897 resultados para Perturbação de Stress Pós-Traumático - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


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Personnel involved in natural or man-made disaster response and recovery efforts may be exposed to a wide variety of physical and mental stressors that can exhibit long-lasting and detrimental psychopathological outcomes. In a disaster situation, huge numbers of "secondary" responders can be involved in contaminant clean-up and debris removal and can be at risk of developing stress-related mental health outcomes. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) worker training hierarchy typically required for response workers, known as "Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response" (HAZWOPER), does not address the mental health and safety concerns of workers. This study focused on the prevalence of traumatic stress experienced by secondary responders that had received or expressed interest in receiving HAZWOPER training through the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Worker Education and Training Program (NIEHS WETP). ^ The study involved the modification of two preexisting and validated survey tools to assess secondary responder awareness of physical, mental, and traumatic stressors on mental health and sought to determine if a need existed to include traumatic stress-related mental health education in the current HAZWOPER training regimen. The study evaluated post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), resiliency, mental distress, and negative effects within a secondary responder population of 176 respondents. Elevated PTSD levels were seen in the study population as compared to a general responder population (32.9% positive vs. 8%-22.5% positive). Results indicated that HAZWOPER-trained disaster responders were likely to test positive for PTSD, whereas, untrained responders with no disaster experience and responders who possessed either training or disaster experience only were likely to test PTSD negative. A majority (68.75%) of the population tested below the mean resiliency to cope score (80.4) of the average worker population. Results indicated that those who were trained only or who possessed both training and disaster work experience were more likely to have lower resiliency scores than those with no training or experience. There were direct correlations between being PTSD positive and having worked at a disaster site and experiencing mental distress and negative effects. However, HAZWOPER training status does not significantly correlate with mental distress or negative effect. ^ The survey indicated clear support (91% of respondents) for mental health education. The development of a pre- and post-deployment training module is recommended. Such training could provide responders with the necessary knowledge and skills to recognize the symptomology of PTSD, mental stressors, and physical and traumatic stressors, thus empowering them to employ protective strategies or seek professional help if needed. It is further recommended that pre-deployment mental health education be included in the current HAZWOPER 24- and 40-hour course curriculums, as well as, consideration be given towards integrating a stand-alone post-deployment mental health education training course into the current HAZWOPER hierarchy.^


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Ce mémoire de maitrise porte sur deux axes principaux : la mise en diagnostic et les enjeux que cela représente pour l’individu ainsi que la question du syndrome de stress post-traumatique (SSPT) dans une population particulière, celle des militaires français. À travers une étude de différents concepts anthropologiques tels que la sous-culture militaire, l’anthropologie du corps, de la mémoire et du discours, le travail de terrain a permis de mettre de l’avant l’expérience et l’impact du diagnostic du syndrome de stress post-traumatique. Les différentes étapes de la mise en diagnostic sont présentées afin de découvrir comment est vécue l’officialisation de ce trouble. Il est alors expliqué le paradoxe propre à ce diagnostic qui est posé, peu importe le type de choc traumatique à l’origine du SSPT. Cela permet de comprendre pourquoi le diagnostic du syndrome de stress post-traumatique reste un véritable enjeu lorsqu’il est question de la population militaire. Bien que de plus en plus de recherches existent sur le sujet au Canada ou aux États-Unis, la question en France reste encore en développement. C’est pourquoi cette recherche permet de découvrir la perception du trouble pour l’individu atteint et ses proches, la prévention et la prise en charge du stress post-traumatique à travers le diagnostic proposé actuellement.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicocriminologia


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A traumatic stress framework was identified as a valid way of conceptualising high levels of parenting stress in a subpopulation of parents raising a child with autism. An association between traumatic stress symptoms and child behaviours that posed a threat to child safety (e.g., elopement, aggression, self-injury) was found.


