13 resultados para enunciador

em Línguas


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RESUMO: Sabemos que, por força do esforço de convencimento, o orador é capaz de projetar, ao produzir seu discurso, uma imagem de si que pode diferir de sua imagem enquanto sujeito empírico. É com base nessa perspectiva que nos propomos a analisar a construção da imagem, ou seja, o ethos, do sujeito enunciador em textos da modalidade do cotidiano, mais especificamente em letras de canções do renomado sambista Cartola. A representação dessa imagem se dá através das escolhas lingüísticas que o enunciador faz no ato de construção de seu discurso, lugar de engendramento do ethos. No caso da canção popular, o compositor, com simplicidade, procura agradar não só o gosto popular indiferenciado, mas, muitas vezes, igualmente ao interlocutor mais letrado e mais culto. As letras de Cartola, músico muito elogiado e admirado pela maioria dos sambistas, falam de amor sem serem vulgares, revelando fugir ao lugar comum. Considerando a preferência temática recorrente em suas composições, pode-se caracterizar seu samba como pertencente à formação discursiva da chamada “dor de cotovelo”. Assim, pretendemos averiguar em quais estereótipos, enunciados que apontem para uma determinada formação discursiva, está ancorado o ethos discursivo desse enunciador.  


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  ABSTRACT: This article is based on the contributions of discourse analysis from French orientation, which combines the linguistic aspect to the socio-historical, it understands, therefore, that the speech is the place of ideological manifestations (ORLANDI, 1984) and can not be dissociated from its production condition, that is, of all his surroundings and constituent: who, when, where. Starting with four announcement on runaway slaves and two missing pets, published in the Journal: Dezenove de Dezembro, in circulation in the State of Paraná, in the nineteenth century, we analyze the position of the press at the time to refer to the runaway slave. The appreciation of the words used by the enunciator has revealed that he had the intention to highlight the condition of "object" of the black slave, limiting his identity to their physical particulars, referring to aspects found in the missing pets announcements. Thereby, we find, in these analyzed announcements, which the formation of the subject slave in the Paraná society of the nineteenth century is subjected, and it can not be disconnected of ideological and historical instances.


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Over the past decades the Discourse Analysis (DA) has attempted to solve articulation problems between the psycho-sociological dimensions of the subjects involved in the language act and the linguistic dimensions that characterize this act. Likewise, it has been a systematic challenge for Humanities to establish a conceptual link between the plans of actor and the psychosocial framework that encompasses it. The results of this endeavour have revealed, however, that the psycho-sociological dimension had been underexploited in DA, since the individuals involved in this instance (Communicating Subject and Interpreting Subject) are abstract and imagined constructs based on their recovered identities, purposes in the act of communication and socially consolidated practices.


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In this paper, aims to verify how to happen the argumentative and polyphonic function of the narrative text, from the analysis of the tale A moça tecelã (The weaver girl) from Marina Colasanti. Therefore, the article is based in presuppositions of the Semantic Theory of the Blocks and in concepts taken from the Enunciation Polyphonic Theory, proposed by Ducrot (1984a, 1988). We defend the hypotheses: a) the narrative of the tale A moça tecelã is determined by meanings of “time”, while element responsible to bring and take away events; b) the narrative texts are crossed by the argumentation constituent of the viewpoint expressed by the enunciator, put in scene by the speaker; c) the argumentative function of the tale mobilizes two discourses about marriage. As a result, it was noted that in the narrative texts are found argumentative discourses, that were formalized in utterances produced from the semantic analysis of the tale A moça tecelã and by which function in this tale two concepts of time e two discourses about marriage.  


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More than understanding a speech, we need to decode it to then seek to understand how this discourse was made and what direction effects it produces. The Mentor of the Brazilians from Sao Joao del Rei - our object of study in this article - since its announcement in 1829, it was proposed to be like the newspaper's name itself shows, a Mentor, a newspaper to guide, advise women the inclusion in the political and moral life of the country, but without forgetting the family and their deveres. Para rationale of this study are taken as the essence of the studies Pêcheux and Eni Orlandi, the French Discourse Analysis (DA), trying to understand the speech of the mining journal in their production conditions in the nineteenth century. Understanding that social memory leads to a discursive memory that formulates the speeches already in place, giving rise to the social-historical context of ideological and enunciator statement. In addition, it is necessary to establish the role of the analyst in the process of understanding of the subject matter, because according to Orlandi (2008), the subject has his body tied to the body of the senses; subject and senses has its corporeality, made at the meeting of the materiality of language and history. In this perspective, enunciator and analyst embody the senses three cutouts of the weekly newsletter: a) the ad in the Astro de Minas newspaper talking about the first Mentor of the Brazilians women edition, b) the No. 1 edition and c) No.10 edition of the Mentor of the Brazilians women.


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Objetivamos investigar a manifestação do ethos, produzido pelo orador no discurso, a partir da abordagem referente à modificação proverbial, denominada por Maingueneau e Grésillon (1984) de détournement proverbial por ‘captação’ e détournement proverbial por ‘subversão’. A primeira classificação evidencia um artifício persuasivo de mudança na apropriação do provérbio; entretanto, mesmo com a “desconstrução” aplicada, o détournement proverbial mantém-se dentro de sua estrutura semântica original. A segunda classificação procura subverter o détournement proverbial, discordando do teor semântico subjacente na composição do provérbio original. No título publicitário em questão, observamos a existência de uma nova estratégia na qual o enunciador, em um harmonioso jogo de palavras, capta e, ao mesmo tempo, subverte o provérbio, resultando em uma eficaz técnica argumentativa. Assim, à categorização dos pesquisadores, adicionamos o détournement proverbial de ‘entremeio’.


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Pretende-se, neste artigo, verificar no texto Você, você – uma canção edipiana, de Chico Buarque e Guinga, quatro das quatorze paixões observadas por Aristóteles em sua Retórica das Paixões, quais sejam: amor, ódio, confiança e temor. A base dessa análise é aristotélica, contudo, aludiremos a um repertório mitológico, o qual será necessário para a produção de sentido dessa leitura, na medida que, de forma autorizada pelo compositor por meio da colocação do aposto no título do texto, as relações discursivas firmadas entre enunciador e co-enucniador remetem a Édipo e Jocasta, figuras estas presentes na mitologia. Caberá também uma abordagem simbólica dos elementos lexicais presentes no corpus, pois as relações semânticas estabelecidas com a questão central do texto produzem efeitos de sentido que se impõem muito mais pelo não dito do que pelo dito. Nesse aspecto retoma-se a noção de ethos, constituindo-se este num elemento fundamental para a completude significativa do texto.


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Este artigo analisa a expressão da modalidade sob a perspectiva da Gramática Funcional. Esta teoria está assentada sobre os pressupostos da competência comunicativa dos indivíduos que além de codificarem e decodificarem as expressões lingüísticas usam e interpretam-nas de uma maneira interacionalmente satisfatória. Por meio da modalidade epistêmica, o enunciador expressa com maior ou menor grau de adesão seu ponto de vista em relação à verdade do conteúdo proposicional. A modalidade assume a função de direcionar para o interlocutor o ponto de vista do locutor. Este pode, por exemplo, marcar seu discurso como incontestável ou duvidoso, depende da expressão modalizadora utilizada e do nível da camada do enunciado em que a expressão está. Em uma investigação de base funcionalista a modalização epistêmica pode atuar nas diferentes camadas de constituição da frase (HENGEVELD, 1989). No nível da predicação o falante descreve para o ouvinte o estado de coisas sem manifestar a sua posição, já no nível da proposição, ao qualificar epistemicamente seu enunciado, o falante não somente avalia como certo ou possível, mas também se posiciona, ou seja, expressa seu ponto de vista. Para a realização desta análise utilizamos como corpus o texto, A Lição de Willie Sutton ao PT, de autoria do colunista José Alexandre Scheinkman, veiculado no jornal Folha de São Paulo em 24/09/2006. Por meio da organização lingüística do texto, temos como pressuposto e posteriormente concluímos que o locutor utiliza-se da modalidade subjetiva e evidencial para dar sustentação e credibilidade a seus argumentos, uma vez que essas marcas veiculadoras de modalização representam o comprometimento pessoal do falante em relação à verdade da proposição.


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This article is part of the activities carried out in the research and extension Project ‘Webbing of a discursivity in the Northern MatoGrosso region in Legal Amazon: contexts and possibilities of development with sustainability’. The goal of this research is to understand the discursivity put in the Northern MatoGrosso region inserted in Legal Amazon in the formulation ‘sustainable development’ through the theoretical postulations of the French line Discourse Analyses. In this article we analyse two pieces of News diffused in the printed media in Sinop, aiming to verify how the theme sustainable development is presented according to linguistic enunciations by the journalistic proposer in the journalistic discourse. We search to understand the different meaning effects that are found in the dialogues. Among the analyzed results that we evident in the formulations we can highlight dislocation, incompletions and polemics between the environmentalistis’ and developmentists’ discourses, confronted in ideological socio-economical opposition that happens fundamentally because of the work organizations and the current political systems.


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This study investigates the motives and the modes of confluence between lyric prose and prose, in the novel, Húmus, of Raul Germano Brandão, portuguese writer from XX century. The higher the sensibility of the man, more he understands that the mystery of poetry is in the essence of what is said and not in certain shapes. In lyric predominates the feeling, the emotion, the subjectivity, the expression of ‘self’, because the lyric matter is, exactly, the subjective world. The modern man is an anguished being, once he watches the fragmentation of his integrity, namely, his identity is being misplaced. However such anguish cannot be expressed by common words, because they cannot translate all the intensity of human pain. The expression of deep restlessness that oppresses the being demands the presence of the lyric. Insofar makes poetry, the romance text unfold itself as space of experimentation, of varied configurations, of multiple resources, that substitutes the unity of enunciator by the plurality of enouncements and assimilates uncountable proper resources of the poetry making, such as metaphors, symbols, images and allegories, turning the frontiers between poetry and prose fluid. After all, truthfully, it is the language of poetry that makes the literature exists.


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This paper, linked to the Research Project “Linguistic Analysis Contextualized to Practices of Reading and Production of Texts” (UEL), seeks to disseminate a proposal of approaching the speech genre poem, in terms of scientific domain, in the light of bakhtinian concepts, involving vision of ideological sign, aesthetic communication, and speech genres and its dimensions: theme content – object of sense, evaluatively built; compositional structure – elements of structure and meaning; and style – manifestation of linguistic and expressive resources relatively stable of a genre, among others, mobilized by the enunciator (linguistic and enunciation marks). It considers all characteristics are indissolubly related to the context of production. Such a context stabilizes the use of the genre and holds it collectively as long as necessary, ie, society and discourse are organized in genres that, ultimately, are the realization of the living and can be materialized. More specifically, the paper analyzes, in the aspects above mentioned, the poema “O menino que carregava água na peneira”, by Manoel de Barros, in which the author-creator of the poem brings a very particular universe which marks the literary work: childhood, in a kind of craft with the word-image. The poet feels the child’s universe pulsing in his bowels and represents it. In this sense, the study discusses, in pedagogical field, the spread of such a speech genre. It evaluates, as a result, the getting through of the poem in the school  sphere – mainly via textbook. Finally, it points to the possibility of a new attitude regarding the teaching-learning process of the genre.


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This article has a purpose to study the interspeech on discourse about letter of country music. Since the beginning, we emphasize that, although there is interdependence between letter and melody, according Tatit (1996), we will privilege the discourse about letter. It is grounded by the contribution methodological - theorist of speech analysis, more specifically about the postulate enunciation-discursive from Maingueneau (2008), we start from presupposition about the interspeech, which has a strait relation with the discursive memory, shows features about the enunciator identity. Like object focus of analysis, we select the letter named Ferreirinha, who is considered a classical to be one of the most remembered and known by the people. It was made at the 50´s decade, this speech has a very strong representation, mainly at the Midwest and Southeast region from Brazil, they´re considered the crib of the culture from the hayseed man. The result shows us that the interspeech includes discourses that compound the discursive memory from rural migrant, showing their discursive identity.


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This article deals with the functioning of images in the press media discourse. For so, we take the French Discourse Analysis proposed by Pêcheux as theoretical support and make use of the notions of subject, meaning, intericonicity and policromy. Problems of the analysis at this level in the French Discourse Analysis are pointed out, especially because of the need for new theoretical devices which are able to analyze the image objects adequately. After this contextualization, a brief analysis of the article The Agony of a Political Party, published by Veja Magazine in 2005, will be done and which deals with the supposed kickback crisis and the Brazilian Labor Party. It is impossible, in our understanding, to make any analysis of the verbal text adequately and pertinently separating it from the non-verbal text; thus, both the linguistic  and non-linguistic plans will be analyzed together in this proposition.