991 resultados para virtual worlds


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Is an interactive new media art installation that explores how the sharing of images, normally hidden on mobile phones, can reveal more about people's sense of place and this ultimately shared experience. Traditional views on sense of place, as exemplified by Wagner (1972) and Relph (1976), characterise the experience as a fusion of meaning, act and context. Indeed, Relph suggests that it is not just the identity of a place that is important, but also the identity that a person or group has with that place, in particular whether they are experiencing it as an ‘insider’ or ‘outsider’. This work stimulates debate concerning the impact of technology on sense of place. Technology offers a number of bridges between the real and virtual worlds, but in so doing places an increased tension on the sense of place and subsequently the identity of the individual. This, coupled with the increased use of camera phones, has enabled the documentation of all aspects of our lives, the things we do, the objects we encounter and the places we inhabit. The installation taps into these hidden electronic resources by letting people share their sense of place associated with a large scale event. The work explores the changing nature of the sense of place of performers, visitors and residents over the duration of the event. Interaction with the installation will transform the viewer into performer, echoing Relph’s insider-outsider dichotomy


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Collaborative projects between Industry and Academia provide excellent opportunities for learning. Throughout the academic year 2014-2015 undergraduates from the School of Arts, Media and Computer Games at Abertay University worked with academics from the Infection Group at the University of St Andrews and industry partners Microsoft and DeltaDNA. The result was a serious game prototype that utilized game design techniques and technology to demystify and educate players about the diagnosis and treatment of one of the world's oldest and deadliest diseases, Tuberculosis (TB). Project Sanitarium is a game incorporating a mathematical model that is based on data from real-world drug trials. This paper discusses the project design and development, demonstrating how the project builds on the successful collaborative pedagogical model developed by academic staff at Abertay University. The aim of the model is to provide undergraduates with workplace simulation, wider industry collaboration and access to academic expertise to solve challenging and complex problems.


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The aim of this study is the dissertation and analysis of the influence (sociological, psychological and cultural) exerted on adolescents by the concept of Apocalypse. Become a key thought of visual culture, the called doomsday theory achieves one of its highest expressions in video games, possibly the favorite entertainment for young people in their leisure time. The results obtained in this research represent a first approach to the subject through the selected samples, two secondary schools from the city of Seville with disparate locations and divergent socioeconomic backgrounds. To reinforce the comparative study, we have included issues related to parental control, principal gaming platforms used by respondents or the number of hours dedicated to this type of entertainment. The conclusions demonstrate an irremediable attraction from our youth towards apocalyptic universes, plotter consciously with leisure and entertainment as escape from their routine of everyday life.


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This paper tries to achieve a balanced view of the ethical issues raised by emotion-oriented technology as it is, rather than as it might be imagined. A high proportion of applications seem ethically neutral. Uses in entertainment and allied areas do no great harm or good. Empowering professions may do either, but regulatory systems already exist. Ethically positive aspirations involve mitigating problems that already exist by supporting humans in emotion-related judgments, by replacing technology that treats people in dehumanized and/or demeaning ways, and by improving access for groups who struggle with existing interfaces. Emotion-oriented computing may also contribute to revaluing human faculties other than pure intellect. Many potential negatives apply to technology as a whole. Concerns specifically related to emotion involve creating a lie, by simulate emotions that the systems do not have, or promoting mechanistic conceptions of emotion. Intermediate issues arise where more general problems could be exacerbated-helping systems to sway human choices or encouraging humans to choose virtual worlds rather than reality. "SIIF" systems (semi-intelligent information filters) are particularly problematic. These use simplified rules to make judgments about people that are complex, and have potentially serious consequences. The picture is one of balances to recognize and negotiate, not uniform good or evil. © 2010-2012 IEEE.


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Children with Prader-Willi syndrome often exhibit challenging behavior in response to changes to routine. This phenomenon has been linked to a deficit in task switching ability which has been observed in children with the syndrome. TASTER is a cognitive training game which is being designed with input from a group of children with Prader- Willi syndrome, which aims to train task switching ability and thus reduce associated challenging behavior.


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Cette thèse propose une analyse croisée du cinéma et du jeu vidéo sous un angle interdisciplinaire afin de montrer la réappropriation et le remédiatisation des structures narratives et formelles du jeu vidéo dans le cinéma d’effets visuels du tournant du XXIe siècle. Plus spécifiquement, la thèse porte sur l’analyse de trois figures majeures du jeu vidéo et de l’animation dans la trilogie Matrix (Larry et Andy Wachowski, 1999-2003), dans Avalon (Mamoru Oshii, 2001) et dans Kung-Fu Hustle (Stephen Chow, 2004). La première section de la thèse consiste en une mise en place théorique par la présentation de certains paramètres esthétiques du cinéma d’effets visuels et du jeu vidéo. Quelques réflexions préliminaires sur l’esthétique du cinéma d’effets visuels sont d’abord esquissées avant de présenter les principales relations transmédiales entre le cinéma et le jeu vidéo. Ensuite, c’est le cinéma transludique qui est défini alors que le terme découle de la synergie singulière entre le cinéma et le jeu vidéo. Puisque le cinéma transludique concerne spécifiquement la récupération de l’esthétique du jeu vidéo dans le cinéma contemporain, les prémisses d’une esthétique du jeu vidéo sont alors établies. Dans la deuxième section, ce sont les figures et sous-figures au cœur de cette réflexion qui sont développées, pour ensuite les appliquer aux films du corpus. La première figure à l’étude est celle de l’exploration, alors que l’analyse de la signification de cette figure dans la conception de jeu vidéo et dans les récits cinématographiques de science-fiction montre l’importance de la navigation comme expérience spatio-temporelle dans les univers virtuels. Ensuite, c’est l’utilisation récurrente de la figure vidéoludique du niveau (level) dans le cinéma hybride contemporain qui est soulignée, figure qui structure autant le récit que la forme représentationnelle des films transludiques. Enfin, la figure de la métamorphose, indissociable du cinéma d’animation, est étudiée afin de souligner l’importance de cette figure dans la création numérique et d’expliquer la transformation de l’image qui affecte le cinéma transludique, image qualifiée d’image-frontière.


