Numerous studies have found a positive connection between learners’ motivation towards foreign language and foreign language achievement. The present study examines the role of motivation in receptive vocabulary breadth (size) of two groups of Spanish learners of different ages, but all with 734 hours of instruction in English as a Foreign Language (EFL): a CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) group in primary education and a non-CLIL (or EFL) group in secondary education. Most students in both groups were found to be highly motivated. The primary CLIL group slightly overcame the secondary non-CLIL group with respect to the mean general motivation but this is a non-significant difference. The secondary group surpass significantly the primary group in receptive vocabulary size. No relationship between the receptive vocabulary knowledge and general motivation is found in the primary CLIL group. On the other hand, a positive significant connection, although a very small one, is identified for the secondary non-CLIL group. We will discuss on the type of test, the age of students and the type of instruction as variables that could be influencing the results.
Tesis (Licenciado en Lenguas Castellana, Inglés y Francés).--Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de La Educación. Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés, 2014
Tesis (Licenciado en Lenguas Castellana, Inglés y Francés).--Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de La Educación. Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés, 2014
Esta experiencia de innovación educativa consistió en el desarrollo y utilización de un videojuego educativo (“Quest for Knowledge”) para ser utilizado como apoyo al aprendizaje de vocabulario de la lengua inglesa. Para llevar a cabo la experiencia se desarrolló un casual game online compuesto por tres minijuegos que permitían al alumno practicar el vocabulario aprendido en clase.
The Achilles tendon has been seen to exhibit time-dependent conditioning when isometric muscle actions were of a prolonged duration, compared to those involved in dynamic activities, such as walking. Since, the effect of short duration muscle activation associated with dynamic activities is yet to be established, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of incidental walking activity on Achilles tendon diametral strain. Eleven healthy male participants refrained from physical activity in excess of the walking required to carry out necessary daily tasks and wore an activity monitor during the 24 h study period. Achilles tendon diametral strain, 2 cm proximal to the calcaneal insertion, was determined from sagittal sonograms. Baseline sonographic examinations were conducted at ∼08:00 h followed by replicate examinations at 12 and 24 h. Walking activity was measured as either present (1) or absent (0) and a linear weighting function was applied to account for the proximity of walking activity to tendon examination time. Over the course of the day the median (min, max) Achilles tendon diametral strain was −11.4 (4.5, −25.4)%. A statistically significant relationship was evident between walking activity and diametral strain (P < 0.01) and this relationship improved when walking activity was temporally weighted (AIC 131 to 126). The results demonstrate that the short yet repetitive loads generated during activities of daily living, such as walking, are sufficient to induce appreciable time-dependant conditioning of the Achilles tendon. Implications arise for the in vivo measurement of Achilles tendon properties and the rehabilitation of tendinopathy.
In Mio Art Pty Ltd v Macequest (No.2) Pty Ltd [2013] QSC 271 Jackson J provided considered analysis of several aspects of costs law. His Honour regarded various orders which are commonly sought or made as reflecting practice that is inappropriate or unnecessary under the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld) (UCPR).
Background: Depression and alcohol misuse are among the most prevalent diagnoses in suicide fatalities. The risk posed by these disorders is exacerbated when they co-occur. Limited research has evaluated the effectiveness of common depression and alcohol treatments for the reduction of suicide vulnerability in individuals experiencing comorbidity. Methods: Participants with depressive symptoms and hazardous alcohol use were selected from two randomised controlled trials. They had received either a brief (1 session) intervention, or depression-focused cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), alcohol-focused CBT, therapist-delivered integrated CBT, computer-delivered integrated CBT or person-centred therapy (PCT) over a 10-week period. Suicidal ideation, hopelessness, depression severity and alcohol consumption were assessed at baseline and 12-month follow-up. Results: Three hundred three participants were assessed at baseline and 12 months. Both suicidal ideation and hopelessness were associated with higher severity of depressive symptoms, but not with alcohol consumption. Suicidal ideation did not improve significantly at follow-up, with no differences between treatment conditions. Improvements in hopelessness differed between treatment conditions; hopelessness improved more in the CBT conditions compared to PCT and in single-focused CBT compared to integrated CBT. Limitations: Low retention rates may have impacted on the reliability of our findings. Combining data from two studies may have resulted in heterogeneity of samples between conditions. Conclusions: CBT appears to be associated with reductions in hopelessness in people with co-occurring depression and alcohol misuse, even when it is not the focus of treatment. Less consistent results were observed for suicidal ideation. Establishing specific procedures or therapeutic content for clinicians to monitor these outcomes may result in better management of individuals with higher vulnerability for suicide.
