988 resultados para animal testing replacement


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Purpose. The aim of this study was to identify new surfactants with low skin irritant properties for use in pharmaceutical and cosmetic formulations, employing cell culture as an alternative method to in vivo testing. In addition, we sought to establish whether potential cytotoxic properties were related to the size of the counterions bound to the surfactants. Methods. Cytotoxicity was assessed in the mouse fibroblast cell line 3T6, and the human keratinocyte cell line NCTC 2544, using the MTT assay and uptake of the vital dye neutral red 24 h after dosing (NRU). Results. Lysine-derivative surfactants showed higher IC50s than did commercial anionic irritant compounds such as sodium dodecyl sulphate, proving to be no more harmful than amphoteric betaines. The aggressiveness of the surfactants depended upon the size of their constituent counterions: surfactants associated with lighter counterions showed a proportionally higher aggressivity than those with heavier ones. Conclusions. Synthetic lysine-derivative anionic surfactants are less irritant than commercial surfactants such as sodium dodecyl sulphate and Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide and are similar to Betaines. These surfactants may offer promising applications in pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations, representing a potential alternative to commercial anionic surfactants as a result of their low irritancy potential.


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Glycopolymer hydrogels capable of mimicking mucosal tissue in mucoadhesion testing have been designed. Liquid formulations containing mucoadhesive polymers were found to be retained on these tissues to the same extent as ex vivo gastric mucosa, when using a dynamic method of assessing mucoadhesion.


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A new protocol using 3-h fast animal for intestinal motility test was developed in our laboratory aiming the 3R's concept to reduce the stress of animals. Our results may aid in formulating recommendations that can be included in revised guidelines with regard to fasting time of mice.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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Genetic analysis in animals has been used for many applications, such as kinship analysis, for determining the sire of an offspring when a female has been exposed to multiple males, determining parentage when an animal switches offspring with another dam, extended lineage reconstruction, estimating inbreeding, identification in breed registries, and speciation. It now also is being used increasingly to characterize animal materials in forensic cases. As such, it is important to operate under a set of minimum guidelines that assures that all service providers have a template to follow for quality practices. None have been delineated for animal genetic identity testing. Based on the model for human DNA forensic analyses, a basic discussion of the issues and guidelines is provided for animal testing to include analytical practices, data evaluation, nomenclature, allele designation, statistics, validation, proficiency testing, lineage markers, casework files, and reporting. These should provide a basis for professional societies and/or working groups to establish more formalized recommendations.


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Validated in vitro methods for skin corrosion and irritation were adopted by the OECD and by the European Union during the last decade. In the EU, Switzerland and countries adopting the EU legislation, these assays may allow the full replacement of animal testing for identifying and classifying compounds as skin corrosives, skin irritants, and non irritants. In order to develop harmonised recommendations on the use of in vitro data for regulatory assessment purposes within the European framework, a workshop was organized by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health together with ECVAM and the BfR. It comprised stakeholders from various European countries involved in the process from in vitro testing to the regulatory assessment of in vitro data. Discussions addressed the following questions: (1) the information requirements considered useful for regulatory assessment; (2) the applicability of in vitro skin corrosion data to assign the corrosive subcategories as implemented by the EU Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation; (3) the applicability of testing strategies for determining skin corrosion and irritation hazards; and (4) the applicability of the adopted in vitro assays to test mixtures, preparations and dilutions. Overall, a number of agreements and recommendations were achieved in order to clarify and facilitate the assessment and use of in vitro data from regulatory accepted methods, and ultimately help regulators and scientists facing with the new in vitro approaches to evaluate skin irritation and corrosion hazards and risks without animal data.


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Current therapy for pancreatic cancer is multimodal, involving surgery and chemotherapy. However, development of pancreatic cancer therapies requires a thorough evaluation of drug efficacy in vitro before animal testing and subsequent clinical trials. Compared to two-dimensional culture of cell monolayer, three-dimensional (3-D) models more closely mimic native tissues, since the tumor microenvironment established in 3-D models often plays a significant role in cancer progression and cellular responses to the drugs. Accumulating evidence has highlighted the benefits of 3-D in vitro models of various cancers. In the present study, we have developed a spheroid-based, 3-D culture of pancreatic cancer cell lines MIAPaCa-2 and PANC-1 for pancreatic drug testing, using the acid phosphatase assay. Drug efficacy testing showed that spheroids had much higher drug resistance than monolayers. This model, which is characteristically reproducible and easy and offers rapid handling, is the preferred choice for filling the gap between monolayer cell cultures and in vivo models in the process of drug development and testing for pancreatic cancer.


