914 resultados para 6,9,12,15-Hexadecatetraenoic acid
There is strong current interest in the use of biodegradable scaffolds in combination with bone growth factors as a valuable alternative to the current gold standard autograft in spinal fusion surgery Yong et al. (2013). Here we report on 6- vs 12- month data set evaluating the longitudinal performance of a CaP coated polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffold loaded with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) as a bone graft substitute within a preclinical ovine thoracic spine. The results of this study demonstrate the efficacy of scaffold-based delivery of rhBMP-2 in promoting higher fusion grades at 6- and 12- months in comparison to the scaffold alone or autograft group within the same time frame. Fusion grades achieved at six months using PCL+rhBMP-2 are not significantly increased at twelve months post surgery.
Complexes of lanthanide perchlorates with the ligand N,N,N,N-tetra-methyl-3,6,9-trioxaundecane diamide (TUD) of the composition Ln(TUD)2-(ClO4)3 (Ln triple bond; length as m-dash La, Nd, Ho, Er, Y) were isolated. Electrical conductivity values indicate that all the perchlorate groups are ionic. IR and nuclear magnetic resonance (1H and 13C) data prove that the ligand coordinates to the metal via the three ether oxygens and the two carbonyl oxygens. A probable coordination number of ten can be assigned for all the complexes.
Thermal degradation of copolyurethanes based on hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) and poly(12-hydroxy stearic acid-co-TMP) ester polyol (PEP) with varying compositions has been studied by thermo-gravimetric and pyrolysis-GC techniques. The copolyurethanes were found to decompose in multiple stages and the kinetic parameters were found to be dependent on the method of their evaluation. The activation energy for the initial stage of decomposition was found to increase, and for the main stage decreases with the increase in PEP content. The pyrolysis-GC studies on the ammonium perchlorate filled copolyurethanes (solid propellants) showed that the major products during the pyrolysis were C-2, C-3 hydrocarbons and butadiene. The amount of C-2 fraction in the pyrolyslate increased with solid loading, as well as with the HTPB content in the copolyurethanes. A linear relationship apparently exists between the amount of C-2 fraction and the burn rates of the solid propellants. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Suomalaista radiokemiaa esittelevä Marie Curie Symposium järjestetään Helsingissä 8.-9.12.2011 osana Kansainvälistä Kemian Vuotta 2011. Samalla juhlistetaan Marie Curien sata vuotta sitten, 10.12.1911, saamaa kemian Nobel-palkintoa. Marie Curie, maailman ensimmäinen radiokemisti, sai Nobel-palkintonsa luonnossa olevien radioaktiivisten alkuaineiden poloniumin ja radiumin keksimisestä. Tämä raportti sisältää symposiumissa esitettyjen tieteellisten tiedonantojen tiivistelmät
Thermal activation of the normal Claisen products, the enones 4 7 and 14 in the presence of a catalytic amount of propionic acid generated the isomeric enones 6 9 and 15 via the sequential intramolecular ene-reaction of the enol tautomer followed by 1,5-hydrogen transfer (or retro ene-reaction) of the resultant acetyl cyclopropane intermediate. conversion of the enones 9 and 15 into the corresponding cyclohexenones 10 and 16 established the structures of the rearrangement products.
Guía para el uso de Gretl en un curso introductorio de Econometría y/o análisis de datos
Many sides of the biology of Polyphemus pediculus are adequately studied at the present time. Most complicated is the question of its feeding. Dissection does not give an idea of the composition of the food, since Polyphemus strongly grinds its food with its mandibles. For clarification of the composition of the food of Polyphemus pediculus, the authors carried out in July and August 1962 a series of experiments with the application of radio-carbon methods in order to judge the degree of utilization of one or other foods by the quantity of C14, accumulated in the body of the crustacean after feeding. Particular attention in these experiments was given to the question of the possibility of the utilization by polyphemus of plant food - bacteria, algae and detritus.
