997 resultados para forest industry


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An overview of the commercial growing, management and processing of forest products in Queensland.


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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become increasingly important topic in forest industries, and other global companies, in recent years. Globalisation, faster information delivery and demand for sustainable development have set new challenges for global companies in their business operations. Also the importance of stakeholder relations, and pressure to become more transparent has increased in the forest industries. Three dimensions of corporate responsibility economic, environmental and social, are often included in the concept of CSR. Global companies mostly claim that these dimensions are equally important. This study analyses CSR in forest industry and has focus on reporting and implementation of social responsibility in three international companies. These case-companies are Stora Enso, SCA and Sappi, and they have different geographical base, product portfolios and therefore present interesting differences about forest industry strategy and CSR. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has created the most known and used reporting framework in CSR reporting. GRI Guidelines have made CSR reporting a uniform function, which can also be measured between companies and different sectors. GRI Guidelines have also made it possible to record and control CSR data in the companies. In recent years the use of GRI Guidelines has increased substantially. Typically CSR reporting on economic and environmental responsibility have been systematic in the global companies and often driven by legistlation and other regulations. However the social responsibility has been less regulated and more difficult to compare. Therefore it has previously been often less focused in the CSR reporting of the global companies. The implementation and use of GRI Guidelines have also increased dialogue on social responsibility issues and stakeholder management in global companies. This study analyses the use of GRI´s framework in the forest industry companies´ CSR reporting. This is a qualitative study and the disclosure of data is empricially analysed using content analysis. Content analysis has been selected as a method for this study because it makes it possible to use different sources of information. The data of this study consists of existing academic literature of CSR, sustainability reports of thecase-companies during 2005-2009, and the semi-structured interviews with company representatives. Different sources provide the possibility to look at specific subject from more than one viewpoint. The results of the study show that all case-companies have relatively common themes in their CSR disclosure, and the differences rise mainly from their product-portfolios, and geographic base. Social impacts to local communities, in the CSR of the companies, were mainly dominated by issues concerning creating wealth to the society and impacting communities through creation of work. The comparability of the CSR reporting, and especially social indicators increased significally from 2007 onwards in all case-companies. Even though the companies claim that three dimensions of CSR economic, environmental and social are equally important economic issues and profit improvement still seem to drive most of the operations in the global companies. Many issues that are covered by laws and regulations are still essentially presented as social responsibility in CSR. However often the unwelcome issues in companies like closing operations are covered just briefly, and without adequate explanation. To make social responsibility equally important in the CSR it would demand more emphasis from all the case-companies. A lot of emphasis should be put especially on the detail and extensiveness of the social reponsibility content in the CSR.


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Yhteenveto: Acinetobacter sp. metsäteollisuuden jätevesien biologisessa fosforinpoistossa


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Background: A previous review showed that high stress increases the risk of occupational injury by three- to five-fold. However, most of the prior studies have relied on short follow-ups. In this prospective cohort study we examined the effect of stress on recorded hospitalised injuries in an 8-year follow-up.
Methods: A total of 16,385 employees of a Finnish forest company responded to the questionnaire. Perceived stress was measured with a validated single-item measure, and analysed in relation recorded hospitalised injuries from 1986 to 2008. We used Cox proportional hazard regression models to examine the prospective associations between work stress, injuries and confounding factors.
Results: Highly stressed participants were approximately 40% more likely to be hospitalised due to injury over the follow-up period than participants with low stress. This association remained significant after adjustment for age, gender, marital status, occupational status, educational level, and physical work environment.
Conclusions: High stress is associated with an increased risk of severe injury.


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The aim of this master’s thesis was to map the management accounting processes and reporting of an internal service unit. The research was conducted in energy services in a forest industry company. Research questions and the results of the study are highly specific for the case unit although some generalizable features of management accounting in internal service units under shared services were searched. The research was carried out as a qualitative action research and a single case study. Internal benchmarking was used to find best practices from other units and to get a comprehensive understanding of the financial processes of the case company. Empirical data for the study was collected with participant observation, interviews of experts and by exploring internal company documents. A literature review was conducted to outline the subject and to support the study. Although the management accounting processes of the case unit were found to be on a good level, some improvement ideas were presented. Results of the research show that the needs of the customers are in the key role in the processes of an internal service unit. Management accounting and reporting need to support the company strategy and management decision-making. To evaluate the performance of the service unit both financial and non-financial measures are needed.


