848 resultados para Industrial Marketing Management


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The objective of the thesis was to explore the nature and characteristics of customer-related internal communication in a global industrial matrix organization during a specific customer relationship, and how it could be improved. The theoretical part of the study views the field of the concepts of intra-organizational information and knowledge sharing. The theoretical part also views the internal communications influences to customer relationships, its problematic, and the suggestions to improve internal communication in literature. The empirical part of the study was conducted with the Content Analysis and the Social Network Analysis as research methods. The data was collected by interviews and a questionnaire. Internal communication was observed first generally within the organization from the point of view of a certain business, and secondly, during a specific customer relationship at personal level and at departmental level. The results of the study describe the nature and characteristics of internal communication in the organization. The results give 13 suggestions for improving internal communication in the organization. Although the study has been done in one specific organization, it also offers insights for other organizations as well as managers to improve their internal communication.


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The objective of this master’s thesis was to find means and measures by which an industrial manufacturing company could find cost-competitive solutions in a price-driven market situation. Initially, it was essential to find individual high customer value spots from the offering. The study addressed this in an innovative way by providing the desired information for the entire range of offering. The research was carried out using the constructivist approach method. Firstly, the project and solution marketing literature was reviewed in order to establish an overview of the processes and strategies involved. This information was then used in conjunction with the company’s specific offering data to conduct a construction. This construction can be used in various functions within the target company to streamline and optimize the specifications into so-called “preferred offers”. The study also presents channels and methods with which to exploit the construction in practice in the target company. The study aimed to bring concrete improvements in competitiveness and profitability. One result of this study was the creation of a training material for internal use. This material is now used in several countries to inform and present to the staff the cost-competitive aspects of the target company’s offering.


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Tämän kandidaatintyön tarkoituksena oli löytää selkeitä rooleja sosiaalisille verkkoyhteisöille osana teollisyrityksen markkinointiviestintää. Lisäksi työssä pyrittiin selvittämään kuinka teollisyrityksen erityispiirteet vaikuttavat sosiaalisissa verkkoyhteisöissä tehtyyn markkinointiviestintään ja kuinka sosiaalisissa verkkoyhteisöissä tehtyjä toimia voidaan mitata. Teoriaosassa käytiin läpi aiheeseen liittyviä käsitteitä sosiaalisten verkkoyhteisöjen, markkinointiviestinnän, teollisen markkinoinnin erityispiirteiden ja mittaamisen osalta. Käytännön osassa teoriaosan tietoja käytiin läpi esimerkkiyrityksen kautta. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin teoriaosassa kirjallisuuskatsauksena ja käytännön osuudessa tarkastelemalla lisäksi sosiaalista verkkoyhteisösivustoa. Tutkimustuloksista nähdään mihin markkinointiviestintämixin tehtäviin sosiaaliset verkkoyhteisöt sopivat teollisyrityksissä. Analysoidessa tehtäviä tutkimus osoittaa missä tehtävissä sosiaalisten verkkoyhteisöjen käytöllä voidaan tukeaperinteisiä kanavia ja missä ne voivat korvata perinteiset kanavat. Tämän lisäksi esitellään kuinka sosiaalisissa verkkoyhteisöissä tehtyjä toimia voidaan mitata ja kuinka mittaustulokset auttavat teollisyrityksiä sosiaalisien verkkoyhteisöjen roolin määrittämisessä osaksi markkinointiviestintämixiä. Esimerkkiyrityksen ja esiteltyjen teorioiden kautta muut teollisyritykset voivat saada itselleen suuntaviivoja siitä, kuinka sosiaalisissa verkkoyhteisöissä tulisi toimia.


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The new product development process is a massive investment to a company that aims to reduce their products’ time-to-market. Capability to shorter time-to market allows longer life-cycle to products which are introduced to market earlier but also give advantage to start product launch later while simultaneously learning from customer behavior and competitors. The product launch support operations are the last ramp-up activities before the product launching. This study defines what these operations mean in a product platform and how they can be streamlined to be more efficient. The methodology includes interviews, innovative group brainstorming and regular working group meetings. The challenges concerning the current situation of product launch support operations are allocated into four categories: General, Process, Project Resources and Project Management including altogether ten sub challenges. The challenges include issues related to technology and marketing management, branding strategy, organizing the global platform structure, harmonizing processes and clarifying handovers between shareholders in the process. The study makes a suggestion of a new Product Launch Support organization and clarification of its roles, responsibilities and tasks. In addition a new project management tool and Lessons Learned are suggested to improve the project management. The study can be seen as a pre-study when having an aim at combining technological and marketing know-how in the product ramp-up process before actual production. The future proceedings are suggested to include more detailed specifications and implementation in order to reach the long range target, reduced the time-to-market.


