999 resultados para Direito e Desenvolvimento
While countries managed to rapidly rise and recover economically, Brazilian social indicators have advanced at short pace in the last decades. Although millions of Brazilians have recently left poverty, Brazil still has a long way to go regarding its socioeconomic development. Circa one fifth of the population is still considered functionally illiterate, basic education has one of the poorest performances in the world, the country has no top-level universities nor produces technology or patents at relevant levels. This paper, at first, analyses how the interaction between government and private agents influenced Brazil’s industrial and economic development, identifying the existence of bonds based on the exchange of private interests that at great extension kept public policies from reaching goals of national interest – the so called crony capitalism. Secondly, the paper verifies how development policies based on the promotion of innovative companies and segments of the industry may positively impact broad socioeconomic development. The paper delves specifically into the cooperation between universities and industry as a development tool. Enterprises and universities, guided by their endogenous interests, may be combined for the structuring of a national innovation system. While universities are fundamentally interested in promoting knowledge accumulation, enterprises are willing to invest financial capital in universities in exchange for the economic exploitation of products developed within the academic environment and direct access to its human capital. Lastly, the paper identifies the legal and cultural barriers and advances of this mechanism in Brazil. It verifies that, notwithstanding the institutional advance promoted by the Law of Innovation to the university-enterprise cooperation in Brazil, the law wasn’t entirely capable of eliminating the legal uncertainty of this relationship and capturing in an efficient way the interests of the agents involved. Recently, federal law n. 12.863/2013 officially offered universities the option of bypassing problems related to public law by regulating support foundations, which conceives greater certainty and simplicity to the cooperation. There are, however, remaining uncertainties regarding the norms to be edited by the executive power, as well as conflicts of interest linked to the property rights over patents resulting from this kind of cooperation. The paper verifies, moreover, the existence of ideological resistance to this tool within universities, in such a way that it is unlikely that those relationships develop in a systematic way throughout the country without further engagement from the government and its executive and legislative bodies.
O sistema de patentes pode ser considerado um instrumento de regulação da inovação. Alguns autores que estudam o sistema de patentes pela ótica da análise econômica do direito indicam que as chamadas “corridas por patentes” – quando diferentes indivíduos ou empresas, de forma independente, buscam desenvolver e patentear uma solução para determinado problema técnico – configurariam uma ineficiência do sistema de patentes. Isso porque, de acordo com esses autores, somente o primeiro a concluir o desenvolvimento de uma nova solução técnica e requerer proteção junto aos órgãos competentes é que poderia obter uma patente e explorar a invenção, de maneira que os outros competidores teriam simplesmente desperdiçado recursos escassos com suas pesquisas. O objetivo dessa dissertação é verificar se tais análises estão corretas, ou seja, se as “corridas por patentes” de fato constituem uma ineficiência do sistema de patentes, em especial à luz da legislação pertinente ao tema, da lógica atinente ao processo de inovação, da teoria dos jogos e dos benefícios eventualmente gerados para a sociedade pela pesquisa e desenvolvimento de novas soluções técnicas.
O serviço público de saneamento básico tem relevância amplamente reconhecida. Apesar disso, ainda são verificados no Brasil elevados índices de déficit ou de atendimento precário, com situações distintas nas diversas regiões do país. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta dissertação é (i) apresentar, a partir da perspectiva interdisciplinar da Economia dos Custos de Transação, uma compreensão do serviço público de saneamento básico no Brasil, atualmente regulamentado pela Lei nº 11.445/2007, (ii) avaliar a eficiência do modo de governança majoritariamente utilizado e, (iii) eventualmente, propor desenhos alternativos para a organização da prestação que sejam economicamente superiores em temos de redução de custos de transação para a realização de investimentos necessários ao cumprimento dos objetivos fundamentais definidos no art. 2º, da Lei nº 11.445/2007. A pesquisa adotou como estratégia metodológica a utilização de uma abordagem interdisciplinar de direito, economia e organizações, nos termos da análise econômica da nova economia institucional. A partir o estudo do ambiente institucional básico, com apoio no referencial teórico, observou-se que o mecanismo de governança predominantemente utilizado no serviço público de saneamento básico no Brasil, isto é, delegações a Companhias Estaduais de Saneamento por meio de contratos de longo-prazo (contratos de programa), não favorece a realização de investimentos em ativos específicos (infraestrutura) necessários à prestação e cumprimentos de metas da política. Foi também constatado que existem alternativas de governança viáveis ao desenho predominante, embora a utilização de formas alternativas provavelmente não possua execução viável pelo simples transplante de normas, isto é, pela via formal. A modificação da forma de governança predominante no saneamento básico no Brasil, com a superação do baixo desempenho verificado (low-level equilíbrium), não é possível de ser realizada sem custos. Nesse sentido, é necessário superar os custos para o rompimento do path dependence provocado pelo hold up realizado pelas Companhias Estaduais de Saneamento Básico sobre os titulares do serviço público (municípios), bem como os custos para o rompimento do path dependence no direito administrativo brasileiro, o qual restringe o desenvolvimento de uma teoria jurídica da regulação apta a viabilizar a construção de uma governança regulatória adequada à redução dos custos de transação, de modo a tornar viáveis investimentos em ativos de infraestruturas com elevado grau de especificidade.
