988 resultados para ECOLOGIA DEL FUEGO
The primary motivation behind the considerable effort in studying stratospheric ozone depletion is the potential for biological consequences of increased solar UVB (280–315 nm) radiation. Yet, direct links between ozone depletion and biological impacts have been established only for organisms of Antarctic waters under the influence of the ozone “hole;” no direct evidence exists that ozone-related variations in UVB affect ecosystems of temperate latitudes. Indeed, calculations based on laboratory studies with plants suggest that the biological impact of ozone depletion (measured by the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers in DNA) is likely to be less marked than previously thought, because UVA quanta (315–400 nm) may also cause significant damage, and UVA is unaffected by ozone depletion. Herein, we show that the temperate ecosystems of southern South America have been subjected to increasingly high levels of ozone depletion during the last decade. We found that in the spring of 1997, despite frequent cloud cover, the passages of the ozone hole over Tierra del Fuego (55° S) caused concomitant increases in solar UV and that the enhanced ground-level UV led to significant increases in DNA damage in the native plant Gunnera magellanica. The fluctuations in solar UV explained a large proportion of the variation in DNA damage (up to 68%), particularly when the solar UV was weighted for biological effectiveness according to action spectra that assume a sharp decline in quantum efficiency with increasing wavelength from the UVB into the UVA regions of the spectrum.
The 78 bryozoan species collected by the German R/V "Polarstern" during the LAMPOS cruise in April 2002, encompassing the Scotia Arc archipelagos between Tierra del Fuego and the Antarctic Peninsula, were studied to discern the biogeographical patterns of the Magellan region of South America, the Scotia Arc archipelagos and the Antarctic. The resulting dendrogram shows three clusters: an isolated one with the three easternmost archipelagos and the other two linking some of the northern and southern Scotia Arc archipelagos with Tierra del Fuego. A more comprehensive analysis using all the species previously recorded from the Scotia Arc archipelagos and adjacent areas (214 spp.) produced a clearer zoogeographical pattern without isolated clusters of localities. The Antarctic Peninsula plus the Scotia Arc archipelagos form a large cluster distinct from the Magellan-Falkland Subantarctic area. A third analysis making use of 78 genera present in the study area plus Australia and New Zealand reinforces this pattern, showing two clusters: one uniting South America and the Australian-New Zealand realm and the other linking the Scotia Arc archipelagos with the Antarctic Peninsula. These results indicate that the Scotia Arc archipelagos represent merely a very narrow bridge connecting two different bryozoan faunas with only a few bryozoan species in common between the study areas.
Contiene : Naturaleza y propiedades del agua ; Naturaleza y propiedades del fuego.
The impact of ambient ultraviolet (UV)-B radiation on the endemic bryophyte, Grimmia antarctici, was studied over 14 months in East Antarctica. Over recent decades, Antarctic plants have been exposed to the largest relative increase in UV-B exposure as a result of ozone depletion. We investigated the effect of reduced UV and visible radiation on the pigment concentrations, surface reflectance and physiological and morphological parameters of this moss. Plexiglass screens were used to provide both reduced UV levels (77%) and a 50% decrease in total radiation. The screen combinations were used to separate UV photoprotective from visible photoprotective strategies, because these bryophytes are growing in relatively high light environments compared with many mosses. G. antarctici was affected negatively by ambient levels of UV radiation. Chlorophyll content was significantly lower in plants grown under near-ambient UV, while the relative proportions of photoprotective carotenoids, especially beta-carotene and zeaxanthin, increased. However, no evidence for the accumulation of UV-B-absorbing pigments in response to UV radiation was observed. Although photosynthetic rates were not affected, there was evidence of UV effects on morphology. Plants that were shaded showed fewer treatment responses and these were similar to the natural variation observed between moss growing on exposed microtopographical ridges and in more sheltered valleys within the turf. Given that other Antarctic bryophytes possess UV-B-absorbing pigments which should offer better protection under ambient UV-B radiation, these findings suggest that G. antarctici may be disadvantaged in some settings under a climate with continuing high levels of springtime UV-B radiation.
