181 resultados para Baccharis megapotamica


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As intoxicações por Baccharis coridifolia afetam especialmente animais de fazenda famintos ou curiosos e que não haviam tido contato prévio com a planta. B. coridifolia ocorre usualmente em terrenos secos de coxilhas no Rio Grande do Sul e estados ou países vizinhos. Uma forma indistinguível e esporádica da doença tem sido associada com a ingestão de Baccharis megapotamica que ocorre em áreas úmidas. Relata-se a intoxicação natural de quatro cordeiros após ingestão de Baccharis megapotamica var. weirii. A doença foi observada em uma propriedade localizada em Barra do Ribeiro, Rio Grande do Sul. O rebanho era composto por 220 ovinos, os quais eram mantidos em área de pastagem nativa sem qualquer suplementação. Uma rápida doença clínica caracterizada por anorexia, cólica, diarréia e desidratação causou a morte de três cordeiros em um período de 8 a 24 horas, o outro foi encontrado morto. A necropsia revelou alterações significativas no rúmen, no qual havia edema de serosa e hemorragias equimóticas na submucosa. Microscopicamente, o rúmen apresentou edema de submucosa, além de edema, tumefação, vacuolização e necrose de mucosa. O diagnóstico foi fundamentado nos achados clínicos, patológicos e epidemiológicos.


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Five male 6-8 month-old Murrah buffalo calves were orally dosed with the fresh aerial parts of Baccharis megapotamica var. weirii at doses of 1, 3, 4, 5 and 10g/kg body weight (bw) (~1-10mg macrocyclic trichothecenes/kg/bw). The B. megapotamica used for the experiment was harvested on a farm where a recent spontaneous outbreak of poisoning caused by such plant had occurred. Clinical signs appeared 4-20 hours and 4 buffaloes died 18-49 hours after the ingestion of the plant. Clinical signs were apathy, anorexia, and watery diarrhea, fever, colic, drooling, muscle tremors, restlessness, laborious breathing and ruminal atony, and dehydration. The most consistent gross findings were restricted to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract consisted of varying degrees of edema and reddening of the mucosa of the forestomach. Histopathological findings consisted of varying degrees of necrosis of the epithelial lining of the forestomach and of lymphocytes within lymphoid organs and aggregates. Fibrin thrombi were consistently found in sub-mucosal vessels of the forestomach and in the lumen of hepatic sinusoids. It is suggested that dehydration, septicemia and disseminated intravascular coagulation participate in the pathogenesis of the intoxication and play a role as a cause of death. A subsample of B. megapotamica var. weirii was frozen-dried and ground and analyzed using UHPLC (Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography) with high resolution Time of Flight mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry, it was shown that the plant material contained at least 51 different macrocyclic trichothecenes at a total level of 1.1-1.2mg/g. About 15-20% of the total trichothecenes contents was found to be monosaccharide conjugates, with two thirds of these being glucose conjugates and one third constituted by six aldopentose conjugates (probably xylose), which has never been reported in the literature.


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Intoxicações por plantas do gênero Baccharis representam uma importante causa de morte em animais de produção. Baccharis coridifoliae Baccharis megapotamica são as espécies mais comuns e importantes. Nesse trabalho, são descritos os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos de um surto de intoxicação natural por Baccharis megapotamicavar. weirii em caprinos. Onze caprinos jovens, de um total de 152, foram afetados por uma doença aguda fatal. Os casos ocorreram em uma pequena propriedade rural no município de Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Grande quantidade de exemplares de Baccharis megapotamicavar. weirii em estágio de floração, foram encontrados onde os caprinos estavam. As plantas cresceram em áreas úmidas e alagadas. Os caprinos afetados tinham entre seis meses a um ano de idade e todos apresentaram sinais clínicos caracterizados por apatia, anorexia, prostração, diarreia, desidratação, desconforto abdominal, timpanismo, decúbito e morte. O curso clínico variou aproximadamente de 12 a 24 horas. Dos onze caprinos acometidos, três foram necropsiados. As alterações presentes em todas as necropsias incluíam desidratação, conteúdo líquido no rúmen, avermelhamento, erosões e úlceras da mucosa dos pré-estômagos, e avermelhamento na mucosa do abomaso e intestino. Um dos caprinos apresentou marcada hemorragia dos linfonodos mesentéricos. As lesões histológicas de todos os caprinos necropsiados incluíam hiperemia, hemorragia, alterações degenerativas, necróticas e ulcerativas variadas no revestimento epitelial do rúmen, retículo e omaso, e na mucosa do abomaso e de alguns segmentos do intestino delgado. Necrose do tecido linfoide foi observada em linfonodos mesentéricos e em agregados linfoides no intestino e folículos do baço.