O presente trabalho parte da premissa que os fundos de investimento em participação (FIP) têm natureza jurídica condominial, ainda que, sem negar a importância das diversas obras doutrinárias que buscaram determinar outras naturezas com base em interpretações sistemáticas ou mesmo com base na analogia. Adota-se a natureza jurídica condominial não apenas em decorrência do que dispõe o direito positivo e o regulamento imposto pela agência reguladora, mas também com fundamento no entendimento exarado em julgados da CVM. Tratando-se, portanto, de um condomínio, passa então a analisar a importação estrangeira dessa estrutura de investimento, a partir do seu desenvolvimento em determinados contextos históricos e regionais, até chegar a realidade nacional corrente, levando também em conta a importância e o encargo da regulação para o adequado funcionamento do mercado. O trabalho descreve brevemente a forma de constituição do FIP, seu funcionamento e tributação, sendo este último uma das racionalidades que justificariam a escolha por esse modelo único em relação ao praticado em outras jurisdições. Em seguida, assumida a distinta natureza jurídica do FIP em comparação com as estruturas verificadas no exterior, são analisados os efeitos jurídicos decorrentes de sua natureza condominial, notadamente em face do limite quinquenal que o Código Civil estabelece como seu termo e ainda diante do direito subjetivo que o condômino/cotista pode exercer ao requerer a dissolução da copropriedade. Diante dos riscos que eventual comportamento oportunístico de um ou mais cotistas pode causa sugere-se medidas práticas na estruturação do FIP que podem concorrer para mitigar os riscos expostos ao longo do trabalho.
Apesar de uma Constituição carregada de direitos sociais visando à transformação da sociedade brasileira, foi somente a partir de 2003 que o país ganhou destaque internacional nas ações de combate à pobreza e desigualdade, tornando-se uma referência. O grande protagonista teria sido o Programa Bolsa Família (PBF), um programa de transferência de renda condicionada que, combinado aos direitos sociais, teria permitido o alívio imediato de situações de extrema pobreza, mas também o desenvolvimento do capital humano atingindo resultados positivos multidimensionais nos seus mais de 10 anos de existência. Tal processo iniciou um debate acerca da necessidade de institucionalizar o programa como uma política de Estado, que para alguns interlocutores significaria transformar o PBF em um “direito” aos moldes dos direitos sociais, impondo uma obrigação aos governos futuros. Diante disso, este trabalho busca identificar, do ponto de vista jurídico e comparado aos direitos sociais, quais as vantagens e desvantagens do PBF na sua configuração atual. Compondo o movimento que busca compreender o papel do direito nas políticas públicas, adotando uma abordagem intra e interdisciplinar, e uma perspectiva funcional; a reflexão é alicerçada em três “eixos”: a cidadania, a judicialização e a vinculação orçamentária. Esse “tripé” foi escolhido em função da estrutura constitucional acerca dos direitos sociais, que em uma leitura funcional representam uma obrigação de fazer ao Estado para a concretização de uma noção de cidadania abrangente; uma dotação orçamentária vinculativa, garantido que parte da receita será destinada a ações de cumprimento dessas obrigações; e os instrumentos para adjudicação, permitindo a exigência dessas ações estatais pelos cidadãos. Assim, este trabalho não buscar descrever ou tentar prescrever a natureza ou alcance das obrigações que a transformação do PBF em direito geraria ao Estado; mas sim refletir sobre as vantagens e desvantagens dessa eventual mudança do programa diante das características estruturais do país, do modelo de sociedade abstratamente desenhado na lei maior e de nossa cultura jurídica acerca dos direitos sociais.