牡丹复合体属芍药属(Paconia)牡丹组(Sect. Moutan).原有6个种名,包括花壬 牡丹、名贵野生花卉紫斑牡丹,著名中药牡丹皮原植物,野生种类为我国特有,仅分 布在以秦岭为中心的较小区域.本研究从山西、陕西、河南、湖北、甘肃共采集14 个居群(包括复合体不同类型).通过野外居群调查、样方研究,移栽实验,以及细 胞学观察、孢粉学观察分析、种子蛋白和DNA水平多样性的探索性的工作,并结合 聚类分析方法,对牡丹复合体进行了分类学和保护生物学两方面的研究,主要结论 为: 1.本复合体为多年生木本植物,生长缓慢,在天然状况下,从种子播种到开花结实长达7年.枝条通常具隔年开花习性.严格单花顶生,花期短(5-10天).雄蕊先熟,以异花传粉为主(主要传粉者有甲虫和野蜂).自交亲和,甲虫在传粉过程中常常破坏心皮和胚珠.胚珠败育比例很高,紫斑牡丹50%.其它类群达90%. 2.种子生物学特性研究,发现本复合体种子属正统种子,但种子衰变快.种子萌发时间长,一般的化学及物理处理对种子萌发无明显促进作用,种子具上胚轴休眠特性.打破休眠需要两个条件:一是胚根长足3 cm.二是10℃左右的低温或GA3处理,野生紫斑牡丹种子较大,复合体其它野生类群种子较小.野生牡丹的种子活力相当低,萌发时间更长. 3.样方的调查统计表明,稷山和永济两地区的矮牡丹株数一龄级分布规律是2—5年生个体最多,随年龄级的增加,个体数目减少.居群呈增长趋势.紫斑牡丹株数一龄级分布规律是青壮年时期个体数目多,幼年时间和老年时期个体数目少,居群呈衰退的趋势,这与其本身繁殖方式和人为破坏程度相关. 4.对13个居群花粉扫描电镜观察表明,本复合体紫斑牡丹(P. rockii)为粗网纹,网眼大,其它类群为细网纹、网眼小. 5.通过18个居群的核型分析并结合前人工作,发现本复合体染色体数目稳定2n =10.核型差别不大,野生类群和栽培品种间有一定分化,但总体上核型多样性比较贫乏.通过8个居群C带研究,发现带纹很少,但多样性很丰富.8个居群表现出7种带型. 6.种子蛋白和DNA水平多样性的初步研究,发现复合体具有较丰富的多样性.但多样性的分布对类群的划分帮助不大,有待进一步研究. 7.通过形态性状分析发现产自各地区矮牡丹、河南粉花类型、神农架红花类型具根出条现象,并以此为主要繁殖方式,紫斑牡丹无此现象.神农架红花类型植株矮小,复合体其它类群较高.产自各地区的矮牡丹和神农架红花类型为二回三出复叶.小叶数目多为9.矮牡丹顶生小叶具浅裂、中裂或深裂,裂片具齿,神农架红花类型顶生小叶仅具浅裂或齿(全缘).河南粉花类型为二回羽状复叶.小叶数目12-15.紫斑类型叶为二回或三回羽状复叶、小叶数目15-40.小叶分裂方式分两种类型,秦岭西部居群以浅裂、全缘为主,东部居群以中裂或深裂为主,裂片具齿.神农架红花类型花为平展型、较小,其它地区花杯状、较大.花盘有二种类型.紫斑类群花盘黄色或白色.1/2-4/5包被心皮,心皮被稀疏长柔毛,其它类群花盘紫红色,全包心皮,心皮密被短硬毛.根据形态性状分析.并结合细胞学、孢粉学和地理分布研究,对复合体做如下处理:(l)把神农架红花类型做为新种处理P.quii Y.L.Pei et Hong.(2)保留P.rockii(S.G.Haw et L.A. Lanener)T.Hong ct J.J.Li和P.ostii T.Hong et J.X. Zhang.前者进一步分成二亚种:subsp. rockii和subsp. lanceolata Y.L.Pei et Hong(新亚种).后者包括河南粉花类型,中药丹皮原植物.(3)保留P.suffruticosa Andr.种内分二亚种:subsp. suffruticosa和subsp. spontanea (Rehd.)S.G. Haw et L.A, Lauener. (4)废弃P.papaveracea Andr.和P.jishanensis T.Hong et W.Z.Zhao (5)P.yanancnsis T.Hong et M.R.Li作为存疑种处理. 8.通过上述研究对野生牡丹濒危原因加以分析,认为致濒原因主要是人为干扰和种子萌发和传粉特点等生物学特性造成,但以前者为主,建议应广泛开展各个层次多样性研究,为生物多样性保护利用奠定基础。
