862 resultados para New economic geography
Orientadora: Doutora Anabela Mesquita Teixeira Sarmento
O presente documento, elaborado especificamente para a minha candidatura às provas de “Especialista” pelo Instituto Politécnico do Porto, está centrado apenas na minha actividade profissional dos últimos 7 anos e considera a sua relação com uma futura atividade académica como docente. A possibilidade de participar na definição, criação, organização e gestão de uma empresa municipal, na qualidade de seu Diretor-Executivo e Presidente do Conselho de Administração, num processo iniciado no contexto do Regime Jurídico do Setor Empresarial Local de 2006, constituiu um momento central no meu processo de aprendizagem e investigação no domínio do Enquadramento na Organização / Empresa. No quadro de uma nova ordem mundial, onde o poder público é convocado a agir em prol do desenvolvimento das matrizes económicas, onde a concorrência pelos investimentos escassos é crescente e onde se aprofundou o problema do desemprego estrutural, torna-se urgente para os governos locais a elaboração de políticas públicas e privadas que potenciem os fatores locais, transformando-os em vantagens competitivas. O Município de Paços de Ferreira propôs-se desenvolver um modelo que decorreu diretamente do Regime Jurídico do Setor Empresarial Local (que veio promover e até estimular o desenvolvimento de iniciativas empresariais locais com um caráter racional e otimizado), e que pressupôs a criação de uma entidade empresarial municipal que realizasse o investimento necessário à concretização da zonas de acolhimento empresarial de Paços de Ferreira, assegurasse a sua gestão e a atração e captação de investimento privado gerador de riqueza e de emprego para o Concelho. Este relatório analisa, em detalhe, todos os passos na criação, organização e gestão dessa empresa municipal - a PFR Invest.
Dissertação de Mestrado Apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob a orientação de: Orientador: Doutor José Campos Amorim Coorientadora: Doutora Albertina Paula Monteiro
A globalização dos sistemas financeiros, ao longo dos anos, tem estimulado uma crescente necessidade de supervisão bancária nas instituições financeiras. O Comité de Supervisão Bancária de Basileia tem tido um papel crucial nesta área, estabelecendo princípios por via dos seus acordos entre as várias entidades nacionais de regulação e supervisão das maiores economias mundiais. Em 1988, foi criado o Acordo de Basileia (Basileia I) pelo Comité de Supervisão Bancária de forma a harmonizar os padrões de supervisão bancária. Este acordo estabeleceu mínimos de solvabilidade para o sistema bancário internacional no sentido de reforçar a sua solidez e estabilidade. Com o desenvolvimento de novas potências económicas e novas necessidades regulamentares, em Junho de 2004, foi publicado o novo Acordo de Capital – o Basileia II. Este acordo pretendia tornar os requisitos de capital mais sensíveis ao risco, promover a atuação das autoridades de supervisão e a disciplina de mercado (através do seu Pilar II) e encorajar a capacidade de cada instituição mensurar e gerir o seu risco. Em Setembro de 2010, o Acordo de Basileia III, com adoção prevista até 2019, veio reforçar estas medidas com a criação de um quadro regulamentar e de supervisão mais sólido, por parte das instituições de crédito. Surge, assim neste contexto, o Modelo de Avaliação de Risco (MAR) para o sector bancário. Em Portugal, o MAR tem como objetivo avaliar o perfil de risco das instituições de crédito, sujeitas à supervisão do Banco de Portugal, assim como apresentar o perfil de risco e a solidez da situação financeira de cada instituição de crédito. Este trabalho pretende avaliar o surgimento e a caracterização deste modelo e identificar as variáveis a ter em conta nos modelos de avaliação de risco a nível qualitativo e quantitativo.
PhD thesis in Educational Sciences (specialization in Politics of Education).
Holistic refers to something that emphasizes the whole and the interdependence of its parts. It can be conceptualized as interdisciplinary: the claim that most social and economic phenomena cannot be fully understood or explained without adopting an approach that goes beyond the aims of a single scientific discipline.
The purpose of this contribution is to draw a picture of the (uneven) distribution of economic activities across the states of the European Union (EU) and the consequences entailed by it. We will briefly summarize the most salient and recent contributions. Then, in the light of the economic geography theory, we will discuss the economic and social advantages and disadvantages associated with a core- periphery structure. In this sense, particular attention will be addressed to the EU financial system of Structural Funds and the effects they produced. Finally, we will formulate some suggestions, relying on the EU experience, that could be of interest to the current Brazilian regional policy.
