781 resultados para engineering students
L’introduction aux concepts unificateurs dans l’enseignement des mathématiques privilégie typiquement l’approche axiomatique. Il n’est pas surprenant de constater qu’une telle approche tend à une algorithmisation des tâches pour augmenter l’efficacité de leur résolution et favoriser la transparence du nouveau concept enseigné (Chevallard, 1991). Cette réponse classique fait néanmoins oublier le rôle unificateur du concept et n’encourage pas à l’utilisation de sa puissance. Afin d’améliorer l’apprentissage d’un concept unificateur, ce travail de thèse étudie la pertinence d’une séquence didactique dans la formation d’ingénieurs centrée sur un concept unificateur de l’algèbre linéaire: la transformation linéaire (TL). La notion d’unification et la question du sens de la linéarité sont abordées à travers l’acquisition de compétences en résolution de problèmes. La séquence des problèmes à résoudre a pour objet le processus de construction d’un concept abstrait (la TL) sur un domaine déjà mathématisé, avec l’intention de dégager l’aspect unificateur de la notion formelle (Astolfi y Drouin, 1992). À partir de résultats de travaux en didactique des sciences et des mathématiques (Dupin 1995; Sfard 1991), nous élaborons des situations didactiques sur la base d’éléments de modélisation, en cherchant à articuler deux façons de concevoir l’objet (« procédurale » et « structurale ») de façon à trouver une stratégie de résolution plus sûre, plus économique et réutilisable. En particulier, nous avons cherché à situer la notion dans différents domaines mathématiques où elle est applicable : arithmétique, géométrique, algébrique et analytique. La séquence vise à développer des liens entre différents cadres mathématiques, et entre différentes représentations de la TL dans les différents registres mathématiques, en s’inspirant notamment dans cette démarche du développement historique de la notion. De plus, la séquence didactique vise à maintenir un équilibre entre le côté applicable des tâches à la pratique professionnelle visée, et le côté théorique propice à la structuration des concepts. L’étude a été conduite avec des étudiants chiliens en formation au génie, dans le premier cours d’algèbre linéaire. Nous avons mené une analyse a priori détaillée afin de renforcer la robustesse de la séquence et de préparer à l’analyse des données. Par l’analyse des réponses au questionnaire d’entrée, des productions des équipes et des commentaires reçus en entrevus, nous avons pu identifier les compétences mathématiques et les niveaux d’explicitation (Caron, 2004) mis à contribution dans l’utilisation de la TL. Les résultats obtenus montrent l’émergence du rôle unificateur de la TL, même chez ceux dont les habitudes en résolution de problèmes mathématiques sont marquées par une orientation procédurale, tant dans l’apprentissage que dans l’enseignement. La séquence didactique a montré son efficacité pour la construction progressive chez les étudiants de la notion de transformation linéaire (TL), avec le sens et les propriétés qui lui sont propres : la TL apparaît ainsi comme un moyen économique de résoudre des problèmes extérieurs à l’algèbre linéaire, ce qui permet aux étudiants d’en abstraire les propriétés sous-jacentes. Par ailleurs, nous avons pu observer que certains concepts enseignés auparavant peuvent agir comme obstacles à l’unification visée. Cela peut ramener les étudiants à leur point de départ, et le rôle de la TL se résume dans ces conditions à révéler des connaissances partielles, plutôt qu’à guider la résolution.