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Weltweit existiert keine zum Tierversuch alternative Methode, um adsorbierte Pertussis-Impfstoffe auf restliche Toxin-Aktivität hin zu untersuchen. Der im Europäischen Arzneibuch vorgeschriebene Tierversuch besitzt nach Erfahrungen der Industrie, internationaler Prüfbehörden sowie des Paul-Ehrlich-Institutes eine schlechte Aussagekraft. Er ist wenig standardisierbar und weist häufig ein zweifelhaftes Ergebnis auf, so dass Wiederholungen und damit einhergehend ein hoher Verbrauch an Versuchstieren unumgänglich sind. Enthält der Impfstoff Reste von nicht-inaktiviertem Pertussis-Toxin (PTx), muss mit schweren und schwersten Nebenwirkungen bei den Impflingen gerechnet werden. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein In vitro-Nachweis für aktives PTx entwickelt. rnAngeregt durch Publikationen, wonach Pertussis-Toxin humane Monozyten aktiviert, wurde zunächst versucht, diesen Effekt zum Toxin-Nachweis auszunutzen. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt jedoch eindeutig, dass Pertussis-Toxin selbst nicht zur Stimulation humaner Monozyten führt. Vielmehr konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Aktivierung dieser Immunzellen auf Kontaminationen durch Lipopolysaccharide zurückzuführen ist. Damit wurden die Aussagen in den oben erwähnten Veröffentlichungen widerlegt. Dieses Ergebnis wurde bereits zur Publikation eingereicht.rnNunmehr wurden verschiedene Ansätze zum Nachweis von Pertussis-Toxin entwickelt, welche seine enzymatischen Aktivitäten als NAD-Glycohydrolase und ADP-Ribosyltransferase ausnutzen. Zunächst wurde versucht, die Hydrolyse von NAD zu ADP-Ribose und Nicotinamid photometrisch nachzuweisen. Wegen unbefriedigender Sensitivität wurde dieses Verfahren zu einem fluorometrischen Nachweis weiterentwickelt. Verwendet wurde hier fluorogenes etheno-NAD, welches von Pertussis-Toxin als Substrat akzeptiert wird. Letzteres Prinzip ist zum In vitro-Nachweis von Pertussis-Toxin geeignet, wird jedoch durch das in Impfstoffen häufig verwendete Adsorbens Aluminiumhydroxid gestört. Deshalb wurde dieser Ansatz aufgegeben und ein neuer Weg verfolgt, welcher am Energiestoffwechsel von humanen Zellen ansetzt. Eine Konsequenz des Angriffs von Pertussis-Toxin auf seine Zielzellen im Respirationstrakt besteht – nach komplexen Reaktionen des Signaltransduktionsweges – im Absenken des ATP-Gehaltes. Als menschliche Surrogat-Zellen wurden frisch isolierte periphere mononukleäre Zellen (PBMCs) sowie die permanente Lymphozyten-Zelllinie Jurkat eingesetzt und deren ATP-Gehalt mittels Luziferin-Luziferase-Lumineszenz gemessen. Der Test wird nicht durch Lipopolysaccharid gestört und auch Aluminiumhydroxid übt erst nach mehreren Stunden Inkubation einen interferierenden Einfluss aus. Ebenso konnte aktives Pertussis-Toxin mit Hilfe kryokonservierter PBMCs detektiert werden, auch in orientierenden Versuchen mit komplexen Impfstoffen. Der Pertussis-ATP-Test kommt der In vivo-Situation in der Zelle sehr nahe, weil beide Untereinheiten des Toxins in einem Test überprüft werden. Demnach soll er Bestandteil einer geplanten internationalen Studie zu alternativen Pertussis-Toxin-Testungen sein.


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The aim of this dissertation is to provide a translation from English into Italian of a highly specialized scientific article published by the online journal ALTEX. In this text, the authors propose a roadmap for how to overcome the acknowledged scientific gaps for the full replacement of systemic toxicity testing using animals. The main reasons behind this particular choice are my personal interest in specialized translation of scientific texts and in the alternatives to animal testing. Moreover, this translation has been directly requested by the Italian molecular biologist and clinical biochemist Candida Nastrucci. It was not possible to translate the whole article in this project, for this reason, I decided to translate only the introduction, the chapter about skin sensitization, and the conclusion. I intend to use the resources that were created for this project to translate the rest of the article in the near future. In this study, I will show how a translator can translate such a specialized text with the help of a field expert using CAT Tools and a specialized corpus. I will also discuss whether machine translation can prove useful to translate this type of document. This work is divided into six chapters. The first one introduces the main topic of the article and explains my reasons for choosing this text; the second one contains an analysis of the text type, focusing on the differences and similarities between Italian and English conventions. The third chapter provides a description of the resources that were used to translate this text, i.e. the corpus and the CAT Tools. The fourth one contains the actual translation, side-by-side with the original text, while the fifth one provides a general comment on the translation difficulties, an analysis of my translation choices and strategies, and a comment about the relationship between the field expert and the translator. Finally, the last chapter shows whether machine translation and post-editing can be an advantageous strategy to translate this type of document. The project also contains two appendixes. The first one includes 54 complex terminological sheets, while the second one includes 188 simple terminological sheets.