Usnea species of the Neuropogon group are amongst the most widespread and abundant macrolichens in Antarctic regions. Four principal species, U. antarctica, U. aurantiaco-atra, U. sphacelata and U. subantarctica, have been described on morphological grounds. However, identification to species level is often difficult and atypical morphologies frequently arise. Over 400 specimens were collected on the Antarctic Peninsula and Falkland Islands. Both morphological and molecular characters (ITS and RPB1) were used to compare samples to clarify taxonomic relationships. Morphological characteristics used included presence of apothecia, apothecial rays, soredia, papillae, fibrils, pigmentation and the diameter of the central axis as a proportion of branch diameter. Results revealed a very close relationship between U. antarctica and U. aurantiaco-atra, suggesting that they might constitute a species pair or be conspecific. Usnea sphacelata was comprised of at least two genetically distinct groups with no clear differences in morphology. One group included the first reported fertile specimen of this species. Usnea subantarctica was phylogenetically distinct from the other main Antarctic Usnea species, but clustered with U. trachycarpa. Genetic variation was evident within all species although there was no clear correlation between geographic origin and genetic relatedness. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that species circumscription in the Neuropogon group needs revision, with the principal species being non-monophyletic. None of the morphological characters, or groups of characters, used in this study proved to be completely unambiguous markers for a single species. However, axis thickness was supported as being informative for the identification of monophyletic lineages within the group.
This paper describes the composition and abundance of mesozooplankton of Bahi'a Ushuaia and Bahi'a Golondrina. These small bays are located in the northern Beagle Channel. Sampling was carried out from January 20 to 23, 2001 and samples were collected from the upper layer at nine stations. This study is the first research on mesozooplankton in this part of the Beagle Channel. Due to their dominance in the mesozooplankton community, we compared our Copepoda data with those reported by other authors from Antarctic coastal environments. By applying cluster analysis, we found two station groups in both bays: one in slightly polluted zones and the other in undisturbed external zones. Four assemblages in Bahi'a Ushuaia and two in Bahi'a Golondrina were determined by using non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) and cluster analysis. Mesozooplanktonic assemblages showed a certain resemblance in zones with and without anthropogenic influence. Most of the copepod species in our samples are typical of the sub-Antarctic region. Oithona similis (=0. helgolandica sensu Ramirez, 1966), Oncaea curvata, and Ctenocahmus citer show either similar or higher abundances at Antarctic coastal sites, including the upper layer in oceanic areas, in comparison with sub-Antarctic coastal localities. This suggests that, in agreement with other findings, the Polar Front is probably not a major geographic boundary for the distribution of these species.
The shallow-water Asellota from the Beagle Channel were investigated, based on material collected at four localities in 2001-2002. A total of 3,124 asellotes were sorted, and three new species and 12 new records of distribution were reported. The Paramunnidae showed the highest species diversity and abundance (11 species and 1,463 specimens). The present research raises the number of species known from the Beagle Channel to 23; of these, 16 were previously reported from the Magellan Straits, representing 69% of similarity. Based on the present results and published data, the faunistic affinities for the shallow-water Asellota was 30% between the Magellan region and the Scotia Arc, and 26% between the Magellan region and the Antarctic Peninsula.
Fossil associations from the middle and upper Eocene (Bartonian and Priabonian) sedimentary succession of the Pamplona Basin are described. This succession was accumulated in the western part of the South Pyrenean peripheral foreland basin and extends from deep-marine turbiditic (Ezkaba Sandstone Formation) to deltaic (Pamplona Marl, Ardanatz Sandstone and Ilundain Marl formations) and marginal marine deposits (Gendulain Formation). The micropalaeontological content is high. It is dominated by foraminifera, and common ostracods and other microfossils are also present. The fossil ichnoasssemblages include at least 23 ichnogenera and 28 ichnospecies indicative of Nereites, Cruziana, Glossifungites and ?Scoyenia-Mermia ichnofacies. Body macrofossils of 78 taxa corresponding to macroforaminifera, sponges, corals, bryozoans, brachiopods, annelids, molluscs, arthropods, echinoderms and vertebrates have been identified. Both the number of ichnotaxa and of species (e. g. bryozoans, molluscs and condrichthyans) may be considerably higher. Body fossil assemblages are comparable to those from the Eocene of the Nord Pyrenean area (Basque Coast), and also to those from the Eocene of the west-central and eastern part of South Pyrenean area (Aragon and Catalonia). At the European scale, the molluscs assemblages seem endemic from the Pyrenean area, although several Tethyan (Italy and Alps) and Northern elements (Paris basin and Normandy) have been recorded. Palaeontological data of studied sedimentary units fit well with the shallowing process that throughout the middle and late Eocene occurs in the area, according to the sedimentological and stratigraphical data.