Se trata de una investigación que se realizó en la Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica "Antonio José de Sucre" (UNEXPO), Vicerrectorado Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela, referida al estudio e intervención educativa en el programa de preparadurías (mecanismo de asesoramiento académico entre estudiantes de ingeniería), en el ámbito de matemática I (asignatura crítica), que desarrolló procesos participativos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en aula fundamentados en una metodología colaborativa, de cara a la promoción de un cambio educativo. La investigación tiene como propósito promover la mejora de los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje que se desarrollan en este programa, facilitando la participación de los preparadores en un proceso de intervención. Las acciones que orientaron la intervención en el aula, se fundamentan en una concepción constructivista y sociocultural de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que otorgan un papel preponderante a la actividad del alumno mediada por factores de su contexto educativo. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, estamos frente a un tipo de investigación interpretativa, sustentada operacionalmente por la metodología cualitativa. Para llevarla a cabo, se definieron tres fases interconectadas en el proceso investigativo: descriptiva, de intervención y valoración; destacando que la fase intervención en el aula, se inspiró en la investigación-acción, como mecanismo indagatorio y propulsor de la transformación en la práctica. En estas fases, fue predominante la identificación de informantes clave de acuerdo a momentos y ámbitos de actuación y combinaciones que relacionaban técnicas narrativas como los grupos de discusión, entrevistas cualitativas y la observación, entre otras. Los resultados más resaltantes, tienden a realizar una caracterización exhaustiva de las preparadurías, describir de forma pormenorizada la experiencia vivida con los preparadores, la cual trata de aportar una estrategia pedagógica en matemática I, traducida en el aprovechamiento de las relaciones simétricas entre alumnos en ambientes colaborativos. La investigación permite a la UNEXPO, otras universidades y a la comunidad educativa, evaluar la posibilidades que ofrece una propuesta innovadora de enseñanza-aprendizaje en matemática I, que puede orientar las acciones pedagógicas en una de las asignaturas con más bajo porcentaje de promoción; combinando la colaboración, participación; explorando y aprovechando las relaciones entre iguales en ambientes alternativos de aprendizaje como las preparadurías.
Prior literature showed that Felder and Silverman learning styles model (FSLSM) was widely adopted to cater to individual styles of learners whether in traditional or Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). In order to infer this model, the Index of Learning Styles (ILS) instrument was proposed. This research aims to analyse the soundness of this instrument in an Arabic sample. Data were integrated from different courses and years. A total of 259 engineering students participated voluntarily in the study. The reliability was analysed by applying internal construct reliability, inter-scale correlation, and total item correlation. The construct validity was also considered by running factor analysis. The overall results indicated that the reliability and validity of perception and input dimensions were moderately supported, whereas processing and understanding dimensions showed low internal-construct consistency and their items were weakly loaded in the associated constructs. Generally, the instrument needs further effort to improve its soundness. However, considering the consistency of the produced results of engineering students irrespective of cross-cultural differences, it can be adopted to diagnose learning styles.
A test and demonstration facility for PV and PV hybrid systems and system components has been designed and installed at Dalarna University in Sweden. The facility allows studies of complete PV systems or single components in a range of 0.1-10 kW. The facility includes two grid-connected PV systems, a PV Hybrid off-grid system, three emulators and the necessary measurement and control equipment. Tests can be done manually or automatically through programmed test procedures controlled that will be implemented in Labview. The facility shall be used by researchers, professionals of the industry and engineering students.
A migração de materiais educacionais para dispositivos portáteis, tais como computadores do tipo tablet, torna possível oferecer altos níveis de interatividade na apresentação de animações e, dessa forma, pesquisas são necessárias para avaliar o valor pedagógico de incorporar recursos sofisticados de interatividade em lições para dispositivos portáteis. Estudantes de Engenharia (no Experimento 1) e estudantes de nível superior de outras áreas (no Experimento 2) estudaram por 5 minutos uma animação mostrando, em um computador do tipo tablet, os seis passos de um procedimento de manutenção para um dispositivo mecânico chamado Tomada de Força. A animação envolveu um baixo nível de interatividade, no qual os estudantes eram capazes de reproduzir, pausar, avançar e voltar a animação por meio de botões acionados em tela sensível ao toque (touch screen); um alto nível de interatividade, no qual os estudantes podiam também tocar e deslizar um dedo na tela para rotacionar a animação ou ainda tocar a tela com dois dedos abrindo-os ou fechando-os para ampliar ou reduzir a animação; ou nenhuma interatividade (apenas no Experimento 2). De forma geral, em ambos os experimentos, os estudantes que utilizaram alto nível de interatividade reportaram maior interesse, mas não mostraram melhor aprendizagem, comparados aos grupos de baixa ou nenhuma interatividade. Entretanto, no Experimento 2, estudantes que se classificaram como alunos verbais demonstraram maior interesse e obtiveram pontuações mais altas de aprendizagem com alta interatividade, em vez de baixa ou nenhuma interatividade. Esse padrão, contudo, não foi encontrado entre os alunos visuais. Também no Experimento 2, os alunos verbais e os alunos com baixo nível de autorregulação de aprendizagem, que manifestaram alto nível de interesse, obtiveram pontuações mais altas de aprendizagem do que os alunos visuais e os alunos com alto nível de autorregulação de aprendizagem, que manifestaram baixo nível de interesse, respectivamente.
