7 resultados para language and discourse analysis
em Línguas
Epistemological and philosophical refluxes in the constitution of the Pecheuxtian Discourse Analysis
This article aims at verifying influences of epistemological and philosophical basis constitutive of the French Discourse Analysis (DA), more specifically that one based on the studies of Michel Pêcheux. For him, the social class, the socio-historic and cultural interpellation of the subject are determining of meanings and are linked with the Marxist historical materialism, via Althusser, as well as with the lacanian Psychoanalysis and with the saussurian Linguistics. His writings also influences by Michel Foucault, especially during the so-called “third phase” of the DA. Thus, between the two philosophical lines which cross science for centuries, that is, the formalist-logicist and the rationalist-idealism, the Discourse Analysis has a strong connection with this last one.
This paper seeks to analyze the statements of a teacher of basic education in the city of Cocalinho-MT on homosexuality. I try to identify possible ideological traits through the theoretical framework of Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 2003a), with support from Systemic Functional Linguistics (Halliday, 1994). The analytical categories used are representational meaning, interdiscursivity and ideational metafunction. The studies of Rios (2009), Louro (2000, 2010) and Borrillo (2009) are used for the conceptualization of issues related to gender, sexuality and homophobia. The results show the presence of discourses that contribute to the strengthening of homophobia as oppressive naturalized practice, as the silencing of diversity discourse, the heteronormative and the nuclear family discourse. I make a reflection, to deconstruct these discourses that we educators can take advantage of rights and duties without hiding in a heteronormative profile for fear of suffer with the physical and psychological prejudice.
Language is essential to mankind and it is a means to interact with nature. Another important element in the discursive constitution of the subject is labour; through it men transform themselves and the surrounding society and this is one of the most ontologically salient features of it. In this sense, this article analysis the literary representation of language and labor world in Quarto de despejo, by Carolina Maria de Jesus. As a theoretical framework to discuss concepts of labour it is adopted Marx (1996); Engels (1990) and Lukács (2004) whose works investigate that universe. Bakhtin/Volochínov (1986), to reflect on language; Bosi (2002), to analyze literature as a field of resistance and Candido (1976), to consider the interactions between text and context. As a result of this investigation, it was concluded that language, represented by the work of a writer, has a central role in the life of Carolina, because it is through language that the author develops a social critique of the oppressive scenario in which she lives, transcending it in a certain measure. Carolina's work, garbage collector, is not an element of satisfaction in her life, but a meaningless activity and worthless human. However it is through the precarious work universe that language constitutes itself, unfolding as a hybrid between the material world and literary expedients.
This paper aims to reflect on the teaching of Portuguese language in the context of twenty-first century, taking as its starting point the proposal of multiliteracies. We propose to discuss the applicability of genres in the classroom as a condition to ensure the construction of fundamental knowledge to social practices of language. For this, we rely on recent studies on the possibilities that the genre can bring to practice reading, writing papers, and linguistic analysis. We intend, therefore, to assist the planning of teachers who still find themselves unsure on curricula that suggest what they have to do, but did not say how. Understand the reason why this work is another contribution to the teaching of Portuguese in the final years of elementary school and high school bringing out a space for discussion about what needs to be taught and some teaching procedures that favor the democratization of school and interaction linguistics. Curricular innovations and new ways of thinking about teaching and learning of mother tongue are already part of the reflections of most professionals, but there is still an open field to think of more effective alternatives through multimodality an interactionist conception of language.
This article aims to contribute to the understanding of the reception of advertising to children in Brazilian families. The topic of children's advertising has gained importance in recent years because of the civil movements for regulation by-law of advertising to children in Brazil. In view of the various interests at stake, the matter has been the subject of discussion and controversy. Therefore the objective of this paper is to cooperate to the debate, in order to understand the reception of children's advertising in family dynamics. We chose here the focus in the perspective of mothers and fathers. Four semi-structured interviews for the mothers and fathers of children aged between six and 10 years, conducted in two schools in the Distrito Federal, were analyzed. The category ‘appraisal’ was considered for analysis of positions, behaviors and feelings present in the discourse of the parents. The reflections were guided on Critical Discourse Analysis and reveal that advertising to children has been responsible for a determinate disharmony in the family environment, while at the same time strengthen traditional roles of social actors.
Based on a(n) (in)transdisciplinary view, we aim at discussing the relationship between utterance and hybridism upon Bakhtin’s Circle perspective (BAKHTIN, 2003[1979]; 1998[1975]; 2008[1963]; BAKHTIN/VOLOCHÍNOV, 2006[1929]; MEDVIÉDEV, 2012[1928]), by objectiving to construct a comprehension concerning the hybrid genres, in special, to this present study, the hybrid genres from the journalism sphere. To do so, we follow an epistemological, theoretical and methodological way in accordance with Bakhtin’s Circle studies and we selected utterances from the talk show discourse genre. We believe that the study is relevant, because it doesn’t only confirm the importance to join dialogues between Applied Linguistics and Discourse Analysis, in terms of ratifying the permeability among the disciplinary boundaries in order to understand the social life (MOITA LOPES, 2006) but also it contributes to sediment plural views about discourse genres in bakhtinian analysis of discourse/utterance.
This essay tackles the contributions that Critical Discourse Analysis can offer to the teaching of Portuguese, especially in terms of reader formation. The deconstruction of the myth of scientific neutrality, and its implications to reading, is the first contribution presented. Next, the need of making Portuguese students aware of the discourse opacity that characterizes the texts that circulate socially is discussed. Finally, the development of the capacity of critical reading of Portuguese students is discussed and an analysis of a journalistic text is carried out by way of exemplification.