995 resultados para Zero-crossing Rate


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We study a mixture of two light spin-1/2 fermionic atoms and two heavy atoms in a double-well potential. Inelastic scattering processes between both atomic species excite the heavy atoms and renormalize the tunneling rate and the interaction of the light atoms (polaron effect). The effective interaction of the light atoms changes its sign and becomes attractive for strong inelastic scattering. This is accompanied by a crossing of the energy levels from singly occupied sites at weak inelastic scattering to a doubly occupied and an empty site for stronger inelastic scattering. We are able to identify the polaron effect and the level crossing in the quantum dynamics.


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In integrable one-dimensional quantum systems an infinite set of local conserved quantities exists which can prevent a current from decaying completely. For cases like the spin current in the XXZ model at zero magnetic field or the charge current in the attractive Hubbard model at half filling, however, the current operator does not have overlap with any of the local conserved quantities. We show that in these situations transport at finite temperatures is dominated by a diffusive contribution with the Drude weight being either small or even zero. For the XXZ model we discuss in detail the relation between our results, the phenomenological theory of spin diffusion, and measurements of the spin-lattice relaxation rate in spin chain compounds. Furthermore, we study the Haldane-Shastry model where a conserved spin current exists.


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We discuss an approximation for the dynamic charge response of nonlinear spin-1/2 Luttinger liquids in the limit of small momentum. Besides accounting for the broadening of the charge peak due to two-holon excitations, the nonlinearity of the dispersion gives rise to a two-spinon peak, which at zero temperature has an asymmetric line shape. At finite temperature the spin peak is broadened by diffusion. As an application, we discuss the density and temperature dependence of the Coulomb drag resistivity due to long-wavelength scattering between quantum wires.


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We show that measurements of finite duration performed on an open two-state system can protect the initial state from a phase-noisy environment, provided the measured observable does not commute with the perturbing interaction. When the measured observable commutes with the environmental interaction, the finite-duration measurement accelerates the rate of decoherence induced by the phase noise. For the description of the measurement of an observable that is incompatible with the interaction between system and environment, we have found an approximate analytical expression, valid at zero temperature and weak coupling with the measuring device. We have tested the validity of the analytical predictions against an exact numerical approach, based on the superoperator-splitting method, that confirms the protection of the initial state of the system. When the coupling between the system and the measuring apparatus increases beyond the range of validity of the analytical approximation, the initial state is still protected by the finite-time measurement, according with the exact numerical calculations.


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We theoretically investigate negative differential resistance (NDR) for ballistic transport in semiconducting armchair graphene nanoribbon (aGNR) superlattices (5 to 20 barriers) at low bias voltages V(SD) < 500 mV. We combine the graphene Dirac Hamiltonian with the Landauer-Buttiker formalism to calculate the current I(SD) through the system. We find three distinct transport regimes in which NDR occurs: (i) a ""classical"" regime for wide layers, through which the transport across band gaps is strongly suppressed, leading to alternating regions of nearly unity and zero transmission probabilities as a function of V(SD) due to crossing of band gaps from different layers; (ii) a quantum regime dominated by superlattice miniband conduction, with current suppression arising from the misalignment of miniband states with increasing V(SD); and (iii) a Wannier-Stark ladder regime with current peaks occurring at the crossings of Wannier-Stark rungs from distinct ladders. We observe NDR at voltage biases as low as 10 mV with a high current density, making the aGNR superlattices attractive for device applications.


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The successful measurements of a sublattice magnetism with (51)V NMR techniques in the sigma-phase Fe(100-x)V(x) alloys with x=34.4, 39.9, and 47.9 are reported. Vanadium atoms, which were revealed to be present on all five crystallographic sites, are found to be under the action of the hyperfine magnetic fields produced by the neighboring Fe atoms, which allow the observation of (51)V NMR signals. Their nuclear magnetic properties are characteristic of a given site, which strongly depend on the composition. Site A exhibits the strongest magnetism while site D is the weakest. The estimated average magnetic moment per V atom decreases from 0.36 mu(B) for x=34.4 to 0.20 mu(B) for x=47.9. The magnetism revealed at V atoms is linearly correlated with the magnetic moment of Fe atoms, which implies that the former is induced by the latter.