Welcome to Informed Learning. If you have opened this book, it is probably because you are interested in how people learn. It may also be because you are interested in how learners interact with their information environment and would like to help them do so in ways that help them learn better. What should we teach and how, so that our students will use information successfully, creatively and responsibly in their journey as lifelong learners? Informed learning provides a unique perspective on helping students become successful learners in our rapidly evolving information environments. It presents a new framework for informed learning, that will enable teachers, librarians, researchers and teacher-researchers to work together as they continue to respond to the need to help students use information to learn. Do you want to help your students engage with the information practices of their discipline or chosen profession? Are you looking for ideas to invigorate and refresh your curriculum? Are you looking for ways to help your students write better essays or search the internet more successfully? Are you looking for strategies to enhance your research supervision? Are you trying to discover how information literacy and information literacy education can contribute to academic curriculum? Informed Learning can help you. Informed learning is using information, creatively and reflectively, in order to learn. It is learning that draws on the different ways in which we use information in academic, professional and community life; and it is learning that draws on emerging understanding of our varied experiences of using information to learn. Indeed, we cannot learn without using information. It is problemetising the interdependence between information use and learning that is the foundation of this book. Most of the time we take for granted that aspect of learning which we call information use. What might happen to the learning experience if we attend to it? Informed Learning examines research into the experience of using information to learn in academic, workplace and community contexts, that can be used to inform learning and learning design at many levels. It draws on contemporary higher education teaching and learning theory to suggest ways forward for a learning agenda that values the need for engaging with the wider world of information. In doing so, it offers a new and unified framework for implementing curriculum that recognises the importance of successful, creative and reflective information use as a strategy for learning as well as a learning outcome; and proposes a research agenda that will continue to inform learning. Informed Learning reconceptualises information literacy as being about engaging in information practices in order to learn; engaging with the different ways of using information to learn. Based on the author’s work in developing the seven faces of information literacy, it proposes the need for teaching and learning to 1) bring about new ways of experiencing and using information, and 2) engage students with those information practices relevant to their discipline or profession. This book is written for a diverse audience of educators from many disciplines, curriculum designers, researchers, and administrators. While this book both establishes a new approach to learning design and an associated research agenda, it is also intended to be practical. I have sought to ground the ideas in practice through: • using Steve and Jane as academics from different disciplines on a journey; experiencing the implementation of informed learning; • using examples from the literature and personal experience; • using reflective questions towards the end of each chapter. In this book you will find many examples of how people experience information use as they go about learning in different contexts. The research reported here shows that as people go about learning they interact with information in different ways. They may be learning about a content area in a formal context, they may be engaged in informal learning as they go about their everyday work, or they may be learning through doing original research. The emphasis on experience and ways of seeing comes from the work of researchers into student learning such as Ference Marton, Paul Ramsden, Shirley Booth, Michael Prosser, Keith Trigwell and others who have shown that, if we are to help students learn, we must first be aware of how they experience those aspects of the world about which they are learning. Different ways of reading this book The first three chapters of this book establish the broad theoretical framework for informed learning; and the remaining chapters consider the out workings of this in a range of contexts. If you want to browse the general directions of this book, read the narratives at the start of each chapter. If you want to