896 resultados para Practical field ecology : a project guide


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Recurso que muestra a los profesores qué hacer ante los alumnos superdotados de un aula inclusiva de primaria donde, generalmente, son limitados el tiempo y los recursos. Ayuda a diseñar actividades que incluyan a todos los estudiantes de la clase y que además puedan atender una serie de habilidades. El recurso contiene secciones sobre: La creación de un ambiente de trabajo que ayude a progresar a los alumnos más capaces; variar la forma de preguntar a los alumnos; pensar en las inteligencias múltiples y maneras de desarrollarlas; permitir a los alumnos la elección de algunas opciones en las actividades que realizan; asesoramiento sobre cómo ejecutar proyectos de investigación de toda la clase. Incluye glosario de términos clave y material fotocopiable.


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Este manual ofrece importantes ideas sobre el mundo, a menudo confuso, de la aritmética elemental. Examina las dificultades de aprendizaje en matemáticas desde varias perspectivas, incluye el lenguaje de las matemáticas, estilos de pensamiento y las peticiones de cuestiones individuales. Tiene en cuenta todos los aspectos sobre matemáticas y aprendizaje, y ofrece asesoramiento, orientación y actividades prácticas, que permiten: desarrollar habilidades de pensamiento flexible; utilizar estrategias alternativas para los alumnos para acceder a datos básicos; implementar medidas preventivas eficaces antes de que se establezca el descontento; reconocer la ansiedad con las matemáticas y problemas de autoestima; realizar evaluaciones precisas de las dificultades de los alumnos; diseño informal de procedimientos de diagnóstico. Es un manual que puede proporcionar una visión general de dónde y cómo pueden surgir los problemas, que ofrece información sobre posibles dificultades, o centrarse en un problema particular y sugerir orientaciones que pueden ayudar a los alumnos a aprender.


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Este manual proporciona una guía a los profesionales y profesores que apoyan a los alumnos con dificultades en el habla, el lenguaje y/o comunicación en las etapas clave 1 y 2 en los centros ordinarios. Su objetivo es apoyar la práctica inclusiva, ayudar a los lectores a: identificar dificultades en el habla y el lenguaje; planificar un currículo diferenciado; facilitar el desarrollo de habilidades a través de experiencias significativas de aprendizaje; capacitar a los alumnos para acceder al plan de estudios. Se completa con recursos fotocopiables, actividades y pegatinas. También es útil para profesores especialistas, logopedas y psicopedagogos.


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Manual práctico para profesionales, no especializados, con sugerencias e ideas sobre cómo trabajar con niños que tienen dislexia, y cómo asegurarse de que están plenamente integrados en el entorno. El folleto incluye: una comprensión de la dislexia; formas prácticas para ayudar y apoyar a estos niños ya que la mayoría tienen dificultades con el lenguaje, la memoria, la organización y la secuenciación; estudio de casos; un ejemplo de plan de educación individual; cómo funciona el entorno de trabajo con otros profesionales y contactos útiles.


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As zinc (Zn) is both an essential trace element and potential toxicant, the effects of Zn fixation in soil are of practical significance. Soil samples from four field sites amended with ZnSO4 were used to investigate ageing of soluble Zn under field conditions over a 2-year period. Lability of Zn measured using 65Zn radioisotope dilution showed a significant decrease over time and hence evidence of Zn fixation in three of the four soils. However, 0.01 M CaCl2 extractions and toxicity measurements using a genetically modified lux-marked bacterial biosensor did not indicate a decrease in soluble/bioavailable Zn over time. This was attributed to the strong regulatory effect of abiotic properties such as pH on these latter measurements. These results also showed that Zn ageing occurred immediately after Zn spiking, emphasising the need to incubate freshly spiked soils before ecotoxicity assessments. Ageing effects were detected in Zn-amended field soils using 65Zn isotopic dilution as a measure of lability, but not with either CaCl2 extractions or a lux-marked bacterial biosensor.


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The field site network (FSN) plays a central role in conducting joint research within all Assessing Large-scale Risks for biodiversity with tested Methods (ALARM) modules and provides a mechanism for integrating research on different topics in ALARM on the same site for measuring multiple impacts on biodiversity. The network covers most European climates and biogeographic regions, from Mediterranean through central European and boreal to subarctic. The project links databases with the European-wide field site network FSN, including geographic information system (GIS)-based information to characterise the test location for ALARM researchers for joint on-site research. Maps are provided in a standardised way and merged with other site-specific information. The application of GIS for these field sites and the information management promotes the use of the FSN for research and to disseminate the results. We conclude that ALARM FSN sites together with other research sites in Europe jointly could be used as a future backbone for research proposals


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Classical risk assessment approaches for animal diseases are influenced by the probability of release, exposure and consequences of a hazard affecting a livestock population. Once a pathogen enters into domestic livestock, potential risks of exposure and infection both to animals and people extend through a chain of economic activities related to producing, buying and selling of animals and products. Therefore, in order to understand economic drivers of animal diseases in different ecosystems and to come up with effective and efficient measures to manage disease risks from a country or region, the entire value chain and related markets for animal and product needs to be analysed to come out with practical and cost effective risk management options agreed by actors and players on those value chains. Value chain analysis enriches disease risk assessment providing a framework for interdisciplinary collaboration, which seems to be in increasing demand for problems concerning infectious livestock diseases. The best way to achieve this is to ensure that veterinary epidemiologists and social scientists work together throughout the process at all levels.


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To inspire new ideas in research on pollination ecology, we list the most important unanswered questions in the field. This list was drawn up by contacting 170 scientists from different areas of pollination ecology and asking them to contribute their opinion on the greatest knowledge gaps that need to be addressed. Almost 40% of them took part in our email poll and we received more than 650 questions and comments, which we classified into different categories representing various aspects of pollination research. The original questions were merged and synthesised, and a final vote and ranking led to the resultant list. The categories cover plant sexual reproduction, pollen and stigma biology, abiotic pollination, evolution of animal-mediated pollination, interactions of pollinators and floral antagonists, pollinator behaviour, taxonomy, plant-pollinator assemblages, geographical trends in diversity, drivers of pollinator loss, ecosystem services, management of pollination, and conservation issues such as the implementation of pollinator conservation. We focused on questions that were of a broad scope rather than case-specific; thus, addressing some questions may not be feasible within single research projects but constitute a general guide for future directions. With this compilation we hope to raise awareness of pollination-related topics not only among researchers but also among non-specialists including policy makers, funding agencies and the public at large.


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Data generated from next generation sequencing (NGS) will soon comprise the majority of information about arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) communities. Although these approaches give deeper insight, analysing NGS data involves decisions that can significantly affect results and conclusions. This is particularly true for AMF community studies, because much remains to be known about their basic biology and genetics. During a workshop in 2013, representatives from seven research groups using NGS for AMF community ecology gathered to discuss common challenges and directions for future research. Our goal was to improve the quality and accessibility of NGS data for the AMF research community. Discussions spanned sampling design, sample preservation, sequencing, bioinformatics and data archiving. With concrete examples we demonstrated how different approaches can significantly alter analysis outcomes. Failure to consider the consequences of these decisions may compound bias introduced at each step along the workflow. The products of these discussions have been summarized in this paper in order to serve as a guide for any researcher undertaking NGS sequencing of AMF communities.