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The report summarises data from a large number of trials of species with potential for use by the plantation forest industry in north-eastern Australia and provides information aimed at improving the understanding of growth rates, pest and disease risks and carbon sequestration. Data is summarised and presented at a regional level as opposed to individual trial or plot level. As well, nutritional impediments to tree growth and impacts on forest health are also reported. This report is intended to contribute to policy deliberations about developing forestry opportunities that can that can be integrated into the landscape, with particular consideration given to lower rainfall regions. There are several examples in north-eastern Australia where production forests have developed sub-optimally; this has often been due to poor selection of tree species as little information has been available. This report helps address this deficiency.


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The research analyzes product quality from a customer perspective in the case of the wood products industry. Of specific interest is to understand better how environmental quality is perceived from a customer perspective. The empirical material used comprises four data-sets from Finland, Germany and the UK, collected during 1992 2004. The methods consist of a set of quantitative statistical analyses. The results indicate that perceived quality from a customer perspective can be presented using a multidimensional and hierarchical construct with tangible and intangible dimensions, that is common to different markets and products. This applies in the case of wood products but also more generally at least for some other construction materials. For wood products, tangible product quality has two main sub-dimensions: technical quality and appearance. For product intangibles, a few main quality dimensions seem be detectable: Quality of intangibles related to the physical product, such as environmental issues and product-related information, supplier-related characteristics, and service and sales personnel behavior. Environmental quality and information are often perceived as being inter-related. Technical performance and appearance are the most important considerations for customers in the case of wood products. Organizational customers in particular also clearly consider certain intangible quality dimensions to be important, such as service and supplier reliability. The high technical quality may be considered as a license to operate , but product appearance and intangible quality provide potential for differentiation for attracting certain market segments. Intangible quality issues are those where Nordic suppliers underperform in comparison to their Central-European competitors on the important German markets. Environmental quality may not have been used to its full extent to attract customers. One possibility is to increase the availability of the environment-related information, or to develop environment-related product characteristics to also provide some individual benefits. Information technology provides clear potential to facilitate information-based quality improvements, which was clearly recognized by Finnish forest industry already in the early 1990s. The results indeed indicate that wood products markets are segmented with regard to quality demands


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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) addresses the responsibility of companies for their impacts on society. The concept of strategic CSR is becoming increasingly mainstreamed in the forest industry, but there is, however, little consensus on the definition and implementation of CSR. The objective of this research is to build knowledge on the characteristics of CSR and to provide insights on the emerging trend to increase the credibility and legitimacy of CSR through standardization. The study explores how the sustainability managers of European and North American forest companies perceive CSR and the recently released ISO 26000 guidance standard on social responsibility. The conclusions were drawn from an analysis of two data sets; multivariate survey data based on one subset of 30 European and 13 North American responses, and data obtained through in-depth interviewing of 10 sustainability managers that volunteered for an hour long phone discussion about social responsibility practices at their company. The analysis concluded that there are no major differences in the characteristics of cross-Atlantic CSR. Hence, the results were consistent with previous research that suggests that CSR is a case- and company-specific concept. Regarding the components of CSR, environmental issues and organizational governance were key priorities in both regions. Consumer issues, human rights, and financial issues were among the least addressed categories. The study reveals that there are varying perceptions on the ISO 26000 guidance standard, both positive and negative. Moreover, sustainability managers of European and North American forest companies are still uncertain regarding the applicability of the ISO 26000 guidance standard to the forest industry. This study is among the first to provide a preliminary review of the practical implications of the ISO 26000 standard in the forest sector. The results may be utilized by sustainability managers interested in the best practices on CSR, and also by a variety of forest industrial stakeholders interested in the practical outcomes of the long-lasting CSR debate.


