12 resultados para Discurso político, análise, Brasil

em Línguas


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Based on the contribuions from Ryngaert (1995); Prado (2009); Magaldi (2008); Faria (1998); Heliodora (2008); Guinsburg, Faria and Lima (2009), refering to the constituion of the theatrical discourse, in studies of Fausto (2012); Cotrim (2005); Gaspari (2002) and Garcia (2008), about the notes Brazilian historical and the theoretical presupposes of Carvalhal (2003, 2006); Nitrini (2000); Nascimento (2006) and Maddaluno (1991) to approach to the study of comparative literature, this work aims to analyze the play Liberdade, liberdade (1965), by Millôr Fernandes and Flávio Rangel whit the Brazilian dictatorship period (1964-1985). This play was written and performed at the beginning of the regime, as it wished to withdraw from the scheme repressor that dominated Brazil. Millôr Fernandes and Flávio Rangel resorted to the use of classical texts and historical preparation for the work, and make use of music to bring up the subject of ceaseless quest for freedom. The play runs from dramatic to comedic, supported by political discourse, which leads, the called Theatre of resistance. For this work, the basic procedure was the literature search. Through the analysis of the dramatic text and the recurrent use of bricolage (collage of historical texts), perceives the practice of intertextuality theme. Thus, one can understand that Liberdade, liberdade is a dramatic text produced in the second half of the twentieth century, which establishes dialogue with texts embodied historical aspect with literary verve.


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This paper aims to discuss some points on the concept of discursive formation’s formulation and application. I elaborate my point by putting in relation three French texts equally stated in Brazilian soil. Jean-Jacques Courtine, Jacques Guilhaumou and Dominique Maingueneau separately wrote each one of these three texts. Moreover, I have not randomly chosen their names: they are three authors who constitute concepts across theoretical formulations of Discourse Analysis in France, and, because of that, they are often cited in order to keep this area of knowledge in Brazil. So that my argument is justified by the need of analyzing, throughout the meeting of those three statements, an attempt to define the current status of the concept of discursive formation to the historical a priori for the Discourse Analysis’ discourse in Brazil. In order to be guaranteed of some theoretical approach, I turn my attention to the famous conference by Michel Foucault (1971), L’ordre du discours, in which he exposes four principles to examine the statement’s function of existence: specificity, inversion, discontinuity, and exteriority. Underlining the principle of specificity of a statement through the series of statements, I aim to demonstrate that a concept’s circulation does not depend on an ontological truth, or on a founding text, or on the specificity of a father; it is determined by the will to truth, which offers historical conditions to the underlying discursive practices.


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Anchoring on the studies of Ubersfeld (2005), Ryngaert (1996), Pallottini (1998), Pavis (1999), Magaldi (1984, 1997) about the way of structuring of theatrical text, as well as the symbolic structuring of Chevalier and Gueerbrant (1998), this work presents as object, the analysis of the characters' speeches Ele and Ela contained in the dramatic text Mão na luva (1966), by the playwright Oduvaldo Vianna Filho. The work approaches the dynamics of the relationships between the characters seeking to analyze in a specific way the dramatic construction of Vianna Filho, observing the author's peculiar aspects and the questionable relationship between text and representation. We want to show, through the strategies of construction of the text, the poetic view of the playwright, looking for the understanding of the nuances of the social-political discourse contained in the piece, that supplies, among other aspects, important characteristics to be considered  in the analytic ambit: the identity, the social and financial situation that the protagonists are, the political-ideological convictions and the power relationships observed in a great part of the dialogues. It's important to point out that all these subjects are fundamental for the process of diegetic understanding; once, unavoidably, being generating sources of conflict.


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In the 90s of the 20th century, Brazil has undergone significant changes in its development model, with the withdrawal of the state from economic activities. We consider how the discourse on privatization constitutes a relevant place for observation of recent Brazilian history. In this period, the privatization of state companies, among them telecommunications ones are performed. This article analyzes, based on the theoretical and methodological principles of discourse analysis in the tradition opened by Michel Pecheux, as the press feeds the imagination of future in the discourse on privatization of telecommunications companies. To do so, in order to understand the discursive relationships established in dominant commercial media, we devote our analysis to a corpus of reports and articles extracted from newspapers Folha de S. Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo, which, in general, have taken a position in favor of privatization and changes in the Brazilian development model. The analysis shows that the future benefits are designed for the whole society. Thus, the past is represented negatively, because it would have produced bad effects on society and must therefore be rejected and denied in its historical continuity. In this discursive practice, privatization is introduced as a symbolic milestone period related to modernity and the construction of citizenship prosperity that will fall in the future to be built from this event. Positive meanings are focused in the future, which is directly related to privatization. Thus, the privatist position of the analyzed newspapers try to crystallize the sense of 'privado' as something beneficial and desirable, stabilizing a memory for the discursive event of privatization. This management of historical time, therefore, produces a line of continuity between present and future and a rupture between past and present, whose links are deleted to produce positive meaning for the privatization of the telecommunications.  


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Neste estudo buscamos refletir sobre as necessidades educacionais que o sujeito que se constitui na e pela Língua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS) possui e como o Estado, enquanto responsável pela educação desse sujeito, se coloca frente a essa questão. Para tanto, partiremos do discurso presente na Lei nº 10.436, de 24 de Abril de 2002 que dispõe sobre a Língua Brasileira de Sinais e do capítulo IV do Decreto nº 5.626, de 22 de Dezembro de 2005, que disserta sobre o uso e a difusão da LIBRAS e da língua portuguesa para o acesso das pessoas surdas à educação. A fundamentação teórica tomada por base neste artigo é da Análise de Discurso de Linha Francesa (AD) originada por Pêcheux na França e estruturada no Brasil pelo grupo da professora Eni Orlandi. A AD concebe a língua funcionando para a produção de sentidos. Além disso, também nos embasarão, bibliografias referentes à Politica de Língua e a História das Ideias Linguísticas (HIL).


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ABSTRACT: This study aimed to verify how the incidence of English language in the young discourses at non-formal spaces of education leads to individual valorization and what meaning effects are produced in English allowing new clues to formal education. For this, participative observations were made and a semi structured interview was applied for twenty three young average age 13 to 25, from the east and northeast regions of São Leopoldo city/RS. All of them were assisted by a non-governmental organization called PROAME. Since the participative observations audio recorded, were selected several discursive sequences which were analyzed based on French Discourse Analysis and concepts as language, subject, discursive and ideological formations and conditions of production. As results were found: a) many young use English to name, identify products offered in the consumption market and in places frequented by their groups; b) a reproduction of pedagogical discourse legitimated by school, which sees English as a basic necessity to apply for a job position; c) a reproduction of media and consumption discourses; d) young dislocate meanings exchanging common nouns to name objects, for proper nouns, in other words, they name objects using trades and brands of products in English. As final considerations we realized that even though the languages are mixed in the young discourses, many faults in the learning process in school period was identified and it impelled this group of young to feel included in foreign languages and in our modern society, they also have created different repertoires of answers and different meaning effects for all the vocabulary universe of English language. KEYWORDS: Discourse Analyses, English; Education


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RESUMO: Para introduzir o assunto analisado no presente trabalho, é preciso, antes de tudo, reconstruir, mesmo que superficialmente, a etapa histórica que serviu de marco para o panorama literário em estudo, de forma a facilitar a compreensão da importância do momento histórico. Primeiramente é analisado o reflexo das mudanças no âmbito social e político no Brasil, para em seguida verificarmos as manifestações no Paraná. O escritor  aqui estudado é o paranaense Newton Sampaio, cuja obra foi totalmente produzida na década de 1930, obra constituída de contos, críticas literárias, crônicas, uma novela e fragmentos de dois romances. Newton Sampaio é considerado por muitos, inclusive por Dalton Trevisan, como sendo o precursor do Movimento Modernista no Paraná sendo agraciado, no ano de 1938, pela Academia Brasileira de Letras – ABL, por seu livro de contos intitulado Irmandade. Jovem audaz, Newton Sampaio criticou diversos segmentos da sociedade local e mesmo nacional, criticou obras de autores que com o passar do tempo tornaram-se cânones. Muitos se perguntam o que aconteceu com a imagem e com a obra do jovem combativo dos anos de 1930, que em poucas  décadas caiu no mais profundo ostracismo, ao contrário de alguns de seus contemporâneos.   O presente artigo além de tentar resgatar a memória literária acerca da obra de Newton Sampaio visa trazer à luz do século XXI  fatos ocorridos em nossa história que formaram a base intelectual de nossos jovens naquele período, bem como tenta responder a questão: qual o motivo que levou o jovem autor paranaense cair em tão profundo ostracismo?


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 The advertisements are a discursive genre that are meant to promote a brand, product or service attracting investors and / or customers. Its constitution strategies are varied: ranging from humor to the controversy. This feature allows each advertisement reaches the public in a different way, generating empathy, moving reviews, discussions etc. Because of this social relevance, this study aims to analyze two advertisements of Havaianas sandals, aired on television and the internet, in the months of August and September 2009. These pieces had as main character an elderly: (i) in the first interaction situation with his granddaughter; and (ii) the second to the viewer. In the latter, referred to the answer given by the public on the contents of the first piece. The interest in these parts is related to the controversy generated about the old character and his speech. From the interactionist perspective, based on the conceptual framework of Bakhtin and his Circle, proposes to examine the discursive process initiated by the enunciation of these parts in order to describe elements rooted in shared social knowledge about the elderly. Thus, we mobilized the concepts of dialogism, interaction and axiological concepts of discourse. The analysis of the specimens shows that the representation of the elderly as a partner responsible for a more liberal discourse on emotional and sexual life is not yet part of the social horizon of the Brazilian public. His appearance generates dialogue with the public (albeit to receive criticism) that concerns this brand interactions.


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This study has the objective of analyzing, based on the theoretical and methodological device of the French Discourse Analysis, the meanings that (are) produce(d) (in) the photographs that compose the special report entitled “Cidades médias” (“Medium-sized cities”), published by Veja magazine in September, 2010. This report aims, according to the magazine, at highlighting which are the Brazilian cities that are considered “metropolis of the future”, for making possible, amongst other elements, also the obtainment of financial success. If the photographs in the media act as supports of the linguistic materiality, as representations of reality, I intend in this study: work with the effect of evidence produced by the photograph; reflect about the ideological crossing, which determines what can and must be said and, therefore, what cannot and must not be said; analyze in what way this crossing passes by the image and what is its representation in the journalistic discourse; and analyze which are the meanings produced by the photographs that compose the special report on Veja magazine; also in their relation to the subjects introduced there. For my investigation, I was based on the contributions of Barthes (1984) and Dubois (1993) and in some important concepts for the Discourse Analysis field found in Pêcheux (2009 [1988]) and Orlandi (2007 [1992]; 1995).


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Neste estudo analisamos o relato de Caminha, entendendo que o relato de viagem constitui-se no entremeio da história e da literatura. Essa aproximação entre estas formas de conhecimento ou discursos sobre o mundo dilui fronteiras. A relação de aproximação e distanciamento faz emergir no discurso em análise elementos constitutivos desses campos de conhecimento. A Carta de Caminha é parte do processo histórico de constituição do outro e de apropriação do espaço descoberto. Tal como outros viajantes o escrivão valeu-se da tradição para dar conta do novo. Historicamente o relato de viagem servia para contar aos reinos e às confrarias do sucesso de seus investimentos. Embora cumprisse uma praxe e seu discurso tivesse um tom oficial, foi também com elementos do maravilhoso que Caminha descreveu os acontecimentos do tempo presente da chegada à terra. Assim, visão e apropriação, mito e maravilhoso constituem esse discurso que se insere tanto na história e quanto na literatura.    


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This paper seeks to analyze the statements of a teacher of basic education in the city of Cocalinho-MT on homosexuality. I try to identify possible ideological traits through the theoretical framework of Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 2003a), with support from Systemic Functional Linguistics (Halliday, 1994). The analytical categories used are representational meaning, interdiscursivity and ideational metafunction. The studies of Rios (2009), Louro (2000, 2010) and Borrillo (2009) are used for the conceptualization of issues related to gender, sexuality and homophobia. The results show the presence of discourses that contribute to the strengthening of homophobia as oppressive naturalized practice, as the silencing of diversity discourse, the heteronormative and the nuclear family discourse. I make a reflection, to deconstruct these discourses that we educators can take advantage of rights and duties without hiding in a heteronormative profile for fear of suffer with the physical and psychological prejudice.


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Este texto apresenta uma resenha da obra FRONTEIRAS PLATINAS EM MATO GROSSO DO SUL (Brasil/Paraguai/Bolívia): biogeografias na arte, crítica biográfica fronteiriça, discurso indígena e literaturas de fronteira, escrita por Marcos Antônio Bessa-Oliveira, Edgar Cézar Nolasco, Vânia Maria Lescano Guerra e Zélia Ramona Nolasco dos S. Freire. O livro, publicado pela Editora Pontes de Campinas, é fruto de reflexões empreendidas ao longo dos anos por esses pesquisadores do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), de diferentes universidades, acerca da crítica do pensamento fronteiriço. A obra é constituída de quatro capítulos, além de um prefácio e uma apresentação, em um total de seis textos. A partir de diferentes lugares enunciativos, os autores fomentam a importância dos estudos que pensam os sujeitos marginalizados, no intuito de destacar as noções-chave que atravessam reflexões de intelectuais fronteiriços e se apoiam, sobretudo, nos estudos pós-coloniais, epistemologias outras que constituem o ponto de partida para os estudos no âmbito das artes, da literatura e da linguística.