962 resultados para Desenvolvimento Da Crianca (Psicologia)
Este artigo tem o objetivo de relatar uma metodologia adotada numa disciplina da área de Psicologia que trata do desenvolvimento humano, para ensinar as etapas do desenvolvimento. A metodologia envolveu a técnica do seminário, entretanto, rompeu com um modelo reprodutivista de educação. Uma das mudanças adotadas, envolveu a pesquisa de material de estudo, não se prendendo apenas a teoria, mas incluindo a busca de fontes mais próximas da realidade. Neste processo, procuramos também atingir o aluno na sua totalidade, de forma que ele pudesse envolver toda sua pessoa. Através do estimulo à criatividade, desenvolvemos também vários tipos de inteligência da aluno, assim como sua inteligência emocional.
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
This study, of theoretical nature, aims to analyse some propositions of Historic and Cultural psychology about human psyche, especially regarding the constitution of affective processes in relation to child development. Therefore, brings together some principles of Spinozist philosophy that underlie the Vigotskian thought about affections and postulates that, for this school of psychology, on the basis of human development are the social experience and subject-object relation, constitutive of cognitive and affective processes. The analyses developed over the text indicate that social mediators - signs and instruments - subsidize the formation of activity and consciousness in a process that legitimizes the historic and social origin of affective functions. The paper aims to highlight the role of education as a privileged place of access to knowledge capable of transforming ways of thinking, feeling and acting of children through the processes of teaching and learning.
The relationship between affective-emotional problems and school learning is present in areas of Psychology and Education. In the present study, of theoretical and bibliographic characteristics, we investigated elements that might confirm the thesis of the historicity of cognitive and affective processes, giving to these processes a social and symbolic connotation . Through the Historic-Cultural Psychology we approached the subject-object relationship and affective-cognitive unit proposing to overcome the subjectivist and organicist thinking. The study suggested the importance for us to (re) think the relationships that the subject establishes with the environment, the role of knowledge and practical conditions of life and education. Besides, it highlighted the activity as a main category in the constitution of needs and motives, as well in the formation of desires and the objectification of them. In this way, it enhances the learning and promotes the development, considering that the formation of subjectivity in each subject is the effect of an educative process that shall be object of study of both Psychology and Education.
This article proposes a theoretical reflection on the development of children with intellectual disabilities, regarding the importance and necessity of the process of learning the written language, from a historical-cultural point of view. For this approach, the course of development of a child disabled or not will occur according to cultural and social conditions experimented by him or her. Therefore, concerning the child with intellectual disabilities, his cultural condition, in dynamic relationship with the obstacles placed in its special condition, will be the source of his development. If the development of higher psychological functions is realized through the use of tools and if the people with intellectual disabilities present an inability to use these tools, there will be the need for aids so they can learn to use them in order to train and develop their psychic functions. In this process, education and written language acquisitions are fundamental ways of accessibility to the cultural world, a wider significance of communication in the world and to oneself. In short, the educators' comprehension about the importance of intentional teaching of written language and the historical process that envolves its development represents a fundamental contribution to the process of humanization of children with disabilities.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Este livro está dividido em quatro seções. Na primeira, que trata da Sexualidade e Corporeidade, os temas apresentados abordam o conceito de corporeidade, gênero e a busca por serviços de saúde, a imagem corporal em mulheres com depressão e a política de redução de danos em situações de sexualidade e vulnerabilidade. Na segunda seção, Intercorrências no desenvolvimento infantil, os temas se referem ao desenvolvimento infantil, abordando os efeitos do chumbo e da escolaridade, as habilidades sociais de crianças com irmão com transtorno de espectro autístico ou com desenvolvimento típico, e a ocorrência de estresse e bullying em crianças em condição de sobrepeso e obesidade. A terceira seção, intitulada Adolescentes: maternidade, fatores de risco e de proteção aborda o tema da gravidez e maternidade da adolescência, as interações familiares de mães adolescentes e os fatores de risco e de proteção em adolescentes com transtorno mental. A quarta seção, intitulada Manejo de estresse e outros fatores em diferentes populações adultas, aborda o estresse em universitários com desordens temporomandibulares, em motoristas de ônibus urbano ou em pacientes com líquen oral
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In a previous research, it was observed that are symbolic exchanges established between the persons and the environment they live in that allow them to interact with others, leading them to reorganize their internal cognitive structures, reaching more elaborated stages. In the case of a person with deafness, the possibility of exchange can be compromised and knowledge about the construction of the temporal notion seems to be essential to enable a path of explanation about the difficulties they have regarding their cognitive development. Thus, based on the theory of Jean Piaget, the study intended to understand how the temporal notion constitutes as possible subject to the process of building the real, and examine, through empirical evaluation, if the difficulty in establishing symbolic exchanges caused by deafness would compromise the development of this notion. For this purpose, bibliographical research and empirical research were made, by the comparative evaluating between the performance of deaf and hearing subjects in relation to the construction of temporal notion. Two groups of subjects aged between 10 and 12 years were composed: one with three deaf subjects and another with 3 listeners. The assessment and analysis of the data were based on an experiment created by Piaget and his staff. The results showed that the listeners present responses from operative level, compatible with the age range in which they found themselves. In contrast, the deaf subjects showed responses of transition level, which indicates a situation of cognitive delay. We conclude that the potential compromise linguistic presented by deaf people, can hinder the activity representative causing delay in construction of temporal notion and consequently the development of thought. We conclude that the possible linguistic committal presented by deaf people can hinder the representative activity, causing delay in construction of temporal notion and consequently in the development of thought. In this sense, it seems that the Sign Language constitutes an important tool for deaf people because it allows symbolic exchanges that favor the cognitive development.
Este trabalho configura-se numa proposição de estudo de caso, que procurou discutir e orientar a prática pedagógica de alunos da educação especial, com vistas ao seu desenvolvimento acadêmico. Foi realizado no decorrer de um ano letivo, numa unidade escolar de uma rede municipal de ensino do oeste paulista. Contou com a participação de professores do ensino comum, da educação especial, gestores da escola e fez parte de um conjunto de ações desenvolvidas no projeto de extensão universitária, numa proposição conjunta entre universidade e escola. Num primeiro momento foram realizadas observações do cotidiano escolar de um aluno com transtorno global do desenvolvimento, autismo, e de uma aluna com duplo diagnóstico, paralisia cerebral e autismo, associada à coleta de informações sobre as trajetórias educacionais e os diagnósticos clínicos. Com base nessas informações efetivaram-se intervenções psicoeducacionais com os alunos e professoras especialistas e aplicou-se a Escala de Comportamento Adaptativo Vineland. De modo geral, identificou-se um padrão restrito de aprendizagens funcionais e comportamentos interacionas nos casos observados. Ao final da proposta questionou-se qual a contribuição das práticas pedagógicas, ofertadas na sala de aula comum, para o desenvolvimento educacional dos alunos em questão. As análises foram compartilhadas com os profissionais da escola e com os respectivos familiares, e direcionamentos foram apontados a favor da manutenção no ensino comum ou ao encaminhamento à escola especial.
Depression is recognized as a public health problem. One of the pathological processes more frequently in primary care, representing the present problem in about 10% of all new appointments. This paper presents a literature review on the main factors influencing the etiology and development of depressive disorders. The literature review suggests that currently the most widely accepted notion is that the depression present a biopsychosocial dimension. Factors of biological, psychological and psychosocial work in an integrated manner, the onset of the problem.