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"September 1960."


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This article examines the need for a marketing approach to support the expansion of trade in Australian forest Products. Opportunities available for trade in hoop pine ( Araucaria cunninghamii), a Queensland species of timber, are examined. Markets within China and Japan are found to have substantial potential end product uses for the plantation timber.


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An important challenge in forest industry is to get the appropriate raw material out from the forests to the wood processing industry. Growth and stem reconstruction simulators are therefore increasingly integrated in industrial conversion simulators, for linking the properties of wooden products to the three-dimensional structure of stems and their growing conditions. Static simulators predict the wood properties from stem dimensions at the end of a growth simulation period, whereas in dynamic approaches, the structural components, e.g. branches, are incremented along with the growth processes. The dynamic approach can be applied to stem reconstruction by predicting the three-dimensional stem structure from external tree variables (i.e. age, height) as a result of growth to the current state. In this study, a dynamic growth simulator, PipeQual, and a stem reconstruction simulator, RetroSTEM, are adapted to Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) to predict the three-dimensional structure of stems (tapers, branchiness, wood basic density) over time such that both simulators can be integrated in a sawing simulator. The parameterisation of the PipeQual and RetroSTEM simulators for Norway spruce relied on the theoretically based description of tree structure developing in the growth process and following certain conservative structural regularities while allowing for plasticity in the crown development. The crown expressed both regularity and plasticity in its development, as the vertical foliage density peaked regularly at about 5 m from the stem apex, varying below that with tree age and dominance position (Study I). Conservative stem structure was characterized in terms of (1) the pipe ratios between foliage mass and branch and stem cross-sectional areas at crown base, (2) the allometric relationship between foliage mass and crown length, (3) mean branch length relative to crown length and (4) form coefficients in branches and stem (Study II). The pipe ratio between branch and stem cross-sectional area at crown base, and mean branch length relative to the crown length may differ in trees before and after canopy closure, but the variation should be further analysed in stands of different ages and densities with varying site fertilities and climates. The predictions of the PipeQual and RetroSTEM simulators were evaluated by comparing the simulated values to measured ones (Study III, IV). Both simulators predicted stem taper and branch diameter at the individual tree level with a small bias. RetroSTEM predictions of wood density were accurate. For focusing on even more accurate predictions of stem diameters and branchiness along the stem, both simulators should be further improved by revising the following aspects in the simulators: the relationship between foliage and stem sapwood area in the upper stem, the error source in branch sizes, the crown base development and the height growth models in RetroSTEM. In Study V, the RetroSTEM simulator was integrated in the InnoSIM sawing simulator, and according to the pilot simulations, this turned out to be an efficient tool for readily producing stand scale information about stem sizes and structure when approximating the available assortments of wood products.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on historiantutkimuksen menetelmiä käyttäen selvittää metsänhoidon teorian sekä käytännön metsänhoidon kehitysvaiheet ja näihin vaikuttaneet tekijät, keskiajalta lähtien 1870-luvulla tapahtuneeseen metsäteollisuuden läpimurtoon saakka. Tutkimus tarkastelee Suomen metsiä, niiden käyttöä ja metsänhoidon alkuvaiheita Ruotsin ja Venäjän vallan aikoina. Vastauksia haetaan erityisesti seuraaviin pääkysymyksiin: - miten eri metsänkäyttömuodot ja -käyttäjät vaikuttivat metsiin ja metsänhoidon edistymiseen? - millä tavoin maanomistuksen kehitys vaikutti metsien käyttöön ja hoitoon? - millaisiin päämääriin ja yhteiskunnallisiin taustatekijöihin metsien käytön julkinen ohjaus perustui? - mitä käytännön vaikutuksia valtion metsäpolitiikalla ja ohjauksella oli metsänhoidon kehitykseen? - missä ja miten kehittyivät Suomessa sovellettu metsänhoidon