Using the framework of Desmet and Rossi-Hansberg (forthcoming), we present a model of spatial takeoff that is calibrated using spatially-disaggregated occupational data for England in c.1710. The model predicts changes in the spatial distribution of agricultural and manufacturing employment which match data for c.1817 and 1861. The model also matches a number of aggregate changes that characterise the first industrial revolution. Using counterfactual geographical distributions, we show that the initial concentration of productivity can matter for whether and when an industrial takeoff occurs. Subsidies to innovation in either sector can bring forward the date of takeoff while subsidies to the use of land by manufacturing firms can significantly delay a takeoff because it decreases spatial concentration of activity.
Using the framework of Desmet and Rossi-Hansberg (forthcoming), we present a model of spatial takeoff that is calibrated using spatially-disaggregated occupational data for England in c.1710. The model predicts changes in the spatial distribution of agricultural and manufacturing employment which match data for c.1817 and 1861. The model also matches a number of aggregate changes that characterise the first industrial revolution. Using counterfactual geographical distributions, we show that the initial concentration of productivity can matter for whether and when an industrial takeoff occurs. Subsidies to innovation in either sector can bring forward the date of takeoff while subsidies to the use of land by manufacturing firms can significantly delay a takeoff because it decreases spatial concentration of activity.
We study the response of regional employment and nominal wages to trade liberalization, exploiting the natural experiment provided by the opening of Central and Eastern European markets after the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1990. Using data for Austrian municipalities, we examine differential pre- and post-1990 wage and employment growth rates between regions bordering the formerly communist economies and interior regions. If the "border regions" are defined narrowly, within a band of less than 50 kilometers, we can identify statistically significant liberalization effects on both employment and wages. While wages responded earlier than employment, the employment effect over the entire adjustment period is estimated to be around three times as large as the wage effect. The implied slope of the regional labor supply curve can be replicated in an economic geography model that features obstacles to labor migration due to immobile housing and to heterogeneous locational preferences.
This paper is an overview of important findings regarding the ongoing evolution of Asian dairy markets based on a series of new economic investigations. These investigations provide systematic empirical foundations for assessing Asian dairy markets with their new consumption patterns, changing industries, and trade prospects under different domestic and trade policy regimes. The findings are drawn from four case studies (China, India, Japan, and Korea), as well as a prospective analysis of future regional patterns of consumption and a policy analysis of trade liberalization of Asian dairy markets. The overview distills the findings of these new investigations and integrates them in the earlier economic literature; it draws policy implications and identifies lessons for countries outside of Asia, especially for emerging exporters in Latin America.
O aumento da competitividade das empresas caboverdeanas impõe-se sobretudo por causa do momento histórico que particularmente o país atravessa. A graduação para país de rendimento médio, a adesão à Organização Mundial de Comércio e o estatuto de parceria especial com a União Europeia constituem razões de grande vulto para as empresas nacionais e outras que empreendem no mercado caboverdeano, definirem eficazmente e eficientemente os seus processos organizacionais de forma a atingirem patamares de produtividade e performance aos níveis internacionais. A envolvente externa às empresas caboverdeanas tem sido alvo de alterações profundas com a globalização dos mercados e o novo paradigma de economia baseada no conhecimento. Para que as empresas mantenham posições competitivas são muitos os desafios que terão que superar. Inexoravelmente, terão que reorganizar e redefinir os seus processos de negócio e suas estratégias de forma coerente. Os SI/TI constituem o factor potencial de reorganização e modernização, a alavanca de diferenciação competitiva e da concretização de negócios e resultados adicionais. O objectivo deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento e a validação de uma metodologia de enquadramento, análise e avaliação de investimentos em SI/TI. O procedimento proposto é fundamentado pela literatura e nas práticas das empresas cabo-verdianas e visa apoiar as empresas a atingirem estágios de performance e produtividade elevados, decorrentes da utilização optimizada dos recursos oferecidos pelos SI/TI. Porque elevadas somas de recursos financeiros são investidos em Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação e nem todos os benefícios associados são quantificáveis e dado que os riscos associados são elevados, propõe-se com este trabalho um procedimento metodológico de apoio às empresas. Esta metodologia simplificada de análise de investimentos em Sistemas e Tecnologias da Informação propõe uma abordagem científica, sólida e objectiva de avaliação de investimentos em SI/TI, visando propiciar incremento do