201 resultados para prisoner


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 This study explored community readiness to support ex-prisoner reintegration; a sentencing objective requiring active community participation. Findings indicate the community support reintegration. Certain conditions maximised support. Abstract reintegrative policy was endorsed over personal involvement in ex-prisoner reintegration; ex-prisoners demonstrating an ability to be ‘redeemed’ and non-stereotypical ex-offender-types received greater support.


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We define Nash equilibrium for two-person normal form games in the presence of uncertainty, in the sense of Knight(1921). We use the fonna1iution of uncertainty due to Schmeidler and Gilboa. We show tbat there exist Nash equilibria for any degree of uncertainty, as measured by the uncertainty aversion (Dow anel Wer1ang(l992a». We show by example tbat prudent behaviour (maxmin) can be obtained as an outcome even when it is not rationaliuble in the usual sense. Next, we break down backward industion in the twice repeated prisoner's dilemma. We link these results with those on cooperation in the finitely repeated prisoner's dilemma obtained by Kreps-Milgrom-Roberts-Wdson(1982), and withthe 1iterature on epistemological conditions underlying Nash equilibrium. The knowledge notion implicit in this mode1 of equilibrium does not display logical omniscience.


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We present two alternative definitions of Nash equilibrium for two person games in the presence af uncertainty, in the sense of Knight. We use the formalization of uncertainty due to Schmeidler and Gilboa. We show that, with one of the definitions, prudent behaviour (maxmin) can be obtained as an outcome even when it is not rationalizable in the usual sense. Most striking is that with the Same definition we break down backward induction in the twice repeated prisoner's dilemma. We also link these results with the Kreps-Milgrom-Roberts-Wilson explanation of cooperation in the finitely repeated prisoner's dilemma.


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It is shown that, for almost every two-player game with imperfect monitoring, the conclusions of the classical folk theorem are false. So, even though these games admit a well-known approximate folk theorem, an exact folk theorem may only be obtained for a measure zero set of games. A complete characterization of the efficient equilibria of almost every such game is also given, along with an inefficiency result on the imperfect monitoring prisoner s dilemma.


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We define a subgame perfect Nash equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty for two players, by means of a recursive backward induction procedure. We prove an extension of the Zermelo-von Neumann-Kuhn Theorem for games of perfect information, i. e., that the recursive procedure generates a Nash equilibrium under uncertainty (Dow and Werlang(1994)) of the whole game. We apply the notion for two well known games: the chain store and the centipede. On the one hand, we show that subgame perfection under Knightian uncertainty explains the chain store paradox in a one shot version. On the other hand, we show that subgame perfection under uncertainty does not account for the leaving behavior observed in the centipede game. This is in contrast to Dow, Orioli and Werlang(1996) where we explain by means of Nash equilibria under uncertainty (but not subgame perfect) the experiments of McKelvey and Palfrey(1992). Finally, we show that there may be nontrivial subgame perfect equilibria under uncertainty in more complex extensive form games, as in the case of the finitely repeated prisoner's dilemma, which accounts for cooperation in early stages of the game.


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Este trabalho se propôs a apresentar um estudo teórico, cujo objetivo central foi refletir a relação entre a alienação produzida pelo sistema capitalista e a esquizoidia dos indivíduos. Estruturou-se em três partes. Na primeira, a alienação e a esquizoidia foram estudadas ao nível do indivíduo. Na segunda, ao nível social. Na terceira, ao nível do Serviço de Liberdade Assistida do Juizado de Menores da Comarca do Rio de Janeiro. Não foi realizado uma revisão exaustiva da literatura. Esta preocupou-se apenas em justificar a hipótese. Entre os autores utilizados, Fairbairn e Fromm receberam um destaque especial. O primeiro, com seu conceito de esquizoidia. O segundo, com sua análise sobre a alienação produzida pelo capitalismo. Alguns dados empíricos foram apresentados. Parte deles resultoud experiência clínica (psicoterapia de adolescentes, adultos, famílias e casais) do autor deste trabalho. Outros constituiram estatísticas extraídas da revisão da literatura em termos de pesquisas sobre o assunto. Concluiu-se a existência de uma patologia ao nível do social. Como proposta para fazer frente a tal patologia, sugeriu-se as terapias social e institucional.


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We define a subgame perfect Nash equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty for two players, by means of a recursive backward induction procedure. We prove an extension of the Zermelo-von Neumann-Kuhn Theorem for games of perfect information, i. e., that the recursive procedure generates a Nash equilibrium under uncertainty (Dow and Werlang(1994)) of the whole game. We apply the notion for two well known games: the chain store and the centipede. On the one hand, we show that subgame perfection under Knightian uncertainty explains the chain store paradox in a one shot version. On the other hand, we show that subgame perfection under uncertainty does not account for the leaving behavior observed in the centipede game. This is in contrast to Dow, Orioli and Werlang(1996) where we explain by means of Nash equilibria under uncertainty (but not subgame perfect) the experiments of McKelvey and Palfrey(1992). Finally, we show that there may be nontrivial subgame perfect equilibria under uncertainty in more complex extensive form games, as in the case of the finitely repeated prisoner's dilemma, which accounts for cooperation in early stages of the game .


