875 resultados para 750604 Civics and citizenship


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A life of piracy offered marginal men a profession with a degree of autonomy, despite the brand of “outlaw” and the fear of prosecution. At various times throughout history, governments and crowned heads suspended much of their piracy prosecution, licensing men to work as “privateers” for the state, supplementing naval forces. This practice has a long history, but in sixteenth-century England, Elizabeth I (1558-1603) significantly altered this tradition. Recognizing her own weakness in effectively prosecuting these men and the profit they could contribute to the government, Elizabeth began incorporating pirates into the English naval corps in peacetime—not just in war. This practice increased English naval resources, income, and presence in the emerging Atlantic World, but also increased conflict with the powerful Spanish empire. By 1605, making peace with Spain, James VI/I (1603-1625) retracted Elizabeth’s privateering promotion, prompting an emigration of English seamen to the American outposts they had developed in the previous century. Now exiles, no longer beholden to the Crown, seamen reverted back to piracy. The Carolinas and Jamaica served as bases for these rover communities. In 1650, the revolutionary leader Oliver Cromwell (1649-1658) once again recognized the merits of such policies. Determined to demonstrate his authority and solidify his rule, Cromwell offered citizenship and state support to Caribbean exiles in exchange for their aiding of his navy in the taking of Spanish Jamaica. Official chartering of Port Royal, Jamaica served as reward for these men’s efforts and as the culmination of a century-long cycle of piracy legislation, creating one of England’s most lucrative colonies in the middle of a traditionally Spanish Caribbean empire. Through legal and diplomatic records, correspondence, and naval and demographic records from England and Spain, this dissertation explores early modern piracy/privateering policy and its impact on the development of the Atlantic World. European disputes and imperial competition converged in these piracy debates with significant consequences for the definitions of criminality and citizenship and for the development of Atlantic empire.


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Surrogacy has become an effective and accepted form of reproductive technology. It enables couples, regardless of gender or sexuality, to achieve the dream of becoming a parent in circumstances where other forms of reproductive technology and adoption are either not possible or have failed. To its credit, the Queensland parliament has recently brought this state up to date by enacting surrogacy laws that are in line with the majority of statutes implemented throughout the country. The Surrogacy Act 2010 (Qld) allows for the court to make a parentage order in certain circumstances where parties have entered into a surrogacy arrangement. A parentage order effectively transfers parental rights from the birth mother (and her spouse or de facto if there is one) to the intended parents. The requirements which must be satisfied to obtain a parenting order are comprehensive and onerous, making the path to parenthood through a surrogacy arrangement by no means easy. At the heart of the surrogacy issue lies a question, the answer to which has shifted and continues to shift as reproductive technologies continue to increase in success, method and popularity - what is a parent? A recent decision of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Hudson v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, brought to attention the meaning of the word ‘parent’ as it appears in s 16(2) Australian Citizenship Act 2007 (Cth) (‘the Act’). Section 16(2) deals with citizenship by descent and provides that a person born outside Australia may make an application to the Minister to become an Australian citizen if a parent of the person was an Australian citizen at the time of the birth.


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Since 2000 there has been pressure on education systems for develop in students a number of competences that are described as generic. This pressure stems from studies of the changing nature of work in the Knowledge Society that is now so dominant. The DeSeCo project identified a number of these competences, and listed them under the headings of communicative, analytical and personal. They include thinking, creativity, communication skills, knowing how to learn, working in teams, adapting to change, and problem solving. These competences pose a substantial challenge to the manner in which education as a whole, and science education in particular, has hitherto been generally conceived. It is now common to find their importance acknowledged in new formulation of the curriculum. The paper reviews a number of these curriculum documents and how they have tried to relate these competences to the teaching and learning of Science, a subject with its own very specific content for learning. It will be suggested that the challenge provides an opportunity for a reconstruction of the teaching and learning of science in schools that will increase its effectiveness for more students.