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Introduction : Cet article présente un cas de psychothérapie de stress post-traumatique chez l’agresseur. Ce syndrome clinique est bien décrit dans la littérature, mais notre recherche ne nous a permis de trouver que 2 rapports de cas témoignant de son traitement en psychothérapie. Le traitement de cette population présente plusieurs défis. Un effort a dû être déployé pour réviser une littérature complexe. D’autres contraintes à notre démarche touchaient l’identification d’un sujet éligible, l’adaptation du protocole de psychothérapie à ce sujet et à au contexte de la pratique clinique, ainsi que l’administration du protocole en tenant compte de contraintes organisationnelles spécifiques. Méthode : Toutes les étapes du projet ont été dirigées par le premier auteur. Une revue de la littérature sur l’état de stress post-traumatique chez l’agresseur a été réalisée sous la supervision du deuxième auteur. Elle a été présentée au congrès annuel de l’Association des Médecins Psychiatres du Québec (AMPQ) de 2011. Cette expérience a permis une sensibilisation aux manifestations de ce syndrome clinique dans la pratique psychiatrique. Grâce à cela, un sujet hospitalisé a été identifié comme présentant des symptômes suggestifs d’état de stress post-traumatique chez l’agresseur. Une psychothérapie a été planifiée et administrée, à partir des connaissances acquises lors de la revue de la littérature, sous la supervision du troisième auteur. Le sujet a été sélectionné par échantillon de convenance. Les données colligées concernant l’évolution clinique du sujet sont de nature qualitative. La méthode d’intervention est une thérapie cognitivo-comportementale intensive, chez un patient hospitalisé. Une attention particulière a été portée au vécu subjectif de l’agresseur, tel que suggéré par la littérature. Un suivi a eu lieu en clinique externe par la suite, permettant de colliger des données supplémentaires. Résultats : L’évolution du sujet a été positive, se concluant par le désir de devenir un membre productif de la société. Conclusion : Un protocole de thérapie cognitivo-comportementale visant l’état de stress post-traumatique en général peut être adapté à la situation de l’agresseur. L’exercice d’être attentif à l’expérience subjective de l’agresseur permet de dépasser certains défis que présente son traitement. La psychothérapie peut être adaptée à la situation du patient hospitalisé en psychiatrie. L’ensemble de la démarche illustrée dans cet article représente un exemple concret d’application de principes scientifiques au traitement d’un sujet dont la présentation clinique ne correspond pas à un diagnostic pour lequel il existe un traitement bien établi. Nous invitons le lecteur clinicien à aborder les défis présentés par un cas clinique en formulant une question de recherche pertinente, qui pourra être mise à l’épreuve pendant la phase de traitement du patient. De plus, nous croyons que la rédaction d’une histoire de cas, organisée en fonction de ce principe, constitue un outil didactique précieux dans la formation en psychiatrie.


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Emergency service workers (e.g., fire-fighters, police and paramedics) are exposed to elevated levels of potentially traumatising events through the course of their work. Such exposure can have lasting negative consequences (e. g., Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; PTSD) and/or positive outcomes (e. g., Posttraumatic Growth; PTG). Research had implicated trauma, occupational and personal variables that account for variance in post-trauma outcomes yet at this stage no research has investigated these factors and their relative influence on both PTSD and PTG in a single study. Based in Calhoun and Tedeschi’s (2013) model of PTG and previous research, in this study regression models of PTG and PTSD symptoms among 218 fire-fighters were tested. Results indicated organisational factors predicted symptoms of PTSD, while there was partial support for the hypothesis that coping and social support would be predictors of PTG. Experiencing multiple sources of trauma, higher levels of organisational and operational stress, and utilising cognitive reappraisal coping, were all significant predictors of PTSD symptoms. Increases in PTG were predicted by experiencing trauma from multiple sources and the use of self-care coping. Results highlight the importance of organisational factors in the development of PTSD symptoms, and of individual factors for promoting PTG.


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Individuals and communities are exposed to traumatic events, those that are accidents or naturally occurring and those that are intentional or human made. Although resilience is the expected response, for some, posttraumatic stress disorder may be the outcome. Brain models of PTSD require understanding the phenomenology of the disorder and the brain “break down” that occurs. Among several models, importantly, is the perspective that PTSD is a “forgetting” disorder. Other elements in the onset and triggers of PTSD can identify further models to examine at the bench. New studies of the 5-HT2A receptor, the glucocorticoid receptor, p11, mitochondrial genes and cannabinoids are bringing new perspectives to understanding brain function in PTSD. Effective treatments indicate areas for bench research on the mechanisms of the disorder.


