995 resultados para Diffusion Models
The modelling of diffusive terms in particle methods is a delicate matter and several models were proposed in the literature to take such terms into account. The diffusion velocity method (DVM), originally designed for the diffusion of passive scalars, turns diffusive terms into convective ones by expressing them as a divergence involving a so-called diffusion velocity. In this paper, DVM is extended to the diffusion of vectorial quantities in the three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations, in their incompressible, velocity–vorticity formulation. The integration of a large eddy simulation (LES) turbulence model is investigated and a DVM general formulation is proposed. Either with or without LES, a novel expression of the diffusion velocity is derived, which makes it easier to approximate and which highlights the analogy with the original formulation for scalar transport. From this statement, DVM is then analysed in one dimension, both analytically and numerically on test cases to point out its good behaviour.
The introduction of delays into ordinary or partial differential equation models is well known to facilitate the production of rich dynamics ranging from periodic solutions through to spatio-temporal chaos. In this paper we consider a class of scalar partial differential equations with a delayed threshold nonlinearity which admits exact solutions for equilibria, periodic orbits and travelling waves. Importantly we show how the spectra of periodic and travelling wave solutions can be determined in terms of the zeros of a complex analytic function. Using this as a computational tool to determine stability we show that delays can have very different effects on threshold systems with negative as opposed to positive feedback. Direct numerical simulations are used to confirm our bifurcation analysis, and to probe some of the rich behaviour possible for mixed feedback.
In this work, we perform an asymptotic analysis of a coupled system of two Advection-Diffusion-Reaction equations with Danckwerts boundary conditions, which models the interaction between a microbial population (e.g., bacterias), called biomass, and a diluted organic contaminant (e.g., nitrates), called substrate, in a continuous flow bioreactor. This system exhibits, under suitable conditions, two stable equilibrium states: one steady state in which the biomass becomes extinct and no reaction is produced, called washout, and another steady state, which corresponds to the partial elimination of the substrate. We use the method of linearization to give sufficient conditions for the asymptotic stability of the two stable equilibrium configurations. Finally, we compare our asymptotic analysis with the usual asymptotic analysis associated to the continuous bioreactor when it is modeled with ordinary differential equations.
In this dissertation, we apply mathematical programming techniques (i.e., integer programming and polyhedral combinatorics) to develop exact approaches for influence maximization on social networks. We study four combinatorial optimization problems that deal with maximizing influence at minimum cost over a social network. To our knowl- edge, all previous work to date involving influence maximization problems has focused on heuristics and approximation. We start with the following viral marketing problem that has attracted a significant amount of interest from the computer science literature. Given a social network, find a target set of customers to seed with a product. Then, a cascade will be caused by these initial adopters and other people start to adopt this product due to the influence they re- ceive from earlier adopters. The idea is to find the minimum cost that results in the entire network adopting the product. We first study a problem called the Weighted Target Set Selection (WTSS) Prob- lem. In the WTSS problem, the diffusion can take place over as many time periods as needed and a free product is given out to the individuals in the target set. Restricting the number of time periods that the diffusion takes place over to be one, we obtain a problem called the Positive Influence Dominating Set (PIDS) problem. Next, incorporating partial incentives, we consider a problem called the Least Cost Influence Problem (LCIP). The fourth problem studied is the One Time Period Least Cost Influence Problem (1TPLCIP) which is identical to the LCIP except that we restrict the number of time periods that the diffusion takes place over to be one. We apply a common research paradigm to each of these four problems. First, we work on special graphs: trees and cycles. Based on the insights we obtain from special graphs, we develop efficient methods for general graphs. On trees, first, we propose a polynomial time algorithm. More importantly, we present a tight and compact extended formulation. We also project the extended formulation onto the space of the natural vari- ables that gives the polytope on trees. Next, building upon the result for trees---we derive the polytope on cycles for the WTSS problem; as well as a polynomial time algorithm on cycles. This leads to our contribution on general graphs. For the WTSS problem and the LCIP, using the observation that the influence propagation network must be a directed acyclic graph (DAG), the strong formulation for trees can be embedded into a formulation on general graphs. We use this to design and implement a branch-and-cut approach for the WTSS problem and the LCIP. In our computational study, we are able to obtain high quality solutions for random graph instances with up to 10,000 nodes and 20,000 edges (40,000 arcs) within a reasonable amount of time.
We describe and evaluate two reduced models for nonlinear chemical reactions in a chaotic laminar flow. Each model involves two separate steps to compute the chemical composition at a given location and time. The “manifold tracking model” first tracks backwards in time a segment of the stable manifold of the requisite point. This then provides a sample of the initial conditions appropriate for the second step, which requires solving one-dimensional problems for the reaction in Lagrangian coordinates. By contrast, the first step of the “branching trajectories model” simulates both the advection and diffusion of fluid particles that terminate at the appropriate point; the chemical reaction equations are then solved along each of the branched trajectories in a second step. Results from each model are compared with full numerical simulations of the reaction processes in a chaotic laminar flow.