teoria ja käytännön menetelmät? - mitkä tekijät säätelivät metsänhoidon teorioiden soveltamista käytäntöön? - mikä oli naapurimaiden metsänhoidon sekä kansainvälisten yhteyksien merkitys metsänhoidon kehitykselle Suomessa? - miten vuosisatainen pelko metsien ja puun loppumisesta vaikutti metsänhoidon kehitykseen? - millainen merkitys puun arvon kehityksellä oli metsänhoidon alkuun saattamiselle ja edistymiselle? Suomessa harjoitettiin 1870-luvulle saakka pääasiassa talonpoikaista metsänkäyttöä. Maaseudun väestö hankki toimeentulonsa metsistä eränkäynnin, kaskiviljelyn, laiduntamisen, rakennushirsien valmistamisen, tervantuotannon ja paikoin myös potaskan tai sysien valmistamisen avulla. Erityisesti rannikkoseuduilla tuotettiin "isorakennuksen puita", lehtereitä, mastopuita ja muuta erikoispuutavaraa. Lautojen ja lankkujen sahaus laajeni vähitellen, saavuttaen 1800-luvun lopulla hallitsevan aseman myyntiin tarkoitettujen metsäntuotteiden tuotannossa. Polttopuun sekä muun kotitarvepuun kulutus säilyi suurimpana puunkäytön ryhmänä pitkälle 1900-luvulle saakka. Mainituista metsänkäyttömuodoista erityisesti kaskeaminen ja sitä seuraava laiduntamisvaihe sekä tervaspuiden koloaminen "autioittivat" laajoja metsäalueita. Tiheimmin asutuilla seuduilla esiintyi pulaa poltto- ja rakennuspuusta myöhäiskeskiajalta alkaen. Nämä ongelmat sekä laivanrakennuksen ja vuoriteollisuuden puunsaannin turvaamisen tarve johtivat 1600-luvun puolivälissä pysyvään metsänkäytön julkiseen ohjaukseen. Tuolloin Ruotsin valtakunnan metsälainsäädännön kivijalaksi tuli kestävyyden periaate, josta kruunu kylläkin joutui tinkimään moneen otteeseen. Valtion jatkuva rahantarve oli käytännössä metsäpolitiikan tärkein taustavoima sekä Ruotsin vallan että autonomian aikana. Jo 1600-luvulla ruvettiin vaatimaan talonpoikien yhteismaiden jakamista omistajilleen vastuullisemman metsänkäytön nimissä. Isoajakoa saatiin Suomessa odottaa 1770-luvulle saakka. Etelä-Suomessa se valmistui melko nopeasti, 1800-luvun puoliväliin mennessä. Sillä olikin myönteinen, metsien säästävämpään käsittelyyn johtava vaikutus. Valtiosta tuli isonjaon myötä erityisesti Pohjois-Suomessa merkittävä metsänomistaja 1800-luvun jälkipuoliskolla. Valtion metsähallinto, jota maaherrat ja sivistyneistö vaativat perustettavaksi jo 1700-luvun puolivälissä, aloitti toimintansa maanlaajuisesti 1860-luvulla. Se oli ensimmäinen merkittävä metsänhoidon organisaatio, ja vasta sen myötä metsänkäyttöä ohjaavilla säädöksillä ja ohjeilla alkoi olla käytännön merkitystä. Yksityismetsiä varten ei tällaista organisaatiota vielä perustettu, niitä rasittivat pahoin nousevan sahateollisuuden määrämittahakkuut pitkälle 1900-luvun puolelle. Turun Akatemiassa tehtiin mittavaa metsänhoidon menetelmiä koskevaa sekä myös metsäpoliittista tutkimustyötä 1700-luvun jälkipuoliskolla. Tulokset eivät vielä sanottavasti siirtyneet käytäntöön, lähinnä puun alhaisen arvon ja tarvittavien organisaatioiden puuttumisen takia. Kun valtion metsähallintoa ja Suomen omaa metsäopetusta ryhdyttiin perustamaan 1800-luvun puolivälissä, haettiin metsänhoidon mallia alan johtavaksi maaksi kehittyneestä Saksasta. Tultaessa 1870-luvulle, oli Evolla jo käynnissä voimakas kehitystyö maamme olosuhteisiin soveltuvien menetelmien luomiseksi saksalaisen teorian pohjalta. Metsänhoidon tiedot ja taidot olisivat jo tässä vaiheessa riittäneet kestävän metsätalouden harjoittamiseen kaikkien omistajaryhmien metsissä, jos tarvittavat organisaatiot olisi kyetty perustamaan ja metsäammattilaisia olisi koulutettu tarpeeksi. Metsänhoidon kehitystä hidastivat 1800-luvun lopulla lähinnä valtion heikko talous ja poliittiset näkemyserot. Metsäteollisuuden 1870-luvulta alkanut voimakas kasvu ja lisääntyvä puuntarve pakottivat kuitenkin valtiovallan pitämään huolta puuntuotannon jatkuvuudesta. Metsäteollisuuden kasvavan viennin kautta lisääntyvät verotulot ja kan-santalouden myönteinen kehitys antoivat vähitellen mahdollisuuden metsänhoidon edistämiseen ammattilaisten koulutuksen, kansalaisten neuvonnan, lainsäädännön ja viranomaisten toiminnan kautta. Tämä tutkimus lähestyy aihettaan metsähistorian, taloushistorian, yhteiskuntahistorian ja ympäristöhistorian näkökulmista. Ajankohtaista merkitystä sillä on kehitysmaiden sekä Itä-Euroopan siirtymätalouksien metsänhoidon edistämiselle, missä suomalaiset metsäammattilaiset ovat mukana lukuisten kehityshankkeiden asiantuntijoina. Kymmenissä maissa metsätalous kamppailee samanlaisten ongelmien kanssa kuin Suomessa ja naapurimaissa 100 - 300 vuotta sitten. Meidän kokemuksistamme on näille kansantalouksille hyötyä valtion- ja yksityismetsätalouden metsänhoito-organisaatioita sekä metsälainsäädäntöä kehitettäessä.


