926 resultados para optimates and populares


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Este artículo se enfoca en el estudio del período que corre entre 1935 y 1951 para destacar una de las empresas más importantes del PC a nivel mundial, con substanciales réditos en Argentina: la organización de las mujeres. En particular, nuestro interrogante es de qué modo un partido tradicionalmente considerado de estructuración directa y unitaria, profesional, eminentemente concentrado en la línea de formación ideológica por sobre la electoral, caracterizado por un perfil obrero y fuerte en términos de organización administrativa interna -particularmente, debido a su característica celular-, encuentra límites a esa propia caracterización organizacional en tanto delinea una política de intervención coyuntural que lo coloca en alianzas con otros actores y modifica, con ello, sus propios caracteres. El corpus documental de esta investigación incluye documentos y prensa partidaria (comunista y de otras agrupaciones políticas o sociales); archivos personales, autobiografías y entrevistas. La codificación permitió un ordenamiento de los datos extraídos de los documentos relevados, agrupándolos, según similitudes o diferencias relevantes en categorías que hicieron posible su análisis


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This article analyses the motivations for return migration among the Ecuadorians and Bolivians who, after living in Spain, returned to their countries of origin during the economic crisis that started in 2008. From the analysis of 22 interviews in-depth which took place in Ecuador and 38 in Bolivia to women, men and young people from migrant families, this decision-making process is shown to be embedded into a gendered dynamics of relationships. Particular detail is given to affective and economic elements that had an influence on the decision to return, as well as to the strategies deployed to project their readjustment back in origin. Males and females occupy differential positions within the family, work and social circle, their expectations being built in a gendered manner. Despite the fact migration has brought women greater economic power within the family group, their reintegration upon return redefines their role as main managers in the household and the dynamics that allow their social reproduction. Men, for their part, aspire to refresh their role as providers in spite of their frail labour position upon return. Social mobility for females is passed on through generations by a strong investment on education for their daughters and sons, while for males this mobility revolves around setting up family businesses and around their demonstrative abilities.


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This article analyses the context of production and local situations of appropriation and resignification related to the folk song “Fire on Animaná” as well as the request and mobilization (“The animanazo”) provoked by this song in order to examine different mechanisms and foundations by which a population connect with an event from its community past, identifying with this and taking it in a specific way. In this article we combine discourse analysis of the song and of interviews to participants in this event with the reconstruction —through ethnographic observation— of how to use this song.


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Mallorca, the largest of the Balearic Islands, is a well-known summer holidays destination; an ideal place to relax and enjoy the sun and the sea. That tourist gaze reflected on postcards results from advertising campaigns, where cinema played an important role with documentaries and fiction films. The origins of that iconography started in the decades of the 1920’s and 1930’s, reflecting the so-called myth of the “island of calm”. On the other hand, the films of the 1950’s and 1960’s created new stereotypes related to the mass tourism boom. Busy beaches and the white bodies of tourists replaced white sandy beaches, mountains and landscapes shown up in the movies of the early decades of the 20th century. Besides, hotels and nightclubs also replaced monuments, rural landscapes and folk exhibitions. These tourist images mirror the social and spatial transformations of Mallorca, under standardization processes like other seaside mass tourist destinations. The identity was rebuilt on the foundations of "modernity". Although "balearization" has not ceased, nowadays filmmaking about Mallorca is advertising again a stereotype close to that one of the 1920s and 1930s, glorifying the myth of the "island of calm". This singular identity makes the island more profitable for capital that searches socio-spatial differentiation in post-fordist times.


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Se describe y analiza el tratamiento que los documentos audiovisuales reciben, a través de las políticas de desarrollo de colecciones, los procesos técnicos y los servicios, en una muestra de bibliotecas populares de la ciudad de La Plata. Se señala la existencia de un panorama común a la mayor parte de las bibliotecas. Se destacan las características de dos instituciones que se constituyen como excepciones a esta generalidad


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Se expone una hipótesis de trabajo para abordar el estudio de los escritos de Domingo Faustino Sarmiento sobre las bibliotecas populares. En ese contexto, el presente ensayo explora una cuestión específica: ¿qué libros para las bibliotecas populares? A través de un análisis crítico de los textos del autor, se intenta mostrar que los lineamientos que perfilan las características de las colecciones de estas instituciones deben identificarse en los vínculos que mantienen los múltiples núcleos temáticos analizados por Sarmiento, a saber: el examen del comercio y la industria del libro en América, la organización de proyectos editoriales, la toma de posición frente a la lectura de novelas, entre otros. A partir de un artículo concreto, se describe la manera en que Sarmiento entiende la relación entre los lectores y las lecturas en el contexto específico de una biblioteca popular. En un balance final, se realizan dos observaciones. Primero: la elección de lecturas no es una prescripción aislada, sino un complejo de observaciones sobre la presencia del libro y la lectura en América Latina, especialmente en Chile y en la Argentina. Segundo, el autor apela a la constitución de un catálogo capaz de atraer a los lectores. Esta finalidad, es prioritaria en su proyecto