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This paper argues the case for closer attention to media economics on the part of media, communications and cultural studies researchers. It points to a plurality of approaches to media economics, that include the mainstream neoclassical school and critical political economy, but also new insights derived from perspectives that are less well-known outside of the economics discipline, such as new institutional economics and evolutionary economics. It applies these frameworks to current debates about the future of public service media (PSM), noting limitations to both ‘market failure’ and citizenship discourses, and identifying challenges relating to institutional governance, public policy and innovation as PSMs worldwide adapt to a digitally convergent media environment.


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Contains scrapbooks, correspondence and reports relating to Kohler's extensive activities on behalf of liberal immigration and naturalization laws in the United States, his opposition to the registration of aliens, the problems of Chinese immigration to the United States, his opposition to the use of the term "Hebrew Race" in the classification of immigrants, the drafting of minority clauses at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, Jewish and Christian relations in the U.S., and the condition of Jews in Russia, Roumania, Poland and Nazi-Germany with the following institutions: the American Civil Liberties Union, 1926-1934, the American Jewish Committee, 1909-1934, B'nai Brith, 1930-1933, the Union of American Hebrew Congregations - Board of Delegates on Civil Rights, the Committee on Ellis Island, the Foreign Language Information Service, the Hebrew Benevolent Society of Baltimore, the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society, the Jewish Immigrants' Information Bureau in Galveston, Texas, the Industrial Removal Office, the National Conference of Jews and Christians, the National Council of Jewish Women, the National Council on Naturalization and Citizenship, the Bureau of Immigration to the United States Department of Laborm the United States Department of Commerce and Labor, the Department of State and individual United States Congressmen.


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The study looks at the debates on gender equality in political decision-making in Finland and France in the 1990s and 2000s by analysing the argumentation for parité and quotas and the ways in which gender equality was constructed as a political problem. The focus of the study is on the parliamentary debates on the amendment of the electoral law in France in 2000 and the introduction of quota regulations into the Act on Equality in Finland in 1994 - 1995. The debates ended in the adoption of quota regulations in the electoral lists (France) and in the executive and preparatory bodies at the national and the local level (Finland). Apart from the analysis of the parliamentary debates, the study explores the political processes preceding the adoption of legislation as well as the debates on quotas and parity in Finnish and French societies in the 1980s and 1990s. The debates on gender equality are analysed as the sites of struggle and change with regard to the normative boundaries of gender equality, as well as of politics and citizenship. The cross-cultural perspective gives room to explore the ways in which gender equality and change can be imagined in different national contexts, and which kinds of discursive resources are available for the politicization of gender equality. Specific attention is paid to the discursive frames and agenda settings in the debates and how these set the limits of the imaginable and the possible in the promotion of gender equality. In both Finland and France, the promotion of equality was constructed as a national project, in which the main beneficiary was the society or the nation as a whole. In France, gender equality was an inherent part of the promotion of French democracy; in Finland, gender equality was regarded as a means to bring the expertise of both women and men to the benefit of the whole society. Furthermore, in both countries the promotion of gender equality was based on the harmonious cooperation of women and men and the temporal dimension of "nearly achieved" gender equality. In this kind of a context, gender equality served as a means towards the wider national ends, and there was little room to discuss the aspects of power and agency with regard to gender equality. However, the internationalisation of equality politics, as well as the conflicting interpretations of gender equality in the national political arenas, calls into question the existence of clearly defined and immutable boundaries of "Finnish" and "French" gender equality. At the same time, the rules of the game in politics, including the meaning of French republicanism and Finnish "expert oriented" politics were contested. In this way, the new equality legislation and the preceding political processes played a part in the transformation of the limits of gender equality, politics and citizenship.