valor acrescentado dos produtos e/ou serviços das empresas. Os resultados obtidos a partir das análises quantitativas e qualitativas elaboradas permitem retratar a prática das empresas caboverdeanas no domínio de análise e avaliação de investimentos em SI/TI e gerar inferências importantes sobre o comportamento dos responsáveis empresariais e de SI/TI. The increase in competition by the Capeverdean companies is taking place mainly because of the historic moment the country is going through. The recent nomination of Cape Verde as a medium development country, the adhesion to the WCO (World Commerce Organization) and the special partnership with the European Union are relevant reasons for the national companies and others that operate in the Capeverdean market to define efficiently their organizational processes in order to reach levels of productivity and performance comparable to the international ones. The external component of the Capeverdean companies has been undergoing deep changes with market globalization and with the new economic paradigma based on kowledge. In order to maintain their competitive position there are many challenges to overcome. Surely and steadily, they will have to reorganize and redefine their business processes and strategies in a coherent way. The IS/IT (information systems / information technologies) constitute the potential factor of reorganization and modernization, the boost-lever that will produce competitive diferentiation and concretization of businesses and additional results. The main goal of this work is development and validation of a methology of insertion, analysis and evaluation of investments in the IS/IT. The proposed procedure is fundamented by the literature and practice of the Capeverdian companies, and aims at supporting these companies so that they can reach high stages of performance and productivity due to the correct use of the resources offered by the IS/IT. As high amounts of financial resources are invested in Information Systems and Tehnologies, and because of the fact that not all associated benefits may be quantified, and since the associated risks are high, with this work we propose a methodological procedure to support these companies. This simplified analysis methodology in Information and Technologies Systems proposes a sound and objective scientific approach to evaluate investments in IS/IT aiming at providing an increase of the added value of the products and/or services supplied by these companies. The incoming results from the quantitative and qualitative analyses made will allow portraying the practice of the capeverdean companies in the domain of analysis and evaluation of investments in IS/IT and generating important inferences on the behaviour of the executives and IS/IT.
Foreign trade statistics are the main data source to the study of international trade.However its accuracy has been under suspicion since Morgernstern published hisfamous work in 1963. Federico and Tena (1991) have resumed the question arguing thatthey can be useful in an adequate level of aggregation. But the geographical assignmentproblem remains unsolved. This article focuses on the spatial variable through theanalysis of the reliability of textile international data for 1913. A geographical biasarises between export and import series, but because of its quantitative importance it canbe negligible in an international scale.
We have analyzed the spatial accuracy of European foreign trade statistics compared to Latin American. We have also included USA s data because of the importance of this country in Latin American trade. We have developed a method for mapping discrepancies between exporters and importers, trying to isolate systematic spatial deviations. Although our results don t allow a unique explanation, they present some interesting clues to the distribution channels in the Latin American Continent as well as some spatial deviations for statistics in individual countries. Connecting our results with the literature specialized in the accuracy of foreign trade statistics; we can revisit Morgernstern (1963) as well as Federico and Tena (1991). Morgernstern had had a really pessimistic view on the reliability of this statistic source, but his main alert was focused on the trade balances, not in gross export or import values. Federico and Tena (1991) have demonstrated howaccuracy increases by aggregation, geographical and of product at the same time. But they still have a pessimistic view with relation to distribution questions, remarking that perhaps it will be more accurate to use import sources in this latest case. We have stated that the data set coming from foreign trade statistics for a sample in 1925, being it exporters or importers, it s a valuable tool for geography of trade patterns, although in some specific cases it needs some spatial adjustments.
Recent theoretical work in economic geography has shown that agglomeration forces can mitigate 'race-to-the-bottom' tax competition, by partly or fully offsetting firms' sensitivity to tax differentials. We test this proposition using data on firm births across Swiss municipalities. We find that corporate taxes deter firm births less in more spatially concentrated sectors. Firms in sectors with an agglomeration intensity in the top quintile are less than half as responsive to differences in corporate tax burdens as firms in sectors with an agglomeration intensity in the bottom quintile. Hence, agglomeration economies do appear to attenuate the impact of tax differentials on firms' location choices.