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This survey has to general objective to evaluate the Food Safety Policy implemented by Restaurantes Populares do Rio Grande do Norte. The survey is qualitative of type exploratory and descriptive. The universe of survey is all Units of Food and Nutrition (UAN) of the Restaurantes Populares do Rio Grande do Norte. To collects of data were used two instruments: interview and form. The interviews were intended to analyze the four axes of the Food Safety: access, food quality, production and marketing of food and organizational arrangement. The form was used to check the quality of nutrition and sanitary-hygienic food served. We used two types of forms: a spreadsheet with the weekly menu and the portions served to verify that the meals serve the nutritional needs proposed by the program; and the check-list of ANVISA to verify the sanitary-hygienic conditions in each unit. Through the survey data and analyses made observe that the access category have some problems such as lack of registration, lack of advertising of Restaurants and wastage of public resources, making policy that should be of included in a policy of exclusion. In the nutritional aspect there is neglect on the daily nutritional goal, because it is not accomplished nutritional analysis of menu offered, the nutritionists do not know what should be the nutritional value of meals served; in the hygienic-health aspect trough the problems identified is concludes that there is no guarantee of food quality hygienic-sanitary, committing the program as a Food Safety Program. About the production and marketing of food is observed some problems as: the goal of sale of meals is not achieved in full, the purchase of genres does not stimulate the local economy, nor generates jobs and income, and inefficient performance of the MEIOS's supervision. In the analysis of organizational arrangement is concluded that the partnerships are beneficial, despite some negative points, therefore, are these partnerships the problems of non-compliance, as both the MEIOS and Nutriti of important criteria established in the partnership. Therefore, it is understood that the Programa Restaurantes Populares in its original formulation is proposed to be a food safety policy, but has some problems that impossible to meet its goal, making it unprofitable like Food Safety Policy


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No presente relatório, apresento um trabalho que foca parte dos elementos representativos do património popular, oral, poético e cultura do concelho de Vidigueira, composto por uma abordagem que respeita o trabalho dos seus poetas populares e por um processo que se prende com a tradução destas poesias populares na sua passagem da língua portuguesa para a língua francesa. É através destas formas poéticas, décimas e quadras, que cinco poetas e uma poetisa, todos eles autóctones e residentes neste concelho, retratam as suas matrizes sócio-culturais, espaciais e intelectuais. Quanto à tradução dos poemas, este processo aspira à transmissão da carga cultural contida nestas formas de poesia popular, a cidadãos francófonos. Para além da utilização de algumas ferramentas de tradução, aqui, e em simultâneo, são também aplicadas as técnicas de tradução apreendidas durante o percurso académico. ABSTRACT; ln this report, I present a work that focuses a part of the representative elements of the popular, oral and poetic heritage as well as the culture of Vidigueira council, based on a study containing the work of its popular poets and the process of dealing with the translation of these popular poems from Portuguese to French. It's through these poetic forms, tenth and quatrains, that five poets and a poetess, all of them native and residents in this council, portray their intellectual, spatial, and sociocultural frameworks. Regarding the translation of the poems, the process aims at the transmission of the cultural environment included in these forms of popular poetry, to francophone citizens. Besides the using of some translation tools, here, and simultaneously, are also used the techniques of translation learnt during my academic studies. Résumé; Dans ce rapport, je présent un travai! concentré dans une partie des éléments représentatifs du patrimoine populaire, oral, poétique et culturel de la municipalité de Vidigueira, composé par une approche concemant le travai!de ses poetes populaires et aussi un processus dont l'objectif est de traduire ces poésies populaires du Portugais vers le Français. C'est à travers ces formes poétiques, dizains et quatrains, que cinq poetes et une poétesse, autochtones et résidents dans cette municipalité, présentent leurs matrices socioculturelles, spatiales et intellectuelles. En ce qui concerne la traduction des poemes, ce processus vise la transmission de la charge culturelle contenue dans ces formes de poésie populaire, aux citoyens francophones. Au même temps que j'en utilise quelques outils de traduction, j'en applique aussi les techniques de traduction apprises pendant le parcours académique.


