162 resultados para Worries
The growing need for food is something that worries the world, which has a population that is growing at a geometric progression while their resources grows at an arithmetic progression. To alleviate this problem there are some proposals, including increased food production or reduce waste thereof. Many studies have been conducted in the world in order to reduce food waste that can reach 40% of production, depending on the region. For this purpose techniques are used to retard degradation of foods, including drying. This paper presents a design of a hybrid fruit dryer that uses solar energy and electric energy with automation of the process. To accomplish drying tests were chosen Typical fruits with good acceptability as processed fruits. During the experiments were measured temperature values at different points. Were also measured humidity values, solar radiation and mass. A data acquisition system was built using a Arduino for obtaining temperatures. The data were sent to a program named Secador de Frutas, done in this work, to plot the same. The volume of the drying chamber was 423 liters and despite the unusual size test using mirrors to increase the incidence of direct radiation, showed that the drier is competitive when compared with other solar dryers produced in Hydraulic Machines and Solar Energy Laboratory (LMHES ) UFRN. The drier has been built at a cost of 3 to 5 times smaller than industrial dryers that operate with the same load of fruit. And the energy cost to produce dried fruits was more feasible compared with such dryers that use LPG as an energy source. However, the drying time was longer.
Análisis de la tragedia legendaria en tres actos publicada en 1962 por el dramaturgo francés Jean Geschwin, en la que, a partir de una original recreación del mito de Progne y Filomela, se expresa la preocupación y el desasosiego provocados por las dos décadas de sangrientos conflictos bélicos casi ininterrumpidos que estaban desgarrando a Francia.
Obwohl eine Vielzahl von Institutionen zur Verfügung steht, an die Kinder und Jugendliche sich bei Schwierigkeiten und Problemen wenden können, bestehen häufig Informationsdefizite und Schwellenängste, die dazu beitragen, daß viele Betroffene keine hinreichende Unterstützung erhalten. In der vorliegenden Studie, an der 1225 Kinder und Jugendliche im Alter von 10 bis 18 Jahren teilnahmen, erfolgt eine Bestandsaufnahme der gegenwärtig bestehenden Defizite und Hemmnisse, indem der Kenntnisstand zu institutionellen Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten und die möglichen Gründe, Unterstützungsangebote anzunehmen bzw. nicht anzunehmen, erfragt wurden. Auf der Basis der Ergebnisse der Bestandsaufnahme wird ein Interventionskonzept entwickelt, das dem Abbau von Informationsdefiziten und Schwellenängsten dient und damit die Akzeptanz bestehender Beratungsangebote erhöhen soll. (DIPF/Orig.)
O texto que aqui apresentamos é, fundamentalmente, uma partilha das nossas inquietudes sobre qual a melhor maneira de sermos educadores de cidadãos, colocando a ênfase no papel da Escola - comunidade educativa, na esperança de encontrar a melhor via possível. Neste momento, ana primeira parte equacionamos e analisamos alguns dos pressupostos teóricos que têm orientado esta reflexão, enquanto que numa segunda parte, apresentamos aquilo que entendemos pelas novas finalidades da Educação para a Cidadania.
[es] En esta entrevista se pretende indagar en los mundos imaginarios de Mélanie de Coster, una escritora belga de literatura fantástica actual. Desde que publicase su primer libro en 2003, De Coster ha experimentado la fusión de elementos pertenecientes a la estética de lo fantástico con otros géneros haciendo de este su sello personal. Lo fantástico se revela así como una aproximación que no centra la acción narrada, sino que la enriquece aportándole elementos de sorpresa, de angustia o de misterio. En su novela más puramente fantástica, De l’autre côté des mondes, la trama principal adquiere incluso matices sociales. Todo ello resulta en una producción ciertamente heterogénea en la que lo fantástico se erige como hilo conductor. [es] This interview explores the imaginary worlds created by Mélanie de Coster, a Belgian writer of contemporary fantastic literature. Ever since she published her first book in 2003, De Coster has combined elements from the aesthetics of the fantastic with other genres, thus making this her personal trademark. The fantastic becomes then an approach which is not at the core of the story told, but it rather complements it by adding some features like surprise, anxiety or mystery. In her most recent novel, De l’autre côté des mondes, the main plot even includes some social worries. Eventually, the fantastic becomes the leading thread of such a heterogeneous production.