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The Finnish forest industry bought more than half of the timber used in factories and sawmills in the 1930s from non-industrial private forests (NIPF). This research investigates the rules conformed to this timber trade. The main research questions are: what were the rules that influenced the timber trade; and by whom they were set up? Attention is also paid to the factors which advanced the forest owners’ negotiation possibilities. A variety of sources were used: legal and company statutes, timber trade contracts, archives of the forest companies and organisations. Moreover, the written reminiscences collected by the Finnish Literature Society in the early 1970s were used to analyse the views of individual sellers and buyers. An institutional economics approach was applied as the theoretical framework of this study. In the timber trade the seller (forest owner) and the buyer (the employee of the forest company) agreed to the rules of the timber trade. They agreed about the amount and the price of the timber on sale, but also rules concerning, e.g., timber marking and harvesting. The forest companies had a strong control over the written contracts. Neither the private forest owners nor the forest organisations had much influence over these contracts. However, they managed to influence the rules which could not be found in the contracts. These written and unwritten rules regulated, for instance, the timber marking and measurement. The forest organisations such as Central Forestry Board Tapio (Keskusmetsäseura Tapio) and associations of forest owners (metsänhoitoyhdistykset) helped private forest owners in gaining more control over the timber marking. In timber marking, the forest owner selected trees to be included in the timber trade and gained more information, which he could use in the negotiations. The other rule, which was changed despite forest companies’ resistance, was the timber measurement. The Central Union of Agricultural Producers (MTK) negotiated with the Central Association of Finnish Woodworking Industries (SPKL) about changing the rules of the measurement practices. Even though SPKL did not support any changes, the new timber measurement law was accepted in the year 1938. The new law also created a supervisory authority to solve possible disagreements. Despite this the forest companies were still in charge of the measurement process in most cases. The private forest owners attained changes in the rules of the timber trade mainly during the 1930s. Earlier the relative weakness of the private forest organisations had diminished their negotiation positions. This changed in the 1930s as the private forest owners and their organisations became more active. At the same time the forest industry experienced a shortage of timber, especially pulp wood, and this provided the private forest owners with more leverage. Full-text (in Finnish) available at http://helda.helsinki.fi/handle/10224/4081