912 resultados para Indigenous peoples -- Canada


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This chapter focuses on the more strategic activities that lead people in the regional community to decide how they want to respond to climate change. Such strategic activities include analysing, prioritising and deciding upon the best course of action. Planning for climate adaptation (usually seen to include the setting of visions and objectives, the determination of key strategies and the monitoring of broad outcomes) encompasses the strategic activities involved in the system of governance for climate adaptation. Planning occurs at all scales from global to the business, property, family and even individual scales. Applying a rapid appraisal technique, this chapter analyses the system of planning for climate adaptation as it relates to the achievement of adaptation outcomes within the Wet Tropics Cluster. It finds that some aspects of the system are healthier than others, and identifies several actions that regional NRM bodies may consider (either collectively or individually) to enhance adaptation outcomes by improving the planning system within the cluster.


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This submission focuses on “Priority for Change 3: Knowledge for all” and “Priority for Change 5: Involving Indigenous Australians”. Our particular interest lies with ensuring that Indigenous knowledge holders are engaged with in a manner that recognises their prior rights over their own knowledge and intellectual property. As the Preamble of the recently endorsed United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples states, we need to; “Recognis[e] that respect for Indigenous Knowledge, cultures and traditional practises contributes to sustainable and equitable development and proper management of the environment”.


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There are currently no regulatory mechanisms, laws or policies that specifically provide rights to Indigenous peoples over their Indigenous knowledge and intellectual property. We strongly recommend that the commonwealth take the lead to ensure that national sui generis laws are developed (perhaps to operate initially in areas of Cth jurisdiction, such as IPAs and national parks). The development of such laws should be in tandem with practical guidelines to assist their implementation. A comprehensive, nationally consistent scheme for access to genetic resources, which offers meaningful protection of traditional knowledge and substantive benefit-sharing with Indigenous communities, has to be developed. There are already a range of reports/resources that urge these same reforms and that we direct the Enquiry to again; these include the Voumard Report (2000) – especially Fourmile’s Appendix 10 – “Indigenous Interests”, and Terri Jankes “Our Culture, Our Future (1998).


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While trends are cyclical, Indigenous perspectives offer continuity to life’s pathways. One of the current trends is the increasing culinary interest in Indigenous Australian foods, not just in restaurants, but also in home kitchens. This is a recent trend despite Indigenous foods being nutritious and wholesome, and sustaining Indigenous peoples for thousands of years. Home Economics can support, foster and affirm Indigenous foods both within this current mainstream trend and in the future in life sustaining ways. In order to do so, Home Economics need’s to ensure it is prepared, and skilled, with the appropriate knowledge and regard for Indigenous ingredients, foods and foodways. This paper will focus on Torres Strait Islander foods from the Torres Strait and from mainland Australia. It will showcase Torres Strait foods is the past, present and the future. Some of what is presented here is part of a research case study, which involves a literature review, data collection, and photography. In documenting the history of Torres Strait Island food and foodways, the traditions and customs will be kept alive for future generations, and beyond any trends or fashions.


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This research explores the in-between space of intercultural collaboration between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples in Australia. Using critical and third space theories and a post-qualitative inquiry, I examine negotiations of cultural difference through articulated moments of intercultural collaboration in order to inform intercultural pedagogical practices. This research also explores how ideology, imbued through discourse, has the power to enforce or challenge cultural and social domination. This in turn creates cultural hegemony, a process whereby a particular social and cultural group has the power to influence the thoughts, expectations and behaviours of a particular society.


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The chapter introduces Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and discusses the important role that Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples can play in ‘closing the gap’ in health disparities as experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


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Territoriality is a central issue in indigenous peoples struggles. The territorial struggles involve struggles over the control of natural resources and over political participation and representation, but also over the perception of territorial rights and the symbolic representation of the territory. These struggles are carried through both in material and symbolic ways through recurring to different discourses and representations that provide legitimation for the territorial claims of the group. The study is located in the Northern Autonomous Atlantic Region of Nicaragua. The study concerns the territorial strategies, conceptions and practices of the indigenous people and other actors. Territorial conflicts exist between the autonomous region and the central government of Nicaragua, between mestizo settlers and indigenous people, between different indigenous groups, and between these and development agents such as conservation projects. The study focuses on how territorial discourses and representations are used to legitimate territorial control. Environmental, historical and cartographical discourses are the most important discourses recurred to. The influence of discourses and representations on the territorial practices and policies of the different actors, the links between the local struggles and global processes, and the broader structural factors impacting on the territorial struggles are also analysed. Among the structural factors are the problems related to land tenure and management and the use of natural resources, the advance of the agricultural frontier, the institutional weaknesses of the central and regional governments and the legislative processes. The territorial discourses are both recurred to in a strategic way and also grounded in local ideals and practices. The discourses have produced real effects for example in legislation, land tenure systems, political representation and environmental practices. Although the use of discourses and representations are an important power tool in territorial struggles, territorial control cannot be effectively accomplished merely through representing territorial claims in a legitimate way or through reforming legislation, as the conflicts are also largely a result of structural factors affecting the region. The fieldwork was carried out during a total of twelve months between 2000 and 2002. The research methods used were semi-structured interviews, participant observation and participatory research methods. A broad range of literary sources were also used to collect data. The study is located within the field of critical political geography with a discursive political ecology approach. It can be called a critical realist approach to the discursive analysis of indigenous territoriality.


