586 resultados para Preservice secondary teacher’ learning


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El objetivo de esta investigación es caracterizar perspectivas de estudiantes para profesores de educación secundaria (EPS) sobre el papel que puede desempeñar la tecnología para apoyar el aprendizaje matemático de los estudiantes. Los datos proceden de la planificación de una lección basada en la resolución de problemas mediante el uso de tecnología. Las perspectivas de los estudiantes para profesor se situaron a lo largo de un continuo considerando la relación entre: (i) lo que se pretendía con el uso de recursos tecnológicos y (ii) la naturaleza de la actividad matemática generada. La relación entre ambos aspectos ayuda a reconocer el papel que pueden desempeñar las perspectivas de los estudiantes para profesor cuando están aprendiendo a integrar la tecnología en la enseñanza de la resolución de problemas.


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This study examines preservice, social studies teachers’ perceptions of gender equity. The assumption that preservice teachers recognize gender as an important issue and are willing and able to take the initiative to remedy inequities in their classroom structures and content is considered. Six participants were interviewed using Seidman’s (2006) three-round, interview protocol. A focused life history was compiled to situate participants’ perceptions within their personal and professional experiences. Findings suggest a disconnect between preservice teachers' intentions and their practice in regards to gender equity. More explicit attention to gender equity in teacher education programs is recommended.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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This study examined the impact that collaborative learning had on the assessment and evaluation of writing practices of a group of teachers as they engaged in a community of learners. The study explored the development of teacher knowledge and perceptions as well as the implementation of effective assessment strategies in writing for students in grades 4 to 8 that could be achieved through collaboration. Teachers' perceptions of the value of collaboration were also embedded within the study. Multiple methods of data collection were used to gather rich and descriptive data. Those methods included interviews, observation, and documentation of meetings and of participants' perceptions of their assessment and evaluation practices. Five preexisting themes describing desired outcomes of change were used to analyze the data. These themes included: knowledge, attitude, skill, aspiration, and behaviour. While it was difficult to identify definitively the degree oflearning achieved by the participants, conclusions can be drawn that the participants experienced learning and some change in the areas of knowledge and skill, attitude, aspiration, and behaviour. What was notable was the continued belief on the part of the participants of the value of collaboration as a means of learning.


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Examina diez enfoques diferentes para facilitar el desarrollo profesional en la enseñanza de idiomas: auto-escucha, profesor de grupos de apoyo, observación de la clase, análisis crítico de incidentes, análisis de casos, los compañeros de entrenamiento, equipo docente, investigación-acción El capítulo introductorio ofrece un marco conceptual de la naturaleza de la formación del profesorado. Todos los capítulos contienen ejemplos prácticos y preguntas de reflexión para ayudar a los lectores aplicar el enfoque de la enseñanza en su propio contexto. Bibliografía al final de los capítulos. Tiene índice.


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Este manual ofrece una reflexión analítica sobre las estrategias de enseñanza y un modelo para cómo convertirse en un profesor más eficaz a través de un proceso de evaluación y de acción. Hay información sobre los aspectos de estrategias de la enseñanza en enseñanza secundaria y sugiere referencias donde pueden obtenerse más información sobre dichos temas. La primera parte del manual describe cómo las estrategias de enseñanza pueden ser desarrolladas como parte del proceso de auto-evaluación. Recomienda que se aplique un ciclo paralelo de auto-evaluación y fijación de objetivos para las propias habilidades de docencia. En la segunda parte incluye más de ochenta palabras clave, de la A-Z, que van desde la evaluación del comportamiento, a la planificación de necesidades especiales, que promuevan el desarrollo de efectivas estrategias de enseñanza.


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En esta recopilación de artículos basados en estudios realizados en América del Norte, Europa, Asia y Australia, se dan ejemplos sobre las formas en que los profesores aprenden a enseñar un segundo idioma y el papel que la experiencia previa, el contexto social, y el desarrollo profesional juegan en este proceso. Cómo epílogo, incluye un extenso debate sobre estos métodos de investigación y un índice de acompañamiento.