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This report on The Potential of Mode of Action (MoA) Information Derived from Non-testing and Screening Methodologies to Support Informed Hazard Assessment, resulted from a workshop organised within OSIRIS (Optimised Strategies for Risk Assessment of Industrial Chemicals through Integration of Non-test and Test Information), a project partly funded by the EU Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme. The workshop was held in Liverpool, UK, on 30 October 2008, with 35 attendees. The goal of the OSIRIS project is to develop integrated testing strategies (ITS) fit for use in the REACH system, that would enable a significant increase in the use of non-testing information for regulatory decision making, and thus minimise the need for animal testing. One way to improve the evaluation of chemicals may be through categorisation by way of mechanisms or modes of toxic action. Defining such groups can enhance read-across possibilities and priority settings for certain toxic modes or chemical structures responsible for these toxic modes. Overall, this may result in a reduction of in vivo testing on organisms, through combining available data on mode of action and a focus on the potentially most-toxic groups. In this report, the possibilities of a mechanistic approach to assist in and guide ITS are explored, and the differences between human health and environmental areas are summarised.


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REACH (registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals) regulation requires that all the chemicals produced or imported in Europe above 1 tonne/year are registered. To register a chemical, physicochemical, toxicological and ecotoxicological information needs to be reported in a dossier. REACH promotes the use of alternative methods to replace, refine and reduce the use of animal (eco)toxicity testing. Within the EU OSIRIS project, integrated testing strategies (ITSs) have been developed for the rational use of non-animal testing approaches in chemical hazard assessment. Here we present an ITS for evaluating the bioaccumulation potential of organic chemicals. The scheme includes the use of all available data (also the non-optimal ones), waiving schemes, analysis of physicochemical properties related to the end point and alternative methods (both in silico and in vitro). In vivo methods are used only as last resort. Using the ITS, in vivo testing could be waived for about 67% of the examined compounds, but bioaccumulation potential could be estimated on the basis of non-animal methods. The presented ITS is freely available through a web tool.


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To satisfy REACH requirements a high number of data on chemical of interest should be supplied to the European Chemicals Agency. To organize the various kinds of information and help the registrants to choose the best strategy to obtain the needed information limiting at the minimum the use of animal testing, integrated testing strategies (ITSs) schemes can be used. The present work deals with regulatory data requirements for assessing the hazards of chemicals to the aquatic pelagic environment. We present an ITS scheme for organizing and using the complex existing data available for aquatic toxicity assessment. An ITS to optimize the choice of the correct prediction strategy for aquatic pelagic toxicity is described. All existing information (like physico-chemical information), and all the alternative methods (like in silico, in vitro or the acute-to-chronic ratio) are considered. Moreover the weight of evidence approach to combine the available data is included.


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Recent changes in regulatory requirements and social views on animal testing have incremented the development of reliable alternative tests for predicting skin and ocular irritation potential of products based on new raw materials. In this regard, botanical ingredients used in cosmetic products are among those materials, and should be carefully reviewed concerning the potential presence of irritant constituents. In particular, cosmetic products used on the face, in vicinity of the eyes or that may come in contact with mucous membranes, should avoid botanical ingredients that contain, or are suspected to contain, such ingredients. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of a new cosmetic ingredient, namely, coffee silverskin (CS), with an in vitro skin and ocular irritation assay using reconstructed human epidermis, EpiSkin™, and human corneal epithelial model, SkinEthics™ HCE, and an in vivo assay. Three different extracts of CS were evaluated. The histology of the models after extracts applications was analysed. The in vitro results demonstrated that extracts were not classified as irritant and the histological analyses proved that extracts did not affect both models structure. The content of caffeine, 5-hydroxymethyl furfural and chlorogenic acid was quantified after the epidermal assay. The in vivo test carried out with the most promising extract (hydroalcoholic) showed that, with respect to irritant effects, these extracts can be regarded as safe for topical application.


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Report for the scientific sojourn at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Netherlands, from 2006 to 2008. This project aimed at creating scientific elements that could help deriving an integrated testing strategy for reproductive toxicity. Part of the project focused on the use of alternative tests for regulatory purposes. An in vitro-in vivo extrapolation method for embryotoxicity was proposed and evaluated. In vitro and in vivo dose descriptors were correlated; however, the scatter in the correlation was too large to allow an accurate estimation of an in vivo dose from an in vitro dose. The in vitro-in vivo extrapolation method together with toxicokinetic data was also applied to a category of substances (phthalates). Although based on a limited number of substances, the results suggested that in vitro-in vivo extrapolation for embryotoxicity is possible within a category of compounds if adequate toxicokinetic data is available. Because of the limitations that still remain in the use of alternative tests for reproductive toxicicity, other approaches to reduce animal testing were explored. Thus, a database of reproductive toxicity studies was created to retrospectively evaluate the comparative value of some studies or elements in a particular study. When compared to the subchronic toxicity study, the rat two-generation reproductive toxicity study had a considerable impact on the identification of hazard for reproductive toxicity, but not on the overall NOAEL. Among the two-generation studies included in our database, the second generation affected neither the overall NOAEL nor the critical effect. The rat and the rabbit developmental toxicity studies were, on average, similarly sensitive. However, for certain substances the developmental study in either one of the two species appeared to be more sensitive than in the other species.