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A numerical renormalization-group study of the conductance through a quantum wire containing noninteracting electrons side-coupled to a quantum dot is reported. The temperature and the dot-energy dependence of the conductance are examined in the light of a recently derived linear mapping between the temperature-dependent conductance and the universal function describing the conductance for the symmetric Anderson model of a quantum wire with an embedded quantum dot. Two conduction paths, one traversing the wire, the other a bypass through the quantum dot, are identified. A gate potential applied to the quantum wire is shown to control the current through the bypass. When the potential favors transport through the wire, the conductance in the Kondo regime rises from nearly zero at low temperatures to nearly ballistic at high temperatures. When it favors the dot, the pattern is reversed: the conductance decays from nearly ballistic to nearly zero. When comparable currents flow through the two channels, the conductance is nearly temperature independent in the Kondo regime, and Fano antiresonances in the fixed-temperature plots of the conductance as a function of the dot-energy signal interference between them. Throughout the Kondo regime and, at low temperatures, even in the mixed-valence regime, the numerical data are in excellent agreement with the universal mapping.


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The thermal dependence of the zero-bias conductance for the single electron transistor is the target of two independent renormalization-group approaches, both based on the spin-degenerate Anderson impurity model. The first approach, an analytical derivation, maps the Kondo-regime conductance onto the universal conductance function for the particle-hole symmetric model. Linear, the mapping is parametrized by the Kondo temperature and the charge in the Kondo cloud. The second approach, a numerical renormalization-group computation of the conductance as a function the temperature and applied gate voltages offers a comprehensive view of zero-bias charge transport through the device. The first approach is exact in the Kondo regime; the second, essentially exact throughout the parametric space of the model. For illustrative purposes, conductance curves resulting from the two approaches are compared.


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The Zr-Au set for monitoring the thermal and epithermal neutron fluence rate and the epithermal spectrum parameter a is not always practicable for routine application of INAA in well-thermalized facilities. An alternative set consisting of Cr, Au and Mo provides values for the thermal neutron fluence rate, f and alpha that are not significantly different from those found via the Zr-Au method and the Cd-covered Zr-method. The IRMM standard SMELS-II was analyzed using the (Au-Cr-Mo) monitor and a good agreement was obtained. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to test the hypotheses that in obese children: 1) hypocaloric diet (D) improves both heart rate recovery at 1 min (Delta HRR1) cfter an exercise test, and cardiac autonomic nervous system activity (CANSA) in obese children; 2) Diet and exercise training (DET) combined leads to greater improvement in both Delta HRR1 after an exercise test and in CANSA, than D alone. Moreover, we examined the relationships among Delta HRR1, CANSA, cardiorespiratory fitness and anthropometric variables (AV) in obese children submitted to D and to DET. 33 obese children (10 +/- 0.2 years; body mass index (BMI) >95(th) percentile) were divided into 2 groups: D (n = 15; BMI = 31 +/- 1 kg/m(2)) and DET (n = 18; 29 +/- 1 kg/m(2)). All children performed a maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test on a treadmill. The Delta HRR1 was defined as the difference between heart rate at peak and at 1-min post-exercise. CANSA was assessed using power spectral analysis of heart rate variability at rest. The sympathovagal balance (low frequency and high frequency ratio, LF/HF) was measured. After interventions, all obese children showed reduced body weight (P < 0.05). The D group did not improve in terms of peak VO(2), Delta HRR1 or LF/HF ratio (P > 0.05). In contrast, the DET group showed increased peak VO(2) (P = 0.01) and improved Delta HRR1 (Delta HRR1 = 37.3 +/- 2.6; P = 0.01) and LF/HF ratio (P = 0.001). The DET group demonstrated significant relationships among Delta HRR1, peak VO(2) and CANSA (P < 0.05). In conclusion, DET, in contrast to D, promoted improved Delta HRR1 and CANSA in obese children, suggesting a positive influence of increased levels of cardiorespiratory fitness by exercise training on cardiac autonomic activity.