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Operating in business-to-business markets requires an in-depth understanding on business networks. Actions and reactions made to compete in markets are fundamentally based on managers‘ subjective perceptions of the network. However, an amalgamation of these individual perceptions, termed a network picture, to a common company level shared understanding on that network, known as network insight, is found to be a substantial challenge for companies. A company‘s capability to enhance common network insight is even argued to lead competitive advantage. Especially companies with value creating logics that require wide comprehension of and collaborating in networks, such as solution business, are necessitated to develop advanced network insight. According to the extant literature, dispersed pieces of atomized network pictures can be unified to a common network insight through a process of amalgamation that comprises barriers/drivers of multilateral exchange, manifold rationality, and recursive time. However, the extant body of literature appears to lack an understanding on the role of internal communication in the development of network insight. Nonetheless, the extant understanding on the amalgamation process indicates that internal communication plays a substantial role in the development of company level network insight. The purpose of the present thesis is to enhance understanding on internal communication in the amalgamation of network pictures to develop network insight in the solution business setting, which was chosen to represent business-to-business value creating logic that emphasizes the capability to understand and utilize networks. Thus, in solution business the role of succeeding in the amalgamation process is expected to emphasize. The study combines qualitative and quantitative research by means of various analytical methods including multiple case analysis, simulation, and social network analysis. Approaching the nascent research topic with differing perspectives and means provides a broader insight on the phenomenon. The study provides empirical evidence from Finnish business-to-business companies which operate globally. The empirical data comprise interviews (n=28) with managers of three case companies. In addition the data includes a questionnaire (n=23) collected mainly for the purpose of social network analysis. In addition, the thesis includes a simulation study more specifically achieved by means of agent based modeling. The findings of the thesis shed light on the role of internal communication in the amalgamation process, contributing to the emergent discussion of network insights and thus to the industrial marketing research. In addition, the thesis increases understanding on internal communication in the change process to solution business, a supplier‘s internal communication in its matrix organization structure during a project sales process, key barriers and drivers that influence internal communication in project sales networks, perceived power within industrial project sales, and the revisioning of network pictures. According to the findings, internal communication is found to play a substantial role in the amalgamation process. First, it is suggested that internal communication is a base of multilateral exchange. Second, it is suggested that internal communication intensifies and maintains manifold rationality. Third, internal communication is needed to explicate the usually differing time perspectives of others and thus it is suggested that internal communication has role as the explicator of recursive time. Furthermore, the role of an efficient amalgamation process is found to be emphasized in solutions business as it requires a more advanced network insight for cross-functional collaboration. Finally, the thesis offers several managerial implications for industrial suppliers to enhance the amalgamation process when operating in solution business.


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In recent decade customer loyalty programs have become very popular and almost every retail chain seems to have one. Through the loyalty programs companies are able to collect information about the customer behavior and to use this information in business and marketing management to guide decision making and resource allocation. The benefits for the loyalty program member are often monetary, which has an effect on the profitability of the loyalty program. Not all the loyalty program members are equally profitable, as some purchase products for the recommended retail price and some buy only discounted products. If the company spends similar amount of resources to all members, it can be seen that the customer margin is lower on the customer who bought only discounted products. It is vital for a company to measure the profitability of their members in order to be able to calculate the customer value. To calculate the customer value several different customer value metrics can be used. During the recent years especially customer lifetime value has received a lot of attention and it is seen to be superior against other customer value metrics. In this master’s thesis the customer lifetime value is implemented on the case company’s customer loyalty program. The data was collected from the customer loyalty program’s database and represents year 2012 on the Finnish market. The data was not complete to fully take advantage of customer lifetime value and as a conclusion it can be stated that a new key performance indicator of customer margin should be acquired in order to profitably drive the business of the customer loyalty program. Through the customer margin the company would be able to compute the customer lifetime value on regular basis enabling efficient resource allocation in marketing.