PEDRINI, Aldomar; SZOKOLAY, Steven. Recomendações para o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de suporte às primeiras decisões projetuais visando ao desempenho energético de edificações de escritório em clima quente. Ambiente Construído, Porto Alegre, v. 5, n. 1, p.39-54, jan./mar. 2005. Trimestral. Disponível em:
This work presents a reflection on possibilities and boundaries of consolidation and expansion of human settlements characterized as traditional communities that are located within protected areas, using as study reference the State Sustainable Development Reserve Ponta do Tubarão, at Rio Grande do Norte state. The main topics highlight the conflict between the right to housing and the prevalence of fundamental rights of traditional populations, opposed to the diffuse right to environment, according to the regulatory framework of the Brazilian Urban and Environmental Policies. At the same time that these settlements, historically built, are substantiated by the principles of recognition of rights to traditional populations, they are in a condition of complexity to the resolution of conflicts in its urban dimension and lead to an impairment of natural sites. This work questions how the instruments of land use and occupation are defined and relate to environmental planning, especially considering that the settlements are located in Permanent Preservation Areas (APP). It aims to further the discussion of the urban dimension in settlements, characterizing its formation and growth process, to identify the gaps and convergences between the Urban and Environmental Policy, under the foundations of a socio-environmental approach. The results spotlights the conflicts between occupation and natural areas, inferring that the definition of Urban Policies instruments and its integration with Environmental Policies instruments account for essential and priority actions to the achievement to the rights to a sustainable city, as determined in the Cities Statute and environmental protection goals, defined for the Conservation Units
Esta dissertação é um estudo sobre as representações e práticas sociais relativas à construção da conjugalidade homoafetiva e o direito de reconhecimento. Nesse contexto, são analisados os embates ideológicos decorrentes das tentativas de redefinição das representações e práticas sociais relativas à família e a conjugalidade, em sua feição heterocêntrica, a partir das disputas em torno do reconhecimento social e jurídico das uniões homoafetivas, desencadeadas no contexto da sociedade brasileira, a partir da apresentação, no Congresso Nacional, do Projeto de Lei n° 1.151/95, da Deputada Marta Suplicy, que disciplina a união civil entre pessoas do mesmo sexo
The establishment of Extractivism and Sustainable Development Reserves comes from an amazon forestry people resistance initiative. It means an option of natural resources management as protected areas for agroextractivism purposes. According to the institutional point of view, these lands, called Conservation Unity for Sustainable Exploration, belong to the government which grants the usufruct rights to the agroextractivist families under a sharing territory administration agreement among government and rural communities. The main roles of these lands are both: to improve the dwellers wellbeing, and protecting the local biodiversity. Additionally, they also represent the start of this thesis theme entitled Development, sustainability, and biodiversity conservation in the Amazon region: the use of protected areas for agroextractivism domestic yield in south of Amapá state with the objective of analyzing the performance that each territory has been reaching in terms of the attributions proposed at the beginning, when they were created. Social, economics, and environment changes that occurred in the agroextractivist areas have been evaluated from two selected test sites, named Rio Cajari Extractivist Reserve and Rio Iratapuru Sustainable Reserve, both, localized in the south of Amapá state
This dissertation analyses the Brazilian housing policy of today s, focusing on the programmes in the socalled Social Interest Housing Subsystem in order to discuss to what extent the government has been able to grant housing constitutional rights in the country. The discussion is about housing policy and the principles in the country s Constitution regarding the role of housing as a social right, a right that must be granted by the state. This refers to land rent theory to understand the relationship between capital and property and the reasons why, under capitalism, housing becomes a commodity in the market. Then, it discusses the national housing policy, which emphasizes land ownership through financing, that is, via market, a process that excludes all low income population. In the conclusion, it is clear that, although government programmes cover extensively at least potentially the national territory as well as social group, subsidized housing programmes cannot be implemented in the city due to land prices because subsidy is too low. In this way, the law that grants housing rights to all Brazilian citizens is violated
The freedom of concurrence, firstly conceived as a simple market fundament in productive systems that recognized the productive forces freedom of action, appears as a clear instrument of protection and fomentation of the market, recognizing the importance of the simultaneous existence of various economic forces such the proper capitalism reason of constitution. It has, thus, a directly role linked to the fundamental idea that the market and its productive forces needed of a protection against itself, because it exists inside the market situations and circumstances, provoked or not, that could prejudice and even annihilate the its existence and functioning, whilst a complex role of productive forces presents at all economic creation space. It was the primacy of the classic liberalism, the first phase of the capitalism. The Constitutions, in that historic moment, did not proclaim any interference at the economic scenario, simply because it recognized the existence of an economic freedom prepared to justify and guarantee the market forces, with its own rules. Based on the structural changes that occurred at the following historic moments, inside the constitutionally recognized capitalism, it was verified changes in the ambit of treatment of the freedom of concurrence