et d’exprimer par soi-même. Serait-ce donc que, globalement, le MINOM aurait rejoint, sans tout à fait s’en rendre compte, la plateforme altermondiste, dans tout ce qu’elle représente d’expérimentations sociaux et d’utopies, d’ un nouvel humanisme fondé sur le partage, le dialogue ? Le XIIe Atelier devrait nous amener à préciser, par l´échange et la prospectrice (ambition partagée par le dernier Atelier ) , là où nous nous situons, comme groupe ( noyau central et périphérique ) à l’intérieur de la mouvance, à l’échelle locale et mondiale. Les actions les plus appropriées pour traduire, dans le cadre de l’action muséologique nos représentations de l’être humain se débattant à ‘intérieur de la biosphère, seront nécessairement, il faut l’espérer, à l’ordre du jour de nos résolutions. Le MUSÉE – FORUM –SOCIAL ns serait-il pas, en fin de compte, le modèle à partager, dans les prochaines années, par l’ensemble de la communauté Minomienne? Lieu d’appropriation continue de la mouvance, il est, croyons-nous, le laboratoire de l’expérimentation citoyenne, un lieu de représentations interdisciplinaires résultant de la convivialité et des interactions globales des inter-changes sociétaires.
324 p.
Wydział Chemii: Pracownia Chemii Nukleozydów i Nukleotydów
The LiHoxY1−xF4 Ising magnetic material subject to a magnetic field perpendicular to the Ho3+ Ising direction has shown over the past 20 years to be a host of very interesting thermodynamic and magnetic phenomena. Unfortunately, the availability of other magnetic materials other than LiHoxY1−xF4 that may be described by a transverse-field Ising model remains very much limited. It is in this context that we use here a mean-field theory to investigate the suitability of the Ho(OH)3, Dy(OH)3, and Tb(OH)3 insulating hexagonal dipolar Ising-type ferromagnets for the study of the quantum phase transition induced by a magnetic field, Bx, applied perpendicular to the Ising spin direction. Experimentally, the zero-field critical (Curie) temperatures are known to be Tc≈2.54, 3.48, and 3.72 K, for Ho(OH)3, Dy(OH)3, and Tb(OH)3, respectively. From our calculations we estimate the critical transverse field, Bxc, to destroy ferromagnetic order at zero temperature to be Bxc=4.35, 5.03, and 54.81 T for Ho(OH)3, Dy(OH)3, and Tb(OH)3, respectively. We find that Ho(OH)3, similarly to LiHoF4, can be quantitatively described by an effective S=1/2 transverse-field Ising model. This is not the case for Dy(OH)3 due to the strong admixing between the ground doublet and first excited doublet induced by the dipolar interactions. Furthermore, we find that the paramagnetic (PM) to ferromagnetic (FM) transition in Dy(OH)3 becomes first order for strong Bx and low temperatures. Hence, the PM to FM zero-temperature transition in Dy(OH)3 may be first order and not quantum critical. We investigate the effect of competing antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor exchange and applied magnetic field, Bz, along the Ising spin direction ẑ on the first-order transition in Dy(OH)3. We conclude from these preliminary calculations that Ho(OH)3 and Dy(OH)3 and their Y3+ diamagnetically diluted variants, HoxY1−x(OH)3 and DyxY1−x(OH)3, are potentially interesting systems to study transverse-field-induced quantum fluctuations effects in hard axis (Ising-type) magnetic materials.
We consider integral equations of the form ψ(x) = φ(x) + ∫Ωk(x, y)z(y)ψ(y) dy(in operator form ψ = φ + Kzψ), where Ω is some subset ofRn(n ≥ 1). The functionsk,z, and φ are assumed known, withz ∈ L∞(Ω) and φ ∈ Y, the space of bounded continuous functions on Ω. The function ψ ∈ Yis to be determined. The class of domains Ω and kernelskconsidered includes the case Ω = Rnandk(x, y) = κ(x − y) with κ ∈ L1(Rn), in which case, ifzis the characteristic function of some setG, the integral equation is one of Wiener–Hopf type. The main theorems, proved using arguments derived from collectively compact operator theory, are conditions on a setW ⊂ L∞(Ω) which ensure that ifI − Kzis injective for allz ∈ WthenI − Kzis also surjective and, moreover, the inverse operators (I − Kz)−1onYare bounded uniformly inz. These general theorems are used to recover classical results on Wiener–Hopf integral operators of21and19, and generalisations of these results, and are applied to analyse the Lippmann–Schwinger integral equation.
