1000 resultados para supplier assessment
The topic of this Master’s Thesis is risk assessment in the supply chain, and the work was done for a company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. The unique features of the industry bring additional challenges to risk management, due to high regulatory, docu-mentation and traceability requirements. The objective of the thesis was to generate a template for assessing the risks in the supply chain of current and potential suppliers of the case company. Risks pertaining to the case setting were sought mainly from in-house expertise of this specific product and supply chain as well as academic research papers and theory on risk management. A questionnaire was set up to assess the found risks on impact, occurrence and possibility of detection. Through this classification of the severity of the risks, the supplier assessment template was formed. A questionnaire template, comprised of the top 10 risks affecting the flow of information and materials in this setting, was formulated to serve as a generic tool for assessing risks in the supply chain of a pharmaceutical company. The template was tested on another supplier for usability and accuracy of found risks, and it demonstrated functioning in a differing supply chain and product setting.
Tämä tutkimus kohdistuu julkisen sektorin, erityisesti Hämeen TE-keskuksen alueen työvoimatoimistojen hankintamenettelyjen tehokkuuden saavuttamiseen. Tutkimus esittelee käsiteanalyyttisesti julkisyhteisöjen menettelytapoja ja lainsäädäntöä. Tutkimuksessa käsitellään toimittajan valintaan ja arvioimiseen liittyviä tekijöitä julkisen lainsäädännön puitteissa. Tutkimuksessa esitellään toimittajan valinnan tueksi kehitetty toimittajan arviointilomake ja pisteytysperusteet. Tutkimuksen lopputuloksena saavutettiin toimiva toimittajana arviointilomake, pisteytysperusteet ja taulukkolaskentaohjelma, jota käytettiin toimittajan valintaa tehtäessä. Tutkimuksesta hyötyivät Hämeen TE-keskuksen työvoimaosasto ja sen alaisuudessa toimivat kuusi työvoimatoimistoa.
Työ on tehty Siemens Osakeyhtiön Logistiikka ja Osto yksik6ssa. Tavoitteena oli kartoittaa toimittajien hallintamallin toimivuutta sekä pyrkiä parantamaan toimittajien valintaa. Ostettaessa toimittajilta palveluita toteutettaviin projekteihin toimittajien hallintamalli toimii perustana sille, kuinka toimittaja valitaan ja mitä toimittajan valinnassa on otettava huomioon. Laadukkaaseen lopputulokseen pyrittäessä on erittäin tärkeää, että projektiin saadaan toimittaja, joka täyttää kaikki sille asetetut laadulliset, taloudelliset sekä tekniset vaatimukset. Työ pohjautuu teoriassa esitettyihin projektin määrittelemiseen, hankintatoimeen, toimittajien luokitteluun, yhteisty6n kehittämiseen sekä laatujohtamiseen. Työ toteutettiin haastattelututkimuksella, jossa haastateltiin Siemens Osakeyhtiön viiden eri toimialan projektipäällikköä. Tarkoituksena oli perehtyä toimialojen tapoihin hankkia toimittajia toteutettaviin projekteihin. Tutkimuksen pääpaino oli toimittajissa, jotka toteuttavat sdhk6asennuksia, kaytt6onottoa, suunnittelua, kokoonpanoa sekä rakentamista. Haastattelujen perusteella tutustuttiin toimialojen totutettuihin projekteihin, joita verrattiin haastattelusta saatuihin tuloksiin. Havaintojen perusteella annettiin kehitysehdotuksia, joilla kyettäisiin parantamaan toimittajien valintaa sekä toimittajien hallintamallia.
The purpose of this paper is to conduct a methodical drawback analysis of a financial supplier risk management approach which is currently implemented in the automotive industry. Based on identified methodical flaws, the risk assessment model is further developed by introducing a malus system which incorporates hidden risks into the model and by revising the derivation of the most central risk measure in the current model. Both methodical changes lead to significant enhancements in terms of risk assessment accuracy, supplier identification and workload efficiency.