In this thesis we present a mathematical formulation of the interaction between microorganisms such as bacteria or amoebae and chemicals, often produced by the organisms themselves. This interaction is called chemotaxis and leads to cellular aggregation. We derive some models to describe chemotaxis. The first is the pioneristic Keller-Segel parabolic-parabolic model and it is derived by two different frameworks: a macroscopic perspective and a microscopic perspective, in which we start with a stochastic differential equation and we perform a mean-field approximation. This parabolic model may be generalized by the introduction of a degenerate diffusion parameter, which depends on the density itself via a power law. Then we derive a model for chemotaxis based on Cattaneo's law of heat propagation with finite speed, which is a hyperbolic model. The last model proposed here is a hydrodynamic model, which takes into account the inertia of the system by a friction force. In the limit of strong friction, the model reduces to the parabolic model, whereas in the limit of weak friction, we recover a hyperbolic model. Finally, we analyze the instability condition, which is the condition that leads to aggregation, and we describe the different kinds of aggregates we may obtain: the parabolic models lead to clusters or peaks whereas the hyperbolic models lead to the formation of network patterns or filaments. Moreover, we discuss the analogy between bacterial colonies and self gravitating systems by comparing the chemotactic collapse and the gravitational collapse (Jeans instability).
The present study characterized two fiber pathways important for language, the superior longitudinal fasciculus/arcuate fasciculus (SLF/AF) and the frontal aslant tract (FAT), and related these tracts to speech, language, and literacy skill in children five to eight years old. We used Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) to characterize the fiber pathways and administered several language assessments. The FAT was identified for the first time in children. Results showed no age-related change in integrity of the FAT, but did show age-related change in the left (but not right) SLF/AF. Moreover, only the integrity of the right FAT was related to phonology but not audiovisual speech perception, articulation, language, or literacy. Both the left and right SLF/AF related to language measures, specifically receptive and expressive language, and language content. These findings are important for understanding the neurobiology of language in the developing brain, and can be incorporated within contemporary dorsal-ventral-motor models for language.
Diffusive models and chaos indicators for non-linear betatron motion in circular hadron accelerators
Understanding the complex dynamics of beam-halo formation and evolution in circular particle accelerators is crucial for the design of current and future rings, particularly those utilizing superconducting magnets such as the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), its luminosity upgrade HL-LHC, and the proposed Future Circular Hadron Collider (FCC-hh). A recent diffusive framework, which describes the evolution of the beam distribution by means of a Fokker-Planck equation, with diffusion coefficient derived from the Nekhoroshev theorem, has been proposed to describe the long-term behaviour of beam dynamics and particle losses. In this thesis, we discuss the theoretical foundations of this framework, and propose the implementation of an original measurement protocol based on collimator scans in view of measuring the Nekhoroshev-like diffusive coefficient by means of beam loss data. The available LHC collimator scan data, unfortunately collected without the proposed measurement protocol, have been successfully analysed using the proposed framework. This approach is also applied to datasets from detailed measurements of the impact on the beam losses of so-called long-range beam-beam compensators also at the LHC. Furthermore, dynamic indicators have been studied as a tool for exploring the phase-space properties of realistic accelerator lattices in single-particle tracking simulations. By first examining the classification performance of known and new indicators in detecting the chaotic character of initial conditions for a modulated Hénon map and then applying this knowledge to study the properties of realistic accelerator lattices, we tried to identify a connection between the presence of chaotic regions in the phase space and Nekhoroshev-like diffusive behaviour, providing new tools to the accelerator physics community.
Both compressible and incompressible porous medium models are used in the literature to describe the mechanical aspects of living tissues. Using a stiff pressure law, it is possible to build a link between these two different representations. In the incompressible limit, compressible models generate free boundary problems where saturation holds in the moving domain. Our work aims at investigating the stiff pressure limit of reaction-advection-porous medium equations motivated by tumor development. Our first study concerns the analysis and numerical simulation of a model including the effect of nutrients. A coupled system of equations describes the cell density and the nutrient concentration and the derivation of the pressure equation in the stiff limit was an open problem for which the strong compactness of the pressure gradient is needed. To establish it, we use two new ideas: an L3-version of the celebrated Aronson-Bénilan estimate, and a sharp uniform L4-bound on the pressure gradient. We further investigate the sharpness of this bound through a finite difference upwind scheme, which we prove to be stable and asymptotic preserving. Our second study is centered around porous medium equations including convective effects. We are able to extend the techniques developed for the nutrient case, hence finding the complementarity relation on the limit pressure. Moreover, we provide an estimate of the convergence rate at the incompressible limit. Finally, we study a multi-species system. In particular, we account for phenotypic heterogeneity, including a structured variable into the problem. In this case, a cross-(degenerate)-diffusion system describes the evolution of the phenotypic distributions. Adapting methods recently developed in the context of two-species systems, we prove existence of weak solutions and we pass to the incompressible limit. Furthermore, we prove new regularity results on the total pressure, which is related to the total density by a power law of state.
