311 resultados para INXGA1-XAS


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The present paper focuses on the structural, electronic, and compositional properties of Ge25Ga10S65 glasses before and after UV illumination in air using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) techniques. The XPS Ge 3d spectra reveal the existence of Ge-O bonds in the surface region of illuminated glass. In the case of this sample, XAS O K-edge spectra showed the formation of an enriched region of oxygen atoms in the glass bulk, indicating a different bonding structure of oxygen at the surface and in the bulk of the glass. Moreover, the structural changes that occur after UV illumination in the glass sample are identified as the formation of a homogeneous germanium oxide surface layer followed by an intermediary Ge25Ga10S65-yOz subsurface region. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Transverse-optical (TO) and longitudinal-optical (LO) phonons of zinc blende InxGa1-xN (0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.31) layers are observed through first-order micro-Raman scattering experiments. The samples are grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on GaAs (001) substrates, and x-ray diffraction measurements are performed to determine the epilayer alloy composition. Both the TO and LO phonons exhibit a one-mode-type behavior, and their frequencies display a linear dependence on the composition. The Raman data reported here are used to predict the A(1) (TO) and E-1 (TO) phonon frequencies of the hexagonal InxGa1-xN alloy. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)01234-6].


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The magnetic-field and confinement effects on the Land, factor in AlxGa1-xAs parabolic quantum wells under magnetic fields applied parallel or perpendicular to the growth direction are theoretically studied. Calculations are performed in the limit of low temperatures and low electron density in the heterostructure. The g factor is obtained by taking into account the effects of non-parabolicity and anisotropy of the conduction band through the 2 x 2 Ogg-McCombe Hamiltonian, and by including the cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit term. A simple formula describing the magnetic-field dependence of the effective Land, factor is analytically derived by using the Rayleigh-Schrodinger perturbation theory, and it is found in good agreement with previous experimental studies devoted to understand the behavior of the g factor, as a function of an applied magnetic field, in semiconductor heterostructures. Present numerical results for the effective Land, factor are shown as functions of the quantum-well parameters and magnetic-field strength, and compared with available experimental measurements.


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Monochromatic light excitation in conjunction with thermally stimulated depolarization current measurements are applied to indirect bandgap AlxGa1-xAs. The obtained average activation energy for dipole relaxation is in very close agreement with the DX center binding energy. Monochromatic light induces state transition in the defect and makes possible the identification of dipoles observed in the dark. Charge relaxation currents are destroyed by photoionization of Al0.5Ga0.5As using either 647 nm Kr+ or 488 nm Ar+ laser lines, which are above the DX center threshold photoionization energy. It suggests that correlation may exist among charged donor states DX--d+. Sample resistance as a function of temperature is also measured in the dark and under illumination and shows the probable X valley effective mass state participation in the electron trapping. Ionization with energies of 0.8 eV and 1.24 eV leads to striking current peak shifts in the thermally stimulated depolarization bands. Since vacancies are present in this material, they may be responsible for the secondary band observed in the dark as well as participation in the light induced recombination process.


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We present conductance as function of temperature (G×T) under influence of monochromatic light in the range 0.5-1.5 μm for direct as well as indirect bandgap n-type AlxGa1-xAs. Results obtained below 60 K in indirect bandgap sample show the presence of another level of trapping, besides the DX centre, probably a X-valley effective mass state. In direct bandgap samples, these G×T curves show that above bandgap light increases conductivity to higher values than at room temperature and below bandgap light is not enough to avoid trapping. Photoconductivity spectra in indirect bandgap AlxGa1-xAs show that above ≅120 K, the absence of persistent photoconductivity contributes for a very clean spectrum. The mobility of AlxGa1-xAs is modelled considering dipole scattering. Data of transient decay of persistent photoconductivity is simulated using this approach.


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We report on first-order micro-Raman and resonant micro-Raman scattering measurements on c-InxGa1-xN (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.31) epitaxial layers. We have found that both, the transverse-optical (TO) and longitudinal-optical (LO) phonons of InxGa1-xN alloy exhibit a one-mode-type behavior. Their frequencies at Γ lie on straight lines connecting the corresponding values obtained for the c-GaN and c-InN binary compounds. Evidence for phase separation is shown in the sample with the alloy composition x = 0.31. The Raman spectra, with excitation energy close to 2.4 eV, show an enhanced additional peak, with frequency between the values found for the LO and TO phonon modes of the C-In0.31Ga0.69N epitaxial layer. We ascribed this peak to the LO phonon mode of a minority phase with In content of ≈0.80.