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Previous research with emergency service workers has examined the relationship between operational and organisational stress and negative indicators of mental health, and generally found that organisational stress is more strongly related to pathology than operational stress. The current study aimed to create and test a model predicting both posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and posttraumatic growth (PTG) simultaneously in a sample of fire-fighters (N = 250). The results found that the model demonstrated good fit for the data. In contrast to previous research operational stress was directly related to PTSD symptoms, while organisational stress was not. Organisational stress was indirectly related to PTG, through the mediating role of organisational belongingness. This research identified organisational belongingness as a good target for psychosocial interventions aimed at promoting positive adaptation following the experience of trauma in emergency services.


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Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating psychiatric disorder that has a major impact on the ability to function effectively in daily life. PTSD may develop as a response to exposure to an event or events perceived as potentially harmful or life-threatening. It has high prevalence rates in the community, especially among vulnerable groups such as military personnel or those in emergency services. Despite extensive research in this field, the underlying mechanisms of the disorder remain largely unknown. The identification of risk factors for PTSD has posed a particular challenge as there can be delays in onset of the disorder, and most people who are exposed to traumatic events will not meet diagnostic criteria for PTSD. With the advent of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM V), the classification for PTSD has changed from an anxiety disorder into the category of stress- and trauma-related disorders. This has the potential to refocus PTSD research on the nature of stress and the stress response relationship. This review focuses on some of the important findings from psychological and biological research based on early models of stress and resilience. Improving our understanding of PTSD by investigating both genetic and psychological risk and coping factors that influence stress response, as well as their interaction, may provide a basis for more effective and earlier intervention.


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Objectives. School personnel who are exposed to school violence are at risk in developing post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In Finland there have been two such events in recent years, Jokela school shooting on 7.11.2007 and Kauhajoki school shooting about a year later. The aim of the present study was to examine the presence and change in PTSD symptoms during the first year after the Jokela school shooting. A second aim was to study how the initial exposure and treatment affects the symptom levels of PTSD. There were four hypotheses: 1) The PTSD symptoms are higher for the people who were exposed to the school shooting than for the people who did not face the stressor. 2) The PTSD symptoms increase in the follow up for the people at the school which was not attacked because of the second incident brought up the memories from the Jokela school shooting. 3) Those who have greater exposure to the shooting will have higher level of PTSD symptoms at both 4 and 11 months after the shooting than those who were not directly exposed to the shooting. 4) The PTSD symptoms are reduced more in the group that starts treatment right after the traumatic event than in other groups. Methods. A sample of 24 members of Jokela school personnel were examined four months after the incident and 16 were reassessed 11 month after the incident. To study the change and level of symptoms in other schools during the same period, a group with no exposure to the shooting was used as a control group (n=22). The assessment included Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist Specific (PCL-S) and a social and professional support questionnaire. In addition questions about timing of support and experiences of psychological debriefing were asked. Results and conclusions. Most participants in the study group experienced some symptoms of PTSD at both 4 and 11 months. In both measures three participants from the study group fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for PTSD. The study group and control group differed significantly in overall symptom levels. The study group had more PTSD symptoms in the first measure but in the follow-up the study group’s PTSD symptoms decreased and the control group’s increased. There was a significant change in the study groups PTSD symptom level for those who started treatment right after the traumatic event. The results from this study showed that an exposure to school shooting has long-term effects on school personnel. The findings suggest that it is crucial to plan a comprehensive and long-term treatment for school personnel in the aftermath of school shooting.


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Este trabalho tem como foco central a análise dos dilemas presentes na produção de conhecimento acerca das emoções e do comportamento humano nas neurociências. Para isso, realizou-se uma etnografia em um laboratório atuante na seara da psicofisiologia ou neurobiologia das emoções. Mais especificamente, trata-se de um centro de pesquisas que atualmente realiza experimentos com universitários, militares e pacientes psiquiátricos no intuito de investigar questões relativas ao chamado transtorno do estresse pós-traumático, o neuromarketing, entre outras questões relacionadas à violência urbana e situações aversivas de um modo geral. Para compreender a centralidade adquirida pelo corpo e em especial o cérebro na definição da Pessoa, buscou-se acompanhar o cotidiano de transformação e atualizações neurocientíficas de problemáticas já postas desde o delineamento histórico do fisicalismo moderno. Buscou-se atentar ainda para as trajetórias dos programas de pesquisas desenvolvidos e da vida acadêmica das/os pesquisadoras/os, assim como para as controvérsias intrínsecas a uma atividade científica que se propõe a discutir uma ontologia para o humano.