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Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan kotimaisten luomutuottajien verkostoitumista ja näkemyksiä luomutuotannon tulevaisuudesta. Tutkimuksen osa-ongelmat ovat seuraavat: millaisia resursseja kotimaisilla luomutuottajilla on, minkälaisia toimijoita luomutuottajien muodostamissa verkostoissa on, minkälaisia toimintoja kotimaiset luomutuottajat suorittavat ja miten luomutuottajien verkostoitumista voisi kehittää. Tutkimusaihe on ajankohtainen, koska luomutuotteiden kysyntä on kasvanut, mikä on johtanut luomutuottajien entistä ammattimaisempaan ja tehokkaampaan toimintaan mm. juuri aikaisempaa tiiviimmän verkostoitumisen keinoin. Verkostoja tarkastellaan teollisten verkostojen lähestymistavan ja ARA-mallin avulla. Eurooppalaisen IMP (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing) – ryhmän ajattelun mukaan toimijoiden verkon, toimintojen verkon ja resurssien verkon kietoutuessa toisiinsa ne muodostavat verkoston. ARA-mallissa verkostojen kuvailun keskipisteessä on kolme tekijää, joita ovat toimijat (actors), toiminnot (activities) ja resurssit (resources). Tutkimusmenetelmänä on case-tutkimus, jonka aineistonkeruu suoritetaan Ekomarket Ruohonjuuri Oy:n kuudelle kotimaiselle luomutuottajalle tehtyjen teemahaastatteluiden avulla. Tutkimuksen mukaan luomutuottajat ovat verkostoituneet monipuolisesti erilaisten sidosryhmien ja asiakkaiden kanssa. Luomutuottajat ymmärtävät verkostoitumisen tärkeyden ja pitävät sitä oleellisena osana toiminnan jatkumista. Sekä aikaisemman tutkimuksen että tämän tutkielman tuloksien perusteella kotimaisen luomualan haasteina ovat niukat resurssit, ulkomainen luomutuotanto, tuotannon pienimuotoisuus, pitkät kuljetusmatkat ja byrokratia. Saadut tulokset vahvistavat olemassa olevaa tietoa luomutuottajien toiminnan haasteista ja alan kehitysnäkemyksistä. Tutkimuksen perusteella verkostoituminen tulee olemaan tulevaisuudessa entistä tärkeämmässä roolissa yritystoiminnan kehittämisen kannalta.


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The study is significant from both an application perspective of marketing management as well as from an academic angle. The market for personal care products is a highly fragmented one, with intense competition for specific niche segments. It is well known in marketing literature that the bulk of the volume of sale is accounted for by the minority who are the heavy users. This study will help the marketers to identify the personality profile of such a group and understand how the interaction of personality factors at least partially explains differences in consumption. This knowledge might be useful for better segmentation using psychographic variables as well as for designing specific advertisement campaigns to target the vulnerable groups of customers. From a theoretical perspective, the research may contribute to understanding how specific personality variables and their interaction lead to differences in consumption. The knowledge corresponding to self theory, social comparison theory, persuasibility, evidence from psychology of eating disorders: these all may be integrated into a common frame work for explaining consumption of products having a social function.


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Professor Irma Glicman Adelman, an Irish Economist working in California University at Berkely, in her research work on ‘Development Over Two Centuries’, which is published in the Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 1995, has identified that India, along with China, would be one of the largest economies in this 21st Century. She has stated that the period 1700 - 1820 is the period of Netherlands, the period 1820 - 1890 is the period of England the period 1890 - 2000 is the period of America and this 21st Century is the century of China and India. World Bank has also identified India as one of the leading players of this century after China. India will be third largest economy after USA and China. India will challenge the Global Economic Order in the next 15 years. India will overtake Italian economy in 2015, England economy in 2020, Japan economy in 2025 and USA economy in 2050 (China will overtake Japan economy in 2016 and USA economy in 2027). India has the following advantages compared with other economies. India is 4th largest GDP in the world in terms of Purchasing Power. India is third fastest growing economy in the world after China and Vietnam. Service sector contributes around 57% of GDP. The share of agriculture is around 17% and Manufacture is 16% in 2005 - 2006. This is a character of a developed country. Expected GDP growth rate is 10% shortly (It has come down from 9.2% in 2006 - 2007 to 6.2% during 2008 - 2009 due to recession. It is only a temporary phenomenon). India has $284 billion as Foreign Exchange Reserve as on today. India had just $1 billion as Foreign Exchange Reserve when it opened its economy in the year 1991. In this research paper an attempt has been made to study the two booming economies of the globe with respect to their foreign exchange reserves. This study mainly based on secondary data published by respective governments and various studies done on this area