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Children and young people as environmental citizens the environmental education perspective to participation This doctoral thesis examines the participation of children and young people in developing their own environment at school, as a part of environmental education. The aim of the research is to assess and consider children and young people s environmentally responsible participation and its effectiveness in relation to the participants own learning and the end results of the participation. The research combines the perspectives of environmental education and citizenship education through the concept of environmental citizenship. Environmental education, which enhances environmental citizenship, offers children and young people the possibility to be active citizens and learn about citizenship in their own lives by taking action themselves. The research is made up of two parts which complement each other. The first part consists of an action research carried out in the Joensuu Lyseo Upper Secondary School, where an environmental education course with a traffic-related theme was planned, developed and evaluated. The second part is made up of an interview survey carried out in Helsinki. In the survey actors from schools and various city offices, who were involved in development projects of school environments, were interviewed. According to the research results, all-round cooperation and more open relations with those outside of the school environment are important ways to support environmental citizenship in schools. Thus, environmentally responsible participation offers a chance to learn competence that an environmental citizen needs the knowledge, skills and willingness to act that have not been successfully taught through traditional school education. The research introduces a model of environmentally responsible participation as a learning process, in which learning is studied through the development of competence, self-empowerment and social empowerment. The model makes the context of environmental education visible and puts emphasis on reflection in the learning process. A central factor in children and young people s self-empowerment is the sense of being heard and taken into consideration. At the moment children and young people s rights to participate are strong, due to legislation, school curricula, and several national and international agreements. Despite this, involving them in developing their own immediate surroundings has not become a part of schools and planning organisations daily life and established methods. Reasons for this situation can be found in the lack of regard and resources for these matters, in the complex nature of planning and a long time frame, and the problems of ownership and of reaching each other. Central to overcoming these obstacles are a gradual change in conduct and mentalities and the strengthening of teachers and officials competence. Children and young people need different ways and methods of varying levels of involvement, structures and arenas which enable participation and in which environmental citizenship can be realized. Key words: environmental citizenship, environmental education, citizenship education, children and young people s participation, social learning, self-empowerment, social empowerment, school, community planning


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Financial Help Alone? Financial help as an exponent of professional diaconal work One essential form of helping people in the Evangelical Lutheran Church s diaconal work is providing economic aid. It can be seen as work which is in accordance with the spirit of the Church Order (4:3). One of the tasks of diaconal work, determined by the Church Order, is to help those whose distress is the greatest and who have no other source of help. This financial support has become a permanent and essential working method, which has also created tension of various kinds. Financial support has been criticized, especially when the support has been used to fill a gap in the social services provided by the government. It has been argued that diaconal work has been forced to take on responsibility for tasks that belong to the welfare state. The tensions involved in the financial support of diaconal work do not only concern the patching up and supplementing of the deficiencies in the welfare state s services but also the question of diaconal workers self-understanding of financial support and how it relates to their professionalism. In this thesis, I examine the experiences and visions diaconal workers have concerning financial support in their work with clients. The viewpoint of my work is the diaconal workers own experiences and interpretations of the meaning of financial support in customer service. In the articles of my thesis, I examined the meanings that diaconal workers gave to financial support in the aspects of work motivation, empowerment, expertise and tensions. The research material of my articles consists of three different data, which are theme interviews from diaconal workers, a survey from diaconal workers of Espoo and a diaconal barometer of 2009. I have analysed the theme interviews and the survey using qualitative content analysis. The results of my articles showed that diaconal workers motivation in tasks concerning economic aid was sustained by the nature and spiritual aspects of support activities. Work that supported empowerment through financial assistance meant influencing the client s personal life, community and local ties and structural circumstances of the surrounding society. Diaconal workers expertise in financial support work can be characterised as horizontal, which means that the expertise was built on acknowledging the client s dignity, the uniqueness of the client s life situation and listening to the client s own voice. Diaconal workers were also experts in community and area-based work. The tensions in financial support work are linked to its unofficial and undefined role in the field of social welfare and the inability of other aiding parties to respond to their duties. The results of my thesis on the experiences and visions of financial support reveal that it is multilateral and multidimensional. Diaconal workers used financial support to help the clients, taking into account their individual, communal, social and spiritual context. The professionalism of this financial support is reflectively related to the client s need of help and the spontaneity and unexpectedness of the situation. Support work was deeply bound to diaconal workers experiences of spirituality as the basic value in their work, the foundation of their idea of humanity and their method of helping others. In different tasks of financial support diaconal workers balanced between traditional, individual client work based on caritas and working methods which are based on supporting the individual s empowerment and active citizenship, as in postmodern social work. Diaconal workers experiences of financial support illustrated the transition or turning point in the professionalism of diaconal work, which involves finding one s own, stronger and clearer professional identity than earlier with respect to other helpers in society. Creating a unique identity is part of the empowerment process of diaconal work, in which it must define its professional role by itself. In postmodern pluralism and the fragmented context of diaconal activities, the question arose as to whether the spiritual traditions and traditional values of diaconal work support the modifications and adaptations needed in new, unpredictable situations. Diaconal work is said to be fast to react, able to predict changes and adapt to those changes. To preserve its sensitive reactive ability, also in the complex postmodern world, it must retain its own views and orientations. Otherwise, the distinctive values and traditions of diaconal work might sustain static diaconal work, employee-centeredness and a smug attitude when defining beneficiaries and needs, which highlights the paternalism of diaconal work. Such paternalism may complicate the progress of working methods which are based on empowerment and citizenship.