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Publicación para orientar al profesor para realizar una práctica reflexiva de las matemáticas: Pensar en lo que hace y por qué lo hace, qué modelo de enseñanza está utilizando, conocimiento de lo que está intentando conseguir y por qué, cómo se aplica en situaciones específicas de enseñanza, cómo hacer un buen uso de los recursos y cómo evaluar eficazmente los avances de los alumnos para lograr una enseñanza eficaz. Tiene un acceso a un sitio Web donde se pueden encontrar: videos de ejemplos reales de profesores con experiencia, donde se muestran las habilidades que se necesitan para impartir con éxito las lecciones; enlaces a sitios que ofrecen apoyos útiles; planificaciones y recursos materiales.


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Libro dirigido a quienes quieren ser profesores de enseñanza secundaria. Incluye una guía inicial con las ventajas e inconvenientes de elegir la enseñanza como carrera profesional, y ofrece asesoramiento práctico detallado para la toma de decisiones sobre los siguientes temas: decidir si enseñar es realmente lo que quieres hacer, elegir el curso de formación más adecuado, preparación y solicitud del curso, dominar la terminología educativa, aprovechar al máximo el programa de formación, tener éxito durante las prácticas en colegios, preparar el primer año como profesor.


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This paper explores the benefits of using immersive and interactive multiprojection environments (CAVE) to visualize molecules, and how it improves users’ understanding. We have proposed and implemented a tool for teachers to manipulate molecules and another to edit molecules and assist students at home. The contribution of the present research project are these tool that allows investigating structures, properties and dynamics of a molecular system which are extremely complex and comprises millions of atoms. The experience is enriched through multimedia information associated with parts of the model; for example, videos and text can be linked to specific molecule, demonstrating some detail. This solution is based on a teaching-learning process.


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This paper investigates an on-going study into the nature of the discourse teacher educators (TEds) and student-teachers (Ts) use during postobservation feedback, and explores the feedback discourse in terms of the impact it may have on teacher learning and change. Two types of feedback, confirmatory and corrective, are briefly discussed, and the former is then made the focus of the paper in its role as a potential instigator of teacher learning and change.


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This study investigated Microteaching Lesson Study (MLS) and three possible MLS mentor interaction structures during the debriefing sessions in relation to elementary preservice teacher development of knowledge for teaching. One hundred three elementary preservice teachers enrolled in five different sections of a mathematics methods course at a southern urban university were part of the study. This included 72 participants who completed MLS across three different mentor interaction structures as part of their course requirements and 31 elementary preservice teachers who did not complete MLS as part of their methods course and served as a comparison group for a portion of the study. A sequential mixed-methods research design was used to analyze the relationship between MLS mentor interaction structure and growth in preservice teachers' mathematics teacher knowledge. Data sources included pre and post assessments, group developed lesson plans and final reports, a feedback survey with Likert-type and open-ended questions, and transcripts of audio-recorded debriefing sessions. The pre and post assessments were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the Likert-type feedback survey questions. Group MLS lesson plans, final reports, and transcripts of debriefing sessions along with the open-ended questions from the feedback survey were coded in a three-step process as described by Miles and Huberman (1994). In alignment with findings from M. Fernandez (2005, 2010), elementary preservice teachers participating in MLS grew in content knowledge related to MLS topics taught by one another. Results from the analysis of pre and post content knowledge assessments revealed that participants grew in their understanding of the mathematics topics taught during MLS irrespective of their mentor interaction structure and when compared to the participants who did not complete MLS in their methods course. Findings from the analysis of lesson plans for growth in pedagogical content knowledge revealed the most growth in this area occurred for participants assigned to the interaction structure in which the MLS mentor participated in the first two debriefing sessions. Analysis of the transcripts of the discourse during the debriefing sessions and the feedback surveys support the finding that the elementary preservice teachers assigned to the interaction structure in which the MLS mentor participated in the first and second debriefing sessions benefited more from the MLS experience when compared to elementary preservice teachers assigned to the other two interaction structures (MLS mentor participated in only the first debriefing session and MLS mentor participated in only the last debriefing session).


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This book examines the intricacies of the discourse of post-observation feedback that student teachers receive following group teaching practice. In particular, the author explores confirmatory feedback as an instigator of student teacher learning, and examines the potential links between feedback and change. The book will be of specific interest to researchers, teacher educators and other professionals involved in feedback-giving settings.