On July 12-15, 2008, researchers and resource managers met in Jupiter, Florida to discuss and review the state of knowledge regarding mesophotic coral ecosystems, develop a working definition for these ecosystems, identify critical resource management information needs, and develop a Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems Research Strategy to assist the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and other agencies and institutions in their research prioritization and strategic planning for mesophotic coral ecosystems. Workshop participants included representatives from international, Federal, and state governments; academia; and nongovernmental organizations. The Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems Workshop was hosted by the Perry Institute for Marine Science (PIMS) and organized by NOAA and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The workshop goals, objectives, schedule, and products were governed by a Steering Committee consisting of members from NOAA (National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science’s Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research, the Office of Ocean Exploration and Research’s NOAA Undersea Research Program, and the National Marine Fisheries Service), USGS, PIMS, the Caribbean Coral Reef Institute, and the Bishop Museum.
脂肪酸是生物体内普遍存在、具重要生理功能的物质,亦是重要的化工原料。研究脂肪酸生物合成及其调控,既是揭示生命活动基本规律的需要,又具巨大的经济价值。多形汉逊氏酵母(Hansenula polymorpha)是一种甲基嗜热酵母,能合成多聚不饱和脂肪酸,是研究脂肪酸生物合成的理想材料之一。为阐明多形汉逊氏酵母细胞中脂肪酸生物合成途径、关键步骤、调节机理,并利用此系统生产有用脂肪酸,我们开展了不饱和脂肪酸生物合成关键酶基因--△9-脂肪酸去饱和酶基因研究。 以P. angusta IFO 1475的P-OLE1基因为探针,Southern杂交分析,发现在亲缘关系很近的不同种类的甲基嗜热酵母如H. pofymorpha、Pichia angusta、P. pastoris、P. methanolica和Candida boMinii中Δ9-脂肪酸去饱和酶基因的结构多形性。 构建了H. polymorpha CBS 1976染色体Δ9-脂肪酸去饱和酶基因座位的限制性酶切图谱,进而分离了3.4 kb BamHI-XhoI基因片段并进行全序列分析,结果表明这个片段含1个与已克隆的酵母Δ59-脂肪酸去饱和酶基因高度同源的、由1353 bp组成的ORF。