991 resultados para Absorption spectrum
ZnO crystals with dimensions of 30 x 38 x 8 turn 3 have been grown by the hydrothermal method using a mixed solution of KOH, LiOH and H2O2. The growing rates for +c(0001) and -c(000 (1) over bar) were 0.17 and 0.09 mm/day, respectively. The crystal color was very light green for +c sector and dark brown for -c sector. For the +c sector, the resistivity at room temperature was 80 0 cm, the carrier concentration was about 10(4)/cm(3), and the mobility was about 100 cm(2)/Vs. The full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of double axis X-ray rocking curve for the polished Zn face cut from +c sector was 45 arcsec. The photoluminescence (PL) spectrum and the absorption spectrum of +c part of the crystals at room temperature were also reported and discussed in this paper. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
一,螺旋藻藻胆体光谱特性及其光能传递的研究 1,完整藻胆体与解离藻胆体吸收光谱的比较研究 对螺旋藻完整藻胆体和解离藻胆体的吸收光谱中进行了比较研究。随着PBS逐渐解离,其吸收光谱表现出如下变化特点:在紫外区,吸收峰始终位于355nm,尖形峰逐渐变成钝形峰;在红区,完整藻胆体和解离藻胆体都有很强的光吸收,吸收峰呈平顶状,其半带宽逐渐变小,紫外区与红区相对吸收强度比值逐渐变小,四组导数吸收光谱中的小峰数目越来越少。室温荧光发射光谱表明,PBS在低于0.9mol/L的磷酸缓冲液中变得不稳定,并开始逐渐解离,解离的PBS与完整的PBS相比,其荧光发射峰逐渐蓝移。 2,藻胆体在解离过程中荧光发射和光能传递的研究 完整藻胆体的室温荧光发射光谱中只有一个峰,在678nm。说明在完整藻胆体中,光能传递效率高。在77K荧光发射光谱中,完整藻胆体只有一个峰,位于682nm,这是L_(cm)(TE_1)的荧光峰;严重解离的藻胆体的主峰在656nm,是PC的荧光;在679nm有一个小峰,是APC-B的荧光(TE_2)。据此,我们提出螺旋藻藻胆体的光能传递链为:(此处表从略,见全文) 二,螺旋藻藻胆体核心及其与藻蓝蛋白的重组 PC+core混合物,浓缩重组48h后,其室温荧光发射峰位于663nm,与PC的室温荧光发射峰643nm和PC+core混合物(未重组)的室温荧光发射峰648nm相比,说明部分APC与部分PC发生了重组,使部分PC吸收的光能传递给了APC,使荧光发射峰红移;与藻胆体核心室温荧光发射峰664nm相比,则非常接近,说明重组效果较好。PC+core混合物(未重组),其77K荧光发射光谱中有两个峰:654nm,679nm,分别是PC,APC-B的荧光峰,F679/F654的比值为32.0%。我们以F679/F654比值的变化来判断PC与core是否发生了重组。PC+core混合物,经48h浓缩重组后,77K荧光发射光谱中有F657,F679两个峰,F679/F654的比值则为45.9%,比未重组的混合物32.0%升高了,说明部分PC与core发生了重组,部分PC吸收的光能传递给了APC和APC-B,使F679加强,F654减弱。 三,螺旋藻藻胆体一类囊体膜光谱特性与光能传递的研究 藻胆体一类囊体膜的吸收光谱,室温荧光发射光谱和77K荧光发射光谱表明:藻胆蛋白能将捕获的光能传递给叶绿素a,叶绿素a捕获的光能不能逆传给藻胆蛋白。 四,藻胆体一类囊体膜的重组 藻胆体一类囊体膜的吸收光谱说明,一部分被洗下来的PBS能重新结合到类囊体膜上,但并没有达到100%的重组。 五,整体螺旋藻光谱特性及其光能传递的研究 整体螺旋藻光谱特性与PBS-类囊体膜的光谱特性极为相似,表现出同样的规律:PBS的吸收面积与叶绿素a相比,叶绿素a的吸收是主要的。 从PBS-类囊体膜和整体螺旋藻的吸收光谱,室温荧光发射光谱,77K荧光发射光谱的研究中可知,二者表现出极为相似的规律:PBS藻胆蛋白捕获的光能能传递给叶绿素a,叶绿素a捕获的光能不能逆传给PBS藻胆蛋白。主要的捕光物质是叶绿素a。 另外,我们还对Spirulina platensis 6 and Spirulina maxima的藻胆体在解离过程中的荧光发射和光能传递进行了研究,表现规律与Spirulina platensis相同。