The theory of homogeneous barotropic beta-plane turbulence is here extended to include effects arising from spatial inhomogeneity in the form of a zonal shear flow. Attention is restricted to the geophysically important case of zonal flows that are barotropically stable and are of larger scale than the resulting transient eddy field. Because of the presumed scale separation, the disturbance enstrophy is approximately conserved in a fully nonlinear sense, and the (nonlinear) wave-mean-flow interaction may be characterized as a shear-induced spectral transfer of disturbance enstrophy along lines of constant zonal wavenumber k. In this transfer the disturbance energy is generally not conserved. The nonlinear interactions between different disturbance components are turbulent for scales smaller than the inverse of Rhines's cascade-arrest scale κβ[identical with] (β0/2urms)½ and in this regime their leading-order effect may be characterized as a tendency to spread the enstrophy (and energy) along contours of constant total wavenumber κ [identical with] (k2 + l2)½. Insofar as this process of turbulent isotropization involves spectral transfer of disturbance enstrophy across lines of constant zonal wavenumber k, it can be readily distinguished from the shear-induced transfer which proceeds along them. However, an analysis in terms of total wavenumber K alone, which would be justified if the flow were homogeneous, would tend to mask the differences. The foregoing theoretical ideas are tested by performing direct numerical simulation experiments. It is found that the picture of classical beta-plane turbulence is altered, through the effect of the large-scale zonal flow, in the following ways: (i) while the turbulence is still confined to K Kβ, the disturbance field penetrates to the largest scales of motion; (ii) the larger disturbance scales K < Kβ exhibit a tendency to meridional rather than zonal anisotropy, namely towards v2 > u2 rather than vice versa; (iii) the initial spectral transfer rate away from an isotropic intermediate-scale source is significantly enhanced by the shear-induced transfer associated with straining by the zonal flow. This last effect occurs even when the large-scale shear appears weak to the energy-containing eddies, in the sense that dU/dy [double less-than sign] κ for typical eddy length and velocity scales.
Yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) is rich in polyphenols, especially chlorogenic acids. Evidence suggests that dietary polyphenols could play a role in glucose absorption and metabolism. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antidiabetic properties of yerba mate extract in alloxan-induced diabetic Wistar rats. Animals (n = 41) were divided in four groups: nondiabetic control (NDC, n = 10), nondiabetic yerba mate (NDY, n = 10), diabetic control (DC, n = 11), and diabetic yerba mate (NDY, n = 10). The intervention consisted in the administration of yerba mate extract in a 1 g extract/kg body weight dose for 28 days; controls received saline solution only. There were no significant differences in serum glucose, insulin, and hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase activity between the groups that ingested yerba mate extract (NDY and DY) and the controls (NDC and DC). However, the intestinal SGLT1 gene expression was significantly lower in animals that received yerba mate both in upper (p = 0.007) and middle (p < 0.001) small intestine. These results indicate that bioactive compounds present in yerba mate might be capable of interfering in glucose absorption, by decreasing SGLT1 expression.
The neuromuscular disorders are a heterogeneous group of genetic diseases, caused by mutations in genes coding sarcolemmal, sarcomeric, and citosolic muscle proteins. Deficiencies or loss of function of these proteins leads to variable degree of progressive loss of motor ability. Several animal models, manifesting phenotypes observed in neuromuscular diseases, have been identified in nature or generated in laboratory. These models generally present physiological alterations observed in human patients and can be used as important tools for genetic, clinic, and histopathological studies. The mdx mouse is the most widely used animal model for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Although it is a good genetic and biochemical model, presenting total deficiency of the protein dystrophin in the muscle, this mouse is not useful for clinical trials because of its very mild phenotype. The canine golden retriever MD model represents a more clinically similar model of DMD due to its larger size and significant muscle weakness. Autosomal recessive limb-girdle MD forms models include the SJL/J mice, which develop a spontaneous myopathy resulting from a mutation in the Dysferlin gene, being a model for LGMD2B. For the human sarcoglycanopahties (SG), the BIO14.6 hamster is the spontaneous animal model for delta-SG deficiency, whereas some canine models with deficiency of SG proteins have also been identified. More recently, using the homologous recombination technique in embryonic stem cell, several mouse models have been developed with null mutations in each one of the four SG genes. All sarcoglycan-null animals display a progressive muscular dystrophy of variable severity and share the property of a significant secondary reduction in the expression of the other members of the sarcoglycan subcomplex and other components of the Dystrophin-glycoprotein complex. Mouse models for congenital MD include the dy/dy (dystrophia-muscularis) mouse and the allelic mutant dy(2J)/dy(2J) mouse, both presenting significant reduction of alpha 2-laminin in the muscle and a severe phenotype. The myodystrophy mouse (Large(myd)) harbors a mutation in the glycosyltransferase Large, which leads to altered glycosylation of alpha-DG, and also a severe phenotype. Other informative models for muscle proteins include the knockout mouse for myostatin, which demonstrated that this protein is a negative regulator of muscle growth. Additionally, the stress syndrome in pigs, caused by mutations in the porcine RYR1 gene, helped to localize the gene causing malignant hypertermia and Central Core myopathy in humans. The study of animal models for genetic diseases, in spite of the existence of differences in some phenotypes, can provide important clues to the understanding of the pathogenesis of these disorders and are also very valuable for testing strategies for therapeutic approaches.
