1000 resultados para ALB-13


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Aristófanes nasceu em Atenas entre 450 e 445 a.C. e morreu por volta de 388 a.C. Considerado o principal representante da comédia antiga, em suas peças predominavam a sátira política e a social. Suas primeiras comédias foram assinadas sob pseudônimo e somente após ‘Os Acarnianos’ (ou ‘Acarnanos’) tornou-se conhecido. Da sua obra apenas onze peças conservaram-se integralmente. Esta coleção, em dois volumes, contém onze peças. O primeiro volume inclui ‘Os Plutos’ (publicada no ano de 388 a.C.), sua ultima comédia; ‘As Nuvens’ (423 a.C.); ‘As Rãs’ (405 a.C.); ‘Os Cavaleiros’ (424 a.C.); ‘Os Acarnianos’ (425 a.C.) e ‘As Vespas’ (422 a.C.). O segundo volume contém ‘Os Pássaros’ (414 a.C.); ‘A Paz’(421a.C.); ‘A Assembleia das mulheres’ (392 a.C.); ‘As Convocadas’ (411 a.C.) e ‘Lisistrata’ (411 a.C.)


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Editorial An increasingly secure future for wastewater-fed aquaculture in Kolkata, India? by Peter Edwards. First culture-based fisheries growth cycle in Lao PDR is overwhelmingly encouraging, by Sena De Silva. Revival of abandoned shrimp farms in Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh, by National Centre for Sustainable Aquaculture (NaCSA). Growth of forward and backward industries linked with aquaculture in Kolleru Lake area, Andhra Pradesh, India, by A. K. Roy, G. S. Saha, P. Kumaraiah and N. Sarangi Effective marketing strategies for economic viability of prawn farming in Kuttanad, India, by Ranjeet K. and B. Madhusoodana Kurup. Applications of nutritional biotechnology in aquaculture, by S.D. Singh, S.K. Nayak, M. Sekar and B.K. Behera. Some technical and management aspects of catfish hatcheries in Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province, Vietnam, by H. P. Hung, N. T. T. An, N. V. Trieu, D. T. Yen, U. Na-Nakorn, Thuy T. T. Nguyen. Nodavirus: An emerging threat to freshwater prawn farming, by Biju Sam Kamalam, J., Saravanan, S. and Ajith Stalin, J.L. Asia-Pacific Marine Finfish Aquaculture Network Magazine: Asian seabass farming: Brainstorming workshop and training in India. Comparative study for broodstock management of grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) in cages and earthen ponds with hormone treatment, by Nani Gopal Das, Md. Shahadat Hossain, Sushanta Bhattacharjee and Prabal Barua. Cultivation of gilthead sea bream (Sparus auratus L.) in low saline inland water of the southern part of Israel desert, by Samuel Appelbaum and A. Jesu Arockia Raj. Mariculture development opportunities in SE Sulawesi, Indonesia, by La Ode M. Aslan, Hotman Hutauruk, Armen Zulham,Irwan Effendy, Mhummaed Atid, Michael Phillips, Lars Olsen, Brendan Larkin, Sena S De Silva, Geoff Gooley. Improved hatchery and grow-out technology for marine finfish. NACA Newsletter


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Comments on possible improvements to carp culture in Andhra Pradesh. Aquaculture and environmental issues in the region of Nai Lagoon, Ninh Hai district,Ninh Thuan province, Viet Nam. Climate change impacts on fi sheries and aquaculture. New initiatives in fisheries extension. Selection potential for feed efficiency in farmed salmonids. Freshwater prawn hatcheries in Bangladesh: Concern of broodstock. Production of Cirrhinus molitorella and Labeo chrysophekadion for culture based fisheries development in Lao PDR 2: Nursery culture and grow-out. Mussel farming: alternate water monitoring practice. Benefit-cost analysis for fi ngerling production of kutum Rutilus frisii kutum (Kamensky, 1901)in 2005 in Iran. The effects of feeding frequency on FCR and SGR factors of the fry of rainbow trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss. Asia-Pacific Marine Finfish Aquaculture Network Magazine: The use of poultry by-product meals in pelleted feed for humpback grouper. Production update – marine finfish aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region. Crustacean parasites and their management in brackishwater finfish culture. NACA Newsletter


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A Lei de Arbitragem (Lei nº 9.307, de 23 de setembro de 1996) foi submetida a um processo de revisão por Comissão de Juristas nomeada pelo Senado Federal para estabelecer novo marco legal para a mediação e a arbitragem no Brasil. Em função das provadas virtudes da Lei já existente, a Comissão resolveu apresentar duas proposições: um projeto de lei sobre mediação extrajudicial, e um projeto de lei com reforma pontual da Lei de Arbitragem. As matérias tramitaram no Senado e vieram à Câmara dos Deputados como Casa revisora. O presente estudo se ocupa de analisar o Projeto de Lei nº 7.108, de 2014, que trata da reforma da Lei de Arbitragem. São considerados os temas de direito material e processual, além de questões de técnica legislativa e processo legislativo.


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Analisa aspectos da Lei n° 13.005/14, que aprovou o Plano Nacional de Educação-PNE, para o decênio 2014-2024, que estabelece (art. 3°) que as metas previstas em seu Anexo serão cumpridas no prazo de vigência do PNE, desde que não haja prazo inferior definido para metas e estratégias específicas.


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Analisa o Plano Nacional de Educação 2014-2024, que apresenta várias diretrizes, entre elas a erradicação do analfabetismo, a melhoria da qualidade da educação e a valorização dos profissionais de educação, considerado um dos maiores desafios das políticas educacionais.


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The workshop was organized to understand and describe the livelihoods of poor people who manage aquatic resources for planning support. The purpose was to support field workers to carry out livelihood analysis and how to use this information. (PDF contains 13 pages)


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Referência: Diccionario Bibliographico Portuguez / Innocencio Francisco da Silva, 1862. v. 7, p. 386.


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At its june 1990 annual meeting, the Technical Subcommittee (TSC) of the Canada-U.S. Groundfish Committee recommended that scientists and managers working on sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, issues convene to present and discuss the results of their recent research. Thorough knowledge of the biology and population dynamics of this species is essential for its effective management, especially considering its commercial importance. TSC representatives from both countries recognized that a great deal ofactive research has been conducted on this species since the International Sablefish Symposium was held in Anchorage, Alaska, in March 1983 (Melteff, 1983). As a result of this recommendation, the International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Sablefish (ISBMS) was convened April 13-15, 1993, at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center in Seattle, Washington. (PDF file contains 286 pages.)


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Visa a atender à Solicitação de Trabalho nº 17/2015-CONOF, por meio da qual o Deputado Pauderney Avelino solicita a esta Consultoria que elabore nota técnica acerca do veto ao art. 118 da Lei 13.080, de 2 de janeiro 2015 (LDO 2015), que determinava ao Poder Executivo a criação de “Cadastro de Obras Públicas”