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It is now 20 years since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, better known as the Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro. An important achievement of the conference was an agreement on the Climate Change Convention which in turn led to the Kyoto Protocol. Another was agreement to 'not carry out any activities on the lands of indigenous peoples that would cause environmental degradation or that would be culturally inappropriate'. Recently we have seen an updated and revised conference in Rio where the same issues were again discussed. Since then ideas about sustainability have changed considerably and to some extent they have merged with ideas about corporate social responsibility and about governance, determined by the economic and political fortunes of the actors involved. It is now time therefore to re-examine the concept of sustainability in the aftermath of this conference and to consider what issues are now considered pertinent around the world. This book therefore takes different positions concerning different aspects of this vital topic.


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For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, undertaking the PhD journey brings with it specific challenges in how best to use the knowledge gained to make changes that will actively benefit Indigenous peoples and communities. Even within the health sector implementing research outcomes can sometimes be problematic. The Maori and Indigenous D octoral (MAI) Conference hosted by Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi (Indigenous U niversity), Whakatane, New Zealand, addressed this by considering the contribution of Indigenous doctoral research to advancements of Maori. As Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people engaging in Doctoral studies, this conference was equally relevant to us.


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The film is an ode to the history of Indigenous peoples and the meaning and spirit of belonging. Inspired by verbal and documented accounts of Aboriginal experiences from the history of colonialism, MY COUNTRY is the touching story of the lasting impact of one such experience on an elderly Aboriginal man. Triggered by a work of art and its interpretation, his story is a journey through time and cultural dislocation.


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"The Protection of Traditional Knowledge Associated with Genetic Resources: The Role of Databases and Registers" ABSTRACT Yovana Reyes Tagle The misappropriation of TK has sparked a search for national and international laws to govern the use of indigenous peoples knowledge and protection against its commercial exploitation. There is a widespread perception that biopiracy or illegal access to genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge (TK) continues despite national and regional efforts to address this concern. The purpose of this research is to address the question of how documentation of TK through databases and registers could protect TK, in light of indigenous peoples increasing demands to control their knowledge and benefit from its use. Throughout the international debate over the protection of TK, various options have been brought up and discussed. At its core, the discussion over the legal protection of TK comes down to these issues: 1) The doctrinal question: What is protection of TK? 2) The methodological question: How can protection of TK be achieved? 3) The legal question: What should be protected? And 4) The policy questions: Who has rights and how should they be implemented? What kind of rights should indigenous peoples have over their TK? What are the central concerns the TK databases want to solve? The acceptance of TK databases and registers may bring with it both opportunities and dangers. How can the rights of indigenous peoples over their documented knowledge be assured? Documentation of TK was envisaged as a means to protect TK, but there are concerns about how documented TK can be protected from misappropriation. The methodology used in this research seeks to contribute to the understanding of the protection of TK. The steps taken in this research attempt to describe and to explain a) what has been done to protect TK through databases and registers, b) how this protection is taking place, and c) why the establishment of TK databases can or cannot be useful for the protection of TK. The selected case studies (Peru and Venezuela) seek to illustrate the complexity and multidisciplinary nature of the establishment of TK databases, which entail not only legal but also political, socio-economic and cultural issues. The study offers some conclusions and recommendations that have emerged after reviewing the national experiences, international instruments, work of international organizations, and indigenous peoples perspectives. This thesis concludes that if TK is to be protected from disclosure and unauthorized use, confidential databases are required. Finally, the TK database strategy needs to be strengthened by the legal protection of the TK itself.