Työn tavoitteena on kartoittaa ja arvioida asiakastarpeita hienojakoisen hiilen ja nesteen erotuksessa. Aluksi työssä kuvataan hiiliteollisuutta, jonka jälkeen syvennytäänhiilen ja nesteen erotukseen. Tämän jälkeen keskitytään asiakastarpeiden kartoittamiseen. Jo olemassaolevan tiedon keräämiseen käytetään haastatteluja ja kysymyslomakkeita. Saatyn AHP-mallia hyödynnetään asiakastarpeiden arvioinnissa. Yksi suurimmista haasteista puhtaan hiiliteknologian käytössä on kustannustehokas nesteen ja hienojakoisen hiilen erotus, joka on tärkeää rahtauskustannusten minimoinnin, laatuvaatimusten täyttämisen ja prosessiveden kierrättämisen kannalta. Tekniset ominaisuudet ja kustannukset ovat tärkeimmät ominaisuudet hiilen ja veden suodatinratkaisussa asiantuntijoiden mukaan. Asiakkaan mukaan laatu, tekniset ominaisuudet ja tukipalvelut ovat tärkeitä.Sekä asiakkaan että asiantuntijoiden mielestä korkea yksikkökapasiteetti, matala lopputuotteen kosteus ja luotettavuus ovat tärkeimmät tekniset ominaisuudet. Investointikustannukset ovat noin kolme kertaa tärkeämpiä kuin käyttökustannukset. Asiakkaan mukaan laitetoimittajan ominaisuudet ovat tärkeämpiä kuin teknologiset ominaisuudet.
To describe the change of purchasing moving from administrative to strategic function academics have put forward maturity models which help practitioners to compare their purchasing activities to industry top performers and best practices. However, none of the models aim to distinguish the purchasing maturity from the after-sales point of view, even though after-sales activities are acknowledged as a relevant source of revenue, profit and competitive advantage in most manufacturing firms. The maturity of purchasing and supply management practices have a large impact to the overall performance of the spare parts supply chain and ultimately to the value creation and relationship building for the end customer. The research was done as a case study for a European after-sales organization which is part of a globally operating industrial firm specialized in heavy machinery. The study mapped the current state of the purchasing practices in the case organization and also distinguished the relevant areas for future development. The study was based on the purchasing maturity model developed by Schiele (2007) and investigated also how applicable is the maturity model in the spare parts supply chain context. Data for the assessment was gathered using five expert interviews inside the case organization and other parties involved in the company’s spare parts supply chain. Inventory management dimension was added to the original maturity model in order to better capture the important areas in a spare parts supply chain. The added five questions were deduced from the spare parts management literature and verified as relevant areas by the case organization’s personnel. Results indicate that largest need for development in the case organization are: better collaboration between sourcing and operative procurement functions, use of installed base information in the spare parts management, training plan development for new buyers, assessment of aligned KPI’s between the supply chain parties and better defining the role of after-sales sourcing. The purchasing maturity model used in this research worked well in H&R Leading, Controlling and Inventory Management dimensions. The assessment was more difficult to conduct in the Supplier related processes, Process integration and Organizational structure –dimensions, mainly because the assessment in these sections would for some parts require more company-wide assessment. Results indicate also that the purchasing maturity model developed by Schiele (2007) captures the relevant areas in the spare parts supply as well.
The purpose of this work was to describe and compare sourcing practices and challenges in different geographies, to discuss possible options to advance sustainability of global sourcing, and to provide examples to answer why sourcing driven by sustainability principles is so challenging to implement. The focus was on comparison between Europe & Asia & South-America from the perspective of sustainability adoption. By analyzing sourcing practices of the case company it was possible to describe main differences and challenges of each continent, available sourcing options, supplier relationships and ways to foster positive chance. In this qualitative case study gathered theoretical material was compared to extensive sourcing practices of case company in a vast supplier network. Sourcing specialist were interviewed and information provided by them analyzed in order to see how different research results and theories are reflecting reality and to find answers to proposed research questions.