China's Silk Road Economic Belt plan is a part of One Belt, One Road initiative that aims to create trade routes from China all the way to Europe. Despite the potential benefits, there are also problems along the way. In this research I am examining the adverse effects of one part of the Silk Road Economic Belt with my focus on Xinjiang Uyghur minority and their rights and Central Asian regional stability. Moreover, I suggest that China's past commitments in the international society as well as her actions in relations to the undertaking can give an insight into a regime where China would be the dominant power in international society. I have used qualitative analysis to study the topics. My most important methodological tools to examine the topics are as follows. I utilise conceptual analysis to borrow concepts from international relations field. I use method of situation analysis when I am describing the current circumstances in China's Xinjiang and Central Asia. Inductive analysis is the overall method since I suggest that the content I have examined could give an insight to how China regards and relates to international law in the future. Moreover, my theoretical framework of the research sees international law as a tool that a state can use to gain more power but at the same time international law restricts state's behaviour. Based on the findings of this research, in case of Xinjiang the New Silk Road is likely to worsen Uyghurs situation because of Beijing's worries and harsh actions to prevent any disturbance. However, the New Silk Road could bring stability and maintain regional security in Central Asia when the states could see it beneficial to unite for cooperation which can result with greater benefits. China's potential future regime will emphasize sovereignty and non-interference to states’ domestic matters. Moreover, there will be no room for minority rights in China's concept of human rights. Human rights are meant to protect rights of masses but are of secondary importance since development and security will be more important goals to pursue. In the field of cooperation, China is increasingly using multilateral forums to discuss the matters but reserves bilateral negotiations for executing the plans.
The advent of the World Network(Net) Internet and the use of the technology in the digital environment raised new challenges to the author's copyright. These worries were considered in the last international agreements, so that the warning is not true of those who postulate that the Internet is a " territory of nobody ", where the works are unprotected completely. To educate on the topic of the protection of the author's copyright and to provide with resources the instances(authorities) in charge of the observance of these rights looks like an ineluctable task.
Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) of any country could be a source of providing professionals to the country in many fields. By doing so, HEIs could play a pivotal role in the economic growth of the country. In Pakistan, it seems that, in the wake of this realization, steps have been taken to reform Higher Education. Drawing on the Triple I model of educational change covering Initiation, Implementation and Institutionalization (Fullan, 2007) this study focuses on the planning and implementation of reforms in the Education system of Pakistan at higher education level that have been introduced by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) since its inception in 2002. Kennedy’s model of hierarchical subsystems affecting innovation and Chin and Benne’s (1985) description of strategies for implementing change also provided guidelines for analyzing the changes in education in the country to highlight the role that the authorities expect the language teacher to play in the process of implementing these changes. A qualitative method is followed in this study to gather data from English language teachers at three universities of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. A questionnaire was developed to look into the perceptions of English language teachers regarding the impact of these reforms. This was followed up by interviews. Responses from 28 teachers were received through questionnaire out of which 9 teachers were interviewed for detailed analysis of their perceptions. Thematic Content analysis was used to analyze and interpret the data. Some of the most significant changes that the respondents reported knowledge of included the introduction of Semester System, extending the Bachelors degree to four years from two years, promotion of research culture, and increased teachers’ autonomy in classroom practices. Implications of these reforms for English teachers’ professional development were also explored. The data indicate that the teachers generally have a positive attitude towards the changes. However, the data also show concerns that teachers have about the practical effectiveness of these changes in improving English language teaching and learning in Pakistani Universities. Some of the areas of concern are worries regarding resources, the assessment system, the number of qualified teachers, and instability in the educational policy. They are concerned about the training facilities and quality of the professional training available to them. Moreover, they report that