One of the Psychology challenges, especially among the assessment and educational areas, is to understand and predict individual differences. In this context, this research aimed to verify the personality styles of students with high and low academic performance. The study included 236 university students from Petrolina-PE and Juazeiro-BA campus of the UNIVASF (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco). They were uniformly distributed in four disciplines (medicine, psychology, administration and civil engineering), 10 students from each semester (five highest scores average students and five lowest scores average students) took place of the sample. The Millon Index Personality Styles (MIPS) was applied to analyze the personality/behavioral styles of the students. The MIPS is a 180 dichotomous (true/false) item scale. It was also developed and applied a questionnaire about the students characteristics and their academic information. Descriptive and central tendency statistics analysis (mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage) were done to provide sample information. Then we performed a Mann-Whitney test in the overall sample and in each course and a factorial ANOVA. The results suggest that the university population is heterogeneous and there are significant differences (p <0.05) between the personality styles of students with high and low academic performance, when analyzing the overall sample and in courses of different areas of knowledge. Students of Medicine who have higher performance as personality styles prevalent the conformism and compliance, while students with lower income in this course, the styles are: innovation and discrepancy. Psychology students with higher income are more systematic and lower income students to score significantly on accommodation. The civil engineering students of the two groups differed only in personality style intuition, being such a style more characteristic of higher income students. Students of Management with higher yield stand out more in the style of the doubt and lower yields in these styles: individual, reflection and discrepancy. This study is correlational, but had an exploratory nature because there are no studies about this relationship in Brazil. Therefore, it provided a better understanding of the action characteristics of students with high and low academic performance. Further studies using the Big Five Personality Factors instruments are required because it is the most used model in understanding the influence of personality on students performance. This way, the relation between personality and academic performance will be better discussed. Otherwise, it will be possible to compare with the existing studies in the area
As dificuldades de aprendizagem de Desenho Técnico que experimentam os estudantes de Engenharia relacionam-se com seu nível de aptidão. Para melhorar o processo didático, seria necessário detectar de imediato os estudantes que requerem mais apoio. Este estudo descreve a utilidade de um teste de Visualização Espacial e um teste de Raciocínio Indutivo para prever o rendimento dos estudantes em Desenho Técnico. A amostra foi composta por 484 estudantes do primeiro ano do Curso de Engenharia de quatro centros brasileiros de Educação Superior. Os dados foram analisados com o modelo de Rasch. Os resultados sugerem que a aptidão de Visualização Espacial é o melhor previsor.