In this thesis, I focus on supply chain risk related ambiguity, which represents the ambiguities firms exhibit in recognizing, assessing, and responding to supply chain disruptions. I, primarily, argue that ambiguities associated with recognizing and responding to supply chain risk are information gathering and processing problems. Guided by the theoretical perspective of bounded rationality, I propose a typology of supply chain risk related ambiguity with four distinct dimensions. I, also, argue that the major contributor to risk related ambiguity is often the environment, specifically the web of suppliers. Hence, I focus on the characteristics of these supplier networks to examine the sources of ambiguity. I define three distinct elements of network embeddedness – relational, structural, and positional embeddedness – and argue that the ambiguity faced by a firm in appropriately identifying the nature or impacts of major disruptions is a function of these network properties. Based on a survey of large North American manufacturing firms, I found that the extent of the relational ties a firm has and its position in the network are significantly related to supply chain risk related ambiguity. However, this study did not provide any significant support for the hypothesized relationship between structural embeddedness and ambiguity. My research contributes towards the study of supply chain disruptions by using the idea of bounded rationality to understand supply chain risk related ambiguity and by providing evidence that the structure of supply chain networks influences the organizational understanding of and responses to supply chain disruptions.
The objective of this study was to examine the potential utility of a commercially available sperm separation and purification product for the in vitro production of bovine embryos. Bovine oocytes were purchased from a commercial supplier, and matured oocytes were randomly allocated to one of two treatments. Oocytes were co-incubated with frozen-thawed semen washed twice with BoviPureTM (BoviPure group) or with modified Brackett-Oliphant medium (control group). After a 6-hour insemination period, oocytes were cultured in vitro for 8 days. Cleavage rate of embryos was determined 48 hours post-insemination, and blastocyst formation rate was assessed on day 8 of culture. The experiment was replicated three times, and data were analyzed using chi-square analysis. Washing of sperm in BoviPureTM had no effect (P>.05) on either cleavage rate (77.2%) or blastocyst development (21.6%) when compared with controls (71.9% and 17.1%, respectively). These results indicate that, under conditions of our study, the washing of sperm with BoviPureTM did not significantly enhance the ability to produce bovine embryos in vitro.
When the fresh fruit reaches the final markets from the suppliers, its quality is not always as good as it should, either because it has been mishandled during transportation or because it lacks an adequate quality control at the producer level, before being shipped. This is why it is necessary for the final markets to establish their own quality assessment system if they want to ensure to their customers the quality they want to sell. In this work, a system to control fruit quality at the last level of the distribution channel has been designed. The system combines rapid control techniques with laboratory equipment and statistical sampling protocols, to obtain a dynamic, objective process, which can substitute advantageously the quality control inspections carried out visually by human experts at the reception platform of most hypermarkets. Portable measuring equipment have been chosen (firmness tester, temperature and humidity sensors...) as well as easy-to-use laboratory equipment (texturometer, colorimeter, refractometer..,) combining them to control the most important fruit quality parameters (firmness, colour, sugars, acids). A complete computer network has been designed to control all the processes and store the collected data in real time, and to perform the computations. The sampling methods have been also defined to guarantee the confidence of the results. Some of the advantages of a quality assessment system as the proposed one are: the minimisation of human subjectivity, the ability to use modern measuring techniques, and the possibility of using it also as a supplier's quality control system. It can be also a way to clarify the quality limits of fruits among members of the commercial channel, as well as the first step in the standardisation of quality control procedures.
The Agenda 2030 contains 17 integrated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 12 for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) promotes the efficient use of resources through a systemic change that decouples economic growth from environmental degradation. The Food Systems (FS) pillar in SDG 12 entails paramount relevance due to its interconnection to many other SDGs, and even when being a crucial world food supplier, the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Region struggles with environmental and social externalities, low investment in agriculture, inequity, food insecurity, poverty, and migration. Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) was regarded as a pertinent approach to identify hotspots and trade-offs, and support decision-making process to aid LAC Region countries as Costa Rica to diagnose sustainability and overcome certain challenges. This thesis aimed to ‘evaluate the sustainability of selected products from food supply chains in Costa Rica, to provide inputs for further sustainable decision-making, through the application of Life Cycle Thinking’. To do this, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Life Cycle Costing (LCC), and Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) evaluated the sustainability of food-waste-to-energy alternatives, and the production of green coffee, raw milk and leafy vegetables, and identified environmental, social and cost hotspots. This approach also proved to be a useful component of decision-making and policy-making processes together with other methods. LCT scientific literature led by LAC or Costa Rican researchers is still scarce; therefore, this research contributed to improve capacities in the use of LCT in this context, while offering potential replicability of the developed frameworks in similar cases. Main limitations related to the representativeness and availability of primary data; however, future research and extension activities are foreseen to increase local data availability, capacity building, and the discussion of potential integration through Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA).