推导的H-OLE1多肽具脂肪酸去饱和酶的一些基本特征,如含2个结构域:1个位于N一端、含3个保守的组氨酸簇、具催化功能,另1个位于C-端、参与脱饱和反应中电子传递、类似细胞色素b5。将这个序列申报DDBJ,获得Accession number为:AB024576,推导的蛋白的氨基酸序列的Accession number为:BAA75902。 为验证H-OLE1基因的功能,建立了多形汉逊氏酵母DNA电穿孔实验系统,进行了遗传互补测验。发现完整的H-OLE1基因可互补缺乏Δ59-脂肪酸去饱和酶活性的多形汉逊氏酵母营养缺陷型fadl突变体,却不能互补相应的酿酒酵母olel突变体,而由酿酒酵母GAP表达框架和H-OLE1 ORF组成的嵌合基因可互补上述olel突变体。说明H-OLE1基因编码Δ9-脂肪酸去饱和酶,多形汉逊氏酵母的Δ9-脂肪酸去饱和酶和酿酒酵母的脂肪酸脱饱和系统相亲和,而H-OLE1基因的启动子在异源细胞中没有活性。 为研究H-OLE1基因的转录及其调节规律,通过一系列实验,首次找到了可在研究多形汉逊氏酵母基因表达时用作内标的GAP基因。Northern杂交发现,H-OLE1基因在细胞中以较低水平表达,产生1.5 kb的转录子;基因表达略受不饱和脂肪酸的抑制;在多形汉逊氏酵母HOLE1基因的转录调节中,Choi等在酿酒酵母OLE1基因中发现的脂肪酸调节元件FAR可能不是关键的。 利用基因敲除技术,通过转化H-OLE1∷S-LEU2线性DNA到多形汉逊氏酵母二倍体细胞(fadl/FADl)中,首次构建了多形汉逊氏酵母H-OLE1基因的破坏株。遗传学和分子生物学研究表明,破坏株细胞中线性DNA定位串联多拷贝整合到染色体中并置换了fadl突变部位。利用气相色谱分析了ΔH-OLE1破坏株、fadl-2突变株、野生型菌株及含H-OLE1基因转化子的细胞总脂肪酸,发现多形汉逊氏酵母细胞中除18:0→18:1(Δ9)→18:2(Δ9,12)→18:3(Δ9,12,15)这个脂肪酸去饱和主路外,还可能存在其它几个脱饱和反应与延长反应,如16:1(Δ9)→16:2(Δ9,12)→18:2(Δ11,14);16:1(Δ9)→18:1(Δ11)→18:2(Δ11,15)等。 近年维管组织分化研究进展迅速,取得大量可喜结果,也存在许多不足,如细胞分化调节机理,特别是激素诱导的分子机理研究比较薄弱。为建立研究维管组织分化的理想系统,研究嫁接体发育的激素调节机制,在Parkinson和Yeoman发明的离体茎段嫁接系统的基础上,研究了激素对嫁接体发育特别是维管组织分化的影响。 采用不同的嫁接方法,用试管苗对黄瓜离体茎段自体嫁接、亲和性的黄瓜/黑籽南瓜与不亲和性的黄瓜/绿豆离体茎段嫁接组合进行研究,建立了嫁接过程简单、污染率低的试管苗离体茎段嫁接系统。利用往培养基中添加或不加植物激素研究嫁接体发育,发现通过改变培养基中的植物激素,可使亲和的嫁接体难以形成贯通砧木和接穗的维管束桥,也可诱导非亲和性的嫁接体产生维管束桥。初步研究证明利用植物激素可以克服嫁接不亲和性,这一结果是嫁接基础理论研究的一个重要进展,对揭示嫁接亲和性机制具重要意义。由于黄瓜绿豆嫁接组合中,砧木绿豆是可以固氮的豆科植物,研究结果具有潜在的应用前景。 详细地研究了外源IAA和玉米素(ZT)对黄瓜自体嫁接系统中维管束桥形成时间和数目特别是贯通砧木和接穗的管状分子数的影响。当砧木和接穗培养基中都没有添加植物激素时,嫁接接合部难以产生维管束桥,也难以产生贯通的管状分子。当培养基中添加植物激素时,维管束桥数和贯通的管状分子数随激素浓度和种类的不同而不同。本实验的最佳激素条件是:在接穗培养基中加IAA 1.0 mg/L和ZT 0.25 mg/L,在砧木培养基中加ZT 0.25 mg/L。研究表明在试管苗离体茎段自体嫁接系统中,外源激素是嫁接成功的必要条件。试管苗离体茎段嫁接系统是一个理想的研究植物维管组织分化的新系统。 通过对嫁接体发育期接合部及嫁接体各部分IAA、玉米素及玉米素核苷(Z+ZR)的ELISA分析,发现嫁接接合部维管束的再生受IAA和Z+ZR含量的共同调节;连接接穗和砧木维管束桥的分化比维管束的网联要求更高的IAA水平及LAA(Z+ZR)比率。 上述结果为利用嫁接系统研究维管组织分化机理奠定了基础,使进一步研究嫁接体发育的激素调节机理成为可能。