544 resultados para hospitality administration and management


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Social responsibility (SR) is becoming an increasingly significant component of many firms’ strategic planning decisions. Research has shown that consumers tend to reward socially responsible behavior. However, there has been little testing of the construct in the hospitality industry. Additionally, when other important variables that influence consumer brand loyalty are considered, will brand social responsibility image (BSRI) still play a significant role? This study investigates the importance of SR and its impact on brand loyalty, relative to product quality and service quality in the quick-service restaurant industry. The authors were also interested to learn whether BSRI impacted consumers' image of product and service quality. It was found that BSRI had a positive impact on brand loyalty, product quality, and service quality. However, product quality was a significantly stronger predictor of brand loyalty than BSRI. Where the vast majority of studies of SR have utilized scenario analysis of hypothetical firms, this study utilizes consumers' perceptions of a real-world firm.


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Our understanding of employee attitudes and their impact on business outcomes has been further complicated in recent years by the newest cohort of service workers. Known as Generation Y (Gen Y), they appear to approach employment in a manner different to that of their predecessors. A review of the academic literature reveals little empirical evidence to support an appropriate understanding of the impact of such difference. This paper provides an overview of a large-scale study into generational differences in employee attitudes and reports on the preliminary data analysis of a survey of over 900 hospitality employees. The most important initial finding from the data analysis is that, on the whole, Gen Y employees have lower scores on those constructs that an organization should be attempting to maximize. Non-Gen Y employees are more satisfied with their jobs, more engaged and more affectively committed to the organization they work for than their Gen Y counterparts, amongst a range of other important constructs. Conversely, Gen Y employees display higher scores onthe constructs that an organization would want to minimize in its staff. Gen Y employees are more likely to be planning to quit their jobs, are more likely to perform poorly if their co-workers are doing so, and are also more likely to switch jobs for no particular reason. The discussion covers implications for management as well as directions for future research.


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The current research examined the effects of perceived work status of hourly employees on the established relationships between turnover intentions and the constructs of autonomy, affective organizational commitment, perceived management concern for employees, and perceived management concern for customers in the casual-dining restaurant industry. Surveys were collected from 296 employees of a multi-unit casual-dining restaurant franchise, part of a large, national, casual-dining restaurant chain. Employeeswith perceived part-time work status revealed a generally negative trend in factors shown to contribute to turnover. Employees who perceived their work status as parttime also showed significantly lower levels of affective organizational commitment than those who perceived their work status as full-time. Additionally, the mean scores of the desirable attributes trended lower for those employees who perceived themselves as part-time. Even more, helping behaviors, so crucial in a casual-dining environment, were lower when employees perceived their work status to be part-time. The current study discusses managerial implications of the research findings and gives suggestions for future research.


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Studies of state tourism directors and convention and visitor bureau directors show that there is a need for organized tourism management educations. The author discusses these studies and how they can be used in the development of tourism management education.


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Providing spectator food service for the Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles was a massive and challenging undertaking. The author details the planning, recruitment, training, and sales considerations which the provider went through over a two-year period to be ready for the Games.


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In their study - From Clerk and Cashier to Guest Service Agent - by Nancy J. Allin, Director of Quality Assurance and Training and Kelly Halpine, Assistant Director of Quality Assurance and Training, The Waldorf-Astoria, New York, the authors state at the outset: “The Waldorf-Astoria has taken the positions of registration clerk and cashier and combined them to provide excellent guest service and efficient systems operation. The authors tell how and why the combination works. That thesis statement defines the article, and puts it squarely in the crosshairs of the service category. Allin and Halpine use their positions at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City to frame their observations “The allocation of staff hours has been a challenge to many front office managers who try their hardest to schedule for the norm but provide excellent, efficient service throughout the peaks,” Allin and Halpine allude. “…the decision [to combine the positions of registration clerk and cashier] was driven by a desire to improve guest service where its impact is most obvious, at the front desk. Cross-trained employees speed the check-in and check-out process by performing both functions, as the traffic at the desk dictates,” the authors say. Making such a move has resulted in positive benefits for both the guests and the hotel. “Benefits to the hotel, in addition to those brought to bear by increased guest satisfaction, include greater flexibility in weekly scheduling and in granting vacations while maintaining adequate staffing at the desk,” say Allin and Halpine . “Another expected outcome, net payroll savings, should also be realized as a consequence of the ability to schedule more efficiently.” The authors point to communication as the key to designing a successful combination such as this, with the least amount of service disruption. They bullet-point what that communication should entail. Issues of seniority, wage and salary rates, organizational charting, filing, scheduling, possible probationary periods, position titles, and physical layouts are all discussed. “It is critical that each of the management issues be addressed and resolved before any training is begun,” Allin and Halpine suggest. “Unresolved issues project confusion and lack of conviction to line employees and the result is frustration and a lack of commitment to the combination process,” they push the thought Allin and Halpine insist: “Once begun, training must be ongoing and consistent.” In the practical sense, the authors provide that authorizing overtime is helpful in accomplishing training. “Training must address the fact that employees will be faced with guest situations which are new to them, for example: an employee previously functioning as a cashier will be faced with walking guests. Specific exercises should be included to address these needs,” say the authors.


