985 resultados para Editorial Theory


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Many textual scholars will be aware that the title of the present thesis has been composed in a conscious revisionary relation to Tim William Machan’s influential Textual Criticism and Middle English Texts. (Tim William Machan, Textual Criticism and Middle English Texts (Charlottesville, 1994)). The primary subjects of Machan’s study are works written in English between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries, the latter part of the period conventionally labelled Middle English. In contrast, the works with which I am primarily concerned are those written by scholars of Old and Middle Irish in the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Where Machan aims to articulate the textual and cultural factors that characterise Middle English works as Middle English, the purposes of this thesis are (a) to identify the underlying ideological and epistemological perspectives which have informed much of the way in which medieval Irish documents and texts are rendered into modern editions, and (b) to begin to place the editorial theory and methodology of medieval Irish studies within the broader context of Biblical, medieval and modern textual criticism. Hence, the title is Textual Criticism and Medieval Irish Studies, rather than Textual Criticism and Medieval Irish Texts


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Australian queer (GLBTIQ) university student activist media is an important site of self-representation. Community media is a significant site for the development of queer identity, community and a key part of queer politics. This paper reviews my research into queer student media, which is grounded in a queer theoretical perspective. Rob Cover argues that queer theoretical approaches that study media products fail to consider the material contexts that contribute to their construction. I use an ethnographic approach to examine how editors construct queer identity and community in queer student media. My research contributes to queer media scholarship by addressing the gap that Cover identifies, and to the rich scholarship on negotiations of queer community.


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The Special Issue of Interacting with Computers, 2015 showcases the current state of the art in intuitive interaction research. Several papers have showcased new potential methods for both applying and assessing intuitive interaction during early and later phases of the design process. Diefenbach and Ullrich present a new, alternative framework for intuitive interaction, comprised of the four components of gut feeling, verbalizability. Fischer and colleagues paper also reported on an experiment in applying image schemas but in this case they aimed to find a more efficient way of discovering and applying them, in order to find ways to improve the design process as well as assessment of new interfaces. Still and co-researchers had a similar aim, that of establishing what levels and types of knowledge can be most easily and accurately elicited from users in order to be applied to new interfaces. Hespanhol and Tomitsch described strategies for intuitive interaction in public urban spaces. Macaranas and colleagues described an experiment which tested three different full body gestural interfaces to establish which types of mappings were more intuitive, one based on images schemas and two on different previously encountered features from other types of interfaces.


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The extraordinary event, for Deleuze, is the object becoming subject – not in the manner of an abstract formulation, such as the substitution of one ideational representation for another but, rather, in the introduction of a vast, new, impersonal plane of subjectivity, populated by object processes and physical phenomena that in Deleuze’s discovery will be shown to constitute their own subjectivities. Deleuze’s polemic of subjectivity (the refusal of the Cartesian subject and the transcendental ego of Husserl) – long attempted by other thinkers – is unique precisely because it heralds the dawning of a new species of objecthood that will qualify as its own peculiar subjectivity. A survey of Deleuze’s early work on subjectivity, Empirisme et subjectivité (Deleuze 1953), Le Bergsonisme (Deleuze 1968), and Logique du sens (Deleuze 1969), brings the architectural reader into a peculiar confrontation with what Deleuze calls the ‘new transcendental field’, the field of subjectproducing effects, which for the philosopher takes the place of both the classical and modern subject. Deleuze’s theory of consciousness and perception is premised on the critique of Husserlian phenomenology; and ipso facto his question is an architectural problematic, even if the name ‘architecture’ is not invoked...


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The Queensland University of Technology Research Team has recently edited a book on the idea of information experience. Authors from many parts of the world and focussed on many contexts have contributed chapters. The book represents the first attempt to profile and discuss information experience as a research domain and a research object, together with emphasis on different theories and methods being used in workplace, educational and community contexts. In this session members of the editorial team will introduce the book. We anticipate it will be of interest to any information professionals, students or researchers interested in understanding peoples' information experience.


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The set of papers in this focal issue draw on sociological and philosophic theory to explore the historical conjuncture and interplay between public moralities and schooling in the increasingly diverse and vexed settings of the 21st century...


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A pesquisa apresenta um inventário das obras literárias produzidas por romancistas negras afro-americanas e afro-brasileiras, publicadas no mercado editorial brasileiro. Investiga como autoras afro-americanas Maya Angelou e Zora Neale Hurston e as afro-brasileiras Carolina Maria de Jesus e Conceição Evaristo, representam em suas obras as suas escolhas afetivas. Examina as experiências individuais das autoras, analisa como o tema da afetividade é tratado em suas produções usando como eixo central o trabalho comparativo entre as autoras escolhidas e investiga sobre a relação de gênero, raça x autoria na construção de intelectuais negras, tendo como fio condutor a perspectiva comparatista na narrativa literária


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Logic-based models are thriving within artificial intelligence. A great number of new logics have been defined, and their theory investigated. Epistemic logics introduce modal operators for knowledge or belief; deontic logics are about norms, and introduce operators of deontic necessity and possibility (i.e., obligation or prohibition). And then we have a much investigated class—temporal logics—to whose application to engineering this special issue is devoted. This kind of formalism deserves increased widespread recognition and application in engineering, a domain where other kinds of temporal models (e.g., Petri nets) are by now a fairly standard part of the modelling toolbox.


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A direct connection between comics and contemporary critical theory is to be found in the activity of the collective of artists who created "Cannibale" and "Frigidaire", the two most innovative Italian comics magazines of the late 1970s and early 1980s. The work of Andrea Pazienza, Filippo Scòzzari, Stefano Tamburini, Tanino Liberatore and Massimo Mattioli should be regarded as an expression of the radical movements from which Marxist Autonomist thinkers such as Antonio Negri, Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi and Paolo Virno also emerged in the same period. As a consequence, the writings of the latter can be used to analyse the narrative and visual style, the recurring themes, and the editorial characteristics of the comics of the former. Moreover, an interesting parallel can also be drawn between the work of the most influential of these artists, Andrea Pazienza, and the thought of another prominent Italian philosopher, Giorgio Agamben, whose earliest books were published at that time too. The aim of this article is to show that the ideas of a number of the thinkers who have recently become internationally known as representatives of radical Italian theory, are useful to understand the work of this group of comics authors.


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El presente texto expone el análisis del sector de artes gráficas, un sector que continúa en crecimiento y trae consigo nuevas tendencias y retos para las empresas, como por ejemplo la digitalización de contenidos, impresión por demanda, conciencia medioambiental, entre otros. Adicionalmente se expone las diferentes oportunidades y amenazas del sector, la competencia como una variable que afecta directamente la rentabilidad; debido a la guerra de precios existente y la Comoditización de productos y servicios. En el marco teórico se estudian herramientas como DOFA, matriz de Ansoff, benchmarking y primordialmente el análisis estructural de sectores estratégicos, que permite construir una percepción amplia de lo que ocurre en el sector, de tal forma que la empresa pueda replantear su modelo de negocio y pueda construir valor. Se realizaran propuestas de estrategias a desarrollar, con el fin de visualizar nuevos modelos de negocio que en el largo plazo garanticen la supervivencia del negocio, desde un enfoque de adaptación a las nuevas tendencias; así mismo se busca estudiar la posibilidad de entrar en el mundo de la digitalización de contenidos y la creación de nuevos productos que atiendan a los mismos segmentos de clientes actuales de una forma diferente.