This paper discusses some aspects of hunter-gatherer spatial organization in southern South Patagonia, in later times to 10,000 cal yr BP. Various methods of spatial analysis, elaborated with a Geographic Information System (GIS) were applied to the distributional pattern of archaeological sites with radiocarbon dates. The shift in the distributional pattern of chronological information was assessed in conjunction with other lines of evidence within a biogeographic framework. Accordingly, the varying degrees of occupation and integration of coastal and interior spaces in human spatial organization are explained in association with the adaptive strategies hunter-gatherers have used over time. Both are part of the same human response to changes in risk and uncertainty variability in the region in terms of resource availability and environmental dynamics.
El objetivo de este artículo es presentar las observaciones realizadas durante la consulta de los originales de los códices Borgia (Borg. Mess. 1) y Vaticano B (Vat. Lat. 3773) en la Biblioteca Apostólica Vaticana en 2014. Este estudio codicológico, aunque a la fuerza parcial, dado que fue realizado solamente por medio de una observación directa, revela nuevos datos acerca de la elaboración de los manuscritos prehispánicos, tanto en la preparación de la piel como soporte como en los procedimientos aplicados a la hora de trazar las imágenes y corregir las equivocaciones.
"Bien se sabe cuán exigente es el café en todas las operaciones que con él se ejecutan: si cuando está tostándose, se retira del fuego antes de haber soltado el aceite esencial que contiene la cafeína, esto es, el principio excitante y aromático, todavía no es café; si deja tostar demasiado, ya nos es café; si se emplea agua impura o alterada por excesiva ebullición, el aroma y el sabor se pervierten; si se guarda la infusión por más de cierto tiempo, el gusto menos educado le encuentra sensibles cambios desfavorables; y así muchas otras hipótesis y reglas análogas." Rafael Uribe Uribe
Se describen los resultados entomológicos de un estúdio sobre transmiswn del Tripanosoma cruzi realizado en un caserío rural de Argentina. Se determino la prevalencia de infección elperfil alimentario de los Triatoma infestans domiciliados, relacionándose su densidad con el tipo de vivienda. Seis de las 18 viviendas estudiadas eran nuevas o mejoradas y en 16 los habitantes aplicaban hexaclorociclohexano. La menor densidad de vinchucas correspondió a las casas higiénicas o mejoradas con tratamiento químico, Los ranchos tratados presentaron un número de insectos 10 veces menor que un rancho no tratado, indicando la efectividad del control autogestado. Se hallaron T. infestans en el 100% de los dormitorios pero en sólo el 53% de los localesperidomiciliarios. Un 39% de las vinchucas intradomiciliarias estaban infectadas. El 96% de los insectos de dormitorios se alimentaron sobre hombre, perro, polloygato, siendo el índice afinidad para el perro 13 veces superior al correspondiente al hombre. Se discute la importancia epidemiológica de la concentración de vectores dentro de los dormitorios y su asociación trófica con los perros convivientes, nsí como la necessidad de combinar la mejora de vivienda con educación sanitaria.
El presente proyecto intenta determinar los efectos que producen las dos perturbaciones más frecuentes en los pastizales de altura de las sierras de Córdoba, el pastoreo y el incendio post-invernal, sobre la estructura comunitaria y la composición del banco de semillas. Es conocido el efecto que producen las perturbaciones sobre las composición florística de comunidades de pastizal con diferentes historias de disturbio, pero no se conoce aún la repuesta de pastizales naturales a nivel de sus bancos de semillas, una de las principales fuentes de propágulos que asegura la regeneración de las especies. El conocimiento de las respuestas del banco de las semillas frente a perturbaciones permitirá predecir los cambios comunitarios y de esta manera encontrar un mejor equilibrio entre el manejo de los pastizales y la conservación de la diversidad. Objetivo general: * Determinar el efecto de perturbaciones comunitarias y sobre bancos de semillas en sistemas de pastizal natural. Objetivos específicos: * Determinar el efecto del pastoreo y del incendio post-invernal sobre la composición florística de la comunidad y sobre la composición del banco de semillas. * Determinar si existen efectos diferentes frente a ambos tipos de perturbación. * Determinar si existen diferencias entre la composición florística de la comunidad y la del banco de semillas bajo los diferentes tratamientos.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Penales) U.A.N.L.