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Descreve-se a intoxicação natural e experimental por Eupatorium tremulum em bovinos. Um surto de intoxicação espontânea por esta planta foi diagnosticado no município de Lages, Santa Catarina. Em um lote de 19 bovinos, três morreram após a transferência para uma invernada aonde havia grande quantidade de E. tremulum. Os animais foram encontrados mortos, e dois foram necropsiados e coletado amostras de vísceras para exame histológico. Experimentalmente, folhas verdes de E. tremulum foram administradas a cinco bovinos, em doses únicas de 23 a 32g/kg de peso animal. Destes, três adoeceram e dois morreram. Os principais sinais clínicos observados foram anorexia, apatia, atonia ruminal, micção freqüente e em pequenos jatos, fezes pastosas e ventre flácido. As lesões macroscópicas restringiram-se aos pré-estômagos e foram idênticas, tanto para intoxicação natural como para a experimental. O rúmen e retículo externamente mostravam tonalidade levemente avermelhada, a camada córnea da mucosa estava frouxamente aderida e a mucosa tinha coloração vermelha acentuada. Ao exame histológico observou-se no rúmen e retículo, tanto na intoxicação espontânea, como experimental, necrose do epitélio da mucosa com formações de pequenas vesículas e em alguns segmentos, desprendimento da camada epitelial e leve infiltrado de neutrófilos. A intoxicação por E. tremulum tem curso clínico, lesões macro e microscópicas muito semelhantes àquelas produzidas pela intoxicação por Baccharidastrum triplinervium, Baccharis coridifolia (mio-mio) e Baccharis megapotamica var. weirii (mio-mio do banhado). O diagnóstico diferencial entre essas quatro intoxicações deve ser feito pela presença da planta e pelos dados epidemiológicos. O diagnóstico dos casos espontâneos foram confirmados pelos dados epidemiológicos e reprodução experimental das lesões macro e microscópicas.


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Baccharis dracunculifolia (Asteraceae), the most important plant source of the Brazilian green propolis (GPE), displayed in vitro activity against Leishmania donovani. with an IC(50) value of 45 mu g/mL. while GPE presented an IC(50) value of 49 mu g/mL Among the isolated compounds of B. dracunculifolia, ursolic acid, and hautriwaic acid lactone showed IC(50) values of 3.7 mu g/mL and 7.0 mu g/mL, respectively. Uvaol, acacetin, and ermanin displayed moderate antileishmanial activity. Regarding the antiplasmodial assay against Plasmodium falciparum, BdE and GPE gave similar IC(50) values (about 20 mu g/mL), while Hautriwaic acid lactone led to an IC(50) value of 0.8 mu g/mL (D6 clone). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Baccharis dracunculifolia DC (Asteraceae) is a Brazilian medicinal plant popularly used for its antiulcer and anti-inflammatory properties. This plant is the main botanical source of Brazilian green propolis, a natural product incorporated into food and beverages to improve health. The present study aimed to investigate the chemical profile and intestinal anti-inflammatory activity of B. dracunculifolia extract on experimental ulcerative colitis induced by trinitrobenzenosulfonic acid (TNBS). Colonic damage was evaluated macroscopically and biochemically through its evaluation of glutathione content and its myeloperoxidase (MPO) and alkaline phosphatase activities. Additional in vitro experiments were performed in order to test the antioxidant activity by inhibition of induced lipid peroxidation in the rat brain membrane. Phytochemical analysis was performed by HPLC using authentic standards. The administration of plant extract (5 and 50 mgkg(-1)) significantly attenuated the colonic damage induced by TNBS as evidenced both macroscopically and biochemically. This beneficial effect can be associated with an improvement in the colonic oxidative status, since plant extract prevented glutathione depletion, inhibited lipid peroxidation and reduced MPO activity. Caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, aromadendrin-4-O-methyl ether, 3-prenyl-p-coumaric acid, 3,5-diprenyl-p-coumaric acid and baccharin were detected in the plant extract.


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Baccharis dracunculifolia is the source of Brazilian green propolis (BGP). Considering the broad spectrum of biological activities attributed to green proplis, B. dracunculifolia has a great potential for the development of new cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. In this work, the cultivation of 10 different populations of native B. dracunculifolia had been undertaken aiming to determine the role of seasonality on its phenolic compounds. For this purpose, fruits of this plant were collected from populations of 10 different regions, and 100 individuals of each population were cultivated in an experimental area of 1800 m(2). With respect to cultivation, the yields of dry plant, essential oil and crude extract were measured monthly resulting in mean values of 399 +/- 80 g, 0.6 +/- 0.1% and 20 +/- 4%, respectively. The HPLC analysis allowed detecting seven phenolic compounds: caffeic acid, ferulic acid, aromadendrin-4'-methyl ether (AME), isosakuranetin, artepillin C, baccharin and 2-dimethyl-6-carboxyethenyl-2H-1-benzopyran acid, which were the major ones throughout the 1-year monthly analysis. Caffeic acid was detected in all cultivated populations with mean of 4.0%. AME displayed the wide variation in relation to other compounds showing means values of 0.65 +/- 0.13% at last quarter. Isosakuranetin and artepillin C showed increasing concentrations with values between 0% and 1.4% and 0% and 1.09%, respectively. The obtained results allow suggesting that the best time for harvesting this plant, in order to obtain good qualitative and quantitative results for these phenolic compounds, is between December and April.