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Resumen: En el estudio de los procesos migratorios contemporáneos se ha indicado la importancia de considerar la situación de emigración (Sayad 2011; Herrera Mosquera 2008). Proponemos abordar ello desde las referencias que los migrantes realizan sobre sus trayectorias sobre la base de un corpus de entrevistas y observaciones realizadas entre 2010 y 2013 con la población de migrantes paraguayos del Gran Rosario (Santa Fe, Argentina), desde un enfoque cualitativo y antropológico. En particular, haremos referencia a la atención sanitaria y la escolarización que, sin ser indicados como motivos directos de migración, expresan significativas connotaciones valorativas que introducen la noción de “deuda” desde una lógica reciprocitaria. Lo que nos permite analizar, desde los aportes de M. Godelier (1998), los posicionamientos que los migrantes establecen respecto del Estado y la sociedad de origen y de destino. Concluiremos considerando ello en relación al debate más general sobre derechos y ciudadanía en contextos de migración.


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Avalia se as informações orçamentárias disponibilizadas à sociedade brasileira na Internet pelo Poder Legislativo Federal atendem à transparência nos processos de discussão e de aprovação do orçamento público. Tal objetivo é alcançado após o cotejamento das informações disponíveis nos endereços eletrônicos da Câmara dos Deputados, do Senado Federal e da Comissão Mista de Planos, Orçamentos Públicos e Fiscalização – CMO com aquelas disponíveis em outros países, previamente selecionados, que disponibilizam informações orçamentárias em sítios da Internet. A partir daí, são identificadas eventuais necessidades e oportunidades de melhoria para o Brasil. Sedimentam as bases do trabalho referências bibliográficas que buscam relacionar transparência fiscal com transparência orçamentária, e sua importância para a cidadania. São estabelecidas variáveis a serem pesquisadas nos diversos países e, mediante análise quali-quantitativa, é possível analisar a situação dos países selecionados e compará-la à situação do Brasil. Os resultados mostram que o Brasil se encontra à frente dos países pesquisados, em termos de divulgação de informações orçamentárias pelo Poder Legislativo. No entanto, são propostas melhorias quanto à qualidade das informações divulgadas, no sentido de disponibilizá-las de maneira mais sucinta e simples, bem como quanto à disponibilização das informações em um portal de orçamento público único do Poder Legislativo. Assim, pretende-se alcançar o cidadão comum, que não possui conhecimento técnico a respeito das questões orçamentárias. Sugere-se, ainda, que estudos futuros examinem a relação entre cidadania e divulgação de informações orçamentárias.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os conceitos de liberdade e identidade através da proposta de um "liberalismo cultural", apresentada pelo filósofo canadense Will Kymlicka, tal como defendida em suas obras Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights (1995), Politics in the Vernacular: Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Citizenship (2001) e Multicultural Odysseys. Navigatingthe New International Politics of Diversity (2007). Através dessas leituras, buscou-se compreender em particular de que modo a língua e o território se configuram como elementos definidores das culturas de povos nacionais e étnicos que empenham suas lutas para garantir a permanência desses atributos, tanto em nível doméstico como no plano internacional, a fim de assegurar a singularidade de seus modos de vida e de suas visões de mundo, enquanto grupos diferenciados. Para tanto, tornou-se fundamental a realização de uma análise crítica do processo de construção nacional dos Estados modernos, como um projeto levado a cabo por parte de inúmeros países na modernidade com o intuito de promover a unidade nacional de seus Estados, através da invisibilização das expressões culturais e da participação política de grupos culturalmente minoritários. Ao final, desenvolve-se uma pequena reflexão sobre como esse debate pode contribuir para uma melhor compreensão acerca das reivindicações de populações indígenas e remanescentes de quilombos no Brasil pela regularização de seus territórios e reconhecimento de suas práticas culturais.


