850 resultados para Legendre polynomials
A Wigner function associated with the Rogers-Szego polynomials is proposed and its properties are discussed. It is shown that from such a Wigner function it is possible to obtain well-behaved probability distribution functions for both angle and action variables, defined on the compact support -pi less than or equal to theta < pi, and for m greater than or equal to 0, respectively. The width of the angle probability density is governed by the free parameter q characterizing the polynomials.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objetivou-se comparar modelos de regressão aleatória com diferentes estruturas de variância residual, a fim de se buscar a melhor modelagem para a característica tamanho da leitegada ao nascer (TLN). Utilizaram-se 1.701 registros de TLN, que foram analisados por meio de modelo animal, unicaracterística, de regressão aleatória. As regressões fixa e aleatórias foram representadas por funções contínuas sobre a ordem de parto, ajustadas por polinômios ortogonais de Legendre de ordem 3. Para averiguar a melhor modelagem para a variância residual, considerou-se a heterogeneidade de variância por meio de 1 a 7 classes de variância residual. O modelo geral de análise incluiu grupo de contemporâneo como efeito fixo; os coeficientes de regressão fixa para modelar a trajetória média da população; os coeficientes de regressão aleatória do efeito genético aditivo-direto, do comum-de-leitegada e do de ambiente permanente de animal; e o efeito aleatório residual. O teste da razão de verossimilhança, o critério de informação de Akaike e o critério de informação bayesiano de Schwarz apontaram o modelo que considerou homogeneidade de variância como o que proporcionou melhor ajuste aos dados utilizados. As herdabilidades obtidas foram próximas a zero (0,002 a 0,006). O efeito de ambiente permanente foi crescente da 1ª (0,06) à 5ª (0,28) ordem, mas decrescente desse ponto até a 7ª ordem (0,18). O comum-de-leitegada apresentou valores baixos (0,01 a 0,02). A utilização de homogeneidade de variância residual foi mais adequada para modelar as variâncias associadas à característica tamanho da leitegada ao nascer nesse conjunto de dado.
We consider the real Szego polynomials and obtain some relations to certain self inversive orthogonal L-polynomials defined on the unit circle and corresponding symmetric orthogonal polynomials on real intervals. We also consider the polynomials obtained when the coefficients in the recurrence relations satisfied by the self inversive orthogonal L-polynomials are rotated. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
We show how symmetric orthogonal polynomials can be linked to polynomials associated with certain orthogonal L-polynomials. We provide some examples to illustrate the results obtained Finally as an application, we derive information regarding the orthogonal polynomials associated with the weight function (1 + kx(2))(1 - x(2))(-1/2), k > 0.
Data comprising 1,719 milk yield records from 357 females (predominantly Murrah breed), daughters of 110 sires, with births from 1974 to 2004, obtained from the Programa de Melhoramento Genetic de Bubalinos (PROMEBUL) and from records of EMBRAPA Amazonia Oriental - EAO herd, located in Belem, Para, Brazil, were used to compare random regression models for estimating variance components and predicting breeding values of the sires. The data were analyzed by different models using the Legendre's polynomial functions from second to fourth orders. The random regression models included the effects of herd-year, month of parity date of the control; regression coefficients for age of females (in order to describe the fixed part of the lactation curve) and random regression coefficients related to the direct genetic and permanent environment effects. The comparisons among the models were based on the Akaike Infromation Criterion. The random effects regression model using third order Legendre's polynomials with four classes of the environmental effect were the one that best described the additive genetic variation in milk yield. The heritability estimates varied from 0.08 to 0.40. The genetic correlation between milk yields in younger ages was close to the unit, but in older ages it was low.
