993 resultados para Polarization switching


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The leucine zipper region of activator protein-1 (AP-1) comprises the c-Jun and c-Fos proteins and constitutes a well-known coiled coil protein−protein interaction motif. We have used molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in conjunction with the molecular mechanics/Poisson−Boltzmann generalized-Born surface area [MM/PB(GB)SA] methods to predict the free energy of interaction of these proteins. In particular, the influence of the choice of solvation model, protein force field, and water potential on the stability and dynamic properties of the c-Fos−c-Jun complex were investigated. Use of the AMBER polarizable force field ff02 in combination with the polarizable POL3 water potential was found to result in increased stability of the c-Fos−c-Jun complex. MM/PB(GB)SA calculations revealed that MD simulations using the POL3 water potential give the lowest predicted free energies of interaction compared to other nonpolarizable water potentials. In addition, the calculated absolute free energy of binding was predicted to be closest to the experimental value using the MM/GBSA method with independent MD simulation trajectories using the POL3 water potential and the polarizable ff02 force field, while all other binding affinities were overestimated.


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Bulk Ge7Se93-xSbx (21 <= x <= 32) glasses are prepared by melt quenching method and electrical switching studies have been undertaken on these samples to elucidate the type of switching and the composition and thickness dependence of switching voltages. On the basis of the compressibility and atomic radii, it has been previously observed that Se-based glasses exhibit memory switching behavior. However, the present results indicate that Ge7Se93-xSbx glasses exhibit threshold type electrical switching with high switching voltages. Further, these samples are found to show fluctuations in the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics. The observed threshold behavior of Ge7Se93-xSbx glasses has been understood on the basis of larger atomic radii and lesser compressibilities of Sb and Ge. Further. the high switching voltages and fluctuations in the I-V characteristics of Ge-Se-Sb samples can be attributed to the high resistance of the samples and the difference in thermal conductivities of different structural units constituting the local structure of these glasses. The switching voltages of Ge7Se93-xSbx glasses have been found to decrease with the increase in the Sb concentration. The observed composition dependence of switching voltages has been understood on the basis of higher metallicity of the Sb additive and also in the light of the Chemically Ordered Network (CON) model. Further, the thickness dependence of switching voltages has been studied to reassert the mechanism of switching.


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The polarization position-angle swings that have been measured in a number of BL Lacertae objects and highly variable quasars are interpreted in terms of shock waves which illuminate (by enhanced synchrotron radiation) successive transverse cross sections of a magnetized, relativistic jet. The jet is assumed to have a nonaxisymmetric magnetic field configuration of the type discussed in the companion paper on the equilibria of force-free jets. For a jet that is viewed at a small angle to the axis, the passage of a shock will give rise to an apparent rotation of the polarization position angle whose amplitude can be substantially larger than 180 deg. The effects of freely propagating shocks are compared with those of bow shocks which form in front of dense obstacles in the jet, and specific applications to 0727 - 115 and BL Lacertae are considered. In the case of 0727 - 115, it is pointed out that the nonuniformity of the swing rate and the apparent oscillations of the degree of polarization could be a consequence of relativistic aberration.


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Polarization of ligand fluorescence was used to study the binding of 4-methylumbelliferyl beta-D-galactopyranoside (MeUmb-Galp) to Abrus precatorious agglutinin. The binding of the fluorescent sugar to the lectin led to considerable polarization of the MeUmb-Galp fluorescence, which was also quenched by about 30% on binding to the lectin. The binding of the fluorescent sugar was carbohydrate-specific, as evidenced by inhibition of both fluorescence polarization and quenching when lectin was preincubated with lactose. The association constant as determined by fluorescence polarization is 1.42 x 10(4) M-1 at 25 degrees C and is in excellent agreement with those determined by fluorescence quenching (Ka = 1.51 x 10(4) M-1) and equilibrium dialysis (Ka = 1.62 x 10(4) M-1) at 25 degrees C. The numbers of binding sites as determined by fluorescence polarization, quenching and equilibrium dialysis agree very well with one another, n being equal to 2.0 +/- 0.05. The consistency between the association constant value determined by fluorescence polarization, quenching and equilibrium dialysis shows the validity of this approach to study lectin-sugar interaction.


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The Mueller-Stokes formalism that governs conventional polarization optics is formulated for plane waves, and thus the only qualification one could require of a 4 x 4 real matrix M in order that it qualify to be the Mueller matrix of some physical system would be that M map Omega((pol)), the positive solid light cone of Stokes vectors, into itself. In view of growing current interest in the characterization of partially coherent partially polarized electromagnetic beams, there is a need to extend this formalism to such beams wherein the polarization and spatial dependence are generically inseparably intertwined. This inseparability brings in additional constraints that a pre-Mueller matrix M mapping Omega((pol)) into itself needs to meet in order to be an acceptable physical Mueller matrix. These additional constraints are motivated and fully characterized. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America


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The issue raised in this Letter is classical, not only in the sense of being nonquantum, but also in the sense of being quite ancient: which subset of 4 X 4 real matrices should be accepted as physical Mueller matrices in polarization optics? Nonquantum entanglement or inseparability between the polarization and spatial degrees of freedom of an electromagnetic beam whose polarization is not homogeneous is shown to provide the physical basis to resolve this issue in a definitive manner.


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Electrical Switching Studies on bulk Ge10Se90-xTlx ( 15 <= x <= 34) glasses have been undertaken to examine the type of switching, composition and thickness dependence of switching voltages. Unlike Ge-Se-Tl thin films which exhibit memory switching, the bulk Ge10Se90-xTlx glasses are found to exhibit threshold type switching with fluctuations seen in their current-voltage (I-V) characteristics. Further, it is observed that the switching voltages (V-T) of Ge10Se90-xTlx glasses decrease with the increase in the Tl concentration. An effort has been made to understand the observed composition dependence on the basis of nature of bonding of Tl atoms and a decrease in the chemical disorder with composition. In addition. the network connectivity and metallicity factors also contribute for the observed decrease in the switching voltages of Ge10Se90-xTlx glasses with Tl addition. It is also interesting to note that the composition dependence of switching voltages of Ge10Se90-xTlx glasses exhibit a small Cusp around the composition x = 22. which is understood on the basis of a thermally reversing window in this system in the composition range 22 <= x <= 30. The thickness dependence of switching voltages has been found to provide an insight about the type of switching mechanism involved in these samples. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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Bulk Ge15Te85-xInx (1 <= x <= 11) series of glasses have been found to exhibit a threshold switching behaviour for an input current of 2 mA. An initial decrease is seen in the switching voltages (V-T) with the addition of indium, which is due to the higher metallicity of indium. An increase is seen in V-T above 3 at.% of indium, which proceeds until 8 at.%, with a change in slope (lower to higher) seen around 7 at.%. Beyond x = 8, a reversal in trend is exhibited in the variation of V-T, with a well-defined minimum around x = 9 at.%. Based on the composition dependence of V-T, it is proposed that Ge15Te85-xInx glasses exhibit an extended rigidity percolation threshold. The composition, x = 3, at which the V-T starts to increase and the composition, x = 7, at which a slope change is exhibited correspond to the onset and completion, respectively, of the extended stiffness transition. Thermal studies and photoconductivity e85-xInx glasses. In addition, the minimum seen in V-T at x = 9 is associated with the chemical threshold (CT) of this glassy system.


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Bulk Ge15Te83Si2 glass has been found to exhibit memory-type switching for 1 mA current with a threshold electric field of 7.3 kV/cm. The electrical set and reset processes have been achieved with triangular and rectangular pulses, respectively, of 1 mA amplitude. In situ Raman scattering studies indicate that the degree of disorder in Ge15Te83Si2 glass is reduced from off to set state. The local structure of the sample under reset condition is similar to that in the off state. The Raman results are consistent with the switching results which indicate that the Ge15Te83Si2 glass can be set and reset easily. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Investigations on the electrical switching behavior and thermal studies using Alternating Differential Scanning Calorimetry have been undertaken on bulk, melt-quenched Ge22Te78-,Is (3 <= x <= 10) chalcohalide glasses. All the glasses studied have been found to exhibit memory-type electrical switching. The threshold voltages of Ge22Te78-I-x(x) glasses have been found to increase with the addition of iodine and the composition dependence of threshold voltages of Ge22Te78-xIx glasses exhibits a cusp at 5 at.% of iodine. Also, the variation with composition of the glass transition temperature (Tg) of Ge22Te78-I-x(x) glasses, exhibits a broad hump around this composition. Based on the present results, the composition x = 5 has been identified as the inverse rigidity percolation threshold at which Ge22Te78-I-x(x) glassy system exhibits a change from a stressed rigid amorphous solid to a flexible polymeric glass. Further, a sharp minimum is seen in the composition dependence of non-reversing enthalpy (Delta H-nr) of Ge22Te78-I-x(x) glasses at x = 5, which is suggestive of a thermally reversing window at this composition. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Studies on the electrical switching behavior of melt quenched bulk Si15Te85-xSbx glasses have been undertaken in the composition range (1 <= x <= 10), in order to understand the effect of Sb addition on the electrical switching behavior of Si15Te85-x base glass. It has been observed that all the Si15Te85-xSbx glasses studied exhibit a smooth memory type switching. Further, the switching voltages are found to decrease almost linearly with Sb content, which indicates that the metallicity of the dopant plays a dominant role in this system compared to network connectivity/rigidity. The thickness dependence of switching voltage (V-th) indicates a clear thermal origin for the switching mechanism. The temperature variation of switching voltages reveals that the Si15Te85-xSbx glasses studied have a moderate thermal stability. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the quadratic nonlinearity of one- and two-electron oxidation products of the first series of transition metal complexes of meso-tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP). Among many MTPP complexes, only CuTPP and ZnTPP show reversible oxidation/reduction cycles as seen from cyclic voltammetry experiments. While centrosymmetric neutral metalloporphyrins have zero first hyperpolarizability, β, as expected, the cation radicals and dications of CuTPP and ZnTPP have very high β values. The one- and two-electron oxidation of the MTPPs leads to symmetry-breaking of the metal−porphyrin core, resulting in a large β value that is perhaps aided in part by contributions from the two-photon resonance enhancement. The calculated static first hyperpolarizabilities, β0, which are evaluated in the framework of density functional theory by a coupled perturbed Hartree−Fock method, support the experimental trend. The switching of optical nonlinearity has been achieved between the neutral and the one-electron oxidation products but not between the one- and the two-electron oxidation products since dications that are electrochemically reversible are unstable due to the formation of stable isoporphyrins in the presence of nucleophiles such as halides.


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Epitaxial bilayered thin films composed of ferromagnetic La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 and ferroelectric 0.7Pb (Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.3(PbTiO3) were fabricated on LaAlO3 (100) substrates by pulsed laser ablation. Ferroelectric, ferromagnetic and magneto-dielectric characterizations performed earlier indicated the possible existence of strain-mediated magneto-electric coupling in these biferroic heterostructures. In order to investigate their true remnant polarization characteristics, usable in devices, room-temperature polarization versus electric field, positive-up negative-down (PUND) pulse polarization studies and remnant hysteresis measurements were carried out. The PUND and remnant hysteresis measurements revealed the significant contribution of the non-remnant component in the observed polarization hysteresis response of these heterostructures. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd


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Novel switching sequences can be employed in spacevector-based pulsewidth modulation (PWM) of voltage source inverters. Differentswitching sequences are evaluated and compared in terms of inverter switching loss. A hybrid PWM technique named minimum switching loss PWM is proposed, which reduces the inverter switching loss compared to conventional space vector PWM (CSVPWM) and discontinuous PWM techniques at a given average switching frequency. Further, four space-vector-based hybrid PWM techniques are proposed that reduce line current distortion as well as switching loss in motor drives, compared to CSVPWM. Theoretical and experimental results are presented.