983 resultados para Programme de vélos en libre-service


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Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: " Formaci??n de profesores. Perspectivas de Brasil, Colombia, Espa??a y Portugal"


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En esta ponencia se pondrá de manifiesto la utilidad del software libre y de código abierto para la creación de IDE de paisajes culturales (IDE-PC). Para ello, se describirá el software empleado en la Fase I de la puesta en marcha de la IDE de la Zona Arqueológica de Las Médulas (IDEZAM), concretamente en la creación del servicio web de mapas (WMS)


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The use of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Learning Environment allows achieving the maximum interaction between Teachers and Students.The Virtual Learning Environments are computer programs that benefit the learning facilitating the communication between users. Open Source software allow to create the own online modular learning environment with a fast placed in service. In the present paper the use of a Learning Management Systems (LMS) as continuous education tool is proposed.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate how an in-service programme influenced primary teachers’ conceptions about practical work. Ten elementary teachers participated in a Portuguese city in an one-year professional development programme, which aimed to promote the use of practical activities in classroom. Semi-structured interviews and classroom observations were both used to examine changes in teachers’ conceptions about science teaching and in their classroom pratices. Data also included written artefacts, such as teachers’ written reflections, lesson plans, activity sheets, assessment items and student work samples. Based on the analysis of the data, the changes in teachers’ conceptions were organized into four categories: student and learning, teacher and teaching, science teaching, and teaching context. Throughout their participation in the programme, teachers pointed out several constraints related to planning and implementing practical activities. Results indicate that most teachers were able to overcome their initial difficulties and progressively gained more confidence in using student-centered pratices. However, one year after the end of the programme, teachers reported that their actual practices did not changed significantly, particularly with regard to inquiry-based practical and collaborative activities, which remained absent or rare. Implications for professional development and further research are discussed.


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Psychiatric nurses have been facilitating therapeutic groups in acute psychiatric inpatient units for many years; however, there is a lack of nursing research related to this important aspect of care. This paper reports the findings of a study which aimed to gain an understanding of service users' experiences in relation to therapeutic group activities in an acute inpatient unit. A qualitative descriptive study was undertaken with eight service users in one acute psychiatric inpatient unit in Ireland. Data were collected using in-depth semi-structured interviews and analysed using Burnard's method of thematic content analysis. Several themes emerged from the findings which are presented in this paper.


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The article examines developments in the marketisation and privatisation of the English National Health Service, primarily since 1997. It explores the use of competition and contracting out in ancillary services and the levering into public services of private finance for capital developments through the Private Finance Initiative. A substantial part of the article examines the repeated restructuring of the health service as a market in clinical services, initially as an internal market but subsequently as a market increasing opened up to private sector involvement. Some of the implications of market processes for NHS staff and for increased privatisation are discussed. The article examines one episode of popular resistance to these developments, namely the movement of opposition to the 2011 health and social care legislative proposals. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications of these system reforms for the founding principles of the NHS and the sustainability of the service.


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Los museos tienen normalmente mucha dificultad en justificar su existencia y en demostrar su valor real y su contribución al desarrollo de las comunidades a las que sirven. El coste del mantenimiento de un museo, después de inaugurado, nunca parece estar justificado para las tutelas y financiadores que lo promovieron. El museo, grande o pequeño, puede ser un elemento esencial en el desarrollo cultural del conjunto social, pero necesita tener una actividad que lo justifique y que su labor sea reconocida. Para contribuir con eficacia debe compartir con la comunidad su misión y sus actividades y para probar su valor debe tener sistemas de evaluación que permitan verificar si su labor de investigación y acción sobre el patrimonio, de promoción de la cultura y la ciudadanía y de colaboración con escuelas y asociaciones, reduce el fracaso escolar, aumenta la participación en la vida y cultura o contribuye a la cohesión social y a la formación de ciudadanos más responsables y solidarios. La Sociomuseología estudia estos campos de la actividad del museo, acompaña experiencias y propone soluciones a estas dificultades.


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El artículo analiza la relación entre la Unión Europea y la OTAN en cuestiones de defensa, según se ha reflejado en las estrategias de seguridad de la Unión Europea, con particular atención a la Estrategia Global de la Unión Europea presentada en 2016. Se estudia la Estrategia de Seguridad Europea de 2003, el Informe de Implementación de 2008, y las nuevas aproximaciones al contexto internacional y a la seguridad europea que se reflejan en la Estrategia Global. Se analiza también el papel de la OTAN, así como la evolución de la política de seguridad de los Estados Unidos hacia Europa durante la Administración Obama. Finalmente se discute el posible futuro de la Política Común de Seguridad y Defensa de la UE (PCSD) después del Bréxit, así como las consecuencias para su relación con la OTAN.