应用改进DEAE-Toyopearl 650S阴离子交换柱层析从高等植物菠菜(Spinacia oleracea)中分离纯化了核心天线复合物CP43和CP47。并对它们的纯度和完整性色素种类和含量,以及色素分子的结合状态进行了研究并对色素分子间的能量传递机制进行了讨论。结果如下: 1、HPLC检测结果表明:纯化的CP43和CP47均只含Chla和β-Car两种色素分子,并且,平均每分子CP43多肽含19-20分子Chla和4-5分子β-Car;而平均每分CP47则含20-21分子Chla和3-4分子β-Car。 2、以436nm和480nm激发光激发样品得到的CP43和CP47的低温荧光发射光谱的最大荧光发射峰分别位于683nm和693nm。进一步发现,CP43和CP47,在相同条件下分别以436nm和480nm激发光激发样品得到的低温荧光发射光谱经归一化后几乎完全重叠,而且400-500nm波长范围内的激发光扫描得到的三维低温荧光发射光谱沿激发轴具有较好的对应关系,表明纯化的CP43和CP47都具有较高的完整性。 3、纯化的CP43和CP47的吸收光谱的红区最大吸收峰分别位于671nm和674nm。该光区的导数光谱均分辨出偏蓝区和偏红区两个子峰,CP43的这两个子峰分别位于669nm和682nm;而CP47的两个子峰则分别位于669nm和680nm。进一步用包含这两个子峰的高斯解析参数对红区最大吸收峰进行拟合,结果证明,拟合的曲线与实测曲线几乎完全吻合,这表明,CP43和CP47均至少包含两种不同状态的Chla分子。 3.1应用不同的变性温度处理CP43,发现随变性温度的不断提高,其红区最大吸收峰的峰值逐渐减小,四阶导数光谱分辨出的两个子峰同时减小,但差光谱显示:随处理温度的不断提高,这两个组分峰值的变化并不同步进行,较低温度范围内(55℃以下)682nm吸收峰下降明显,而较高温度范围内(55℃以上),669nm吸收峰下降明显。 同时,随处理温度不断提高CP43脱辅基蛋白的结构也在不断发生变化,其变化过程明显表现出两个跃变阶段。这两个跃变阶段分别出现在40~50℃范围内和55~60℃范围内,恰与吸收光谱两个组分峰变化的转变过程相一致。这证明,CP43中分别位于669nm和682nm的不同的色谱组分即代表两种不同结合态的Chla分子,分别简称为“CP43-669”和“CP43-682”。它们在色素蛋白复合物中所处的环境不同,因而对蛋白质结构的依赖性不同,前者更高地依赖于蛋白复合物的整体构象,而后者则主要依赖于蛋白质的二级结构。 3.2 经不同的变性温度处理的CP47,其红区最大吸收峰的峰位逐渐蓝移,而吸收峰值无明显的变化,只有当处理温度提高到65℃以后,蓝移后的吸收峰值(669nm)才开始明显减小;四阶导数光谱表现为680nm吸收峰的信号逐渐下降669nm的吸收信号逐渐明显;处理减对照差光谱只观察到680nm吸收值的逐渐减少,而几乎观察不到669nm吸收值的变化。同时,随变性温度的不断提高,CP47的脱辅基蛋白的结构也发生相应的变化与CP43不同,蛋白结构变化最大的温度范围为60℃~65℃之间,但同CP47的峰位蓝移、导数光谱中680nm信号的减小,以及差光谱中680nm吸收值的减小相一致。由此认为,同CP43一样,CP47的吸收光谱中分辨出的分别位于669nm和680nm处的两个不同光谱组分亦分别代表两种不同结合状态的Chla分子,分别简称为“CP47-669”和“CP47-680”,与CP43中的相应组分对应,它们处于不同的蛋白环境中,从而对蛋白质结构变化的依赖性不同。 3.3 CP43和CP47的CD光谱表现出明显的正负双峰,表明色素分子间存在较强的激子相互作用。随变性温度的不断提高,正负CD双峰的信号逐渐减弱,变化过程与脱辅基蛋白结构的变化以及CP43-682的变化相一致,表明色素分子间的激子相互作用更高依赖于CP43-682和CP47-680。并认为CP43-682和CP47-680可能以二聚体或多聚体的形式存在,并且二聚体或多聚体的形成依赖于蛋白天然构象。而CP43-669和CP47-669则以单体的形式位于蛋白结构中相对伸展的区域。并提出:在CP43-682以CP47-680分子之间,激发能主要以激子偶合机制进行而在CP43-669,CP47-669分子间及CP43-669至CP43-682间,CP47-669至CP47-680之间激发能则主要以Foster机制进行。 