80 resultados para cultural representations


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Trata-se de estudo qualitativo na abordagem etnográfica, cujos objetivos foram compreender como crianças e adolescentes com doença renal crônica vivenciam o adoecimento e a terapêutica e descrever o cuidado educativo-terapêutico no enfoque da enfermagem transcultural. Participaram onze sujeitos em tratamento dialítico. As fases da pesquisa seguiram o modelo observação-participação-reflexão complementado com a entrevista. A análise foi orientada pelas quatro fases do guia da etnoenfermagem, emergindo as categorias: convivência com a insuficiência renal e mudanças no cotidiano; ambiente hospitalar e atividades educativo-terapêuticas, as quais mostram desconfortos e dificuldades em várias dimensões da vida de certa forma compensados pelo ambiente terapêutico e oferta de lazer. O cuidar culturalmente congruente foi entendido como uma ação intencional construída pela interação entre os saberes científicos e a valorização dos saberes culturais das crianças e adolescentes e de suas famílias


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Este estudo objetivou traduzir e adaptar culturalmente o instrumento Global Appraisal of Individual Needs - Initial e calcular seu Índice de Validade de Conteúdo. Trata-se de estudo metodológico, de adaptação cultural do instrumento. O instrumento foi traduzido para o português em duas versões que deram origem à síntese das traduções, submetida à avaliação de quatro juízes experts na área de álcool e outras drogas. Após modificações, foi retraduzido e ressubmetido aos juízes e autores do instrumento original, resultando na versão final do instrumento, Avaliação Global das Necessidades Individuais - Inicial O Índice de Validade de Conteúdo do instrumento foi de 0,91, considerado válido pela literatura. O instrumento Avaliação Global das Necessidades Individuais - Inicial é um instrumento adaptado culturalmente para o português falado no Brasil; entretanto, não foi submetido a testes com a população-alvo, o que sugere que sejam realizados estudos que testem sua confiabilidade e validade.


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Este estudo objetivou adaptar culturalmente e analisar as propriedades psicométricas da versão brasileira da Underwood's Daily Spiritual Experience Scale (DSES). A adaptação seguiu as etapas internacionalmente recomendadas e a versão adaptada manteve equivalência com a original, após ajustes na redação de cinco itens. Na aplicação a 179 pacientes médico-cirúrgicos mostrou evidências de consistência interna (alfa de Cronbach=0,91), estabilidade temporal (ICC=0,94 no teste e reteste) e validade de construto convergente, na correlação com a subescala Religiosidade Intrínseca do instrumento DUREL (r=0,56; p<0,001). A análise fatorial exploratória extraiu três componentes, explicando 60,5% da variância do total. A versão brasileira da DSES apresenta evidências de confiabilidade e validade junto a pacientes hospitalizados. São necessários mais estudos para confirmar a sua composição fatorial e testar a sua aplicabilidade em diferentes populações.


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Este estudo teve por objetivos traduzir e adaptar o Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scales para a cultura brasileira, bem como verificar seu uso prático. O instrumento contém duas escalas e tem como objetivo avaliar as experiências vivenciadas pelo paciente e a satisfação com o cuidado de enfermagem. Para o procedimento metodológico de adaptação cultural foram seguidas as etapas de tradução, síntese, retro-tradução, avaliação pelo comitê de especialistas e pré-teste. O processo de tradução e adaptação cultural foi considerado apropriado. A avaliação pelo comitê de especialistas resultou em modificações gramaticais simples para a maioria dos itens e, no pré-teste, participaram 40 sujeitos. A versão brasileira do Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scales demonstrou adequada validade de conteúdo e facilidade de compreensão pelos sujeitos. Contudo, este é um estudo que antecede o processo de avaliação das propriedades psicométricas do instrumento, cujos resultados serão apresentados em publicação posterior.