In this paper we introduce the concept of the index of an implicit differential equation F(x,y,p) = 0, where F is a smooth function, p = dy/dx, F(p) = 0 and F(pp) = 0 at an isolated singular point. We also apply the results to study the geometry of surfaces in R(5).
Let Y = (f, g, h): R(3) -> R(3) be a C(2) map and let Spec(Y) denote the set of eigenvalues of the derivative DY(p), when p varies in R(3). We begin proving that if, for some epsilon > 0, Spec(Y) boolean AND (-epsilon, epsilon) = empty set, then the foliation F(k), with k is an element of {f, g, h}, made up by the level surfaces {k = constant}, consists just of planes. As a consequence, we prove a bijectivity result related to the three-dimensional case of Jelonek`s Jacobian Conjecture for polynomial maps of R(n).
In this paper, we study binary differential equations a(x, y)dy (2) + 2b(x, y) dx dy + c(x, y)dx (2) = 0, where a, b, and c are real analytic functions. Following the geometric approach of Bruce and Tari in their work on multiplicity of implicit differential equations, we introduce a definition of the index for this class of equations that coincides with the classical Hopf`s definition for positive binary differential equations. Our results also apply to implicit differential equations F(x, y, p) = 0, where F is an analytic function, p = dy/dx, F (p) = 0, and F (pp) not equal aEuro parts per thousand 0 at the singular point. For these equations, we relate the index of the equation at the singular point with the index of the gradient of F and index of the 1-form omega = dy -aEuro parts per thousand pdx defined on the singular surface F = 0.
We present the first measurement of photoproduction of J/psi and of two-photon production of high-mass e(+)e(-) pairs in electromagnetic (or ultra-peripheral) nucleus-nucleus interactions, using Au + Au data at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. The events are tagged with forward neutrons emitted following Coulomb excitation of one or both Au* nuclei. The event sample consists of 28 events with m(e+e-) > 2 GeV/c(2) with zero like-sign background. The measured cross sections at midrapidity of d sigma/dy (J/psi + Xn, y = 0) = 76 +/- 33 (stat) +/- 11 (syst) pb and d(2)sigma /dm dy (e(+) e(-) + Xn, y = 0) = 86 +/- 23(stat) +/- 16(syst) mu b/ (GeV/c(2)) for m(e+e-) epsilon vertical bar 2.0, 2.8 vertical bar GeV/c(2) have been compared and found to be consistent with models for photoproduction of J/psi and QED based calculations of two-photon production of e(+)e(-) pairs. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work we report results on the influence of heavy rare earth ions substitution on microstructure and magnetism of nanocrystalline magnetite. A series of Fe(2.85)RE(0.15)O(4) (RE = Gd, Dy, Ho, Tm and Yb) samples have been prepared by high energy ball milling. Structure/microstructure investigations of two selected samples Fe(2.85)Gd(0.15)O(4) and Fe(2.85)Tm(0.15)O(4), represent an extension of the previously published results on Fe(3)O(4)/gamma-Fe(2)O(3), Fe(2.85)Y(0.15)O(4) and Fe(2.55)In(0.45)O(4) [Z. Cvejic, S. Rakic, A. Kremenovic, B. Antic, C. Jovalekic. Ph. Colomban, Sol. State Sciences 8 (2006) 908], while magnetic characterization has been done for all the samples. Crystallite/particle size and strain determined by X-ray diffractometry and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) confirmed the nanostructured nature of the mechanosynthesized materials. X-ray powder diffraction was used to analyze anisotropic line broadening effects through the Rietveld method. The size anisotropy was found to be small while strain anisotropy was large, indicating nonuniform distribution of deffects in the presence of Gd and Tm in the crystal structure. Superparamagnetic(SPM) behavior at room temperature was observed for all samples studied. The Y-substituted Fe(3)O(4) had the largest He and the lowest M(S). We discuss the changes in magnetic properties in relation to their magnetic anisotropy and microstructure. High field irreversibility (H>20kOe) in ZFC/FC magnetization versus temperature indicates the existence of high magnetocrystalline and/or strain induced anisotropy. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.