935 resultados para intercultural education


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The aim of this paper is to recognize the images that prospective elementary school teachers have about citizenship and citizenship education in school. The qualitative methodology with an ethnographic approach is used for that deep interview of ethnographic kind and analysis of institutional documents, for example, curricula, course syllabus and graduated profi le. The revision of documents helps to a better understanding of discourses. The analysis of the corpus obtained after the application of the paradigm of codifi cation proposed in the established theory. As the principal fi ndings we way point out that the concept of citizens that is common among prospective elementary school teachers is reduced to the school environment because they consider that the promotion of citizenship helps to the incorporation of children to society, thus reproducing a propaedeutic view of education.


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In today’s globalized world, communication students need to be capable of efficiently communicating across the globe. At ISCAP, part of the 3rd year syllabus in Translation and New Technologies course is focused on culture and the need to be culturally knowledgeable. We argue the approach to incorporate cultural aspects in HE needs to be studentcentered, in order to encompass not only intercultural awareness, but also the 21st century skills students need to be successful and competent citizens. Additionally, as studies have shown, the manipulation of digital tools fosters greater student involvement in learning activities. We have adopted Digital Storytelling - multimodal storytelling technique - to promote a personal, student-centered reflection on intercultural communication. We intend to present student and teacher perspectives on this learning experience and assess its relevance in HE contexts, based on the content analysis of student expressed perspectives on this activity as well as a multimodal analysis of the digital stories created. A preliminary analysis of our case study has demonstrated that Digital Storytelling potentiates two complimentary types of reflection: on the one hand, students felt the need to reflect on their own intercultural knowledge, create and adapt their finding in the form of a story; on the other hand, viewing others’ stories they have raised questions and demonstrated points of view otherwise ignored.


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This study investigated the effectiveness of an Ontario-developed online Special Education teacher training course as a model for in-service teacher professional development in China. The study employed a mixed method approach encompassing both a quantitative survey and a qualitative research component to gather perceptions of Chinese and Canadian teachers, educational administrators, and teacher-educators who have intensive experience with online education, Special Education, and teacher preparation programs both in China and Canada. The study revealed insufficient understanding of Special Education among the general Chinese population, underdevelopment of Special Education teacher preparation in China, and potential benefits of using a Canadian online teacher training course as a model for Special Education in China. Based on the literature review and the results of this study, it is concluded that online Canadian Special Education teacher in-service courses can set an example for Chinese Special Education teacher training. A caveat is that such courses would require localized modifications, support of educational authorities, and pilot testing.


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Ce travail se propose de démontrer la pertinence de l’utilisation du roman La Cité des Bêtes (Isabel Allende, 2002) comme recours pédagogique dans l’enseignement de l’espagnol langue étrangère (ELE) au niveau intermédiaire (B2) et dans un contexte scolaire multiculturel. Dans ce cadre, l’enseignement d’une langue étrangère vise à l’acquisition linguistique et à l’exploration d’une culture différente afin de favoriser la découverte des valeurs de l’autre et son intégration critique, attitude indispensable en vue du développement identitaire de l’individu au sein de sociétés exposées de l’intérieur et de l’extérieur au contact entre cultures. Le roman sélectionné facilite l’accès à des thématiques interdisciplinaires au sein des programmes collégiaux du Québec et encourage une attitude d’ouverture par rapport à la découverte d’autres cultures et valeurs, dans une perspective de disponibilité au questionnement des certitudes culturelles de l’étudiant, conformément aux positions des études interculturelles contemporaines. L’appartenance de l’œuvre au courant littéraire du Réalisme magique permet aussi d’introduire l’exploration de thématiques culturelles spécifiques au monde hispanique. Après un survol de la place de l’interculturalité et de l’interdisciplinarité dans l’enseignement d’ELE, le mémoire analyse la contribution spécifique du roman sélectionné à ces dimensions, pour ensuite procéder à la présentation d’exercices orientés à la pratique et la consolidation de la connaissance grammaticale et du vocabulaire, et au développement d’une sensibilité interculturelle dans les étudiants, à travers des activités individuelles et de groupe élaborées à partir des perspectives du texte.


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L'escola tradicional s'ha vist impotent quan s'ha reconegut el dret que tenen tots els alumnes a rebre atenció educativa en els centres ordinaris, independentment de les seves característiques individuals. Si, per una banda, la realitat escolar és -i ha estat sempre- heterogknia i desigual, per l'altra, tots els alumnes participen d'un mateix sistema educatiu que es proposa el ple desenvolupament de la seva personalitat, l'adquisició d'hibits intel.lectuals, de tkcniques de treball i de coneixements en tots els imbits del saber, la capacitació per a l'exercici d'activitats professionals, la preparació per participar activament en la vida social i cultural ... tal i com ha quedat escrit en l'article 1 de la LOGSEL


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n. Resumen tambi??n en ingl??s


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Proposta d’activitat per treballar la interculturalitat en el centre penitenciari de Figueres des del punt de vista de l’educador social. L’activitat consisteix en la creació i manteniment d’un blog obert a tots els interns mitjançant la xarxa moodle. L’autora aprofita per fer una extensa contextualització de la realitat del CP de Figueres


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El interés por los valores subraya la ineludible dimensión ética de la educación. Así, los valores son aquello que propicia la consecución de una vida plena, cumplida; aquello que hace que la vida merezca la pena vivirla. Y al hablar de valores de lo que se trata es de la formación del carácter, una auténtica necesidad si se quiere hablar de educación en sentido pleno. Cuando se trata de hablar de valores inclinarse sobre uno u otro es tener una preferencia subjetiva, no justificable racionalmente, ni por tanto compatible, ya que todas las opciones son legítimas. Pero es difícil ser neutral y en la discusión ética es más difícil lograr el consenso. Las preferencias brotarán de la herencia recibida , de la digestión, del tiempo que haya y de la asociación de ideas. Esos contenidos valiosos se nos desvelan poco a poco, sólo en la medida en que uno aprende a objetivar sus intereses. Por eso la formación, la creación de intereses objetivos, el conocimiento de los valores de la realidad, es un elemento esencial para una vida lograda si uno está dispuesto a someterse a los valores, aumenta su capacidad de conocerlos; y a la inversa. Ese conocimiento de los valores no se adquiere por el discurso o la enseñanza, sino por la experiencia o la práctica. Por otro lado, el carácter apremiante de los valores está casi siempre en razón inversa de su altura: los más altos los que producen más gozo. En esta captación de los valores dos obstáculos principales: la apatía y la ceguera de la pasión.