4、以488nm激发光得到的CP43和CP47的共振拉曼光谱都具有全反式构型类胡萝卜素分子的四个典型特征峰由此认为CP43和CP47中的β-Car分子亦具有全反式构型;与溶于丙酮抽体物中的β-Car分子相比较,CP43和CP47中的β-Car分子的共振拉曼光谱中具有较强的960cm~(-1)的拉曼峰,表明,CP43和CP47中的β-Car分子具有扭曲的构象。 应用经归一化后的吸收光谱与荧光激发光谱相比较的办法发现CP43和CP47中存在β-Car分子和Chla分子间的能量传递其能量传递效率分别为29.8~29.9%和52.3~56.9%。这表明,在正常条件下,CP47中β-Car分子和Chla分子间的能量传递效率远大于CP43。此外,当选用蛋白结构变化最明显的热变性温度处理样品后,发现,不论CP43还是CP47中β-Car与Chla分子间的能量传递效率大大降低,表明,这两种色素分子间的能量传递严格依赖于蛋白复合物的天然构象,并认为,正常条件下,CP43和CP47内β-Car与Chla分子间的空间距离较近,可能不大于10A,CP43和CP47相比较,CP47内这两种色素分子间的距离更近。并进一步提出,在CP43和CP47中,β-Car到Chla分子间的能量传递最大可能以Dexter的电子交换机制进行。
Ce-doped Bi12SiO20 (BSO) single crystal was grown on board of the Chinese Spacecraft-Shenzhou No. 3. A cylindrical crystal, 10 mm in diameter and 40 mm in length, was obtained. The morphology of crystals is significantly different for ground- and space-grown portions. The space- and ground-grown crystals have been characterized by Cc concentration distribution, X-ray rocking curve absorption spectrum and micro-Raman spectrum. The results show that the quality of Ce-doped BSO crystal grown in space is more homogeneous and more perfect than that of ground grown one. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
The polyetherketone (PEK-c) guest-host polymer films doped with (4'-nitro)-3-azo-9-ethyl-carbazole (NAEC) were prepared. The films were poled by corona-onset poling at elevated temperature (COPET). The orientational order parameter of the chromophores NAEC in poled polymer film was determined by measuring the absorption spectra of the films before and after being poled. By using the two-level model, the measured dispersion of the refractive index of the polymer film, and the dispersion of the first hyperpolarizability of chromophore NAEC, the dispersion of the macroscopic second-order nonlinear optical (NLO) and linear electrooptic (EO) coefficients was evaluated for the NAEC/PEK-c guest-host polymer film. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
CdS/ZnS core/shell nanocrystals were prepared from an aqueous/alcohol medium. A red shift of the absorption spectrum and an increase of the room temperature photoluminescence intensity accompanied shell growth.