In this paper the recurrence relations of symmetric orthogonal polynomials whose measures are related to each other in a certain way are considered. Many of the relations satisfied by the coefficients of the recurrence relations are exposed. The results are applied to obtain, for example, information regarding certain Sobolev orthogonal polynomials and regarding the measures of certain orthogonal polynomial sequences with twin periodic recurrence coefficients. (C) 2001 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Relation between two sequences of orthogonal polynomials, where the associated measures are related to each other by a first degree polynomial multiplication (or division), is well known. We use this relation to study the monotonicity properties of the zeros of generalized orthogonal polynomials. As examples, the Jacobi, Laguerre and Charlier polynomials are considered. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper deals with the classes S-3(omega, beta, b) of strong distribution functions defined on the interval [beta(2)/b, b], 0 < beta < b <= infinity, where 2 omega epsilon Z. The classification is such that the distribution function psi epsilon S-3(omega, beta, b) has a (reciprocal) symmetry, depending on omega, about the point beta. We consider properties of the L-orthogonal polynomials associated with psi epsilon S-3(omega, beta, b). Through linear combination of these polynomials we relate them to the L-orthogonal polynomials associated with some omega epsilon S-3(1/2, beta, b). (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We consider a connection that exists between orthogonal polynomials associated with positive measures on the real line and orthogonal Laurent polynomials associated with strong measures of the class S-3 [0, beta, b]. Examples are given to illustrate the main contribution in this paper. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We investigate polynomials satisfying a three-term recurrence relation of the form B-n(x) = (x - beta(n))beta(n-1)(x) - alpha(n)xB(n-2)(x), with positive recurrence coefficients alpha(n+1),beta(n) (n = 1, 2,...). We show that the zeros are eigenvalues of a structured Hessenberg matrix and give the left and right eigenvectors of this matrix, from which we deduce Laurent orthogonality and the Gaussian quadrature formula. We analyse in more detail the case where alpha(n) --> alpha and beta(n) --> beta and show that the zeros of beta(n) are dense on an interval and that the support of the Laurent orthogonality measure is equal to this interval and a set which is at most denumerable with accumulation points (if any) at the endpoints of the interval. This result is the Laurent version of Blumenthal's theorem for orthogonal polynomials. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. (USA).
We show how Szego polynomials can be used in the theory of truncated trigonometric moment problem.
We give some properties relating the recurrence relations of orthogonal polynomials associated with any two symmetric distributions d phi(1)(x) and d phi(2)(x) such that d phi(2)(x) = (I + kx(2))d phi(1)(x). AS applications of these properties, recurrence relations for many interesting systems of orthogonal polynomials are obtained.
in this paper, we derive an explicit expression for the parameter sequences of a chain sequence in terms of the corresponding orthogonal polynomials and their associated polynomials. We use this to study the orthogonal polynomials K-n((lambda.,M,k)) associated with the probability measure dphi(lambda,M,k;x), which is the Gegenbauer measure of parameter lambda + 1 with two additional mass points at +/-k. When k = 1 we obtain information on the polynomials K-n((lambda.,M)) which are the symmetric Koornwinder polynomials. Monotonicity properties of the zeros of K-n((lambda,M,k)) in relation to M and k are also given. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Let (a, b) subset of (0, infinity) and for any positive integer n, let S-n be the Chebyshev space in [a, b] defined by S-n:= span{x(-n/2+k),k= 0,...,n}. The unique (up to a constant factor) function tau(n) is an element of S-n, which satisfies the orthogonality relation S(a)(b)tau(n)(x)q(x) (x(b - x)(x - a))(-1/2) dx = 0 for any q is an element of Sn-1, is said to be the orthogonal Chebyshev S-n-polynomials. This paper is an attempt to exibit some interesting properties of the orthogonal Chebyshev S-n-polynomials and to demonstrate their importance to the problem of approximation by S-n-polynomials. A simple proof of a Jackson-type theorem is given and the Lagrange interpolation problem by functions from S-n is discussed. It is shown also that tau(n) obeys an extremal property in L-q, 1 less than or equal to q less than or equal to infinity. Natural analogues of some inequalities for algebraic polynomials, which we expect to hold for the S-n-pelynomials, are conjectured.