see how the book might influence your practice, read the narratives and the reflective questions at the end of each chapter. If you want to help your students become informed learners in their discipline or profession, focus on chapters one, two, three and five. If you are looking for help with students engaged in information practices such as internet searching or essay writing, focus on chapters one, three and four. If you are interested in informed learning in the community or workplace, focus on chapters one, two, three and six. If you want to help your research students become informed learners, focus on chapters one, two, three, seven and eight. If you are working with colleagues to promote information literacy education and are looking for ideas, read chapter nine. If you are interested in researching informed learning read chapter ten
El Programa de Manejo Integrado de Plagas con Productores de América Central ha capacitado, desde el año 2001, facilitadores en la metodología “Escuelas de Campo”, sin embargo el área de monitoreo y evaluación del programa carece de un instrumento de evaluación de calidad de los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje desarrollados por los facilitadores de las instituciones socias capacitadas. El presente estudio se condujo para monitorear y evaluar, con el instrumento previamente elaborado, los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje implementados por los facilitadores de las instituciones socias del programa en el año 2002. El estudio se llevó a cabo durante los meses de octubre 2002 a febrero 2003. Las escuelas en estudio se desarrollaron en los departamentos de Estelí, Jinotega, Madriz, Masaya y Matagalpa. Se determinó la calidad de los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje con base en el puntaje alcanzado en los diferentes indicadores del instrumento de evaluación y la escala de calificación contenida dentro del mismo, esta fue en promedio Buena. A través del uso del instrumento de evaluación elaborado se determinaron además las debilidades del proceso que condujeron a ubicar a las Escuelas en los límites superiores e inferiores de la escala de calidad.
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una investigación sobre los Enfoques de Aprendizaje correspondientes a 157 estudiantes de las carreras de Psicopedagogía y Ciencias de la Educación de la Facultad de Psicología y Educación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (Buenos Aires).* Se utilizó el Cuestionario de Procesos de Estudio, de Biggs- Hernández Pina. Se analizó la predominancia de los enfoques Superficial, Profundo y de Alto Rendimiento en la población estudiada, diferenciando entre motivos y estrategias de aprendizaje. El análisis discriminó el nivel de los alumnos en la carrera (Psicopedagogía). A partir de las conclusiones se hicieron actividades de orientación dirigidas a los docentes para lograr optimizar la acción educativa.
Duración (en horas): De 21 a 30 horas. Nivel educativo: Grado
[ES] La importancia de las percepciones de la dirección de la empresa ante la exportación puede afectar de manera significativa al comportamiento exportador de las pymes. En concreto, este aspecto puede incidir sobre el hecho de comenzar una política de exportación en la empresa, así como en políticas de consolidación de dichas exportaciones. El trabajo presentado analiza empíricamente estos dos hechos. En primer lugar en qué medida la percepción de la dirección ante la exportación afecta al hecho de comenzar la exportación. En segundo lugar, en caso de ya ser pymes exportadoras, se estudian qué percepciones directivas ayudan a consolidar dicho compromiso exportador. Para ello se desarrollan y validan ciertas escalas que miden la percepción de las ventajas y las barreras a la exportación mediante el empleo de ecuaciones estructurales. Ambos estudios se efectúan teniendo en cuenta la condición de familiar o no de las pymes objeto de estudio, con el fin de efectuar un análisis exploratorio sobre la potencial incidencia de este hecho.
[ES] Este trabajo se encuadra dentro de los estudios centrados en el análisis del comportamiento de compra del consumidor en Internet. Nos centramos en la adaptación del modelo de la jerarquía de efectos basado en su variante de la jerarquía estándar de aprendizaje para proponer teóricamente un modelo conceptual que explica cómo las creencias —i.e. diseño, velocidad de interacción, beneficios sociales y privacidad— y actitudes del consumidor hacia Internet, como medio de comunicación, pueden considerarse como determinantes plausibles de la confianza en la compra online. Asimismo, en nuestro modelo se plantea que las opiniones del consumidor respecto a la compra a distancia también deben ejercer una influencia sobre sus valoraciones de Internet, como medio de comunicación y, especialmente, de compra.
131 p.: graf.