The aim of this study was to use mechanical and photoelastic tests to compare the performance of cannulated screws with other fixation methods in mandibular symphysis fractures. Ten polyurethane mandibles were allocated to each group and fixed as follows: group PRP, 2 perpendicular miniplates; group PLL, 1 miniplate and 1 plate, parallel; and group CS, 2 cannulated screws. Vertical linear loading tests were performed. The differences between mean values were analyzed with the Tukey test. The photoelastic test was carried out using a polariscope. The results revealed differences between the CS and PRP groups at 1, 3, 5, and 10 millimeters of displacement. The photoelastic test confirmed higher stress concentration in all groups close to the mandibular base, whereas the CS group showed it throughout the region assessed. Conical cannulated screws performed well in mechanical and photoelastic tests.
Nearly 50% of patients with heart failure (HF) have preserved LV ejection fraction, with interstitial fibrosis and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy as early manifestations of pressure overload. However, methods to assess both tissue characteristics dynamically and noninvasively with therapy are lacking. We measured the effects of mineralocorticoid receptor blockade on tissue phenotypes in LV pressure overload using cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). Mice were randomized to l-nitro-ω-methyl ester (l-NAME, 3 mg/mL in water; n=22), or l-NAME with spironolactone (50 mg/kg/day in subcutaneous pellets; n=21). Myocardial extracellular volume (ECV; marker of diffuse interstitial fibrosis) and the intracellular lifetime of water (τic; marker of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy) were determined by CMR T1 imaging at baseline and after 7 weeks of therapy alongside histological assessments. Administration of l-NAME induced hypertensive heart disease in mice, with increases in mean arterial pressure, LV mass, ECV, and τic compared with placebo-treated controls, while LV ejection fraction was preserved (>50%). In comparison, animals receiving both spironolactone and l-NAME (l-NAME+S) showed less concentric remodeling, and a lower myocardial ECV and τic, indicating decreased interstitial fibrosis and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy (ECV: 0.43 ± 0.09 for l-NAME versus 0.25 ± 0.03 for l-NAME+S, P<0.001; τic: 0.42 ± 0.11 for l-NAME groups versus 0.12 ± 0.05 for l-NAME+S group). Mice treated with a combination of l-NAME and spironolactone were similar to placebo-treated controls at 7 weeks. Spironolactone attenuates interstitial fibrosis and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in hypertensive heart disease. CMR can phenotype myocardial tissue remodeling in pressure-overload, furthering our understanding of HF progression.
The aim of this cephalometric study was to evaluate the influence of the sagittal skeletal pattern on the 'Y-axis of growth' measurement in patients with different malocclusions. Lateral head films from 59 patients (mean age 16y 7m, ranging from 11 to 25 years) were selected after a subjective analysis of 1630 cases. Sample was grouped as follows: Group 1 - class I facial pattern; group 2 - class II facial pattern; and Group 3 - class III facial pattern. Two angular measurements, SNGoGn and SNGn, were taken in order to determine skeletal vertical facial pattern. A logistic regression with errors distributed according to a binomial distribution was used to test the influence of the sagittal relationship (Class I, II, III facial patterns) on vertical diagnostic measurement congruence (SNGoGn and SNGn). RESULTS show that the probability of congruence between the patterns SNGn and SNGoGn was relatively high (70%) for group 1, but for groups II (46%) and III (37%) this congruence was relatively low. The use of SNGn appears to be inappropriate to determine the vertical facial skeletal pattern of patients, due to Gn point shifting throughout sagittal discrepancies. Clinical Significance: Facial pattern determined by SNGn must be considered carefully, especially when severe sagittal discrepancies are present.