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L'objectif principal de cette recherche est de déterminer si le transfert des apprentissages est facilité par l'utilisation d'un tel portfolio, à titre de mesure de soutien à l'apprentissage, puisqu'une problématique a été identifiée chez la population étudiante en Techniques juridiques au Collège Ahuntsic, en ce que la désorganisation des apprentissages et la difficulté à faire des liens entre les cours sont observables. Nous avons donc imaginé une solution possible à cet écueil (développement et utilisation d’un portfolio d’apprentissage numérique) afin d’en déterminer le potentiel comme outil intégrateur pouvant faciliter le développement de compétences, par le support qu’il offre pour réactiver les connaissances antérieures, mobiliser et combiner les ressources, actions qui permettent le transfert des apprentissages.


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Notre choix d'étude s'est arrêté sur une méthode évaluative afin de nous familiariser avec ce processus et en faire un usage courant à tous les programmes dans lesquels nous sommes impliqués de par nos fonctions. Cette étude vise à évaluer si les objectifs du programme aux âgés du Centre de Services Sociaux du Centre du Québec, élaborés par la direction des services professionnels, ont été atteints, quels impacts ils ont eu sur la communauté âgée du territoire de la succursale de Drummondville, et voir ensuite les améliorations à y apporter. Il s'agit de faire une analyse de type évaluatif afin de connaître l'effet du programme aux âgés sur la population concernée. Après l'étude sommaire de quelques modèles d'évaluation, celui de Perry L. Levinson nous semble le plus apte à répondre aux objectifs de l'étude et aux moyens dont nous disposons. À l'aide de ce modèle, nous pourrons vérifier à combien de personnes âgées des Services ont été rendus, si la stratégie d'action a été efficace, si les ressources humaines ont été bien utilisées et en nombre suffisant, s'il y a eu des résultats imprévus et lesquels. L'étude porte sur deux ans d'opération, soit du 1er novembre 1977 au 31 octobre 1979. Après avoir établi les objectifs du programme aux âgés, nous fournirons des données sur la description du territoire et sur la population âgée, nous expliquerons les deux organigrammes de fonctionnement, soit celui avant 1977 et celui après 1977, qui ont eu des répercussions sur l'opérationalisation dudit programme. Nous traiterons des intrants injectés et de la population âgée qui a été atteinte. Le lecteur pourra retrouver une synthèse de l'évaluation du programme faite par l'ensemble des professionnels qui ont travaillé à sa réalisation ainsi qu'une analyse de variables intermédiaires.


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Developing intercultural competence in pre-service teachers from Australia and Malaysia: Insights from a Patches program. Innovative pedagogies can offer pre-service teachers the opportunity to develop their intercultural competence and take up more globalised viewpoints. One such innovation is the Patches program which brought together Malaysian and Australian pre-service teachers who were studying at the same university in Brisbane, Australia, to actively explore issues of cultural and linguistic difference. The participants were 14 Australian fourth-year pre-service teachers who were enrolled in a program on inclusive education, and 58 Malaysian pre-service teachers who had recently arrived at the university in Brisbane to commence their second year of an international education program. In peer groupings, these domestic and international pre-service teachers engaged in a series of interactive tasks and reflective writing workshops exploring intercultural experiences, over a period of ten weeks. Each element or ‘patch’ in the program was designed to build up into a mosaic of intercultural learning. The flexible structuring of the Patches Program provided a supportive framework for participant interaction whilst allowing the groups to decide for themselves the nature and extent of their involvement in a series of community-related tasks. The process of negotiating and implementing these activities formed the basis for establishing meaningful relationships between the participants. The development of the participants’ intercultural competence is traced through their reflective narratives and focus group discussions, drawing on Byram’s concept of the five savoirs. Explaining aspects of Australian culture to their newly arrived Malaysian peers, allowed the Australian pre-service teachers to take a perspective of outsideness towards their own familiar social practices. In addition, being unusually positioned as the linguistic other amongst a group of Bahasa Melayu speakers, highlighted for the Australian pre-service teachers the importance of being inclusive. For the Malaysian pre-service teachers, participation in the Patches program helped to extend intercultural understandings, establish social networks with local students, and build a sense of community in their new learning environment. Both groups of pre-service teachers noted the power of “learning directly by interacting rather than through books”. In addition to interacting interculturally, the process of reflecting on these intercultural experiences is seen as integral to the development of intercultural competence.


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Internationally there is interest in developing the research skills of pre-service teachers as a means of ongoing professional renewal with a distinct need for systematic and longitudinal investigation of student learning. The current study takes a unique perspective by exploring the research learning journey of pre-service teachers participating in a transnational degree programme. Using a case-study design that includes both a self-reported and direct measure of research knowledge, the results indicate a progression in learning, as well as evidence that this research knowledge is continued or maintained when the pre-service teachers return to their home university. The findings of this study have implications for both pre-service teacher research training and transnational programmes.