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The study of collections from the RB herbarium in Rio de Janeiro. Brazil, allows the lectotypification of three names in the Asteraceae: Baccharis xhoelmeana Teodoro, B. xpaulopolitana Teodoro & W. Hoehne, and B. x wilsoniana Teodoro. Additionally, the name B. lymanii G. M. Barroso ex G. Heiden is validated by the indication of a holotype.


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Introduction - Baccharis dracunculifolia, which has great potential for the development of new phytotherapeutic medicines, is the most important botanical source of the southeastern Brazilian propolis, known as green propolis on account of its color. Objective - To develop a reliable reverse-phase HPLC chromatographic method for the analysis of phenolic compounds in both B. dracunculifolia raw material and its hydroalcoholic extracts. Methodology - The method utilised a C(18) CLC-ODS (M) (4.6 x 250 mm) column with nonlinear gradient elution and UV detection at 280 nm. A procedure for the extraction of phenolic compounds using aqueous ethanol 90%, with the addition of veratraldehyde as the internal standard, was developed allowing the quantification of 10 compounds: caffeic acid, coumaric acid, ferulic acid, cinnamic acid, aromadendrin-4`-methyl ether, isosakuranetin, drupanin, artepillin C, baccharin and 2,2-dimethyl-6-carboxyethenyl-2H-1-benzopyran acid. Results - The developed method gave a good detection response with linearity in the range 20.83-800 mu g/mL and recovery in the range 81.25-93.20%, allowing the quantification of the analysed standards. Conclusion - The method presented good results for the following parameters: selectivity, linearity, accuracy, precision, robustness, as well as limit of detection and limit of quantitation. Therefore, this method could be considered as an analytical tool for the quality control of B. dracunculifolia raw material and its products in both cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Seven tetrahydrofuran lignans, isolated from Nectandra megapotamica (Lauraceae), were evaluated for their in vitro antileishmanial and antimalarial activities. Among the evaluated compounds, machilin-G (1a) and veraguensin (2a) showed the highest antileishmanial activities, displaying for both compounds an IC(50) value of 18 mu g/mL and an IC(50) value of 36 mu g/mL, while galgravin (1b), nectandrin-A (1c), nectandrin-B (1d), calopeptin (2b) and ganshisandrine (3) were inactive against Leishmania donovani. In the antimalarial assay against Plasmodium falciparum, it was observed that calopeptin (2b) displayed moderate activity, with IC(50) values of 3800 ng/mL (136 clone) and 3900 ng/mL (W2 clone), while the lignans 1a-1d, 2a and 3 were inactive. In order to compare the effect on the parasites with toxicity to mammalian cells, the cytotoxic activity of the isolated compounds were evaluated against the Vero cells, showing that all evaluated tetrahydrofuran lignans exhibited no cytotoxicity at the maximum dose tested. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Baccharis dracunculifolia De Candole (Asteraceae), a native plant from the Brazilian ""cerrado"", is widely used in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent and for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. B. dracunculifolia has been described as the most important plant source of propolis in southeastern Brazil, which is called green propolis due to its color. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the mutagenic and antimutagenic effects of the ethyl acetate extract of B. dracunculifolia leaves (Bd-EAE) on Chinese hamster ovary cells. On one hand, the results showed a significant increase in the frequencies of chromosome aberrations at the highest Bd-EAE concentration tested (100 mu g/mL). On the other hand, the lowest Bd-EAE concentration tested (12.5 mu/mL) significantly reduced the chromosome damage induced by the chemotherapeutic agent doxorubicin. The present results indicate that Bd-EAE has the characteristics of a so-called Janus compound, that is, Bd-EAE is mutagenic at higher concentrations, whereas it displays a chemopreventive effect on doxorubicin-induced mutagenicity at lower concentrations. The constituents of B. dracunculifolia responsible for its mutagenic and antimutagenic effects are probably flavonoids and phenylpropanoids, since these compounds can act either as pro-oxidants or as free radical scavengers depending on their concentration.