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Este estudo objetivou traduzir e adaptar culturalmente a Management of Aggression and Violence Attitude Scale – MAVAS – para uso no Brasil. As etapas metodológicas seguiram as diretrizes internacionais para adaptação cultural de escalas psicométricas: equivalência conceitual, equivalência semântica, equivalência de itens e equivalência operacional. A validade de conteúdo realizada por um grupo de juízes resultou numa escala composta por 23 itens divididos em quatro fatores com Coeficientes de Validade de Conteúdo (CVC) satisfatórios nos parâmetros avaliados: (0,88) para clareza de linguagem, 0,91 pertinência prática e 0,92 para relevância teórica. Os dados foram coletados no ano de 2011, em Londrina, PR, Brasil. Concluiu-se que a MAVAS-BR está traduzida e adaptada culturalmente para uso no Brasil e que o instrumento traduzido e adaptado apresenta validade de conteúdo satisfatória. Estudos futuros relacionados à MAVAS-BR são sugeridos, dentre eles a avaliação de suas qualidades psicométricas, como a validade de construto e a confiabilidade do instrumento.


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Este estudo objetivou adaptar culturalmente e descrever as propriedades psicométricas iniciais do instrumento de mensuração de qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde DISABKIDS® − Cystic Fibrosis Module para crianças e adolescentes e seus pais/cuidadores. Estudo metodológico de desenvolvimento sequencial, incluindo 126 participantes em quatro estados brasileiros. Envolveu tradução e retrotradução dos itens, equivalência conceitual e semântica, validade de face e descrição das propriedades psicométricas iniciais relacionadas ao construto e fidedignidade . Para equivalência semântica da versão adaptada houve ajustes na redação de um item. O instrumento apresentou consistência interna satisfatória com valores de alfa de Cronbach entre 0,70 e 0,85, validade convergente com valores de correlação acima 0,40 em 85% dos itens e validade divergente com valores de ajuste superiores a 75%. A versão brasileira do DISABKIDS® - CFM certamente se constituirá em um instrumento válido e confiável para a mensuração da qualidade de vida de crianças e adolescentes brasileiros com fibrose cística.


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This methodological study aimed to describe the process of translation and cultural adaptation of the Perceived stigmatization Questionnaire (PSQ) and analyze the internal consistency of the items in the step of pre-testing. The PSQ was developed to evaluate the perception of stigmatizing behaviors of burn victims. The adaptation process was carried out from August 2012 to February 2013, comprising the steps outlined in the literature. As part of this process, the pre-test with 30 adult burn victims was held. All participants at this step reported to understand the instrument items and the scale of responses. There were no suggestions or changes in the tested version. The value of Cronbach’s alpha at pre-test was 0.87. The contribution of this study is to describe the operation of each of the steps of this methodological process and show the internal consistency of the items in the pre-test.


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We analyze the social representations of violence against women from the perspective of city managers, professionals and health workers in rural settings of the southern half of Rio Grande do Sul. The study has a qualitative approach and adds a theoretical/methodological perspective of social representations. The data were generated by means of the associative method, question-stimulus of words and expressions emergence. The analysis of word association was performed with EVOC software, considering frequency and order of association with inducing terms. Participants recognize violence against women as gender destination that induces consent, resignation, guilt and fear, and results in naturalization and trivialization of this social phenomenon. We highlight the need to produce ruptures in established and traditional forms of health care, in the conservative and stereotypical views of violence, favoring access to friendly service and avoiding the reproduction of gender inequalities.


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Objective: To analyze the social representation of adolescents about gynecological consultation and the influence of those in searching for consultations. Method: Qualitative descriptive study based on the Social Representations Theory, conducted with 50 adolescents in their last year of middle school. The data was collected between April and May of 2010 by Evocations and a Focal Group. The software EVOC and contextual analysis were used in the data treatment. Results: The elements fear and constraint, constant in the central nucleus, can justify the low frequency of adolescents in consultations. The term embarrassment in the peripheral system reinforce current sociocultural norms, while prevention, associated with learning about sex and clarifying doubts, allows to envision an educative function. Obtained testimonies in the focal groups exemplify and reinforce those findings. Conclusion: For an effective health education, professionals, including nurses, need to clarify the youth individually and collectively about their rights to privacy, secrecy, in addition to focus the gynecological consultation as a promotion measure to sexual and reproductive health.


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Objective: To translate and culturally adapt to Brazil the scale Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia(PAINAD).Method: The cultural adaptation process followed the methodology of a theorical reference, in five steps: translation to Brazilian Portuguese, consensual version of translations, back-translation to the original language, revision by a committee of specialists in the field and a equivalency pre-test. The instrument was assessed and applied by 27 health professionals in the last step. Results: The Escala de Avaliação de Dor em Demência Avançada was culturally adapted to Brazil and presented semantic equivalency to the original, besides clarity, applicability and easy comprehension of the instrument items. Conclusion: This process secured the psychometric properties as the reliability and content validity of the referred scale.


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This study aimed to analyze the social representations in the professionals of technical staff, who work with children at USP daycare centers. Eight professionals of the nursing field underwent a semi-structured interview. The interviews were recorded and transcribed in their entirety and the content of the discourse was subjected to thematic-categorical analysis. The categories were transformed into variables and processed by the software Classification Hiérarchique Classificatoire et Cohésitive (CHIC®) and analyzed by the hierarchical similarity tree. The results indicate that actions to promote health are reported as educational and transformative, in which health care gains new meaning through contextualized conceptions in the field of child education. We conclude that professionals attribute new meanings to their practices in the health care environment of daycare centers as their representations shifts from the logic of the biomedical field to a logic of educational care. In this sense, they perceive themselves as being challenged to establish an interaction with the children in terms of their activities related to the promotion of health and in an educational act.


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Objective To describe the trans-cultural adaptation of the evaluation instrument entitled Atenció Sanitària de Les Demències: la visió de L' Atenció Primarià from Catalan into versions in Portuguese for doctors and nurses. This study evaluates the knowledge and perspectives of these professionals in their treatment of patients diagnosed with dementia in cases of primary care. Method The adaptation followed internationally accepted rules, which include the following steps: translation, synthesis, back-translation, revision by a committee of specialists, and a test run with 35 practicing doctors and 35 practicing nurses in Brazil's Family Health Strategy (Estratégia Saúde da Família, or ESF in Portuguese). Results The translation, synthesis, and back-translation steps were performed satisfactorily; only small adjustments were required. The committee of specialists verified the face validity in the version translated into Portuguese, and all of the items that received an agreement score lower than 80% during the initial evaluation were revised. In the test run, the difficulties presented by the health care professionals did not reach 15% of the sample, and therefore, no changes were made. Conclusion The Portuguese translation of the instrument can be considered semantically, idiomatically, culturally, and conceptually equivalent to the original Catalan version and is, therefore, appropriate for use in Brazil.


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OBJECTIVE To translate and culturally adapt to Portuguese the Ferrans and Powers Quality of Life Index Spinal Cord Injury - Version III and characterize the sample in relation to sociodemographic and clinical aspects. METHOD A methodological study with view to cross-cultural adaptation, following the particular steps of this method: initial translation, translation synthesis, back-translation (translation back to the original language), review by a committee of judges and pretest of the final version. The pretest was carried out with 30 patients with spinal cord injury. RESULTS An index of 74 items divided into two parts (satisfaction/importance) was obtained. The criteria of semantic equivalence were evaluated as very adequate translation, higher than 87%, and vocabulary and were grammar higher than 86%. Idiomatic equivalence was higher than 74%, experimental greater than 78% and conceptual was greater than 70%. CONCLUSION After cross-cultural adaptation, the instrument proved semantic, idiomatic, experimental and conceptual adequacy, in addition to helping the evaluation of the quality of life of people with spinal cord injury.


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This study aimed to carry out the cross-cultural adaptation of the Caregiver Reaction Assessment CRA for use in Brazil with informal caregivers of dependent elderly METHOD A methodological study, of five steps: initial translation, synthesis of translations, retro-translation, evaluation by a judge committee and a pre-test, with 30 informal caregivers of older persons in Fortaleza, Brazil. Content validity was assessed by five experts in gerontology and geriatrics. The cross-cultural adaptation was rigorously conducted, allowing for inferring credibility. RESULTS The Brazilian version of the CRA had a simple and fast application (ten minutes), easily understood by the target audience. It is semantically, idiomatically, experimentally and conceptually equivalent to the original version, with valid content to assess the burden of informal caregivers for the elderly (Content Validity Index = 0.883). CONCLUSION It is necessary that other psychometric properties of validity and reliability are tested before using in care practice and research.