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This study explored the ethnic identity among 331 emerging adults (144 mestizos and 187 indigenous) from the Intercultural University of Chiapas (México). Scholars suggest that ethnicity is much more salient for ethnic minority adolescents than for adolescents who are members of the ethnic majority. Our aim was to compare the results of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM) between the majority ethnic group and the minority group studied. Specifically, the following hypothesis was examined: adolescents who are members of the ethnic minority group (indigenous) will score significantly higher on ethnic identity than adolescents who are members of the ethnic majority group (mestizos). The results supported these hypothesis. We suggest that the effect of an intercultural educative model could explain these results


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En este trabajo se expone e ilustra un modelo teórico para entender las funciones de la identidad, así como los mecanismos psicosociales asociados a su construcción: “Modelo Evolutivo y Funcional de la Identidad Mediada” (MEBIM). La identidad, mediada narrativamente, cumple una función personal orientada a la dirección de la propia vida, así como una función sociocultural vinculada a la búsqueda de reconocimiento de los derechos de los grupos sociales a los que uno se siente apegado. Se ilustran los factores asociados a la construcción de la identidad personal (sí mismos posibles, transiciones vitales, vínculo afectivo) y sociocultural (acción-transformación e identificación simbólica) a partir de 12 historias de vida realizadas con mestizos e indígenas de la Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas (México). Se sugiere que en contextos educativos formales, como la escuela o la Universidad, se deben propiciar narrativas personales y socioculturales con el objetivo de optimizar la identidad en un mundo a la vez globalizado y plural


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Esta pesquisa procurou compreender a Educação Escolar Indígena (EEI), a partir da estadualização do ensino no Estado de Pernambuco, mais especificamente, do povo Xukuru do Ororubá, que tem suas terras nos municípios de Pesqueira e Porção, na região agreste de Pernambuco, bem como analisar interculturalidade dentro da cultura e costume desse povo. Os locais das entrevistas aconteceram nas terras do povo Xukuru, na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (Campus Caruaru), e no Recife, na Secretaria de Educação do Estado de Pernambuco. A pesquisa foi conduzida através de entrevistas com oito professores indígenas, Xukuru do Ororubá e com dois professores indigenistas, em eventos culturais do povo Xukuru, em intervalos de aulas na Universidade e nas reuniões do Conselho Educacional Escolar Indígena (CEEIN) do Estado de Pernambuco. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que: quanto à estadualização do ensino, há um grau de satisfação por ter ocorrido a mudança de responsabilidade da esfera municipal para a estadual. Relativo à Interculturalidade, há uma desenvoltura categórica desses povos em respeitar a cultura do outro, sem que para isso seja desmerecida a sua. Não só o povo Xukuru, mas também os outros povos indígenas de Pernambuco tem se relacionado muito bem entres os mesmos como também com os demais estudantes não indígena na Universidade.


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This study aims to explore how Chinese overseas doctoral students adjust to a different academic, social and cultural environment, using Giddens’ theoretical framework of self-identity (1991). The findings indicate the participants proactively used various coping strategies in meeting challenges, and adapting to new social environments. Continuity and stability of self-identity were achieved either culturally or academically through self-reflexivity, autonomy, creativity, authenticity, and reliance on an ontological identity. The result is to challenge the grand narrative of essentialised “problematic Chinese learners”.


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In the past few decades, the demands for coping with the rapid development of information communication technology, internationalization and globalization worldwide have shifted the focus of Chinese as a second language (CSL) towards intercultural communication competence in which the role of culture in the acquisition of CSL and in the pragmatic use of the language is emphasized and promoted. However, most of the present research in this academic area still remains only on a theoretical level.   In order to explore the possibilities and limitations of integrating Chinese culture and implementing intercultural communication theory into CSL education, an action research has been conducted since the beginning of 2013 to review an actual course for beginners. This paper will present the findings of the research: 1) By applying the theoretical framework of intercultural communicative competence, the findings indicated that the existing CSL course provided limited information explaining the cultural elements that are reflected in the Chinese language. 2) The findings also suggested that the cultural skills acquired in the students’ first language do influence their acquisition of CSL. This is demonstrated in the students’ written tasks such as introducing themselves and presenting other people, etc. The findings can be examples and resources for further research in this academic field.     


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This paper is the result of a "Rip Van Winkle" experience I had concerning the teaching of Business Communication. The paper focuses on the remarkable expansion in the curriculum of the traditional "Business Communication" or "Business Writing" course offered by many tertiary institutions around the world. Based on 25 years of personal observation and experience in a number of educational settings, the paper will trace the increasing sophistication and complexity of the study of business communication from one that covered little more than lessons in the design of hardcopy memos, letters, and reports to one that now covers a broad spectrum of topics such as "emotional intelligence," "intercultural communication," "effective public speaking," as well as the effects of purpose and audience on the design of a wide variety of business communications.

An example of an effective task that involves a number of on the job activities is provided in the form of a ready to use assignment that is applicable in a number of contexts.