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Si, depuis son apparition, la télévision suscite de nombreuses réactions de mépris chez les élites cultivées, son emprise sur l’individu et la vie en société est indéniable. La littérature ne pouvait manquer de s’intéresser à la nature et à l’évolution de ce média si discuté avec lequel elle entretient des relations plus complexes qu’il n’y paraît. Cette étude porte sur deux romans qui proposent une représentation très élaborée et singulière du petit écran et de son rôle, La Télévision de Jean-Philippe Toussaint et Que la paix soit avec vous de Serge Joncour. Chacun d’eux fait l’objet d’un chapitre. En plus de procéder à une critique incisive du média télévisuel, ces fictions mettent en évidence ses liens avec l’imaginaire social contemporain. Toussaint accorde une importance particulière aux bouleversements socioculturels causés par la télévision et montre qu’elle a si bien investi la place de la vie quotidienne que les mondes réel et virtuel risquent désormais constamment de se confondre. Joncour décrit avec soin l’influence qu’elle exerce sur notre perception de la réalité et critique la lecture superficielle du monde qu’elle impose. Cependant qu’elles effectuent ce travail critique, les deux œuvres se rejoignent pour souligner son pouvoir de fascination et la présentent telle une tentatrice redoutable. Parce qu’elle part d’une lecture interne des textes pour les mettre en relation avec la façon dont la télévision, en tant que dispositif sémiotique, c’est-à-dire en tant que machine à produire du sens, informe la réalité humaine, notre étude se situe sur le terrain de la sociocritique des textes.


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Réalisé en cotutelle avec l'Université de Grenoble.


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An inspirational and educational flashcard resource for secondary school children. Can be used as flashcards or as a matching activity (depending on how cards are cut out).


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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This article presents three ethnographic tales of interactions with living room media to help recreate the experience of significant moments in time, of affective encounters at the interface in which there is a collision or confusion of situated and virtual worlds. It draws on a year-long video ethnography of the practice and performance of everyday interactions with living room media. By studying situated activity and the lived practice of (new) media, rather than taking an exclusive focus on the virtual as a detached space, this ethnographic work demonstrates how the situated and mediated clash, or are crafted into complex emotional encounters during everyday living room life.


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This article examines the ways that technological objects inside the home are viewed and productively used by a group of older people to extend their access to environments beyond the home. Beginning with a discussion of types of domestic object, we highlight appliances and gadgets, and focus our attentions on the latter. The changes in life brought on by ageing, in particular a reduction in mobility, provide the context for our study, in which access to the outside world becomes increasingly difficult. Recognising their changing circumstances led our participants to actively and selectively engage with these objects, mitigating the shrinking of their accessible environment by using them as a gateway to the many virtual worlds now available. We coin the term ‘portal objects’ to describe the potential that this type of technological object provides, and suggest that the investigation of interiors can be enriched by recognising and including the worlds outside that become integral to occupation inside.


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Social communication technologies present exciting and challenging opportunities for public relations professionals. Although not new the latest online attraction grabbing the attention of educators and companies around the globe are the virtual worlds known as Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs). This paper will examine MMORPGs - in particular Second Life - and consider their potential as an educational medium and relevance to the practice of public relations. The paper argues that MMORPGs slwuld be taken seriously by educators and public relations professionals alike and not simply be treated as online entertainment.


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The professional landscape in public relations is changing as new communication and social networking technologies are integrated into day-to-day professional practice. Whilst adoption of such technologies by public relations practitioners is certainly on the increase, their use can still be regarded as limited and application experimental to some degree. However, few could argue that these technologies will be increasingly important to public relations practice in coming years.
In this context, public relations educators must strive to deliver a contemporary curriculum reflective of industry expectations and best practice principles but which also provides students with exposure to new communication contexts and technologies.

The advent of persistent virtual worlds generated by Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs) and Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs) offer new realms for public relations practitioners and educators alike. Virtual worlds potentially provide public relations educators with novel but relevant training grounds for their students. These 3D worlds offer dynamic and authentic learning environments which have the capability to foster deep learning and engender a sense of community within a student cohort in a way that many computer-mediated classrooms sadly lack.

This paper will present the experiences of two tertiary educators’ journey towards a conceptual understanding of the persistent virtual world, Second Life, from a teacher perspective. The paper argues that the successful adoption of new online technologies like Second Life need not be inhibited by preferences for technology or prior ICT skills as long as teaching staff are given the necessary support and training by their institutions coupled with opportunity for familiarisation and experimentation.