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This study examines the Sámi people and the construction of the Sámi identity and the role of language in the cross-border Sámi movement within the context of the international indigenous movement and discourse between 1962 and 2008. The Sámi movement began as a reaction to state assimilation policies. This led to the birth of indigenous processes strengthening the Sámi cultures and languages. Activities across borders and the ethnopolitical processes in each of the Nordic countries in question also formed the basis of the internationalization of the Sámi people. The discourse on indigenous peoples has grown into a question of human rights, which is examined in different national and international contexts. The study is based on ethnographic data that has been collected via interviews, questionnaires and participant observation with the researched people in different meetings and events. Archive and newsprint material are also used. The approach of the study is auto-ethnographic. The post-colonial theories used in the study strive to destabilize power relations and the distinctions of otherness produced by colonialism, and to reclaim both one's own culture and language in the context of the indigenous movement. A standard model for this type of approach was created by Edward W. Said in his 1978 work Orientalism. The central concepts of the analysis are decolonization, otherness, ethnicity and identity. The dissertation consists of four published articles and an introduction. The subject matter is analyzed on three levels: global, European and Nordic. On the global level, the results demonstrate that the indigenous movement has constructed a new understanding of indigenousness with new rights. International treaties have facilitated the unification of new concepts and rights, such as the right to self-determination and language, also helping in transforming them into rights of the Sámi people on a national level. On the Nordic level, aligning the Sámi culture with indigenous discourse became significant for the process of developing the Sámi identity in the Sámi movement. In this process, the Sámi movement made use of Sámi languages in order to mobilize groups of people and to construct relatedness between different Sámi groups. The realization that one s own language is significant to one's culture has resulted in recreating the vitality, visibility and the legitimation of language in society more generally. The migration of the Sámi people from their traditional territories to increasingly multi-ethnic urban areas alters one's relationship to one's own community as the relationship to cultural traditions changes. Among the urban Sámi, who form a group of ‘new Sáminess’, linguistic discrimination and assimilation continue because of the lack of legislative and other effective language policy measures to promote the learning and use of the Sámi language.


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Misconceptions, Outright Prejudice - Fishing rights. The Dilemma of the Nile Perch - Africa: Ecolabelling. Fishing Safely - Analysis: Safety at Sea. Shoring Up - Labour: Shore-based Workers. A Sustainable, Equitable, Small-scale Fisheries - Document: Traditional Communities. Getting Their Act Together - India: Co-management. Certifying the Uncertifiable? - Report: Industrial Aquaculture. Shocking Reality - Cambodia: Electro-fishing. Be Consultative, Participatory - Document: Indigenous Peoples. Towing the Line - Peru: Artisanal Shark Fishery. Declaration of Charter. (56 pp.)


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os conceitos de liberdade e identidade através da proposta de um "liberalismo cultural", apresentada pelo filósofo canadense Will Kymlicka, tal como defendida em suas obras Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights (1995), Politics in the Vernacular: Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Citizenship (2001) e Multicultural Odysseys. Navigatingthe New International Politics of Diversity (2007). Através dessas leituras, buscou-se compreender em particular de que modo a língua e o território se configuram como elementos definidores das culturas de povos nacionais e étnicos que empenham suas lutas para garantir a permanência desses atributos, tanto em nível doméstico como no plano internacional, a fim de assegurar a singularidade de seus modos de vida e de suas visões de mundo, enquanto grupos diferenciados. Para tanto, tornou-se fundamental a realização de uma análise crítica do processo de construção nacional dos Estados modernos, como um projeto levado a cabo por parte de inúmeros países na modernidade com o intuito de promover a unidade nacional de seus Estados, através da invisibilização das expressões culturais e da participação política de grupos culturalmente minoritários. Ao final, desenvolve-se uma pequena reflexão sobre como esse debate pode contribuir para uma melhor compreensão acerca das reivindicações de populações indígenas e remanescentes de quilombos no Brasil pela regularização de seus territórios e reconhecimento de suas práticas culturais.


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Esta é uma tese sociológico-histórica sobre o constitucionalismo liberal na América Latina. A hipótese principal deste trabalho seria de que o liberalismo colocado em prática nas constituições latino-americanas durante o século XIX foi sofrendo algumas transformações que levaram à atenuação de sua proposta original. A matriz inicial extremamente focada na afirmação abstrata da individualidade natural e autocentrada das pessoas sujeitos de direito presente nas constituições promulgadas no século XIX passou por processos de redefinição e re-substancialização no decorrer do século XX e princípio do XXI. É o que chamamos de transformação da noção de pessoa. Nesse processo de atenuação transformadora, podemos, também, observar que o Estado não possui a mesma raison detre que possuía no século XIX. De maneira descontínua, no século XX e começo do XXI processos que demonstram a demanda por maior legitimidade das estruturas do Estado podem ser igualmente observados. Os dois principais marcos que nos permitiriam falar do processo de atenuação do liberalismo são: a incorporação dos direitos trabalhistas na primeira metade do século XX e os processos recentes de reconhecimento dos direitos das populações originárias e/ou afrodescendentes. Ao contrário do que algumas análises indicam, atestamos que essas reformas, por não representarem um rompimento definitivo com processos anteriores não têm colocado em cheque a concepção moderna do liberalismo constitucional. Modernidade essa que, como sustentamos na tese, tem a América Latina como um de seus principais protagonistas, não sendo correto admitir que a região é um agente histórico passivo e que seja colocada como periferia de um sistema externalizado. Por meio da análise qualitativa das constituições proclamadas em cinco países latino-americanos Argentina, Bolívia, Brasil, México e Panamá foi possível colocar em uma perspectiva histórica como o liberalismo tem se atenuado, como a transformação da noção de pessoa tem acontecido e como o Estado, de maneira descontínua, tem sido transformado para se tornar mais legítimo