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A randomised and population-based screening design with new technologies has been applied to the organised cervical cancer screening programme in Finland. In this experiment the women invited to routine five-yearly screening are individually randomised to be screened with automation-assisted cytology, human papillomavirus (HPV) test or conventional cytology. By using the randomised design, the ultimate aim is to assess and compare the long-term outcomes of the different screening regimens. The primary aim of the current study was to evaluate, based on the material collected during the implementation phase of the Finnish randomised screening experiment, the cross-sectional performance and validity of automation-assisted cytology (Papnet system) and primary HPV DNA testing (Hybrid Capture II assay for 13 oncogenic HPV types) within service screening, in comparison to conventional cytology. The parameters of interest were test positivity rate, histological detection rate, relative sensitivity, relative specificity and positive predictive value. Also, the effect of variation in performance by screening laboratory on age-adjusted cervical cancer incidence was assessed. Based on the cross-sectional results, almost no differences were observed in the performance of conventional and automation-assisted screening. Instead, primary HPV screening found 58% (95% confidence interval 19-109%) more cervical lesions than conventional screening. However, this was mainly due to overrepresentation of mild- and moderate-grade lesions and, thus, is likely to result in overtreatment since a great deal of these lesions would never progress to invasive cancer. Primary screening with an HPV DNA test alone caused substantial loss in specificity in comparison to cytological screening. With the use of cytology triage test, the specificity of HPV screening improved close to the level of conventional cytology. The specificity of primary HPV screening was also increased by increasing the test positivity cutoff from the level recommended for clinical use, but the increase was more modest than the one gained with the use of cytology triage. The performance of the cervical cancer screening programme varied widely between the screening laboratories, but the variation in overall programme effectiveness between respective populations was more marginal from the very beginning of the organised screening activity. Thus, conclusive interpretations on the quality or success of screening should not be based on performance parameters only. In the evaluation of cervical cancer screening the outcome should be selected as closely as possible to the true measure of programme effectiveness, which is the number of invasive cervical cancers and subsequent deaths prevented in the target population. The evaluation of benefits and adverse effects of each new suggested screening technology should be performed before the technology becomes an accepted routine in the existing screening programme. At best, the evaluation is performed randomised, within the population and screening programme in question, which makes the results directly applicable to routine use.


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El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo en la comunidad de Pacora del municipio de San Francisco Libre a 17 km al noroeste del empalme de la carretera San Francisco Libre- Managua, localizada geográficamente a losl2° 29' 54" latitud norte y los 86° 16' 54" longitud oeste. Se tomaron en consideración 4 fincas para el establecimiento del ensayo. El objetivo general del experimento fue identificar el grado de propagación de seis especies forrajeras arbustivas nativas de la comunidad de Pacora bajo la modalidad de estacas. Primero se realizó un sondeo para obtener información sobre las especies forrajeras arbustivas de la zona. El trabajo tuvo una duración de 92 días, realizando conteos y mediciones de los rebrotes a Jos 22, 44, 63, 80 y 92 días de establecido el ensayo. Se evaluaron seis especies (madero negro, genízaro, tigüilote, jocote, jícaro y muanda) y dos sustrato: tierra de rio + estiércol de caballo (S1) y tierra de 1 lugar (S2) para un total de 12 combinaciones. Las variables estudiadas fueron: porcentaje de prendimiento, porcentaje de sobrevivencia de las estacas; número de rebrotes por estacas y longitud de los rebrotes. Se empleó un modelo aditivo lineal bifactorial; para la interpretación del sondeo se hizo un análisis de frecuencia, las variables porcentaje de prendimiento y porcentaje de sobrevivencia se analizaron a través de sus fórmulas y realizando la desviación a través de su fórmula, en los datos procesados para las variables número y longitud de los rebrotes se utilizó el programa estadístico SAS, haciendo uso también de la transformación de x para su posterior análisis, se hizo la separación de medias por medio de Tukey. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que existen una gran diversidad de árboles de utilización forrajera de los cuales el productor puede valerse como una alternativa para la alimentación animal; de las especies evaluadas el madero negro obtuvo los mayores porcentajes de prendimiento con 35% (S1) y 52.5% (S2). Para el porcentaje de sobrevivencia el jocote obtuvo los mayores valores con 46.42% (S l) y 66.5% (S2). La mayor cantidad de rebrotes y longitud de los rebrotes lo presentó el madero negro con un promedio de 5.89 rebrotes / estaca y 2.32 cm/ longitud / rebrote respectivamente