105 resultados para Subprime


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Today, Australian agriculture is not where we hoped it would be. Despite being highly productive and the nation's only 'strongly competitive industry', it is struggling across the country. There are successes, as there always will be, but the bulk of our food and fibre production is from enterprises with minimal profitability and unstable or unsound finances. A debt-deflation spiral and subprime mortgage crisis are now being fuelled by property fire sales while leading bankers proclaim no problem and governments dance at the edges. However, it is not just the bush that has problems. National economic conditions are deteriorating with per capita incomes falling and real interest rates still high. Well-informed policy strategies and effective responses are needed quickly if Australians are to avoid needless losses of capacity and wealth destruction in the cities and the bush.


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Zastosowano metody analizy skupień z zakresu statystyki wielowymiarowej do badania okresu kryzysu finansowego. Zgrupowano zgodnie z tymi algorytmami indeksy giełdowe oraz kursy walutowe z okresów charakteryzujących się ich podwyższoną korelacją i szczególną zmiennością. Przeprowadzono dyskusję nad możliwością zastosowania tej metody do generowania ram czasowych różnych okresów giełdowych. Analiza skupień umożliwiła poczynienie nowych obserwacji na temat kryzysu subprime


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This paper examines the effects of liquidity during the 2007–09 crisis, focussing on the Senior Tranche of the CDX.NA.IG Index and on Moody's AAA Corporate Bond Index. It aims to understand whether the sharp increase in the credit spreads of these AAA-rated credit indices can be explained by worse credit fundamentals alone or whether it also reflects a lack of depth in the relevant markets, the scarcity of risk-capital, and the liquidity preference exhibited by investors. Using cointegration analysis and error correction models, the paper shows that during the crisis lower market and funding liquidity are important drivers of the increase in the credit spread of the AAA-rated structured product, whilst they are less significant in explaining credit spread changes for a portfolio of unstructured credit instruments. Looking at the experience of the subprime crisis, the study shows that when the conditions under which securitisation can work properly (liquidity, transparency and tradability) suddenly disappear, investors are left highly exposed to systemic risk.


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Este estudo testa a hipótese de contágio entre setores da economia dos Estados Unidos e do Brasil durante a crise do Subprime. A metodologia econométrica baseia-se em modelos de correlações condicionais dinâmicas e na aplicação de testes LM robustos para testar a presença de quebras estruturais na estrutura de dependência das séries. Eventos considerados relevantes para o desfecho da crise do Subprime, assim como interações entre momentos das próprias séries foram utilizados para identi car as quebras de interesse. A principal conclusão deste trabalho é que houve contágio relacionado a praticamente todos os indicadores entre os setores dos Estados Unidos. O mesmo não ocorreu no Brasil, onde apenas alguns eventos específicos pareceram responsáveis por mudanças nas relações de dependência entre os setores.


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Este estudo testa a hipótese de contágio entre setores da economia dos Estados Unidos durante a crise do Subprime. A metodologia econométrica baseia-se em modelos de correlações condicionais dinâmicas e na aplicação de testes LM robustos para testar a presença de quebras estruturais na estrutura de dependência das séries. Eventos considerados relevantes para o desfecho da crise do Subprime, assim como interações entre momentos das próprias séries foram utilizados para identificar as quebras de interesse. A principal conclusão deste trabalho é que houve contágio relacionado a praticamente todos os indicadores entre os setores dos Estados Unidos. Desta forma, temos que a estrutura de dependência entre os setores da economia supracitada se alterou no decorrer dos eventos de 2007 e 2008. Sendo assim, a prática de diversificação de carteiras e, em geral, toda a análise de risco inerente à gestão de investimentos pode ter sido distorcida, levando gestores e fundos à decisões equivocadas com base em suas limitações e diretrizes de investimento


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The financial crisis that occurred between the years 2007 and 2008, known as the subprime crisis, has highlighted the governance of companies in Brazil and worldwide. To monitor the financial risk, quantitative tools of risk management were created in the 1990s, after several financial disasters. The market turmoil has also led companies to invest in the development and use of information, which are applied as tools to support process control and decision making. Numerous empirical studies on informational efficiency of the market have been made inside and outside Brazil, revealing whether the prices reflect the information available instantly. The creation of different levels of corporate governance on BOVESPA, in 2000, made the firms had greater impairment in relation to its shareholders with greater transparency in their information. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the subprime financial crisis has affected, between January 2007 and December 2009, the volatility of stock returns in the BM&BOVESPA of companies with greater liquidity at different levels of corporate governance. From studies of time series and through the studies of events, econometric tests were performed by the EVIEWS, and through the results obtained it became evident that the adoption of good practices of corporate governance affect the volatility of returns of companies


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The bursting of the property bubble – subprime mortgage crisis – in 2007 in the United States has engendered panic, recession fears and turmoil in the global financial system. Although the United States economy grew by 0.6 per cent in the last quarter of 2007, down from 4.9 per cent in the previous quarter, day by day worsening scenarios emerge, from escalating oil prices, to a depreciating dollar and financial institutions’ bailout by the Federal Reserve. Many economists and policy makers share the view that a subprime-led recession – i.e. two consecutive quarters with negative growth – is inevitable and will be much deeper and longer than the 2001 dot-com downturn. Moreover, the critical situation of the financial system has driven some analysts to argue that should the monetary policy response fails to restore confidence among investors, the outcome would be the worst crisis seen since the Great Depression. This pessimism is not only among specialists. Indeed, in late March 2008 the Consumer Confidence Index in the United States recorded its lowest level since February 1992. A recession in the United States will undoubtedly have an important impact on the world economy, despite the continuous rapid growth experienced by emerging economies, particularly China and India. The purpose of this article is threefold: first, to characterize the current situation in the United States economy; second, to discuss the economic policy responses; and finally, to elaborate on how Caribbean economies may be affected.


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Between December 2007 and June 2009 the United States witnessed 18 months of recession that became known as the subprime crisis. Beginning in the housing market, the crisis moved into the banking and financial markets and spread throughout the entire economy through a domino effect, affecting the majority of other businesses. A major reflection of this was the large rise in unemployment rates due to business slashing jobs in an attempt to preserve cash. Although the crisis has officially ended, the unemployment rate reached over 10% in 2010 in the United States. American's continue to seek new jobs in a very difficult employment market, while attempting to manage the family household budget. American household income, which decreased either by pay cuts, job loss, and the effects of inflation, leads the majority of Americans to declare that the crisis had not yet ended. The crisis has spread to the world in varying degrees. Brazil was one of the countries least affected due to government policies and the large amount of foreign exchange. Although the crisis has affected Brazil only slightly, we will show how it reached this country and how the government solved this problem. This research paper will explain how the subprime crisis began, how it manifested itself in the U.S. economy and throughout the population. Also, it will show the crisis’ effects in Brazil and show some statements from Americans with their respective views and their experiences relative to the crisis


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This essay treats the government acting on the National Financial System (SFN) through the policy of directing credit, a common practice within industrialization attempts. In Brazil this policy occurred mainly through the principal instrument of the government on the financial system, the National Bank of Economic and Social Development (BNDES). It will be explained BNDES’ position within public finances and its ability to mobilize or act as an intermediary for mobilizing resources for the economy. Will also be addressed the countercyclical characteristics of BNDES’ disbursements in the Brazilian economy using as a backdrop the financial crisis that erupted in the overthrow of the mortgages in the USA, also known as the subprime crisis. Finally we will present the main ideas behind the criticism and praise that this model with strong state presence in the financial system suffers