Disconnectivity between the Default Mode Network (DMN) nodes can cause clinical symptoms and cognitive deficits in Alzheimer׳s disease (AD). We aimed to examine the structural connectivity between DMN nodes, to verify the extent in which white matter disconnection affects cognitive performance. MRI data of 76 subjects (25 mild AD, 21 amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment subjects and 30 controls) were acquired on a 3.0T scanner. ExploreDTI software (fractional Anisotropy threshold=0.25 and the angular threshold=60°) calculated axial, radial, and mean diffusivities, fractional anisotropy and streamline count. AD patients showed lower fractional anisotropy (P=0.01) and streamline count (P=0.029), and higher radial diffusivity (P=0.014) than controls in the cingulum. After correction for white matter atrophy, only fractional anisotropy and radial diffusivity remained significantly lower in AD compared to controls (P=0.003 and P=0.05). In the parahippocampal bundle, AD patients had lower mean and radial diffusivities (P=0.048 and P=0.013) compared to controls, from which only radial diffusivity survived for white matter adjustment (P=0.05). Regression models revealed that cognitive performance is also accounted for by white matter microstructural values. Structural connectivity within the DMN is important to the execution of high-complexity tasks, probably due to its relevant role in the integration of the network.
Prosopis rubriflora and Prosopis ruscifolia are important species in the Chaquenian regions of Brazil. Because of the restriction and frequency of their physiognomy, they are excellent models for conservation genetics studies. The use of microsatellite markers (Simple Sequence Repeats, SSRs) has become increasingly important in recent years and has proven to be a powerful tool for both ecological and molecular studies. In this study, we present the development and characterization of 10 new markers for P. rubriflora and 13 new markers for P. ruscifolia. The genotyping was performed using 40 P. rubriflora samples and 48 P. ruscifolia samples from the Chaquenian remnants in Brazil. The polymorphism information content (PIC) of the P. rubriflora markers ranged from 0.073 to 0.791, and no null alleles or deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HW) were detected. The PIC values for the P. ruscifolia markers ranged from 0.289 to 0.883, but a departure from HW and null alleles were detected for certain loci; however, this departure may have resulted from anthropic activities, such as the presence of livestock, which is very common in the remnant areas. In this study, we describe novel SSR polymorphic markers that may be helpful in future genetic studies of P. rubriflora and P. ruscifolia.
The aim of this study is to test the feasibility and reproducibility of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) evaluations of the fetal brains in cases of twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). From May 2011 to June 2012, 24 patients with severe TTTS underwent MRI scans for evaluation of the fetal brains. Datasets were analyzed offline on axial DW images and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps by two radiologists. The subjective evaluation was described as the absence or presence of water diffusion restriction. The objective evaluation was performed by the placement of 20-mm(2) circular regions of interest on the DW image and ADC maps. Subjective interobserver agreement was assessed by the kappa correlation coefficient. Objective intraobserver and interobserver agreements were assessed by proportionate Bland-Altman tests. Seventy-four DW-MRI scans were performed. Sixty of them (81.1%) were considered to be of good quality. Agreement between the radiologists was 100% for the absence or presence of diffusion restriction of water. For both intraobserver and interobserver agreement of ADC measurements, proportionate Bland-Altman tests showed average percentage differences of less than 1.5% and 95% CI of less than 18% for all sites evaluated. Our data demonstrate that DW-MRI evaluation of the fetal brain in TTTS is feasible and reproducible.
In acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) studies it is quite common to observe viral load measurements collected irregularly over time. Moreover, these measurements can be subjected to some upper and/or lower detection limits depending on the quantification assays. A complication arises when these continuous repeated measures have a heavy-tailed behavior. For such data structures, we propose a robust structure for a censored linear model based on the multivariate Student's t-distribution. To compensate for the autocorrelation existing among irregularly observed measures, a damped exponential correlation structure is employed. An efficient expectation maximization type algorithm is developed for computing the maximum likelihood estimates, obtaining as a by-product the standard errors of the fixed effects and the log-likelihood function. The proposed algorithm uses closed-form expressions at the E-step that rely on formulas for the mean and variance of a truncated multivariate Student's t-distribution. The methodology is illustrated through an application to an Human Immunodeficiency Virus-AIDS (HIV-AIDS) study and several simulation studies.
Often in biomedical research, we deal with continuous (clustered) proportion responses ranging between zero and one quantifying the disease status of the cluster units. Interestingly, the study population might also consist of relatively disease-free as well as highly diseased subjects, contributing to proportion values in the interval [0, 1]. Regression on a variety of parametric densities with support lying in (0, 1), such as beta regression, can assess important covariate effects. However, they are deemed inappropriate due to the presence of zeros and/or ones. To evade this, we introduce a class of general proportion density, and further augment the probabilities of zero and one to this general proportion density, controlling for the clustering. Our approach is Bayesian and presents a computationally convenient framework amenable to available freeware. Bayesian case-deletion influence diagnostics based on q-divergence measures are automatic from the Markov chain Monte Carlo output. The methodology is illustrated using both simulation studies and application to a real dataset from a clinical periodontology study.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física