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This study aimed to evaluate the chemical composition of Baccharis dracunculifolia essential oil and the water soluble oil obtained by steam distillation that were analyzed by GC and GUMS. in the first hour of distillation, B. dracunculifolia aerial parts yielded 0.08% oil and in the second hour, 0.27%. The oil recovered from the distillate water yielded 0.18 g/L in the first hour and 0.44 g/L in the second hour of distillation. The main volatile compounds identified in the distillate water were aromatic compounds and sesquiterpene alcohols.


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Baccharis dracunculifolia D. C. (Asteraceae) is the most important plant source of the Brazilian green propolis. Since propolis is known for its antimicrobial activity, the aim of this work was to evaluate the showed that the leaves extract of B. dracunculifolia (BdE) presents antifungal and antibacterial activities, especially against Candida krusei and Cryptococcus neoformans, for which the BdE showed IC50 values of 65 mu g mL(-1) and 40 mu g mL(-1), respectively In comparison to the BdE, it was observed that the green propolis extract (GPE) showed better antimicrobial activity, displaying an IC50 value of 9 mu g mL(-1) against C krusei. Also, a phytochemical study of the BdE was carried out, affording the isolation of ursolic acid (1), 2 alpha-hydroxy-ursolic acid (2), isosakuranetin (3), aromadendrin-4`-methylether (4), baccharin (5), viscidone (6), hautriwaic acid lactone (7), and the clerodane diterpene 8. This is the first time that the presence of compounds 1, 2, and 8 in B. dracunculifolia has been reported. Among the isolated compounds, 1 and 2 showed antibacterial activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, displaying IC50 values of 65 mu g mL(-1) and 40 mu g mL(-1), respectively. 3 was active against C neoformans, showing an IC50 value of 15 mu g mL(-1) and a MIC value of 40 mu g mL(-1), while compounds 4-8 were inactive against all tested microorganisms. The results showed that the BdE, similar to the GPE, displays antimicrobial activity, which may be related to the effect of several compounds present in the crude extract.


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Aim of the study: The aerial parts of Baccharis dracunculifolia D.C., popularly known as ""alecrim do campo"" are used in folk medicine as anti-inflammatory. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities of the crude hydroalcoholic extract obtained from leaves of Baccharis dracunculifolia (BdE), which have not been reported. Matetials and methods: BdE was analyzed by HPLC and in vivo evaluated (doses ranging from 50 to 400 mg/kg, p.o.) by using the acetic acid-induced abdominal constrictions, paw oedema induced by carrageenan or histamine, overt nociception models using capsaicin, glutamate or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), formalin-induced nociception and mechanical hypernociception induced by carrageenan or complete Freund adjuvant (CFA). As positive controls it was used paracetamol in both acetic acid and formalin tests; dipyrone in capsaicin, glutamate and PMA-induced nociception; indomethacin in CFA and carrageenan-induced hypernociception models. In addition, the in vitro effects of BdE on COX-2 activity and on the activation of NF-kappa B were also evaluated. Results: BdE (50-400 mg/kg, p.o.) significantly diminished the abdominal constrictions induced by acetic acid, glutamate and CFA. Furthermore, BdE also inhibited the nociceptive responses in both phases of formalin-induced nociception. BdE, administered orally, also produced a long-lasting anti-hypernociceptive effect in the acute model of inflammatory pain induced by carrageenan. It was also observed the inhibition of COX-2 activity by BdE. Conclusion: In summary, the data reported in this work confirmed the traditional anti-inflammatory indications of Baccharis dracunculifolia leaves and provided biological evidences that Baccharis dracunculifolia, like Brazilian green propolis, possess antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Baccharis dracunculifolia DC. (Asteraceae), popularly known as alecrim do campo, is a native plant from Brazil used in folk medicine as febrifuge, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and to treat skin sores. Also, B. dracanculifolia is the most important plant source of the Brazilian green propolis. which is recognized for its antiseptic and antiprotozoal activities. This study aimed at investigating the in vitro antiprotozoal. schistosomicidal, and antimicrobial activities of the essential oil from the leaves of R. dracunculifolia. The essential oil was obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by CC and GC/MS, which allowed the identification of 14 compounds, mainly oxygenated sesquiterpenes, such as ( E)nerolidol (33.51%) and spathulenol (16.24%). The essential oil showed activity against promzistigote forms of Leishmania donovani, with IC(50), values of 42 mu g/ml. The essential oil displayed high activity in the schistosomicidal assay, since all pairs of Schistosoma mansoni adult worms were dead after incubation with the essential oil (10, 50, and 100 fig/m1). B. dracunculifolia essential oil was neither cytotoxic against Vero cells, nor active in the antimicrobial and antiplasmodial assays.