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U.S. visitor demand for the China travel experience is anticipated to rise significantly through 2105, causing the Chinese government to employ 100 million service providers over the next six years and raising concern about service delivery and perceptions of the on-site China experience. In an effort to better understand these issues concerning U.S. visitors, this study investigated two specific types of U.S. travelers to China: Group Package Tour (GPT) visitors and Free Independent Travel (FIT) visitors. Results indicated that GPT visitors were more likely to be older and have higher household income than FIT visitors. Four trip-related characteristics of GPT and FIT visitors were found to be significantly different, with GPT visitors showing higher levels of satisfaction with the overall China on-site travel experience.


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The purpose of this study is to explore the accuracy issue of the Input-Output model in quantifying the impacts of the 2007 economic crisis on a local tourism industry and economy. Though the model has been used in the tourism impact analysis, its estimation accuracy is rarely verified empirically. The Metro Orlando area in Florida is investigated as an empirical study, and the negative change in visitor expenditure between 2007 and 2008 is taken as the direct shock. The total impacts are assessed in terms of output and employment, and are compared with the actual data. This study finds that there are surprisingly large discrepancies among the estimated and actual results, and the Input-Output model appears to overestimate the negative impacts. By investigating the local economic activities during the study period, this study made some exploratory efforts in explaining such discrepancies. Theoretical and practical implications are then suggested.


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Manystudies have been conducted about hotel attributesrelated tothehotel choice decision as a part ofacustomer’s pre- purchase behavior(Dolnicar&Otter, 2003). Althoughit iscritical for hotel managerstounderstand post-trip behavior because such behaviorsmaydirectlyinfluence their futurebehavior, therearefew researchstudieswhich examine hotel attributesrelated to acustomer’spost-trip behavior.This studyteststhe relationship between leisure traveler’shotel attribute satisfaction and overall satisfaction in the post-trip behaviorperspectiveina hotel setting andexaminestherelative impactofhotel attributesatisfaction in influencing overall satisfaction. Multiple regressionwas used totestthe relationship and hotel attribute satisfaction isan important antecedent tooverall satisfaction. Theoretical and practical implications ofthe studyare discussed.


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The purpose of this study is to identify research trends in Merger and Acquisition waves in the restaurant industry and propose future research directions by thoroughly reviewing existing Merger and Acquisition related literature. Merger and Acquisition has been extensively used as a strategic management tool for fast growth in the restaurant industry. However, there has been a very limited amount of literature that focuses on Merger & Acquisition in the restaurant industry. Particular, no known study has been identified that examined M&A wave and its determinants. A good understanding of determinants of M&A wave will help practitioners identify important factors that should be considered before making M&A decisions and predict the optimal timing for successful M&A transactions. This study examined literature on six U.S M&A waves and their determinants and summarized main explanatory factors examined, statistical methods, and theoretical frameworks. Inclusion of unique macroeconomic factors of the restaurant industry and the use of factor analysis are suggested for future research.


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The current study looks at the relationship between servicescape, emotional product involvement, perceived quality of local foods, the positive emotion of pleasure, and revisit intention in an upscale buffet style restaurant on a university campus in the Southeastern U.S. Test results show positive relationships between all of the constructs in the proposed conceptual model. The study also gives practitioners and academics insights into practices that can help to market the use of local foods through the restaurant environment in order to engage emotionally involved customers. This marketing can illicit pleasurable feelings and increase perceived product quality of local foods with the purpose of getting customers to revisit the restaurant. Suggestions for further research on the subject are proposed.


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The aim of this study is to analyze the perception of European destinations through the eyes of Indian Bollywood film viewers to determine how perception is influenced by what is viewed in films. Researchers surveyed Indian consumers and collected 670 usable surveys. European destinations were divided into top five and bottom five destinations for Indian tourists, and data was then compared to world tourism statistics. Results indicate differences in destination preference among Bollywood viewers and worldwide tourist trends. Findings indicate that prominently featuring a landscape within Bollywood films can significantly impact Indians’ perception on the destinations’ image. European countries frequently portrayed in films have higher marks on multiple perception categories than those not featured in blockbuster Bollywood films.


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Using multiple regression analysis, lodging managers’ annual mean salaries in 143 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) within the U.S. were analyzed to identify what relationships existed with variables related to general MSA characteristics, along with the lodging industry’s size and performance. By examining the relationship between these variables, the authors predict the long-term possibility of predicting lodging industry managers’ salaries. These predictions may have an impact on financial performance of an individual lodging property or organization. Through this paper, this concept was applied and explored within U.S. MSAs. These findings may have value for a variety of stakeholders, including human resources practitioners, the hospitality education community, and individuals considering lodging management careers.