6 resultados para Irreducible morphisms

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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The Spin-Statistics theorem states that the statistics of a system of identical particles is determined by their spin: Particles of integer spin are Bosons (i.e. obey Bose-Einstein statistics), whereas particles of half-integer spin are Fermions (i.e. obey Fermi-Dirac statistics). Since the original proof by Fierz and Pauli, it has been known that the connection between Spin and Statistics follows from the general principles of relativistic Quantum Field Theory. In spite of this, there are different approaches to Spin-Statistics and it is not clear whether the theorem holds under assumptions that are different, and even less restrictive, than the usual ones (e.g. Lorentz-covariance). Additionally, in Quantum Mechanics there is a deep relation between indistinguishabilty and the geometry of the configuration space. This is clearly illustrated by Gibbs' paradox. Therefore, for many years efforts have been made in order to find a geometric proof of the connection between Spin and Statistics. Recently, various proposals have been put forward, in which an attempt is made to derive the Spin-Statistics connection from assumptions different from the ones used in the relativistic, quantum field theoretic proofs. Among these, there is the one due to Berry and Robbins (BR), based on the postulation of a certain single-valuedness condition, that has caused a renewed interest in the problem. In the present thesis, we consider the problem of indistinguishability in Quantum Mechanics from a geometric-algebraic point of view. An approach is developed to study configuration spaces Q having a finite fundamental group, that allows us to describe different geometric structures of Q in terms of spaces of functions on the universal cover of Q. In particular, it is shown that the space of complex continuous functions over the universal cover of Q admits a decomposition into C(Q)-submodules, labelled by the irreducible representations of the fundamental group of Q, that can be interpreted as the spaces of sections of certain flat vector bundles over Q. With this technique, various results pertaining to the problem of quantum indistinguishability are reproduced in a clear and systematic way. Our method is also used in order to give a global formulation of the BR construction. As a result of this analysis, it is found that the single-valuedness condition of BR is inconsistent. Additionally, a proposal aiming at establishing the Fermi-Bose alternative, within our approach, is made.


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Wir berechnen die Eulerzahl der 10-dimensionalen exzeptionellen irreduziblen symplektischen Mannigfaltigkeit, die von O Grady konstruiert wurde. Die Idee besteht darin, zunächst eine Lagrangefaserung zu konstruieren und dann die Eulerzahlen der Fasern zu berechnen. Es stellt sich heraus, dass fast alle Fasern die Eulerzahl 0 haben, und deswegen reduziert sich das Problem auf die Berechnung der Eulerzahlen der übrigen Fasern. Diese Fasern sind Modulräume von halbstabilen Garben auf singulären Kurven. Der Hauptteil dieser Dissertation ist der Berechnung der Eulerzahlen dieser Modulräume gewidmet. Diese Resultate sind von unabhängigem Interesse.


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Ich untersuche die nicht bereits durch die Arbeit "Singular symplectic moduli spaces" von Kaledin, Lehn und Sorger (Invent. Math. 164 (2006), no. 3) abgedeckten Fälle von Modulräumen halbstabiler Garben auf projektiven K3-Flächen - die Fälle mit Mukai-Vektor (0,c,0) sowie die Modulräume zu nichtgenerischen amplen Divisoren - hinsichtlich der möglichen Konstruktion neuer Beispiele von kompakten irreduziblen symplektischen Mannigfaltigkeiten. Ich stelle einen Zusammenhang zu den bereits untersuchten Modulräumen und Verallgemeinerungen derselben her und erweitere bekannte Ergebnisse auf alle offenen Fälle von Garben vom Rang 0 und viele Fälle von Garben von positivem Rang. Insbesondere kann in diesen Fällen die Existenz neuer Beispiele von kompakten irreduziblen symplektischen Mannigfaltigkeiten, die birational über Komponenten des Modulraums liegen, ausgeschlossen werden.


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In this thesis, a systematic analysis of the bar B to X_sgamma photon spectrum in the endpoint region is presented. The endpoint region refers to a kinematic configuration of the final state, in which the photon has a large energy m_b-2E_gamma = O(Lambda_QCD), while the jet has a large energy but small invariant mass. Using methods of soft-collinear effective theory and heavy-quark effective theory, it is shown that the spectrum can be factorized into hard, jet, and soft functions, each encoding the dynamics at a certain scale. The relevant scales in the endpoint region are the heavy-quark mass m_b, the hadronic energy scale Lambda_QCD and an intermediate scale sqrt{Lambda_QCD m_b} associated with the invariant mass of the jet. It is found that the factorization formula contains two different types of contributions, distinguishable by the space-time structure of the underlying diagrams. On the one hand, there are the direct photon contributions which correspond to diagrams with the photon emitted directly from the weak vertex. The resolved photon contributions on the other hand arise at O(1/m_b) whenever the photon couples to light partons. In this work, these contributions will be explicitly defined in terms of convolutions of jet functions with subleading shape functions. While the direct photon contributions can be expressed in terms of a local operator product expansion, when the photon spectrum is integrated over a range larger than the endpoint region, the resolved photon contributions always remain non-local. Thus, they are responsible for a non-perturbative uncertainty on the partonic predictions. In this thesis, the effect of these uncertainties is estimated in two different phenomenological contexts. First, the hadronic uncertainties in the bar B to X_sgamma branching fraction, defined with a cut E_gamma > 1.6 GeV are discussed. It is found, that the resolved photon contributions give rise to an irreducible theory uncertainty of approximately 5 %. As a second application of the formalism, the influence of the long-distance effects on the direct CP asymmetry will be considered. It will be shown that these effects are dominant in the Standard Model and that a range of -0.6 < A_CP^SM < 2.8 % is possible for the asymmetry, if resolved photon contributions are taken into account.


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In this work we investigate the deformation theory of pairs of an irreducible symplectic manifold X together with a Lagrangian subvariety Y in X, where the focus is on singular Lagrangian subvarieties. Among other things, Voisin's results [Voi92] are generalized to the case of simple normal crossing subvarieties; partial results are also obtained for more complicated singularities.rnAs done in Voisin's article, we link the codimension of the subspace of the universal deformation space of X parametrizing those deformations where Y persists, to the rank of a certain map in cohomology. This enables us in some concrete cases to actually calculate or at least estimate the codimension of this particular subspace. In these cases the Lagrangian subvarieties in question occur as fibers or fiber components of a given Lagrangian fibration f : X --> B. We discuss examples and the question of how our results might help to understand some aspects of Lagrangian fibrations.


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In this thesis we give a definition of the term logarithmically symplectic variety; to be precise, we distinguish even two types of such varieties. The general type is a triple $(f,nabla,omega)$ comprising a log smooth morphism $fcolon Xtomathrm{Spec}kappa$ of log schemes together with a flat log connection $nablacolon LtoOmega^1_fotimes L$ and a ($nabla$-closed) log symplectic form $omegainGamma(X,Omega^2_fotimes L)$. We define the functor of log Artin rings of log smooth deformations of such varieties $(f,nabla,omega)$ and calculate its obstruction theory, which turns out to be given by the vector spaces $H^i(X,B^bullet_{(f,nabla)}(omega))$, $i=0,1,2$. Here $B^bullet_{(f,nabla)}(omega)$ is the class of a certain complex of $mathcal{O}_X$-modules in the derived category $mathrm{D}(X/kappa)$ associated to the log symplectic form $omega$. The main results state that under certain conditions a log symplectic variety can, by a flat deformation, be smoothed to a symplectic variety in the usual sense. This may provide a new approach to the construction of new examples of irreducible symplectic manifolds.