principle that, in a progressive way, passes to present a configuration more concerned with socialist and developing ideas, as long as not only a market guarantee. It emerges a freedom of concurrence which aim is instrumental, in relation to its objectives and constitutional direction as a role, and not anymore stagnant and with isolated treatment, in special at the constitutional systems the present s clear aspects of social interventions and guarantor of fundamental rights more extensive and harmonious. That change is located at a space of state actuation much more ample and juridical important, this time comprehending the necessity of managing the productive scenario aiming to reach a national social and economic development effectively guarantor of fundamental rights for all citizens. Those Constitutions take as point of starting that the social and economic development, and not only anymore the economic growth, is the effective way for concretization of these rights. In that way it needs to be observed and crystallized by political and juridical tools that respect the ideological fundamental spirit of the Constitutional Charters. In that scenario that seeks for solutions of rights accomplishment, in special the social rights, the constitutional principle of freedom of concurrence has been seen as an instrument for reaching bigger values and directives, such as the social justice, which only can be real at a State that can implement a comprehensive and permanent social and economic development. The freedom of concurrence tries to valorize and defend something larger and consonant to the political values expressed in the Constitutional Charters with social character, which is the right to a social and economical sustainable development, guarantor of more clear and compromised collective benefits with social justice. The origin of that constitutional imposition is not only supported by vague orientations of the economic space, but as integrated to it, with basis formed of normative and principles posted and prepared to produce effects at the proper reason of the Constitution
Since the second half of the 20th century, mankind concerns about life quality and environment preservation began to grow. In Brazil, the edition of the Law nº 6.938/81, that instituted the National Policy of the Environment (Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente PNMA), contributing significantly to the singular treatment towards the environment by the Federal Constitution of 1988 (Constituição Federal de 1988), can be appointed as a landmark of this awareness. The Law nº 6.938/81, following the line observed on the legislation of some Brazilian States, predicted on its 9th article the instruments of PNMA, among which the environmental licensing can be highlighted. This instrument presents itself as indispensable to the construction, installation, extension and operation of enterprises and activities that utilize environmental resources, seen as effective and potentially polluter industries, or even to those that can cause environment degradation. On a parallel way and as a consequence of this awareness, the concept of development begins to acquire a new shape. The development of a country or a region begins to consider not only economical factors, but also environmental, political, cultural and social aspects. Ecodevelopment, or sustainable development, then, arises. In this way, through research on legislation and on theme related doctrine, this work has the intention of analyzing environmental licensing as a PNMA instrument responsible for uniting economical development and the right to an ecologically balanced environment, that is, by the consecution of a truly sustainable development
The present paper aims at analysing the constitutional principle which foretells lawsuit s rational run warranty. We came from a principle standard-constitutional analysis, showing its historical descent, its position and hermeneutical extent which can be given to the dispositive text. Being based on the institute standard examination, we then went to infraconstitutional analysis of the rules related. We noticed that there are specks of legal and practical advancements, however there are also some clear limitations for the lawsuit s rational run judicial development and accomplishment. In short, it is about a principle-logical constitutional standard which must be more and more compacted
As can be inferred by the title of its study The constitutional principle of sustainable development and the utilization of hidrical resources in the oil industry the transcribed pages are dedicated to the approach of the mentioned subjects which, despite being apparently different, will be shown intrinsically connected as goes by the study. The superation of this first step by the reader will lead to an important perception of the title: that the situation requires, urgently, a defined posture, a complete conduct change and, therefore, a modification of the paradigms currently establisheds. To brake barriers, modifying what is lived by, is the ultimate goal. For that, there is no unique path, linear, but there were broached the development themes, the hidrical resources theme and oil and natural gas industry at the necessary points to achieve, by the end, a comprehension for the Brazilian Federal Republic goals in the search for the application of these juridical norms. The ones whom lay down over this study shall notice that, more than a simple approach over these themes (which are still less worked and searched in Brazil), the heavy critic of an instituted and pacifically accepted reality, directly offensive of the constitutional principles. The debate evolves from punctual and specific aspects, it gains life, flies, searching how the juridical order equalizes the economic model to the environment defense. Standing by the possibility of conciliation among constitutional principles, the remodeling of an economic segment is defended, aligning it to the sustainable limits. Development, sustainable, becomes means and goals to the implementation of liberty, capacitating everyone to achieve their goals of life, their libertments, fruit of the inherent antagonism of the Constitution the sustainable development offers, while an axiological vector, a new reality to the economic order, turning it into a motriz element to the fortification of constitutional normative force and for the national development