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Este estudo busca mostrar diversos aspectos do sistema prisional do Rio de Janeiro. Procura desenvolver comparação com outros momentos da história da instituição, de forma a mostrar a sua continuidade no tempo. Traz atenção à formação da cultura do presos, sua assimilação pela chamada massa carcerária e o extravasamento da mesma para a comunidade de fora dos muros. Desenvolve o papel da família na vida do preso e em sua manutenção e destaca problemas encontrados pela mesma para prestar assistência emocional ao detento. Apresenta a indiferença social em relação à cidadania e aos direitos previstos na Constituição Federal. Faz um histórico de dois estabelecimentos prisionais em que se passam as principais questões da formação do prisioneiro e de sua prisão. Lida com os conceitos de memória e apresenta dois presos que se destacam entre os demais, como sendo a elite dos que se organizam para se defender das condições precárias e violentas do sistema penitenciário. Por fim, apresenta questões inerentes ao convívio entre grupos de presos muito distintos, os políticos e os comuns.


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The theme of the research is inserted at a field of intersection between the Sociology of Religion and Sociology of Violence, having as the general objective study the sociological meaning of the conversion of prisoners that lives at the biggest prison (Prison of Alcaçuz) of Rio Grande do Norte to the evangelical churches. The research is justified, because Brazil shelter the fourth greater arrested population arrested of the world, with projections indicating that it can turn the greatest in 2034. Besides, this study about religious conversion of prisoners to the Social Sciences is too important, because is a theme little developed in Brazil and deserves attention, one time that as the arrested people as the evangelicals are in expansion in our country. Starting from the precedent observations, we guide ourselves by the following problematic of research: the religious practice in Alcaçuz presents a mere instrumental perspective, where the actions of prisoners converted was on purpose oriented to conquest material or symbolic privileges; or purely religious, where seek a moral renovation? To develop the work, the scientific methodology adopted was exploratory and explanatory, using the Goffman´s theory about total institutions and presentation of self, and Blumer´s doctrine relating to Symbolic Interacionism and the Story life method, besides considerations about evangelical religion. Having this theoretical basis, was accomplished the Field research, when were made interviews and applied questionnaires to 11 Jailer Agents, 31 prisoners, Director and Vice-Dictor (in November, 2011), the coordinator of social projects of the prison and the coordinator of evangelization at the prisons in Rio Grande do Norte. As results, it was seeing in Alcaçuz that the prisoners can be separated in two groups: the one of Pavilions and other one of the Medical Section. The Pavilions are branded for managerial and structural problems, where are found idle prisoners in collective cells and with a historical of escaping attempts, mutinies and murders. The Medical Section has some individual cells or destined for two people, besides few collective also, and the prisoners work and have a more disciplined behavior, there isn t escapes or rebellions and that, for these reasons end for have more confidence from the Administration. About the presence of evangelical prisoners, most are at Medical Section, where exist a specific place to the cults (what doesn t at Pavilions). At the end, the conclusion is that the prisoner that says himself evangelical in Alcaçuz, although can be seeing with distrust about your real conversion, he gets win a trust vote and until the opposite being demonstrated in other words, that he is not hiding himself behind the bible to divert the vigilance of Direction and practice disciplinary faults without make any suspicions, is treated with more respect and has more opportunities live at Medical Section; have work, that most of times is paid and guarantee the homologation of your payment of penalty with work, besides other benefits, diminishing his time in jail


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This research has resulted of investigations appeared from our work experience as psychologist in a prison of the state Rio Grande do Norte. It deals with the meeting with prisoner in the search for the rescue of the human being dignity, discovering the being that finds annulled by backwards of the prison. The current debate on the prisoners in Brazil has as focus the creation of efficient strategies in the combat to the criminal acts, not being worried in understanding the historical and social conditions in the context in which such acts develop. Our objective was to reach an understanding of the experience of the prisoner in the situation of freedom deprivation in Natal (RN) city. Its significant social relevance meets in emphasized thematic which intends to be revealing of the not-said one of these citizens. The epistemological space and the vision of adopted human being support in the humanist ideas of the Centered Approach in the Person and construct self, central nucleus of the personality theory proposal by Carl Rogers. We opt to the phenomenological method as way of access to the singularity of the experience of each one of the participants, supporting us in the strategy of the narrative as expression of the lived world. The results had pointed that the investigated experience is through suffering, that is, the way to be in the world of prisoner in the situation of freedom deprivation is felt by him/her as difficult to support. This reality is had by him/her as difficult to control, having a negative emotional repercussion for the self, leading the citizen to the alienation of his/her existential flow in these circumstances. The reflections produced in this work take us to consider that the punishment practices on behalf of a normalization of the behavior, linked to the recovery idea, do not meet to the intention of the arrests, that come demonstrating to the inefficacy of the objectives shown in the law as well as the loss of the human being dignity


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This monograph aims to analyze the work Se questo è un uomo, in wich the author Primo Levi narrates his memories about the time when he used to be a prisoner of a concentration camp during World War II. The analysis will be done through theoretical interpretations upon Testimony Literature or Trauma Literature, that brings out a time of disaster, leading the reader to relive the Holocaust from questioning its relation with the commitment with the real