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Desde a síndrome do coração irritável, passando pelas diversas síndromes do fin de siècle e chegando ao triunfo das teorias neurocientíficas sobre a hipersensibilidade dos centros cerebrais de resposta ao alarme e sufocação, a Medicina buscou teorias para explicar a experiência de pavor. Investiga-se o modo como ocorreram, ao longo da história, as transformações da atenção médica sobre o medo e os estados mórbidos que o acompanham. Ao se buscar na literatura médica vestígios de análises científicas sobre o mal-estar intenso, do meio do século XIX ao fim do XX, não se pretendeu construir uma história triunfalista, de modo que as teorias atuais pudessem ganhar status de superioridade em relação às do passado. Evidenciou-se, sim, a importância cultural e a força histórica de cada uma delas, salientando as possíveis continuidades e rupturas de sentido que elas assumiram.


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Nos últimos anos, a área da saúde vem explorando o potencial das novas tecnologias para diagnóstico e tratamentos de muitos distúrbios. Em especial, a tecnologia de Realidade Virtual se destaca por oferecer novas perspectivas de tratamento para diferentes distúrbios neuropsiquiátricos. Por outro lado, a ocorrência de problemas causados por situações traumáticas vem crescendo em todo o mundo. Nesse contexto, o Transtorno de Estresse Pós-Traumático (TEPT) é classificado como um transtorno de ansiedade que se caracteriza por gerar uma classe de comportamentos inadequados a situações que não representam perigo real. Em geral, este transtorno está relacionado à ocorrência de algum evento traumático de grande magnitude no passado. Vários trabalhos foram desenvolvidos utilizando ambientes virtuais tridimensionais (3D) para tratar e diagnosticar este distúrbio. Entretanto, percebe-se uma carência de sistemas que consigam controlar o nível de dificuldade das atividades desenvolvidas nesses ambientes. Nesse caso, esta dissertação tem por objetivo descrever o desenvolvimento e avaliar o potencial de utilização de dois sistemas: um que explora a Realidade Virtual (ARVET) para oferecer cenas virtuais que simulem os estímulos geradores de ansiedade similares aqueles da vida real; e outro que explora a Lógica Fuzzy (SAPTEPT) para classificar os níveis de ansiedade do paciente, possibilitando a análise quali-quantitativa de dados psicofisiológicos e psicométricos. As avaliações realizadas com especialistas na área mostraram que o ARVET pode proporcionar um alto grau de estímulos ansiogênicos e a integração com o SAPTEPT ocorreu de forma satisfatória mostrando o potencial que os sistemas têm de serem utilizados em pacientes reais.


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O presente trabalho investiga os diferentes processos sociais relacionados ao surgimento do transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT) no contexto brasileiro. Categoria diagnóstica norte-americana instituída na década de 1980 pela terceira edição do Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-III) uma publicação da Associação Americana de Psiquiatria (American Psychiatric Association APA) o TEPT tornou-se, desde a sua aparição, uma das categorias nosológicas mais difundidas, estudadas e diagnosticadas da psiquiatria contemporânea. A partir do cotidiano de um laboratório de pesquisa e tratamento do TEPT, de análises conversacionais dos atendimentos médicos, de um estudo das diferentes escalas psiquiátricas utilizadas no acompanhamento dos pacientes e de pesquisas sobre a mídia relacionada às experiências traumáticas buscou-se entender os entrelaçamentos entre os processos de difusão e a construção da legitimidade da categoria diagnóstica do TEPT. A abordagem aqui proposta pretende ir além do aparente dilema entre uma concepção medicalizada que assumem a existência o TEPT como um fenômeno natural e as abordagens sócio-antropológicas que veem o TEPT como uma experiência culturalmente construída. Por fim, pretendo mostrar, pela investigação dos alicerces políticos e culturais dos denominados transtornos mentais, que o estatuto social dos diagnósticos e dos tratamentos da moderna psiquiatria só pode ser compreendido tendo como referência as dinâmicas de longo prazo nas sociedades contemporâneas.