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The XAS/WAXS time-resolved method was applied for unraveling the complex mechanisms arising from the evolution of several metastable intermediates during the degradation of chlorine layered double hydroxide (LDH) upon heating to 450 °C, i.e., Zn2Al(OH)6·nH2O, ZnCuAl(OH)6·nH2O, Zn2Al 0.75Fe0.25(OH)6·nH2O, and ZnCuAl0.5Fe0.5(OH)6·nH2O. After a contraction of the interlamellar distance, attributed to the loss of intracrystalline water molecules, this distance experiences an expansion (T > 175-225 °C) before the breakdown of the lamellar framework around 275-295 °C. Amorphous prenucleus clusters with crystallo-chemical local order of zinc-based oxide and zinc-based spinel phases, and if any of copper-based oxide, are formed at T > 175-225 °C well before the loss of stacking of LDH layers. This distance expansion has been ascribed to the migration of Zn II from octahedral layers to tetrahedral sites in the interlayer space, nucleating the nano-ZnO or nano-ZnM2O4 (M = Al or Fe) amorphous prenuclei. The transformation of these nano-ZnO clusters toward ZnO crystallites proceeds through an agglomeration process occurring before the complete loss of layer stacking for Zn2Al(OH)6· nH2O and Zn2Al0.75Fe0.25(OH) 6·nH2O. For ZnCuAl(OH)6·nH 2O and ZnCuAl0.5Fe0.5(OH)6· nH2O, a cooperative effect between the formation of nano-CuO and nano-ZnAl2O4 amorphous clusters facilitates the topochemical transformation of LDH to spinel due to the contribution of octahedral CuII vacancy to ZnII diffusion. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In order to characterize the local structure of Pb1-xCaxTiO3 (PCT) samples, Ti K-edge XANES measurements were performed and showed that Ca incorporation to PbTiO3 structure leads to a decreasing of local distortion of Ti atoms in relation to oxygen atoms at the TiO6 octahedra. Moreover, according to EXAFS measurements, the local structure around Ti atoms exhibits tetragonal symmetry with P4mm space group for samples with x <= 0.475, whereas orthorhombic symmetry with Pbnm space group was observed for x equals to 0.50 and 0.55.


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Die Vergesellschaftung und Bindungsform von Arsen in Düngekalk wurde durch chemische und mineralogische Analysen sowie XANES/EXAFS-Messungen untersucht. Die durch-schnittliche As-Konzentration im Düngekalk (70 mg/kg) überschreitet den Grenzwert der DüMV (40 mg/kg). Arsen ist in Mn- (Romanechit) und Fe-Dendriten (Goethit, Ferrihydrit) angereichert. Seine Oxidationsstufe ist jeweils 5+. µ-EXAFS-Untersuchungen ergaben Hin-weise auf zweizähnige und einzähnige mononukleare Durchdringungskomplexe mit Eisen-oxid. Das Mobilisierungsverhalten von Arsen wurde durch sequentielle Extraktion des Dün-gekalks und Mobilisierungsversuche mit wassergesättigtem Boden untersucht. Die Lösung erfolgte vorwiegend im dritten Extraktionsschritt gemeinsam mit kristallinen Eisenoxiden. Unter moderat anoxischen Bedingungen war im Boden keine zusätzliche Mobilisierung von Arsen aus dem Düngekalk nachweisbar. Erhöhte As-Konzentrationen und As3+-Anteile im Porenwasser traten bei niedrigem Eh unabhängig von Kalkzugabe auf. Eine Kopplung des Arsen-Grenzwerts an den Eisenoxidgehalt erscheint sinnvoll. Ein Messaufbau für Mikro-XAS Imaging wurde in Betrieb genommen. Er ermöglicht die si-multane Erfassung einer Probenfläche von 26,6×6,6 mm² wahlweise im Transmissions- oder Fluoreszenzmodus mit der räumlichen Auflösung 52×52 µm² durch eine CCD-Kamera. Zur Datenverarbeitung wurden IDL-Programme sowie die Fernerkundungssoftware ENVI ver-wendet. Die Messergebnisse zeigen weniger Störungen und Rauschen als die Ergebnisse frü-herer Messungen mit einem Prototyp. Die Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen der Messungen liefern Hinweise für die weitere erfolgreiche Nutzung des Messaufbaus.


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We study the spin polarization of tunneling holes injected from ferromagnetic GaMnAs into a p-doped semiconductor through a tunneling barrier. We find that spin-orbit interaction in the barrier and in the drain limits severely spin injection. Spin depolarization is stronger when the magnetization is parallel to the current than when it is perpendicular to it.


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No need to get away: X-ray absorption spectroscopy of catalytically active palladium nanopartlcles during a SuzukiMlyaura cross-coupling reaction revealed that the nanopartlcles were stable under the reaction conditions, and that cross-coupling Involved the direct participation of surface palladium defect sites In the catalytic cycle (see picture). Selective chemical and structural poisons provided further evidence for a heterogeneous active site. © 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KCaA.