training opportunities for their professional development are not available to all the teachers equally. Despite the HEC claims of providing regular training opportunities, the majority of the teachers did not receive any formal training in the last three years, while some teachers were able to access these opportunities multiple times. Through the recent reforms HEC has empowered the teachers in conducting the learning/teacher processes but this extra power has reduced their accountability and they can exercise these powers without any check on them. This empowerment is limited to the classroom and there appears to be no or minimal involvement in decision making at the top level of policy making. Such lack of involvement in the policy decisions seems to be generating a lack of sense of ownership among the teachers (Fullan 2003a:6). Although Quality Enhancement Cells have been developed in the universities to assure the desired quality of education, they might need a more active role to contribute in achieving the level of enhancement in education expected from them. Based on the perceptions of the respondents of this study and the review of the relevant literature, it is argued that it is unlikely for the reforms to be institutionalized if teachers are not given the right kind of awareness at the initiation stage and are not prepared at the implementation stage to cope with the challenge of a complex process. The teachers participating in this study, in general, have positive and enthusiastic attitudes towards most of the changes, in spite of some reservations. It could also be interesting to see if the power centers of the Pakistani Higher Education appreciate this enthusiasm and channel it for a strong Higher Education system in the country.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Psicologia da Educação, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
Post-print version. Pictures and tables separated from main text and presented at the end.
BACKGROUND: The well-being of relatives of patients having chronic heart diseases (CHD) has been found to be negatively affected by the patient's condition. Studies examining relatives of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) indicate that their well-being may be affected in a similar manner, but further research is needed. AIM: To explore and describe critical incidents in which relatives of patients experience how AF affects their well-being and what actions they take to handle these situations. DESIGN AND METHOD: An explorative, descriptive design based on the critical incident technique (CIT) was used. Interviews were conducted with 19 relatives (14 women and five men) of patients hospitalised in southern Sweden due to acute symptoms of the AF. RESULTS: The well-being of relatives was found to be affected by their worries (patient-related health), as well as the sacri-ficing of their own needs (self-related health). In handling their own well-being, these relatives adjusted to and supported the patient (practical involvement), along with adjusting their own feelings and responding to the mood of the patients (emotional involvement). CONCLUSION: The well-being of relatives of patients with AF was affected depending on the patients' well-being. In their attempt to handle their own well-being, the relatives adjusted to and supported the patients. Further research is needed in order to evaluate the effects of support to relatives and patients respectively and together.
O presente estudo tem como objectivos primordiais, identificar as expectativas e as preocupações dos estagiários de psicologia em relação ao seu futuro papel de psicoterapeuta e perceber se existe relação entre estas e os Estilos de Vinculação. A amostra é composta por 95 estagiários de psicologia clínica e educacional, na sua maioria mulheres, com idades compreendidas entre os 22 e os 60 anos e provenientes de 7 Universidades do País. Os mesmos foram sujeitos à aplicação do Questionário de Estilo Pessoal do Terapeuta (EPT-C}, da Escala de Vinculação do Adulto (EVA) e confrontados com uma questão relativa aos seus medos. Com base nos resultados concluímos que os estagiários se perspectivam de um modo idealizado no futuro, preocupando-se de um modo geral com as suas competências. A relação encontrada entre os Estilos de Vinculação e algumas componentes do Estilo Pessoal do Terapeuta apesar de significativa carece de mais desenvolvimentos. /ABSTRACT: The present work has two main purposes: to identify the expectations and worries of the psychology trainees towards their future as a psychotherapist and two conceive if there is any connection between them and the Attachment Styles. The sample is formed by 95 clinic and educational psychology trainees, being the greatest part of them women between 22 and 60 years old from 7 Universities all over the country. They have been studied under the Personal Style of the Therapist, the Adult Attachment Scale-R and, later on, they were confronted by a question concerning their fears. Based on the results, we conclude that the trainee’s perspective themselves, as for the future is concerned ire an idealistic way, worrying, in general, about their skills. The relation found between the Attachment Styles and some elements of the Personal Style of the Therapist although it is significate, needs more development.