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Na campanha do desarmamento organizada pela Organização Não Governamental Viva Rio - e realizada entre meados de 2004 e outubro de 2005, com o Referendo Sobre a Proibição do Comércio de Armas de Fogo no Brasil , os atores, discursos e práticas envolvidos na causa do desarmamento se voltavam, majoritariamente, a uma estratégia de apelo aos corações aos cidadãos de bem como forma de persuasão, atrelavam, de modo amplo, a defesa ao desarmamento à defesa à paz e ao combate à violência, e se concentravam, principalmente, na divulgação e promoção da campanha de entrega das armas. Para o debate em torno do Estatuto do Desarmamento e do Referendo, entretanto, novos atores entraram na disputa e começaram a ganhar visibilidade na esfera pública. Os atores engajados pelo "não" no Referendo acionaram aliados e seus discursos em prol de sua causa, recorrendo a elementos da moral e da religião na defesa da posse de armas como um direito inalienável dos cidadãos.Este trabalho reflete sobre as ações engendradas pelo Viva Rio em torno da questão do desarmamento desde sua fundação - com destaque para a Campanha do Desarmamento de 2004 -, discutindo a presença da religiosidade em suas iniciativas e a contribuição desta na constituição de noções de paz, violência e cidadania no espaço público brasileiro. Examina, ainda, de que modo estas noções fundamentaram a atuação pública do Viva Rio na construção de uma cultura da paz e ajudaram a compor um campo de parcerias e disputas no cenário nacional.