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El presente trabajo forma parte de un proyecto más amplio que comenzó en el curso académico 2006-07. El proyecto se inició al implantar la docencia de asignaturas troncales en inglés dentro del plan de estudios de Ciencias Empresariales en la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. La oferta inicial fue la de permitir a los alumnos escoger, en una banda horaria similar y con el mismo docente, entre cursar Dirección Comercial II en castellano o en inglés. El diseño de Marketing Management II se realizó con un objetivo múltiple, a) Conseguir un mayor nivel de interiorización de las competencias específicas propias de la asignatura b) Potenciar la adquisición y desarrollo de competencias transversales, y en el grupo con docencia en inglés c) Desarrollar la capacidad de expresarse y trabajar tanto oralmente como por escrito en una tercera lengua Y se planificó la docencia con una metodología docente de evaluación continuada a fin de asegurar la implicación de los alumnos en el desarrollo de la asignatura y de facilitar el seguimiento de resultados por parte del docente. El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar los factores clave de metodología docente que previenen las asimetrías de resultados en grupos con docencia en distintas lenguas; se busca conocer qué modos de hacer permiten evitar que la docencia en inglés presente un impacto, posiblemente negativo, en la consecución de resultados de aprendizaje por parte de los alumnos. El presente trabajo consta de varias fases. La primera fase, el trabajo de campo, consiste en la realización de una encuesta a los alumnos de los dos grupos estudiados. En segundo lugar se valoran las respuestas, y en tercer lugar se realiza el análisis de los resultados. La encuesta es la misma para ambos grupos a excepción de las preguntas específicas sobre el desarrollo de competencias lingüísticas en tercera lengua, que se efectúan sólo a los alumnos que cursan la asignatura en inglés. A fin de evitar sesgos, se comparan los resultados de las encuestas con los resultados académicos de ambos grupos. Los resultados muestran un alto nivel de satisfacción, tanto en aspectos directamente relacionados con la asignatura y su docencia tales como la metodología docente y adquisición de conocimientos y competencias, como de aspectos relacionados con competencias transversales Estas evidencias permiten concluir que, en un entorno metodológico especialmente diseñado para la consecución de competencias (tanto específicas como transversales) la docencia en una tercera lengua no parece ser generadora de asimetrías en la formación de los alumnos


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El presente trabajo de grado surgió a partir de una investigación realizada semestres anteriores a la empresa ACONQUISTAR S.A.S., en donde se encontraron falencias logísticas relacionadas con el transporte de mercancías. Por consiguiente este trabajo es el resultado del análisis de la cadena de Abastecimiento y el acercamiento a la creación de un plan estratégico de logística Para dicha empresa. Para el desarrollo del trabajo se establecieron tres frentes de ejecución; la cadena de abastecimiento de la empresa, los operadores logísticos de transporte y los clientes, con el fin de obtener las bases necesaria para lograr trabajar en el diseño del plan estratégico de logística para la empresa. El cual, consistió en la aplicación del Modelo de Referencia de Operaciones para la Cadena de abastecimiento (SCOR).


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SCAD Colombia es una empresa que provee soluciones para la automatización documental a nivel latinoamericano, actualmente distribuye una solución desarrollada por la empresa Readsoft de Suecia llamada Process Director, la solución hoy en día no tiene los niveles de reconocimiento ni de ventas esperados, sin embargo, tiene un mercado interesante e inexplorado en su mayoría. Para el año 2012 SCAD Colombia pretende buscar la manera que le permita obtener los objetivos establecidos para dicha solución en el mercado. El presente documento “Plan de mercadeo: Caso SCAD Colombia” propone una serie de análisis y estrategias que la empresa puede seguir con el fin de conseguir los resultados esperados.


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El proyecto será desarrollado en base al modelo ecológico del desarrollo humano, (Bronfenbrenner, 1999) partiendo desde la explicación y conceptualización del modelo en términos generales, guiando la investigación hacia un ámbito organizacional en donde se podrá aplicar la teoría descrita por Bronfenbrenner y así, determinar cuál es la estructura y funcionalidad de los sistemas en el modelo además de establecer qué utilidad tiene en entornos empresariales por medio del análisis de los múltiples sistemas, relaciones, interacciones y efectos que tienen y que desarrollan las empresas u organizaciones en el transcurso de su vida. A lo largo de la investigación se hará referencia a diferentes conceptos relacionados tanto con el modelo como con el mundo en que se desarrollan las organizaciones, tales como clusters, sistemas, sectores, estrategias, marketing relacional, comunidad, interacciones, influencias, entre otros; los cuales permitirán acercar lo mayor posible el modelo de Bronfenbrenner al mundo empresarial y lograr desarrollar de mejor manera la intención de aplicar el modelo al mundo organizacional.


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El presente proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo general evaluar la efectividad de los esfuerzos en la percepción de una marca a través de la compañía “Distr & Co.” en Colombia, teniendo como fuente principal un sistema de simulación basado en agentes inteligentes; con el que se busca mejorar la metodología para medir el desempeño de una marca dada. El proceso plantea que por medio de la modelación basada en agentes se pueda dar acercamiento a las partes involucradas en los procesos de compra, es decir, la empresa, vendedores, clientes y finalmente clientes potenciales.