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This survey has to general objective to evaluate the Food Safety Policy implemented by Restaurantes Populares do Rio Grande do Norte. The survey is qualitative of type exploratory and descriptive. The universe of survey is all Units of Food and Nutrition (UAN) of the Restaurantes Populares do Rio Grande do Norte. To collects of data were used two instruments: interview and form. The interviews were intended to analyze the four axes of the Food Safety: access, food quality, production and marketing of food and organizational arrangement. The form was used to check the quality of nutrition and sanitary-hygienic food served. We used two types of forms: a spreadsheet with the weekly menu and the portions served to verify that the meals serve the nutritional needs proposed by the program; and the check-list of ANVISA to verify the sanitary-hygienic conditions in each unit. Through the survey data and analyses made observe that the access category have some problems such as lack of registration, lack of advertising of Restaurants and wastage of public resources, making policy that should be of included in a policy of exclusion. In the nutritional aspect there is neglect on the daily nutritional goal, because it is not accomplished nutritional analysis of menu offered, the nutritionists do not know what should be the nutritional value of meals served; in the hygienic-health aspect trough the problems identified is concludes that there is no guarantee of food quality hygienic-sanitary, committing the program as a Food Safety Program. About the production and marketing of food is observed some problems as: the goal of sale of meals is not achieved in full, the purchase of genres does not stimulate the local economy, nor generates jobs and income, and inefficient performance of the MEIOS's supervision. In the analysis of organizational arrangement is concluded that the partnerships are beneficial, despite some negative points, therefore, are these partnerships the problems of non-compliance, as both the MEIOS and Nutriti of important criteria established in the partnership. Therefore, it is understood that the Programa Restaurantes Populares in its original formulation is proposed to be a food safety policy, but has some problems that impossible to meet its goal, making it unprofitable like Food Safety Policy


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The general purpose of this work is to describe and analyse the financing phenomenon of crowdfunding and to investigate the relations among crowdfunders, project creators and crowdfunding websites. More specifically, it also intends to describe the profile differences between major crowdfunding platforms, such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo. The findings are supported by literature, gathered from different scientific research papers. In the empirical part, data about Kickstarter and Indiegogo was collected from their websites and also complemented with further data from other statistical websites. For finding out specific information, such as satisfaction of entrepreneurs from both platforms, a satisfaction survey was applied among 200 entrepreneurs from different countries. To identify the profile of users of the Kickstarter and of the Indiegogo platforms, a multivariate analysis was performed, using a Hierarchical Clusters Analysis for each platform under study. Descriptive analysis was used for exploring information about popularity of platforms, average cost and the most popular area of projects, profile of users and future opportunities of platforms. To assess differences between groups, association between variables, and answering to the research hypothesis, an inferential analysis it was applied. The results showed that the Kickstarter and Indiegogo are one of the most popular crowdfunding platforms. Both of them have thousands of users and they are generally satisfied. Each of them uses individual approach for crowdfunders. Despite this, they both could benefit from further improving their services. Furthermore, according the results it was possible to observe that there is a direct and positive relationship between the money needed for the projects and the money collected from the investors for the projects, per platform.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2015.


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La composición académica siempre ha buscado la manera de nutrirse de las músicas de tradición popular y es posible rastrear, en la historia de la música occidental, muchos compositores que han recurrido al uso de éstas -- Es importante seguir observando y estudiando los procesos creativos que mantienen vivas ambas prácticas musicales y las expresiones artísticas que continúan explorando diversas maneras de establecer relaciones entre lo académico y lo popular -- Mi intención es mostrar diferentes vías para hacer inclusión de elementos sonoros que hagan referencia a músicas y/o contextos de tradición popular en la composición de música electroacústica y ver su incidencia en el discurso musical -- Se establecerán categorías para la identificación y análisis de lo que llamaré Objeto Sonoro Popular y se notará la manera en que éste es utilizado y manipulado por diferentes compositores en Latinoamérica y, particularmente en Colombia


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El presente trabajo estudia los textos refranísticos utilizados frecuentemente en la ciudad de Cuenca como vehículos y agentes de violencia simbólica racial. La aproximación a los dichos populares, proverbios y refranes racialmente discriminatorios a través del Análisis Crítico del Discurso permite evidenciar la presencia del racismo como representación de las relaciones de poder y dominación heredadas desde la Colonia y que hoy son parte del patrón de dominación llamado Colonialidad del poder por Aníbal Quijano.


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This article aims at analyzing the lexical maps of three linguistic atlases from Paraná: two related to the city of Londrina (AGUILERA, 1987 and ROMANO, 2012) and one related to the State of Paraná, the Linguistic Atlas of Paraná (AGUILERA, 1994), concerning the variants for espadrilles. As these are popular shoes that are falling out of use in Paraná, with this work our objective is to verify and discuss: (i) by means of real time and apparent time research (LABOV, 1996 [1972]), in two synchronies, the changes and resistances of the lexical units in the speech of people from Londrina; (ii) the lexical collection found in the three atlases and its dicionarization; (iii) how the creation of popular forms to name such popular shoes at the beginning of the colonization in the north of Paraná happens