Neste trabalho descreve-se a construção, a aplicação e os resultados obtidos numa bateria de exercícios informatizados para treinamento da visualização espacial de estudantes de Engenharia. A bateria contém quatro exercícios baseados em tarefas muito comuns do ensino fundamental de desenho técnico. Cada exercício é composto por 18 itens com quatro opções de respostas das quais apenas uma é correta. Após responder a cada item o aluno recebe um feed-back imediato, com a demonstração da precisão da sua resposta. O formato de resposta dos exercícios denomina-se Responder até acertar, uma vez que se a resposta é incorreta, o aluno recebe a informação da pontuação obtida. Para avaliar a influencia do treinamento na visualização espacial foram administrados testes dessa aptidão no começo e no final do curso de desenho técnico. As figuras dos exercícios e os testes foram construídas com AutoCad e a programação foi realizada com Revolution Studio 2. Utilizaram-se vários modelos para obter as medidas: Partial Credit Model (Masters, 1982) e Rasch Model (Rasch, 1960). Observou-se que os alunos apresentaram uma melhora moderada em visualização espacial.
This paper aims at describing an educational system for teaching and learning robotic systems. Multimedia resources were used to construct a virtual laboratory where users are able to use functionalities of a virtual robotic arm, by moving and clicking the mouse without caring about the detailed internal robot operation. Moreover through the multimedia system the user can interact with a real robot arm. The engineering students are the target public of the developed system. With its contents and interactive capabilities, it has been used as a support to the traditional face-to-face classes on the subject of robotics.. In the paper it is first introduced the metaphor of Virtual Laboratory used in the system. Next, it is described the Graphical and Multimedia Environment approach: an interactive graphic user interface with a 3D environment for simulation. Design and implementation issues of the real-time interactive multimedia learning system, which supports the W3C SMIL standard for presenting the real-time multimedia teaching material, are described. Finally, some preliminary conclusions and possible future works from this research are presented.
This paper describes the development of a multimedia educational system to teach and learn robotic systems. Multimedia resources have been used to build a virtual laboratory where users are able to utilize functions of a robotic arm, by moving and clicking the mouse without worrying about the detailed robot internal operation. The multimedia system is integrated with a real robotic arm, which was also developed at the university. Through robotic topic presentations and interactive capabilities provided by this system and its tools, students can devote themselves on the learning process just as they do in the traditional face-to-face classes. and the target public of this system are the engineering students themselves.
Two studies were carried out to analyze whether learning technical drawing improves a person's ability for spatial visualization. Visualization and inductive reasoning tests were applied at the beginning and end of a course in technical drawing in samples of first year engineering students. In both studies it was observed that a moderate percentage of students improved their Visualization test execution. The improvement was similar in men and women. There was no improvement on the inductive reasoning test. The results support the conclusion that the spatial visualization ability can be improved with training.
This work describes a ludic proposal for programming learning of industrial robots to be developed by groups of engineering students. Two projects are presented: Tic-tac-toe Opponent Robot and Environmentalist Robot. The first project use competitive search techniques of the Artificial Intelligence, computational vision, electronic and pneumatic concepts for ability decision making for a robotic agent on the tic-tae-toe game. The second project consists of a game that contains a questions and answers database about environmental themes. An algorithm selects the group of questions to be answered by the player, analyses the answers and sends the result to a industrial robot through serial port. According with the player performance, the robot makes congratulation movements and giving a gift to the winner player. Otherwise, the robot makes movements, disapproving the player performance.
Damped oscillatory motion is one of the most widely studied movements in physics courses. Despite this fact, dry damped oscillatory motion is not commonly discussed in physics textbooks. In this work, we discuss the dry and viscous dampec pendulum, in a teaching experiment that can easily be performed by physics or engineering students.
This article has the purpose to review the main codes used to detect and correct errors in data communication specifically in the computer's network. The Hamming's code and the Ciclic Redundancy Code (CRC) are presented as the focus of this article as well as CRC hardware implementation. Each code is reviewed in details in order to fill the gaps in the literature and to make it accessible to the computer science and engineering students as well as to anyone who may be interested in learning the technique to treat error in data communication.
The present study article whether instruction in technical drawing improves aptitude for spatial visualization. Tests for visualization were administered to a sample of first year engineering students at the beginning and end of a technical drawing course. Findings show improvements in the visualization test performance in a moderate number of students; this effect was the same in both men and women. These results show that spatial visualization is an aptitude that can be enhanced with training.