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A tese reflete criticamente sobre o Estatuto da Cidade lei promulgada em 2001 que regulamenta o capítulo da constituição federal referente à Reforma Urbana - e suas implicações sociais, especialmente em cidades com um percentual elevado de população vivendo em submoradias (favelas, cortiços e autoconstruções). Neste quadro, identificou-se uma maior densidade das experiências democráticas de participação popular na gestão urbana (como o Orçamento Participativo) que trouxeram um novo relevo aos seus novos atores e suas novas formas de atuação.Analisou-se também o novo cenário político implementado a partir de 2003, com a criação do Ministério das Cidades que reforçou uma política participava na gestão municipal via a criação do Plano Diretor Participativo, instrumento obrigatório estabelecido pelo Estatuto das Cidade. Identificou-se, no entanto que, apesar do novo marco regulatório urbano e do diagnóstico da drástica situação de grande parte da população pobre nas cidades brasileiras, a agenda das políticas públicas municipais continua excludente e fechada ao debate mais amplo e politizado de uma efetiva implementação dos direitos sociais para a população excluída. A presente tese visou contribuir para com esse debate, trazendo novas questões e novas percepções em torno dos movimentos sociais, da cidadania e do direito à cidade e enfrentando também a discussão acerca do papel do judiciário e da efetividade da Constituição Federal no campo dos direitos sociais. Discutiu-se as políticas públicas relacionadas ao papel do Estado, inclusive no que tange às atuações e intervenções do Poder Judiciário e dos movimentos sociais. Para isso, adotou-se a metodologia qualitativa e elaborou-se um questionário de entrevistas aplicado a 11 pessoas vinculadas à uma significativa atuação política, legislativa, de pesquisa científica, técnica e/ou jurídica em relação aos conflitos urbanos na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, abrangendo ativistas dos movimentos sociais, do poder judiciário, pesquisadores e legislativo municipal. Os objetivos desta tese foram contemplados ao evidenciar as possibilidades de expansão da cidadania via a gestão democrática das cidades, tendo como referência o novo marco legal trazendo esse debate para o campo das políticas públicas concernentes praticadas pelo Poder Executivo e ainda, apontar a existência de espaços de luta para a busca da efetividade dos direitos sociais dentro do judiciário.


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Este estudo, que constitui minha Dissertação de Mestrado em Educação, descreve e analisa a história, as concepções e as práticas político-pedagógicas dos Cursos Pré-Vestibulares Populares, tomando como base os dados colhidos através de análise de documentos, observação e depoimentos das principais lideranças do Movimento Pré-Vestibular para Negros e Carentes (PVNC), movimento criado em 1993 na Baixada Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro. O texto parte da discussão sobre a educação no atual contexto sócio-político, identifica questões a serem aprofundadas sobre a relação entre movimentos sociais, educação e projeto político-pedagógico, examina as idéias de democracia e cidadania, incorporando os conceitos de autonomia, identidade e interculturalismo, descreve a história dos Cursos Pré-Vestibulares Populares no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, os princípios e as práticas presentes no Pré-Vestibular para Negros e Carentes. O objetivo principal do estudo foi analisar a relação entre Movimentos Sociais, Cidadania e Educação, investigando a prática político-pedagógica dos cursos Pré-Vestibulares Populares, especificamente do Pré-Vestibular para Negros e Carentes. Além disso, e estudo tenta verificar as possibilidades dos Cursos Pré-Vestibulares Populares como movimento de construção de relações educacionais democráticas.


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O Instituto Superior Tecnológico do Rio de Janeiro (IST-Rio) serviu de lócus para a concretização deste trabalho, que traz o relato de uma realidade institucional vivenciada por uma comunidade educacional que incorporou em seu projeto pedagógico humanidades dentro da perspectiva de uma formação tecnológica. O trabalho foi realizado utilizando como base a Teoria Crítica, aplicada ao universo da educação pública superior e focada nos jovens de classe popular oriundos da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A caminhada, turbulenta e ao mesmo tempo repleta de desafios, culminou em conquistas importantes, resultantes do esforço de uma equipe que acreditava nas múltiplas possibilidades de concretização de um projeto comprometido com a formação tecnológica na área de ciência da computação a partir da construção de um currículo integrado que contemplasse as disciplinas da área técnica e não deixasse de privilegiar a formação humanística, tão importante para a vida cidadã. Um projeto que ao mesmo tempo tivesse o olhar pedagógico para a construção de suas práticas e a gerência democrática significativa para a necessária consolidação de um novo estilo de convivência. Os resultados foram significativos e representaram avanços para as vidas dos docentes e discentes, além de profundas mudanças na maneira de consolidar o conhecimento, o que alavancou o desenvolvimento de um sentimento institucional capaz de proporcionar a construção de uma proposta de política pública para a ampliação da formação tecnológica em todo o Estado do Rio de Janeiro, apropriando um projeto inovador, criativo e humano.