CdS nanoparticies were prepared in air and their stability by air annealing was studied. A small change in crystal structure and particle size was observed by air annealing, but a rapid reduction in fluorescence was found. Through investigation, it is revealed that it is the surface change or reconstruction rather than the variation of the size or structure that decreases the fluorescence. The emission of the particles consists with two peaks which are dependent on the excitation energy. The two peaks are considered to be arisen from "two" different sizes of nanoparticles and may be explained in terms of selectively excited photoluminescence. Finally we discuss why the discrete state of nanoparticles are able to be resolved in the photoluminescence excitation spectrum, but could not be differentiated in the absorption spectrum.
We investigate the interband optical absorption spectra near the band edge of a cylindrical semiconductor quantum wire in the presence of a static electric field and a terahertz electric field polarized along the axis. Optical absorption spectra are nonperturbatively calculated by solving the low-density semiconductor Bloch equations in real space and real time. The influence of the Franz-Keldysh (FK) effect and dynamical FK effect on the absorption spectrum is investigated. To highlight the physics behind the FK effect and dynamical FK effect, the spatiotemporal dynamics of the polarization wave packet are also presented. Under a reasonable static electric field, substantial and tunable absorption oscillations appear above the band gap. A terahertz field, however, will cause the Autler-Townes splitting of the main exciton peak and the emergence of multiphoton replicas. The presented results suggest that semiconductor quantum wires have potential applications in electro-optical devices.
Unintentionally doped GaN epilayers are grown by the metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Photovoltaic (PV) spectroscopy shows that there appears an abnormal photoabsorption in some undoped GaN films with high resistance. The peak energy of the absorption spectrum is smaller than the intrinsic energy band gap of GaN. This phenomenon may be related to exciton absorption. Then metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) Schottky photodetectors are fabricated on these high resistance epilayers. The photo spectrum responses are different when the light individually irradiates each of the two electrodes with the photodetector which are differently biased. When the excitation light irradiates around the reverse biased Schottky junction, the responsivity is almost one order of magnitude larger than that around the forward biased junction. Furthermore, when the excitation light irradiates the reverse biased Schottky junction, the peak energy of the spectrum has a prominent red-shift compared with the peak energy of the spectrum measured with the excitation light irradiating the forward biased Schottky junction. The shift value is about 28 meV, and it is found to be insensitive to temperature. According to the analyses of the distribution of the electric field within the MSM device and the different dependences of the response on the electric field intensity between the free carriers and excitons, a reliable explanation for the different response among various areas is proposed.
The influence of pulsed bias light excitation on the absorption in the defect region of undoped a-Si:H film has been investigated. Ac constant photocurrent method has been used to measure the absorption spectrum. The absorption in the defect region increases with the light pulse duration.The analysis of obtained results does not support the existence of a long time relaxation process of dangling-bond states in a-Si:H.
The excitation spectrum of CdS dusters in zeolite-Y is consistent with their absorption spectrum, both showing two absorption bands that are assigned to the Is-is and Is-lp transitions, respectively. A new emission at 400 nn is considered to be the recombination of the bounded excitons. The emission firstly increases then decreases with increasing cluster size or loading. The emission by excitation into the Is-is band is stronger and sharper than that by excitation into the Is-lp band. This phenomenon is attributed to the size inhomogeneity and the strong electron-phonon interaction of the dusters. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
CdS clusters in zeolite-Y have been prepared by the exchange of Cd2+ into the zeolite following by sulfurization with Na2S in solution. Blue-shifts from the bulk caused by quantum size effect and the change of absorption upon CdS loading are observed. Two absorption bands are detected for one of the sample and are assigned to the 1s-1s band and exciton transition, respectively. The exciton feature is more pronounced in the excitation spectrum than in the absorption spectrum, and the luminescence excited at the exciton band is stronger than that at the 1s-1s band. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
CdS/ZnS core/shell nanocrystals were prepared from an aqueous/alcohol medium. A red shift of the absorption spectrum and an increase of the room temperature photoluminescence intensity accompanied shell growth.
With the frame of the time-dependent local density approximation, an efficient description of the optical response of clusters has been used to study the photo-absorption cross section of Na-2 and Na-4 clusters. It is shown that our calculated results are in good agreement with the experiment. In addition, our calculated spectrum for the Na-4 cluster is in better agreement with experiment than the GW absorption spectrum.