32 resultados para Arquétipos Literários do Maravilhoso

em Línguas


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This article aims to analyze the work The flagellates East Wind (1959), Cape Verdean writer Manuel Lopes, highlighting their contribution to the development of Cape Verde literature, from a regionalist perspective. In this work, Manuel Lopes introduces the reader to the hard reality that the panel are subjected the inhabitants of St. Anthony, victims of insular confinement and natural phenomena that afflict the region. Thus, this analysis understand regionalism as a timeless current, as Ligia Chiappini (1995), which does not exclude the universalism of the work and seek to identify the specifics of the landscape, the structure and organization of the Cape Verdean society, customs, cuisine, music, way of speaking as a translation for the construction of national identity. Therefore, we will use as theorists subsidies Manuel Ferreira (1997), Daniel Spínola (1998), Simone Caputo Gomes (2008) (2015), João Paulo Madeira (2014), Maria Aparecida Santilli (1985), Maria Nazareth Soares Fonseca e Terezinha Taborna Moreira (2014), among others.


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This work has as its main purpose to address the literary narrative Silvino Jacques: O último dos bandoleiros by Brígido Ibanhes, which shuffles literary genres, as a mixture of historical account and poetic and / or fictional prose.  The approach consists of the analysis of the stated and enunciation plans of the composition, understanding, therefore, the textual tessitura and the consequent reading of the theme according to protagonist narrator plot, Silvino Jacques, who is seen as a hero / anti-hero character of the Romanesque saga. For both, the methodological perspective seeks to elaborate a reflection subsidized in the field of comparative literature, particularly in theoretical and critical texts of historiography and literary, since search thus retrieve the literary and cultural trajectory of a subject with wide projection in Western literature, articulated to the regional interculturality of Brazil vs. Paraguay border in highlighted dialogue with different cultural places.  It is, ultimately, a construction of reading bolstered by the practice of Intertextuality, as the own corpus of analysis, comes from the dialogue with a previous text, Décimas Gaúchas, assigned to the "brigand" Silvino Jacques, and linked to the popular Songbook.


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Este artigo resultou, com algumas alterações, de parte da um dos capítulos da Dissertação de Mestrado do autor, intitulado “Film and Television Adaptation: A Comparitive Analysis of A Streetcar Named Desire Adaptations for Cinema and Television”, apresentada à UFSC em fevereiro de 2004. O objetivo do mesmo é discutir os principais postulados teóricos concernentes aos estudos em adaptação cinematográfica de textos literários, surgidos a partir da década de 1950. A discussão centra-se, principalmente, nos aspectos que envolvem o processo de adaptação cinematográfica, em especial, no processo de adaptação de romance e texto dramático para o cinema, através da análise de diferentes categorias de adaptação cinematográfica proposta por teóricos como Bluestone (1957), Wagner (1975), MacFarlane (1996) e Stam (2000).


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ABSTRACT This text consists of a study of the characters JoãoValério, from Caetés (published in 1933), and Paulo Honório, from S. Bernardo (published in 1934). The focus on these two characters created by Graciliano Ramos is justified by the fact that, even when it comes to men that in many aspects are different from each other, they are similar in the act of writing, activity that also makes them close to their creator. The considerations here presented lead to the interpretation that, for the two men in question, the act of writing is marked, ultimately, as activity of self-consciousness and recognition. KEYWORDS: João Valério; Paulo Honório; Writing.


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RESUMO: Este trabalho tem como objetivo questionar a plausibilidade de se analisar o movimento de escrita da história da literatura da América Latina, a partir de textos de Pedro Ureña, Ángel Rama, Ana Pizarro e Zulma Palermo, como sintoma do processo de decolonização, conforme o conceito de sintoma proposto por Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht. Gumbrecht (1996) adota um conceito histórico de literatura, vista como parte constitutiva de uma história das mentalidades, sendo esta uma disciplina integradora de todas as ciências históricas setoriais, como é o caso da história da literatura. Essa visão estabelece que textos são objetivações da ação e do comportamento humano passados capazes de fornecer uma representação mimética destes, constituindo oportunidades específicas para o conhecimento das mentalidades; assim, os textos podem dar-se ao conhecimento dessas mentalidades como representação, signo ou sintoma. Os textos literários são tidos como situações de comunicação especiais, já que apresentam uma marca mais ou menos intencional. Mas, além disso, a literatura constitui um campo privilegiado para a representação de situações pré-conscientes de necessidades, ou seja, de sintomas da história das mentalidades. A partir disso, tentaremos demonstrar em que medida o movimento de escrita da história da literatura da América Latina expressa um sintoma de mudança de mentalidade, enquanto passagem de uma perspectiva da literatura colonialista ou europeizante a uma perspectiva independente ou latino-americana. Nesse contexto, a opção decolonial de Walter Mignolo (2005) se apresenta como importante contribuição para se pensar na contemporaneidade a escrita história da literatura latino americana numa perspectiva independente.