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Manual asymmetries were analyzed in 18- to 63-year-old right-handers in different motor tasks. This analysis aimed at describing the asymmetry profile for each task and assessing their stability across ages. For this purpose, performance of the right and left hands were analyzed in the following aspects: simple reaction time, rate of sequential finger movements, maximum grip force, accuracy in anticipatory timing, rate of repetitive tapping, and rate of drawing movements. In addition, stability of manual preference across ages was assessed through the Edinburgh inventory (Oldfield, 1971). The results indicated different profiles of manual asymmetry, with identification of three categories across tasks: symmetric performance (asymmetry indices close to zero), inconsistent asymmetry (asymmetry indices variable in magnitude and direction), and consistent asymmetry (asymmetry indices favoring a single hand). The different profiles observed in the young adults were stable across ages with two exceptions: decreased lateral asymmetry for maximum grip force and increased asymmetry for sequential drawing in older individuals. These results indicate that manual asymmetries are task specific. Such task specificity is interpreted to be the result of different sensorimotor requirements imposed by each motor task in association with motor experiences accumulated over the lifetime. Analysis of manual preference showed that strength of preference for the right hand was greater in older individuals. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson Srl. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a short-term low-or high-carbohydrate (CHO) diet consumed after exercise on sympathetic nervous system activity. Twelve healthy males underwent a progressive incremental test; a control measurement of plasma catecholamines and heart rate variability (HRV); an exercise protocol to reduce endogenous CHO stores; a low-or high-CHO diet (counterbalanced order) consumed for 2 days, beginning immediately after the exercise protocol; and a second resting plasma catecholamine and HRV measurement. The exercise and diet protocols and the second round of measurements were performed again after a 1-week washout period. The mean (+/- SD) values of the standard deviation of R-R intervals were similar between conditions (control, 899.0 +/- 146.1 ms; low-CHO diet, 876.8 +/- 115.8 ms; and high-CHO diet, 878.7 +/- 127.7 ms). The absolute high-and low-frequency (HF and LF, respectively) densities of the HRV power spectrum were also not different between conditions. However, normalized HF and LF (i.e., relative to the total power spectrum) were lower and higher, respectively, in the low-CHO diet than in the control diet (mean +/- SD, 17 +/- 9 normalized units (NU) and 83 +/- 9 NU vs. 27 +/- 11 NU and 73 +/- 17 NU, respectively; p < 0.05). The LF/HF ratio was higher with the low-CHO diet than with the control diet (mean +/- SD, 7.2 +/- 6.2 and 4.2 +/- 3.2, respectively; p < 0.05). The mean values of plasma catecholamines were not different between diets. These results suggest that the autonomic control of the heart rate was modified after a short-term low-CHO diet, but plasma catecholamine levels were not altered.


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Background Falls are one of the greatest concerns among the elderly A number of studies have described peak torque as one of the best fall-related predictor. No studies have comprehensively focused on the rate of torque development of the lower limb muscles among elderly fallers. Then, the aim of this study was to determine the relationship between muscle peak torque and rate of torque development of the lower limb joints in elderly with and without fall history It was also aimed to determine whether these parameters of muscle performance (i e, peak torque and rate of torque development) are related to the number of falls. Methods: Thirty-one women volunteered to participate in the study and were assigned in one of the groups according to the number of falls over the 12 months that preceded the present Then, participants with no fall history (Cl; n = 13; 67.6[7.5] years-old), one fall (GII; n = 8, 66 0[4 91 years-old) and two or more falls (GIII, n = 10; 67.8[8.8] years-old) performed a number of lower limb maximal isometric voluntary contractions from which peak torque and rate of torque development were quantified Findings. Primary outcomes indicated no peak torque differences between experimental groups in any lower limb joint. The rate of torque development of the knee flexor muscles observed in the non-fallers (Cl) was greater than that observed in the fallers (P < 0.05) and had a significant relationship with the number of falls (P < 0 05) Interpretation. The greater knee flexor muscles` rate of torque development found in the non-fallers in comparison to the fallers indicated that the ability of the elderly to rapidly reorganise the arrangement of the lower limb may play a significant role in allowing the elderly to recover balance after a trip. Thus, training stimulus aimed to improve the rate of torque development may be more beneficial to prevent falls among the elderly than other training stimulus, which are not specifically designed to improve the ability to rapidly produce large amounts of torque (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd


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Objectives To analyze the association between resting heart rate and blood pressure in male children and adolescents and to identify if this association is mediated by important confounders. Study design Cross-sectional study carried out with 356 male children and adolescents from 8 to 18 years old. Resting heart rate was measured by a portable heart rate monitor according to recommendations and stratified into quartiles. Blood pressure was measured with an electronic device previously validated for pediatric populations. Body fatness was estimated by a dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Results Obese subjects had values of resting heart rate 7.8% higher than nonobese (P = .001). Hypertensive children and adolescents also had elevated values of resting heart rate (P = .001). When the sample was stratified in nonobese and obese, the higher quartile of resting heart rate was associated with hypertension in both groups of children and adolescents. Conclusions This study confirms the existence of a relationship between elevated resting heart rate and increased blood pressure in a pediatric population, independent of adiposity, ethnicity and age. (J Pediatr 2011; 158:634-7).


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High-purity niobium powder can be produced via the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation processes The present work aimed at the effect of temperature and cooling rate conditions on the niobium hydrogenation process using hydrogen gas The hydrogen contents of the materials were evaluated by weight change and chemical analysis X ray diffraction (XRD) was performed to identify and determine the lattice parameters of the formed hydride phases No hydrogenation took place under isothermal conditions only during cooling of the materials Significant hydrogenation occurred in the 500 C and 700 C experiments leading to the formation of a beta NbH(x) single phase material (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved