913 resultados para Educational institution


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Männlichkeiten stehen im Brennpunkt aktueller bildungspolitischer und erziehungswissenschaftlicher Debatten. Betrachtet man die Diskussion um Jungen als 'Bildungsverlierer', birgt bereits Männlichkeit als solche ein Benachteiligungsrisiko. Gleichzeitig gibt es Bestrebungen, dagegen anzugehen: Initiativen für mehr männliche Fachkräfte in Kindertagesstätten oder Schulen wollen durch die bloße Präsenz von Männern mehr Bildungsgerechtigkeit schaffen. Der vorliegende Band nimmt diese und andere Auffassungen von Männlichkeit kritisch in den Blick. Der Band kritisiert essentialisierende Thematisierungen von Männlichkeiten; eine unveränderliche, da, wahre' bzw. , natürliche' Sicht auf Männlichkeit hält sich nicht nur in pädagogischer Praxis und Bildungspolitik, sondern auch in Empirie und Theorie. Oftmals werden hier verkürzte Konzepte von Männlichkeit zu Grunde gelegt. Insbesondere die Verknüpfung von Männlichkeiten in pädagogischen Institutionen mit politischen Fragen von Bildung und sozialer Ungleichheit ruft Diskussionen um Geschlechterdifferenzen auf den Plan. Pädagogische Institutionen sind von besonderer Relevanz, da sie Einfluss auf (beispielsweise legitime und illegitime) Konstruktionen von Männlichkeiten nehmen. Gleichzeitig beeinflussen Männlichkeitskonstruktionen selbst die pädagogischen Institutionen. Die Autorinnen stellen sich der Herausforderung, Geschlecht theoretisch (neu) zu konzipieren und empirisch zum Gegenstand zu machen. Sie eröffnen damit neue Perspektiven auf Männlichkeit als solche. (DIPF/Verlag)


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In der Zusammenschau der Forschungsarbeiten, die in diesem Band repräsentiert sind, werden in Bezug auf Männlichkeitskonstruktionen verschiedene institutionelle Logiken identifizierbar, die nicht an die Spezifik der jeweiligen Bildungsinstitution gebunden sind. Pädagogische Einrichtungen von der Kindertagesstätte über die Schule bis hin zur berufsvorbereitenden Maßnahme weisen vielmehr Gemeinsamkeiten im Hinblick darauf auf, wie sie unter Verweis auf Männlichkeit im Sinne von Douglas klassifizieren, legitimieren und stabilisieren. So machen mehrere Beiträge deutlich, wie Männlichkeit in pädagogischen Institutionen als professionelle Ressource konstruiert wird. Andere setzen sich mit pädagogischen Institutionen auseinander, in denen Männlichkeit zum Referenzpunkt für die Entwicklung institutioneller Strukturen wird. Schließlich geben weitere Beiträge Einblick in die pädagogische Orientierung an Männlichkeiten in Institutionen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção de grau Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico.


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La necesidad de mejorar la eficiencia de las organizaciones ha obligado a adoptar nuevas políticas de gestión. Esta necesidad también ha llegado a las empresas e instituciones públicas, incluyendo a las Universidades. Una de las posibilidades de mejora es la aplicación del enfoque de la gestión por procesos a través del Business Process Management (BPM). Las TIC proporcionan la posibilidad de implementar este enfoque a través de los BPMS, lo que aumenta las ventajas de la nueva gestión ya que ofrece la automatización de los procesos, su rediseño y mejora continúa. El caso de estudio es la aplicación de un BPMS en una institución pública educativa de Ecuador para observar como la gestión se mejora, alcanzándose mayores niveles de calidad y una reducción de los tiempos de proceso.


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O presente relatório de estágio de qualificação profissional, na Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico do Porto, permitiu descrever e analisar o trabalho desenvolvido pela formanda durante o ano letivo 2014/2015, no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar, nomeadamente na Unidade Curricular de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada. O estágio ocorreu em dois contextos educativos, creche (crianças de 1/2 anos de idade) e educação pré-escolar (crianças a perfazer os 3 anos e de 3 anos de idade), o qual possibilitou à mestranda desenvolver linhas de ação a partir da metodologia de investigação-ação em articulação com os referenciais teóricos e legais. O desenvolvimento de todo este percurso formativo teve como suporte a elaboração das narrativas reflexivas individuais, as planificações semanais em equipa educativa e as reuniões de avaliação com o supervisor institucional e as educadoras cooperantes. Foram visíveis as seguintes competências construídas ao longo da ação, nomeadamente a utilização de fundamentos teóricos que sustentaram a prática; a diversidade de estratégias de forma a proporcionar um desenvolvimento do grupo; a reflexão na, sobre e para a ação (Schön, 1998) com a perspetiva de melhorar desempenhos futuros. Desta forma, a prática da formanda assenta numa perspetiva construtivista, no sentido de fomentar o desenvolvimento integral da criança.


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Cuando se menciona la frase "Bibliotecas de las prisiones" se piensa en un lugar frío y triste. Probablemente en un lugar que tiene unos estantes con libros y revistas. Sin embargo, las bibliotecas de las prisiones son instituciones que juegan un papel importante en la educación y rehabilitación de los prisioneros. Los bibliotecólogos son el elemento más importante de éstas y su misión es convertir ese lugar en uno dinámico con servicios apropiados para sus usuarios, en este caso, los prisioneros.El propósito de este artículo es discutir la importancia de las bibliotecas de las prisiones como una institución educativa y de rehabilitación, el derecho de los prisioneros a los servicios bibliotecarios, las barreras que afectan el acceso a la información y, finalmente, la censura de este tipo de institución.


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The democratic management is a challenge for education, on the one hand for its actualization needs a link between the government and the educational institution. From that, research aims to understand the main challenges faced by the school administration to consolidate the management of public schools in Natal/RN. Against this context the methodology used was multiple cases, qualitative approach in which respondent were manager (director, deputy director and coordinator) of the four municipal schools and two representatives of the Democratic Management Commission of a Government departament of Education, Natal/RN. The analysis was made by peers, between schools that had grade superior IDEB that average stipulated by the federal government and two that had grade lower and between managers and representatives of the Secretary. Were used techniques of categorization and content analysis of the speeches of respondents. Was note that managers understand the importance of the participation about whole community in the democratic management, however only one school highlighted means of attracting the parents against to the difficulty of representing these. The lack of knowledge about the democratic management is evident mainly in the pair of schools with lower IDEB. That schools with a lower IDEB adhere to this management as a way to meet rules. So unanimous, the broad role of director hampers knowledge about the legislation. About relationship of the Government department with managers, there are some contradictions between the understanding of the role of the coordinator by managers and representatives of the Government department. It was perceptible the no uniformity about a good relationship between managers and Government department. It was notable features of democratic management in all school units, well as the efforts of the Government department in this scope. However there are also undemocratic features that deserve further study


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Psicologia da Educação, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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El presente proyecto se enmarca como un informe diagnóstico sobre la educación para la paz en el IED José Joaquín Castro Martínez. Es importante resaltar que este informe no pretende abarcar aspectos investigativos sobre el conflicto, la violencia escolar o la educación para la paz; lo que se busca es a partir de un diagnóstico del colegio posibilitar un posterior diseño de una estrategia de intervención para esta institución educativa ubicada en la localidad de San Cristóbal en la ciudad de Bogotá. Este diagnóstico pretende ser una avance en este tipo de experiencias en el colegio, el cual se espera propicie un impacto positivo en las dinámicas del conflicto que viven día a día los estudiantes de la institución educativa reseñada, y propiciar así un mayor conocimiento de las problemáticas de los y las estudiantes en relación a una cultura de paz, entendida esta desde 4 aspectos: primero el respeto a sí mismo, al otro y a su entorno; segundo, resolución y resignificacion positiva del conflicto; tercero, prevención del consumo de SPA; y cuarto convivencia escolar.


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The theory of curricular administration is applied in order to explain the use of the strategy of management committees in institutions of elementary and high school education. A case study is carried out in an educational institution of the metropolitan area; an institution known for organizational features that are common in a national reality that affects the malpractice of this strategy. It is established within the case study, some of causes of its abuse in the particular context of the educational institution “Unidad Pedagógica José Rafael Araya Rojas” located in the “Tibás, La Florida” community and in the light of these results, some recommendations are suggested in order to improve the use of the administrative strategy based on committees.


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Nowadays, the educative manager or principal has a series of tools of modern administration that allow him/her to guide the educational institution towards quality. Thus, he/she must fulfils a series of functions that are framed within the administrative process, such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling activities in the educational institution. This article´s main objective is to present some of these contributions and the way in which the principal can use them to improve the educational institution. The modern administration puts at the disposal different conceptions that help to visualize the way in which the institution must be managed. The main conclusion that is extracted is that a unique theoretical framework does not exist that can ensure the success of a principal, instead, there must be a use of the best aspects that each of the conceptions that the modern administration have in order to adapt them, according to the circumstances.


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This article collects the main ideas constructed during a research process that allowed an approach to the study of the construction of school identities. The approach undertaken starts off not only from an analysis of the way in which the identities that converge in the dynamics of an educational institution and their relationship with the national educational proposal are constructed and articulated, but also the identification, starting from that analysis, of some possible lines of action on the formation of education professionals.


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Rapid advances in educational and information communications technology (ICT)have encouraged some educators to move beyond traditional face to face and distance education correspondence modes toward a rich, technology mediated e-learning environment. Ready access to multimedia at the desktop has provided the opportunity for educators to develop flexible, engaging and interactive learning resources incorporating multimedia and hypermedia. However, despite this opportunity, the adoption and integration of educational technologies by academics across the tertiary sector has typically been slow. This paper presents the findings of a qualitative study that investigated factors influencing the manner in which academics adopt and integrate educational technology and ICT. The research was conducted at a regional Australian university, the University of Southern Queensland (USQ), and focused on the development of e-learning environments. These e-learning environments include a range of multimodal learning objects and multiple representations of content that seek to cater for different learning styles and modal preferences, increase interaction, improve learning outcomes, provide a more inclusive and equitable curriculum and more closely mirror the on campus learning experience. This focus of this paper is primarily on the barriers or inhibitors academics reported in the study, including institutional barriers, individual inhibitors and pedagogical concerns. Strategies for addressing these obstacles are presented and implications and recommendations for educational institutions are discussed.


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Teaching to an international audience online can be significantly different as compared to a traditional classroom setting. In a traditional classroom setting, the students are usually removed from their own cultural context and required to operate in the lecturer’s context. International students coming to Malaysia to study are implicitly expected to, and often do, become familiar with the Malaysian culture and style of education. The use of educational technologies as a blended strategy in higher education programs offers challenges and opportunities for all students but this may be different for international students who come from varied backgrounds. With an increasingly competitive global demand for higher education, Malaysian institutions strive to be the hub of educational excellence and a preferred option for international students in coping with the challenges of studying abroad in a different culture. This research will evaluate how undergraduate students perceive their online learning experiences in a Malaysian university. The OLES (Online Learning Environment Survey) will be used to explore the international and domestic students’ perception on e-learning and the findings of the first six OLES scales varying from (Computer Usage, Teacher Support, Student Interaction & Collaboration, Personal Relevance, Authentic Learning, and Student Autonomy) will be reported in this research. An in-depth study will be conducted to compare and contrast the challenges of international students with domestic students. Major difficulties encountered and how these students actually cope with e-learning, as well as the strategies and tools used to overcome the challenges will be investigated.