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The author Lucía Etxebarría is in the fourth generation of "female voice" of Spanish literature of the post- war, as has pointed Alchazidu (2001), has as her main theme the women’s representation and reflection about their role in society. In the work of Lucía has, according to Fernández (2001), a feminist commitment that appears through the authorial voice, in the first-person narration and in the dialogues between characters. Besides this commitment to feminism, we can perceive common purposes with Queer Theory, thus, this paper aims to demonstrate commonalities between the work of LucíaEtxebarría and Queer Theory. For this we analyze two novels: Amor, prozac, curiosidad y dudas e Beatriz y los cuerposcelestes, and the storybook: Nosotrasque no somoscomolasdemás. We conclude the main objective of the Lucia’s work and Queer Theory are misplaced,outsiders, abnormal subject that do not adapt themselves to existing identities in society and look for identities in the margins. Furthermore, the author criticizes the standards of female and male, emphasizes sexuality as historical, cultural and social construction andalsogives your characters androgynous appearances to destabilize the body as "truth" of being.


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Com base em algumas das definições de testimonio como gênero literário, este artigo compara as obras de Gloria Anzaldúa e Rigoberta Menchú, duas autoras que compartilham uma herança indígena e que parecem funcionar como mediadoras entre os mundos daqueles que elas vêem como opressores e oprimidos. As discussões apresentadas neste artigo baseiam-se diretamente no “Testimonio de Menchú”, um relato oral das atrocidades por ela testemunhadas na Guatemala na década de 1980, transformado em um livro escrito por Elisabeth Burgos, Debray, e alguns trechos das obras de Anzaldúa, escritora e teórica, que teve de aprender a viver cercada pelo preconceito contra os descendentes de mexicanos que vivem na fronteira do Texas com o México. Os principais objetivos deste artigo são: a) identificar os leitores implícitos de seus textos; e b) analisar o papel dos elementos literários em suas narrativas.


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This article is the work part of the research "Representations of literary readings built from the history and memory in the libraries of the school community in Golden-MS." We analyzed the documentation of reading projects that fostered the creation and activities of the library, as the practices of teaching reading in the daily interface with the formation of the readers in their respective school sponsor. The projects were analyzed training reading "Project Reading Elementary Education 1-5 º Ano" and "Teaching the World to Read", developed by the school library EE Tancredo Neve of state schools of Golden-MS. We conducted research also stocks the conditions of libraries and reading modes they oportunizaram through access to the literary estate and from the social practices of reading encouragement fostered between the library and classrooms. A literary collection needs to be added to the mediation practices reading the contribution of an effective training readers in school communities through the presence and role of the school library.


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This article discusses the educational role of literature, looking for parallels between the theories of Plato (428/427–348/347 a.C.), Aristotle (384–322 a.C.), Antonio Candido (1918), Hans Robert Jaus (1921–1997) and Umberto Eco (1932). It ultimately sees the educational role as a synthesis of roles ascribed to literature from classical Antiquity to the present, since ultimately they converge towards the same point, viz. human education on the basis of the multiple elements that make up the aesthetic object.


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O presente trabalho visa analisar a constituição da identidade e diferença no contexto da representação da imigração alemã em Santa Catarina no romance No tempo das tangerinas (1983), de Urda A. Klueger. O trabalho apresenta, inicialmente, alguns apontamentos teóricos sobre o assunto em questão, com base, principalmente, no pensamento de pesquisadores dos Estudos Culturais: Tomaz Tadeu da Silva, Kathryn Woodward e Stuart Hall. Segue-se a análise do romance, na qual se evidencia como, no contexto de uma comunidade de imigrantes alemães, as diferenças se constituem tanto através da comparação entre indivíduos pertencentes à própria comunidade imigrante, como com respeito aos não alemães com quem estes entram em contato. Diferenças existem, e são necessárias para a constituição identitária dos sujeitos; ressalta-se a capacidade de lidar com essas diferenças e as relações de poder que instauram e motivam a hierarquização entre um indivíduo ou comunidade e seus outros.


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RESUMO: Apesar da péssima distribuição de renda do Brasil e das diversasRESUMO:representações literárias sobre o tema, na crítica literária brasileira não hámuitos estudos marxistas, muito menos sobre a pobreza ou o pobre. Issonão impede que um dos mais importantes críticos literários do país, RobertoSchwarz, trabalhe com o materialismo e o conceito marxista de classe soci-al, estudando especialmente o pobre na literatura brasileira. O crítico, queteve como mestre Antônio Cândido e recorre a sua dialética a todo momen-to, trabalha com o conceito marxista de classe social desde seu primeiroensaio sobre Machado de Assis, Ao vencedor as batatas, publicado em1977. Em 1983, já num período de redemocratização política no Brasil,Schwarz organiza uma antologia titulada Os pobres na literatura brasileira,onde consta um ensaio seu sobre a personagem Dona Plácida como repre-sentação típica da pobreza social na literatura. Este ensaio será retomadoem Um mestre na periferia do capitalismo, de 1990, continuação do estudomachadiano. É neste estudo, em que há um capítulo especialmente dedica-do aos pobres, que Schwarz propõe que a viravolta machadiana da primei-ra para a segunda fase de seus romances é de ordem ideológica, mais doque técnica. Mais tarde, em 1997, o crítico ainda se envolve com a produ-ção do romance Cidade de Deus, onde os protagonistas são todos pobres eao qual o crítico saúda como um “acontecimento”. Sua obra, dessa forma,é uma clara evidência de que se pode, sim, estudar a relação entre literaturae sociedade a partir da prosa brasileira.


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The act of narrating stories and recreate the world of fantasy, as well as discuss the human condition, are essential dimensions of the stories for the infant universe. Reading, analysis and production of children's stories in educational settings assist in the cognitive, social and emotional development of children-readers. Therefore, the dialogic and interactive approach of texts has been the subject of several debates in literary studies, linguistic and, in general, in education. From the foregoing, I discuss initially concepts linked to the dialogic conception of language from the theoretical postulates of Mikhail Bakhtin (1997) and students of Bakhtinian perspective in the national context (FARACO, 2001; BRAIT, 2005). Like this, the objective of this research is to propose a dialogue between children's narratives “The Musicians of Bremen” (1812) of the Brothers Grimm and “The Mummers” Chico Buarque (1977). In this sense, I present a contextualized approach these stories, trying to rescue the origin of fairy tales and its consolidation in the medieval context. The methodology consists of a qualitative approach, from theme analysis of tnarrativas. ale and fable - objects of this study - seeking to highlight the similarities and differences as well as the social representations, political and cultural present in these narratives.


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This work is a reflection on black women’s writing, which has been and yet, sometimes, is marginalized and reduced to invisibly in our literary field due to several factors . Therefore, it becomes important to give visibility to this writing so as to discuss the marks of feminism, race and gender that it brings, showing its contributions for the construction of a new and empowered discourse on black women, which represents a differential for literary discourse and affects the canon, since it t promotes the construction of a new perspective, a differentiated representation of black women, emphasizing their forms of struggle and resistance, front the exclusionary sociocultural systems.  In order to do that, I bring up some theoretical voices such as that, of Guacira Lopes Louro (1997); Abdias do Nascimento (2000); Tatau Godinho (2008), among others that deal with the theme, as well as texts written by  black women writers such as Alzira Rufino, Esmeralda Ribeiro e Cristiane Sobral to argue and think about a literature that deals with black women autonomy,  and challenges the dominant power systems, a literature that gives emphasis to women and ethnic-racial issues from perspective of the black person herself , since this project was relegated to oblivion for too long or portrayed in as stereotyped way by other voices, other discourses guided by a masculine and eurocentric bias. In this way, we hope to show how it is relevant to black women's literature, because makes us reflect and face the mechanisms of oppression, subalternization against women, especially black women, and race and gender prejudice, and its effects, that still can be seen daily in different social and cultural contexts.  


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This research seeks establishing relationships between the socio-cultural theme of Macunaíma and the some paintings by Tarsila do Amaral bringing reflections to literature teaching to suggest the seek to broaden the sense of literary texts. We will discuss the literature importance at school according to what is to predicted in the Diretrizes Curriculares de Língua Portuguesa. Research is based  on the notions of intertextuality by Bakhtin (2003),  on the postulates by Etienne Souriau (1983), on the criticism by Candido (2006) on the Reception Aesthetics, by Jauss (2002), Iser (1999) and on the writings by Bordini and Aguiar (1993).


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ABSTRACT: This article talks about the female contemporary poetry, specifically in the era of blogs. It explores the idea that female poetry, in the contemporary production, surpasses the value of phallocentric tradition and religious mysticism that previously contributed to suffocate voices, referring women, as for their practices of reading and writing, the expansion of a silent poetry. This text develops some elements of the current female creation, placing poetry written by women in the virtual world defined by the diversity of environment, theme and languages. Thus, this paper presents data from a literary experience on the internet by twelve writers from all over Brazil. They differ in their professional and educational daily practices. Once the article discusses the multiplicity of forms of contemporary poetics on feminine writing production, it presents the case study “Maria Clara: universos femininos” - a collection born in a new genre and context -, in the realm of gender and poetry. KEYWORKS: Gender and poetry. Era blog. Maria Clara: uniVersos femininos.